How To Use Buildup In A Sentence

  • A second problem is damage caused by the buildup of excessive electrical charges in the plate from the unwanted ions.
  • To test the theory of a chemoautotrophic origin of life in a volcanic, hydrothermal setting, we explored mechanisms for the buildup of bio-organic compounds by carbon fixation on catalytic transition metal precipitates. Dawkins on the OOL
  • Infestations of grapes are often due to a buildup in other soft fruits such as figs, apricots, peaches, nectarines, or citrus.
  • But the song longs for the old intoxication; he misses “drinking that sweet wine,” and the song had a gospelly buildup as he sang about getting “so high in the days gone by.” SXSW: Drinking Songs From Van Morrison - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • When the buildup is sufficient, a spark may flash inside your camera, fogging the film.
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  • In just the last year, this has happened more than once, and we could go back further and retrace the gradual buildup to this moment. Alison Rose Levy: How To Survive In An Age Of Crisis
  • The few light, dry siftings that did produced little buildup on the frozen ground, except in hollows and depressions, and sometimes not even there. The Plains of Passage
  • Blistering paint on metal components may be the first sign of galvanic corrosion, followed by a white powdery buildup on the aluminum surface and finally deep pitting that leaves the aluminum weak and porous.
  • For my own plus-sized schnoz, I went with the smaller of the two sizes, allowing me to keep the lenses far enough from my face to prevent sweat buildup or fogging, but close enough to maintain good eye protection. Clothesline: Briko Endure Pro Duo and Smith PivLock V90 MAX eyewear
  • Minister Tony Blair's public statements on the buildup to the court for having called Walesa a communist-era agent. - Articles related to More Rain for Britain After Floods
  • Changes in the inner ear or in the nerves attached to it, earwax buildup and various diseases can all impact your hearing.
  • In most cases, anyon emitters will be deployed to negate the chroniton buildups. The Starfleet Survival Guide
  • The lights went up slowly, in a gradual buildup that didn't hurt the eyes.
  • The problem most of the reviews expose is Erikson's verbosity and a very slow and meandering buildup with many subplots leading nowhere, but the reader's patience is ultimatelly paid of by another bombastic ending (yup, a convergence). Archive 2008-07-01
  • There are also more mundane suggestions like using cheap shampoo instead of expensive cleansers to remove dirt from shower doors or using unsweetened lemonade Kool-Aid to remove lime and soap scum buildup from your dishwasher.
  • appreciation andcash flow anddescription ofequity buildup andfinancial analysis ofrent levels inreturn on investment intax savings on“fixer-uppers,” short-term investing in flyers foreclosure for-sale-by-owner FSBO: Nothing Down for the 2000s
  • Stress can also cause blood vessels to open too wide, allowing plaque buildups to break off and clog the arteries, according to Joep Perk, a professor of health sciences at Sweden's Kalmar University and spokesman for the European Society of Cardiology. Happiness may help your heart
  • ISTANBUL - Ten Turkish policemen were wounded when four suspected leftist guerrillas fired rockets at their bus in Istanbul, in a buildup of violence towards the Kurdish Nowrouz spring festival. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • But when I heard the word "rime ice," it kind of perked me up quite quickly because from personal experience I know that that can be a very serious situation on the rapid buildup. CNN Transcript Feb 13, 2009
  • For years I've been blaming it on middle age, poor blood, lack of vitamins, air pollution, saccharin, obesity, dieting, underarm odour, yellow wax buildup and other maladies that make you wonder if life is really worth living.
  • Resins with narrow molecular-weight distribution can have lower die swell, but this doesn't necessarily mean less buildup.
  • This includes not only faucets and flush valves, but also automated soap dispensers and time-release cleaning solutions that help prevent buildup caused by heavy minerals in hard water.
  • Actually, I think Obama's Afghan troop buildup is entirely practical – he's in a tough spot due to the terrible policies of the last administration and is finally putting our forces closer to where they need to be, not manufacturing evidence and making something out of nothing as Bush did with Iraq. Matalin: With Afghan surge, Obama resembles George W. Bush
  • The buildup of cholesterol in the wall of the carotid artery, called atherosclerotic plaque, is one cause of stroke. Newswise: Latest News
  • Presumably he did not consider these important -- or at least capable of being dealt with through the instrumentalities of a massive military buildup and an American Century. Lawrence Wittner: Is Mitt Romney Ready for the World?
  • The closeness of the lobes of both the quad cams and dual cams can result in dirt and grime buildup that can be difficult to clean.
  • Although no scientific studies are available to support these claims, clinicians report that thin layers of slough or fibrin buildup on the wound bed can be covered with a selective enzymatic debriding agent prior to sponge application.
  • Regularly defrost manual-defrost refrigerators and freezers; frost buildup increases the amount of energy needed to keep the motor running.
  • ANAC, as the regulator is known, said on its website that it suspended sales of Tam flights departing through Dec. 3 to avoid a buildup in delays. Tam
  • Use a concentrated solution of liquid dish soap and water to remove the oil and dirt buildup.
  • Something else you don't do - you don't clear sap buildup from between a pulley and belt when the conveyor is running.
  • And in that disk, they can't have thunderstorms reported or those so-called anvil clouds, which essentially are a thunder head buildup that has kind of gotten the head of it sheered off. CNN Transcript Jul 1, 2006
  • An autopsy found the researcher had a medical condition called hemochromatosis, which causes an excessive buildup of iron in the body, according to the CDC report. Boing Boing
  • The interlacustrine region saw a buildup of population along the western and southwestern shores of Lake Victoria, leading to expansion to the northwest and north, settling the protopopulations of later communities such as the Ganda, Soga, Nkore, and Bunyoro. D. East Africa
  • The buildup traps oil under skin, leading to more clogged pores and breakouts.
  • A commentary, interview segments, story discussions, anything would be greatly appreciated; either as buildups to watching the film, or for contrast and thought stimulation following.
  • A few years later, a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy's needs — and suddenly industry was eager to employ those "unadaptable and untrained" workers.
  • Reagan's massive military buildup had sacrificed unglamorous functions like transport ships "sealift" and minesweepers to pay for high-tech programs like "Star Wars," stealth technology, fighter aircraft, attack subs and cruise missiles. Geoffrey Wawro: Desert Storm Turns Twenty: What Really Happened in 1991, and Why it Matters, Part I of II
  • closed-angle glaucoma can cause a rapid buildup of high intraocular pressure that results in permanent visual damage in a couple of days
  • The buildups and the interjections seem so well choreographed; it kills a little bit of the wonder.
  • These substances can contribute to plaque buildup in the coronary arteries.
  • This will heighten your awareness of little-word buildup, and help you revise quickly.
  • You may need to do this twice if there is a heavy buildup of dirt, grease or grime.
  • The buildup of tangled proteins called amyloid plaques in brain tissue is a primary marker of Alzheimer's disease. Tricking the Eye to Keep From Heaping Plates
  • Others suggest that the buildup of mountains by tectonic movement may also serve as a trigger, by altering air currents.
  • But just as the horror of a daemonless boy would be nothing without the buildup of what a daemon is in the first place (you've read HDM, right?), the constant beating-you-over-the-head with the formula is necessary to appreciate what happens when the formula, bit by bit, begins to break down. Contest At Readable Feast
  • Gas heaters usually hiss when they operate and they usually require a venting system to avoid the buildup of dangerous byproducts.
  • Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes petrified and leads to more toxic buildup.
  • The mechanism of buildup of [H.sub.2] O is the massive crystallization of anhydrous minerals.
  • The garment repels water but is sufficiently porous to prevent moisture buildup from perspiration.
  • The first 20 minutes were nasty, with a steady incline in the road and the toxic buildup of second-hand smoke in our lungs from the night before.
  • These agents reduce oxygen attack on the lubricant base oil to lessen oil thickening and the buildup of corrosive acids.
  • There's been a big buildup in military capability, in missiles deployed along the mainland coast.
  • As that buildup occurred, the United States would have plenty of time to rebuild its military establishment after any sharp cutbacks.
  • Researchers throughout the world have been striving to invent superhydrophobic materials for products such as antifouling paint, self-cleaning garments, or coatings on airplanes to prevent ice buildup.
  • Undigested meat remaining in the intestines become putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.
  • It's unlikely that moonlets this large were formed through gradual buildup of space material.
  • Avoid big buildups that may leave you disappointing the audience.
  • In Chernobyl the explosion was caused by excessive pressure buildup hydrogen explosion and rupture of all containments propelling molten core material into the environment (a "dirty bomb").
  • When bloat occurs, the stomach can turn and block, causing a buildup of gas.
  • Using SCM and element make up of feedback network, buildup AC regulator.
  • In a procedure called amnio reduction, the Dezuricks 'doctors in Oakland, Calif., removed excess fluid from the saturated twin, hoping to ward off a buildup of pressure on his heart and lungs. Treating The Tiniest Patients
  • One factor contributing to this malaise is the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles that can follow heavy drinking.
  • The deposits are called plaques, and the process of plaque buildup is known as atherosclerosis. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • But again it's almost impossible to enjoy anything in naïve purity, there's always the follow-up of a cheerfully told story, this time the ominous description by environmental health scientist Joy Guillemot of "bioaccumulation," or why the buildup of heavy metals and toxins is so devastating here, accumulating in the fat of resident animals and people alike (it is largely a consequence of the way the ocean currents wash and dump toxins that travel up the food chain). Beth Kapusta: ...somewhere just south of the 79th parallel
  • Use of Ridomil in this manner (as an eradicant) will probably lead to a rapid buildup of Ridomil-resistant strains of the downy mildew fungus in your vineyard.
  • Using a two-sided sponge, first use the firm, rough, plastic side to scrub away soap buildup. Results of readers' tests of homemade 'green' cleaners
  • The movie gets to its mysterious combat island with a cool buildup and a sense of wonder.
  • In India, Pakistan 's weapons buildup is widely viewed as a security risk. Pakistan Looks For U.S. Deal
  • So the idea of doing so with no preparation—no buildup time to get used to the idea of winging your body across the continent—was even more unfathomable. Miss Misery
  • Certain conditions encourage the buildup of creosote, restricted air supply, unseasoned wood and cooler-than-normal chimney temperatures are all factors that can accelerate the buildup of creosote on chimney flue walls.
  • The significance of speculative manias is that they cause the buildup of debt and bad investments which creates slow growth.
  • But they do not rise to the top of their Minister Tony Blair's public statements on the buildup to the court for having called Walesa a communist-era agent. - Articles related to US 'did not believe Britain would refuse to send forces to Iraq'
  • Managing the exchange rate in the face of trade surpluses has resulted in the buildup of gargantuan foreign-exchange reserves—$3.04 trillion that China has little choice but to recycle as cut-price loans to the U.S. Get Ready: Here Comes the Yuan
  • Generally only a very hot fire, one fueled by drought and a heavy buildup of fallen leaves and pine needles, will kill a longleaf pine.
  • This prevents a buildup of plaque and tartar on the teeth.
  • The device is a little less effective when repeated for the outro, but they vary the approach slightly by filling the silence with a delay-drenched keyboard and cropping the buildup.
  • a military buildup in preparation for the invasion
  • They also said they are "cognizant" of the risks created by accelerated capital inflows to the region and said they will continue to monitor these, a source of concern — especially for countries with high interest rates like Indonesia that have seen a buildup of volatile flows in recent months. Asean Ministers Vow Coordinated Policies
  • Massage-Good for general relaxation and to relieve stress buildup in the muscle tissue.
  • These are seemingly smaller, in-and-out operations that cannot afford a large logistics footprint or a long lead time for buildup.
  • Until the Columbia accident, the part was protected from ice buildup using thick sheets of foam.
  • An alternative source of nitrogen will be required to ensure a rapid buildup of bacteria and the complete breakdown of cellulose.
  • The manufacturer of my new machine notes that when you clear snow with a gas blower vac, you need to inspect the air filter for snow and ice buildup and the air-intake grid to keep it clear of ice and snow. Tip of the Day: Use a gas leaf blower to clear light snow
  • It is best to burn only seasoned wood for maximum heat release, less creosote buildup, and economy.
  • By contrast, the trilobites documented herein are from thrombolitic buildups.
  • Osmotics can cause dehydration and the buildup of magnesium and phosphate, which is dangerous for anyone with kidney problems. The Four Types of Laxatives: How Each Works and the Risks they Pose
  • Drama buildup is impeccable, despite the length of this three part series. Hussain Abdul-Hussain: Movie Review: Carlos
  • [Many] inspection reports over the past two years fault the mine for "combustibles," including a buildup of flammable coal dust and a failure to adequately insulate electric wires. Murray Waas: America Mourns With Anderson Cooper
  • Each worker is given a portable account credited with a percentage of pay, with interest buildup, each year.
  • Although some parts may be washable in the dishwasher, they still need to be descaled (demineralized) with vinegar to reduce water-mineral buildup, which can decrease a humidifier's output, especially if you're not using distilled water. Buying a humidifier for baby? Keep it clean
  • The 10 tracks on Delay Trees' recent self-titled full-length are models of concision, each stuffing a Sigur Ros epic's worth of buildup into four or so minutes at a time. NPR Topics: News
  • Passivity is caused by the buildup of a stable, tenacious layer of metal oxide on the surface of the metal.
  • The significant buildup probably began about two billion years ago, with the appearance of Cyanobacteria.
  • the buildup of leaves blocked the drain pipes
  • `This is approximately where the Gulf extended in the late fourteen hundreds, before the river's silt buildup worked south. INCA GOLD
  • BP interfered with critical efforts to lower an undersea robot to try to close the device that failed to stop the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill because of concerns over heat buildup from the burning rig, a salvage firm executive said Monday. Doug Martin: BP Interfered With Critical Efforts To Stop Gulf Oil Spill
  • High-pressure CO2 is instantly released through discharge-head ports, creating a force to dislodge the buildup.
  • Stay near the oven when microwaving popcorn, heat buildup can cause a fire.
  • Because ofthe Cheney/Bush administration'sillegalneedless warand occupation of Iraq ~ where arrogancefullyembraced incompetenceandwherehundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have been killed and maimed ~Americastarted on the path of its own karmic downfall and Obama has done nothing to stop its momentum with his ongoing militarybuildup in Afghanistan. The Fourth Stage Of America's Karmic Destiny Is Bankruptcy
  • BSG was good, but as pts says, the ending was so bad (after so much buildup) that it kind of retroactively renders the rest of the show mediocre. Matthew Yglesias » TV Show of the Decade
  • This quaint term refers to the growth of crystals, which occurs by the buildup of unit blocks, or “tessera.” SuperCooperators
  • He charged upward, from handhold to foothold, his legs shaking violently from the buildup of lactic acid. Gideon’s war
  • `This is approximately where the Gulf extended in the late fourteen hundreds, before the river's silt buildup worked south. INCA GOLD
  • New borrowing finances additional spending, but it also contributes to a buildup of debts and debt-service obligations that are contractionary.
  • It was Reagan's much-hated buildup that made the 1990s Cold War builddown possible - and helped create the late 1990s budget surpluses that so many in Washington who opposed the defense buildup tried to claim as their own.
  • A field-warehousing arrangement is particularly appropriate for financing seasonal inventory buildups.
  • Obesity is a risk factor for gout, which is caused by a buildup of a chemical called uric acid around joints. The Seattle Times
  • The buildup has continued, and any misreading of signal - it could be a flash point that could set this thing off - and the consequences are really, they're incalculable.
  • his letter of recommendation gave her a terrific buildup
  • To prevent fluid buildup, she used bandages to bind her legs tightly, from toe to thigh, for 10 hours a day.
  • But again it's almost impossible to enjoy anything in naïve purity, there's always the follow-up of a cheerfully told story, this time the ominous description by environmental health scientist Joy Guillemot of "bioaccumulation," or why the buildup of heavy metals and toxins is so devastating here, accumulating in the fat of resident animals and people alike (it is largely a consequence of the way the ocean currents wash and dump toxins that travel up the food chain). Beth Kapusta: ...somewhere just south of the 79th parallel
  • The latter, which has been described as a "pre-apocalyptic" tale, features McHugh's usual leisurely, literary buildup to an emotional epiphany, amplified with complexly layered characters and details. MIND MELD: More Nebula-Worthy Works of Fiction...Picked By Some of This Year's Nebula Nominees
  • As that buildup occurred, the United States would have plenty of time to rebuild its military establishment after any sharp cutbacks.
  • This, along with a diverse crop and cover crop rotation, seems to discourage the buildup of their populations.
  • Diverting water from the Nile River, along with buildup of sediments trapped behind dams and barrages, has caused the fertile Nile Delta to shrink.
  • Acids dissolve gummy buildup and eat away tarnish.
  • Furthermore, Iran's current military buildup is based primarily on the perceived need to respond to the threatened US attack against that country, a concern made all the more real by the US invasion and occupation of two countries bordering Iran on both its east and west in recent years. Stephen Zunes: Arming the Saudis
  • Formerly the concentration of firedamp had been much lower, a slow seep rather than a sudden buildup. A Place Called Freedom
  • Study of sedimentary sequences capping the guyots, comprised of a shallow water carbonate buildup,
  • With declining renal function, doses of certain medications and antibiotics should be decreased to avoid toxic buildup.
  • Newbold's group at the Institute of Rural Sciences in Wales has worked to produce organic acids to prevent methane buildup in cow stomachs.
  • On May 25, Drew Pearson published an April cable Donovan had sent Russell Forgan, his counterintelligence officer in Paris, ordering him to keep three I. G. Farben executives the OSS had in custody isolated and to make sure the tons of files that had been seized, which incriminated the company in the Nazi war buildup, were shipped to Paris. Wild Bill Donovan
  • A hallmark of Alzheimer's is the buildup of clumps of proteins (amyloid plaques) in the brain.
  • One factor contributing to this malaise is the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles that can follow heavy drinking.
  • For example, ex- federal Germany is as early as to aim at the teenager track man select material with educate to establish to rise the own buildup system in 1985, and receive the good result.
  • WATERS: The first question I had, and I am sure the Fords are asking the same question too, the president was at Hahnemann Hospital last night complaining of what he described as a sinus infection and wax buildup in the ear. CNN Transcript - Breaking News: Fmr. Pres. Ford in Intensive Care After Two Small Strokes - August 2, 2000
  • President Reagan understood that sometimes you need an arms buildup before you can have an arms builddown.
  • Instead of swallowing a pill, my cure involved reconditioning the responses that lead to pain buildup.
  • [STEP FIVE] Drill an airhole through the wall 2 inches in diameter to vent carbon monoxide buildup. Learn Two Snow Shelters That Could Save Your Life
  • I can personally attest to the similarities between the atmospheres backstage before curtain-up and that of a restaurant in the buildup to a dinner service.
  • A field-warehousing arrangement is particularly appropriate for financing seasonal inventory buildups.
  • Is it tedium or is it the drawn out buildup to a perfect finish?
  • And let's not forget the sustained buildup of nuclear and nonnuclear forces throughout Europe.
  • Dr. Steven Nissen at the Cleveland Clinic is conducting a study using a new, sophisticated measure of coronary-artery blockages called intravascular ultrasound to determine if torcetrapib affects plaque buildup in the coronary arteries. The Garbage Trucks in Your Blood
  • Any buildup in bad loans and dud projects could weigh down growth and public finances.
  • We did Chi Gong, went in for peritoneal taps every 10 days (extracting from his stomach cavity 5 to 6 liters of ascites fluid buildup each time), meditated, kept a healer busy 20 to 30 hours a week, interviewed oncologists looking for specific chemotropic agents to knock out his tumors, took saunas, and maintained a very positive state of mind. Dal LaMagna: My Friend, Derek Lamb
  • Finally, make sure to clean brushes and foundation sponges weekly to remove makeup buildup and keep them fresh, soft, and supple.
  • A field-warehousing arrangement is particularly appropriate for financing seasonal inventory buildups.
  • This includes not only faucets and flush valves, but also automated soap dispensers and time-release cleaning solutions that help prevent buildup caused by heavy minerals in hard water.
  • Efficient organic carbon burial sustained over tens of millions of years, required by the high carbon isotopic compositions of preglacial carbonate, may lead to the buildup of enormous quantities of methane, presumably in hydrate reservoirs. RMS and Sulphate Emissions « Climate Audit
  • Valerie, who suffered from a buildup of brain fluid called hydrocephalus, died in 2007. Singer Phoebe Snow Dies at 60
  • If the Boks win today, all the negatives from the previous games will be dismissed as small teething problems in the buildup to the big match of the tour.
  • They supported the freeze, denounced the military buildup, ridiculed strategic defenses, opposed aid to the Nicaraguan anti-communists and derided Reagan for telling the truth about the Soviet empire.
  • Along with the KMT, it has made the buildup of the military a central plank of its election platform.
  • The syrinx tipped the balance: Without surgery White risked hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid inside the skull that can have catastrophic consequences. Woman's crushing headache took years to diagnose
  • Rousos adds that a buildup of 40 to 60 mils is very important.
  • However, just prior to start point, one of the 5-tons with a build-up went down, so we had to use one lowboy to put the buildup on because it bad most of the maintenance tools - another use for the lowboys.
  • The higher priced candles are often made with lead-free wicks, which eliminates the problem of smoke and carbon buildup.
  • In the newer "tumescent" method, doctors inject a medicated solution into the fatty tissue to reduce bleeding, but in rare cases, it can cause fluid buildup in the lungs and fatal blood clots. Our Quest To Be Perfect
  • Consider replacing any ductwork that has an interior lining to minimize the buildup of dirt and moisture on inside surfaces.
  • Sex toy with paint buildup and glass beads applique. photo © Jaime Rojo Jaime Rojo & Steven Harrington: "F**k Art" Opens Wide at Museum Of Sex (NSFW)
  • Factors such as ids buildup, scaling, or critical pH control. transportation, availability and price need to be Dry Scrubbers considered. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Because of this it can also help remove the pathological buildup of calcium associated with arthritic joints.
  • There's been a big buildup in military capability, in missiles deployed along the mainland coast.
  • You can buy hair products specially formulated to remove some chlorine buildup and restore body.
  • … Officials involved say the approach has triggered arguments in the Pentagon over whether the effort to leave Iraqis adequately equipped is hurting the buildup in Afghanistan. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: December 7, 2009
  • Bush Arms Buildup Rivals Hitler and Stalin yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Bush Arms Buildup Rivals Hitler and Stalin'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: A sure sign tyrants are on the warpath is their military spending. Bush Arms Buildup Rivals Hitler and Stalin
  • If you add on like something like this anti-inflammatory causing a little bit of fluid buildup, makes it even harder for the heart to beat, to pump and that's called congestive heart failure. CNN Transcript Jan 9, 2006
  • And let's not forget the sustained buildup of nuclear and nonnuclear forces throughout Europe.
  • Cleaning surfaces with a bleach solution and dehumidifying the air can help, but if you have mold inside your walls or any serious buildup, you'll want to have it dealt with by a professional.
  • In 1983, during the Reagan military buildup, procurement spending came to US $121 billion in today's dollars.
  • This last mechanism is known as canalization and can lead to the buildup of hidden or cryptic genetic variation.
  • That could result in what we call a subdural hematoma, which is a bleeding underneath the skull and that leads to a buildup of pressure. CNN Transcript Jan 6, 2009
  • Eliminate the buildup of dead surface cells that dull skin with a mask or microdermabrasion (use the right products for your skin type and special needs).
  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration questioned the impact of the company's drug that would treat a condition caused by the buildup of toxic substances that impairs brain function known as hepatic encephalopathy. Penford Ends Higher; Salix Shares Drop
  • The bicycle factory was really a munitions factory, built in 1938, when Romania was menaced by bellicose neighbors during the buildup toward World War II.
  • Using toner also helps combat oil buildup (Olay's contains witch hazel and aloe, so it won't dry out your skin).
  • Thanks internet hoaxers for the four day long buildup to the biggest software-based anticlimax ever.
  • I envied his rapid buildup of assets
  • I would go so far, contra Joshi (and contra Farnsworth Wright, who rejected "The Shunned House" when Lovecraft submitted it to Weird Tales) as to say that the slow, labored buildup of historical and spectral details and the equally dense justification that the modern, scientific Whipple narrator gives for the continuing horrors are both structurally necessary for the narrative (especially the pacing) to work correctly and thematically necessary for the transmission of the exact weird sensation -- of paranormality, not supernaturalism -- that Lovecraft intends. Kenneth Hite's Journal
  • After two years in the field, drives without a sealed mechanism experience dust buildup around the media entrance and in critical areas such as the capstan.
  • All the hype of the buildup convinced them that the freshness of youth would sweep away cobwebs of doubt.
  • Infestations of grapes are often due to a buildup in other soft fruits such as figs, apricots, peaches, nectarines, or citrus.
  • Researchers, including those at MU, have found that the most effective method of care for lymphedema is complete decongestive physiotherapy, in which therapists use specialized lymphatic massage techniques to reduce protein-rich fluid buildup. D Mag - News
  • After all the buildup I arrived to find the shutters down and the premises closed.
  • Undigested meat remaining in the intestines putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.
  • This is contrasted by forceful fortes and fortissimos, and much of the energy goes into (or dissipates because of) these dramatic contrasts rather than going into a more subtle buildup of force.
  • After shampooing, avoid creamy conditioners, which leave a noticeable buildup.
  • A controversial study showing that the blockbuster cholesterol-lowering drug Vytorin failed to slow the buildup of artery plaques more than a cheaper statin is certain to provoke questions among heart patients taking Vytorin or its sister drug Zetia. What you should know about Vytorin and Zetia
  • Symptoms include: abdominal pain ascites, or an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen Balkinization
  • American Gladiators and/or an Easter Island statue's waxy buildup, and a fear of shallow water (Tanisha apparently has a very severe case of aquaphobia). Vh1 Blog
  • Such muscle buildup also occurs with use of a stent - a small wire mesh tube inserted after angioplasty to keep the artery clear.

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