How To Use Budding In A Sentence
The operation of budding requires a good deal of nicety: first, to avoid wounding the wood of the stock in slitting the bark; and, secondly, to make the bark of the scion fit quite closely to the wood of the stock, as, if the least vacuity is left between them, the bud will wither instead of beginning to grow.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
The operation of budding requires a good deal of nicety: first, to avoid wounding the wood of the stock in slitting the bark; and, secondly, to make the bark of the scion fit quite closely to the wood of the stock, as, if the least vacuity is left between them, the bud will wither instead of beginning to grow.
The Lady's Country Companion: or, How to Enjoy a Country Life Rationally
The valley is quiet and serene, and right now is bursting with the energy and exuberance of spring - the trees are budding, the daffodils bobbing, the birds are busy, the lambs are bleating and there are calves suckling.
While still at school she was clearly a budding genius.
Budding archaeologists from across the county gathered in Swindon to learn about treasures from the past.

In budding, aggregates of cells differentiate into small sponges that are released superficially or expelled through the oscula.
Granados was eventually deported, and the paper's budding relationship with the Latino community tanked.
The album as a whole sets you in the back of a 70's jazz café, where you can witness budding young musicians showcasing their talents.
Each species of coral has its own pattern of budding and so erects its own characteristic monument.
Other methods of propagation which are sometimes employed are inarching and shield-budding.
The sanctuary currently hosts budding ornithologists from Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Germany, and Russia.
Some of the smaller trees and shrubs had survived the destruction, and their branches were budding.
During this period, each polyp is capable of budding new polyps though asexual reproduction in spring.
Fuzzy wriggled himself into an ingratiatory attitude and essayed the idiotic smile and blattering small talk that is supposed to charm the budding intellect of the young.
Strictly business: more stories of the four million
A: What advice do you have for a budding golf pro?
Latin verb gustare, "to taste;" but Medlar pleaded custom in behalf of C, observing, that, by the Doctor's rule, we ought to change pudding into budding, because it is derived from the French word boudin; and in that case why not retain the original orthography and pronunciation of all the foreign words we have adopted, by which means our language would become a dissonant jargon without standard or propriety?
The Adventures of Roderick Random
the blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit
Cricket bosses, players and members of the public will get together to further plans to recruit budding players and form a team.
With the introduction of the Internet, electronic and computer games, etc, we have seen a reduction in the relative time spent by budding West Indian cricketers on the cricket field.
The vine is a precocious one, budding, flowering, and ripening early, which makes it prone to spring frosts but means that it can flourish in regions as cool as much of the Loire.
Reproduction occurs by division, by budding or by fragmentation, but the parts are invariably multinucleate.
Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
In contrast, today's budding poets might seem insignificant and pointless, punch-drunk and undirected about content, style, identity.
They fumble through their budding romances, discovering meaning as they go.
Two salvageable moments from an otherwise wasted hour: the budding relationship between Nadia and Weiss is great.
The mountainside was alive with blooms: dogwood, rhododendron, flame azaleas, along with budding mountain laurel.
A tub of bulbs (I can't remember whether they're the snowdrops or the tulips) are pushing through; the nectarine in the sun room is growing leaves and flower buds and the blueberries outside are also budding.
The experience taught the budding entrepreneur a valuable lesson.
The Sun
He ruled the streets in his territory like a budding Al Capone.
Professionals from Sega, Microsoft's Rare studio, Sports Interactive, Crytek and Creative Assembly, alongside representatives from universities and colleges will be on hand to help guide budding young talent towards putting all those hours of joypad bashing to good use.
Special report: Tokyo Game Show and Eurogamer Expo, London
Life is just like a budding flower at the break of spring all over again.
Most signs of spring, like budding trees, are worth celebrating.
Invasive and pseudohyphal growth is characterized by directional unipolar budding and by cells that remain attached to each other after budding.
Candida species are polymorphic and can form colonies containing budding yeasts, pseudohyphae, and true hyphae.
I walked against the current, following a wooded berm, thick with fir, that the river had created over time, cutting off a patch of bog land where early-budding blueberry and blackberry, and gray-black winterberry and tan winter maleberry, coexisted with spruce and larch and rhodora.
The Black Angel
Hong Kong's budding economic recovery will continue to pick up steam so long as the government sticks to doing what many of its critics believe it does best - nothing.
Her trip to Milan has been extremely lucrative for her budding career.
The warm spring wind whisped softly through the budding trees and played with the tears on her cheeks.
But that still left her with the problem of Josh and his budding relationship with her best friend.
So if you are a budding entrepreneur with a nose for a good idea and think that you could capture the essence of, say, Leeds or Solihull in a bottle, now might be the time to give it a try.
In this poem the budding flower means youth.
The play happens in the flat of Ed, a computer geek who is a budding and as yet unpublished author.
There's a variety of mushrooms and other fungi about too, for the budding amateur mycologist.
26 Miler - A chronicle of Ben's attempt to complete the Marathon Becks & Posh - … modern cokney for 'nosh' by Sam and Fred Budding Cook - Just married and trying my hands at cooking Cha Xiu Bao - What's the biggest problem in this world?
BC Bloggers
-- As budding radicals, it does seem as though Eva and Franco Mattes wanted to give the finger to the art world and art history, with its hero worship, its veneration of dead objects, its stale preciosities.
Couple stole more than other artists' ideas
I have found that once an anti-gunner is convinced to go to the range, (No mean feat to be sure) and is taught by one that knows how to safely handle a weapon they become budding enthusiasts and no longer gun despising, freedom hating, fear mongers of the liberal left and the media.
More on the Media (Sorry)
Some people opt to dehorn the kids, usually when they are 1 week old, with a tool called a disbudding iron, which looks like a soldering iron with the tip sawed off.
Pussy willows in bloom, dogwoods budding, the Narcissus providing tiny splashes of yellow against the brown landscape, fields going green.
"I’m made of bones of the branches, the boughs, and the browbeating light..."
He tells me they have found what he calls a suspicious letter in one of the offices in the suite of offices of Senator Tom Daschle, the Senate majority leader, however not in the Hart office budding. where that other letter that was anthrax-laced was found back in October.
CNN Transcript Jan 3, 2002
Th�ey also found retroviral particles budding from the infected cells.
The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine - Illustrated Presentation
The springtime delicacy of their budding stands in terrific contrast to the autumnal head beneath.
One effect is that flowers are now budding 19 days earlier as spring moves forwards.
Inland, willows are budding and azaleas are blooming.
Shayla cried holding her arms out and looking up at the canopy of budding tree branches.
This is how they nurtured their budding romance.
Christianity Today
Meanwhile, they milk her god-given attributes to mobilize armies of budding wannabes by sanitizing her sexuality, and legions of men by fetishizing her purity.
The trees are budding, and the birds love our back garden because we keep feeding them with peanuts and birdseed.
These images expose a budding female sexuality, and call into question an idealized vision of femininity. 'Belle de Jour' was produced in 2002/2003.
During the weekend, there will also be the chance for budding town criers to audition on the square as the town council looks to appoint a new crier for the town.
In budding and fission yeasts, life span is defined by the methods used to measure it.
Our budding romance was over.
The leaves were budding on the trees below.
There are tutorials and reference materials that can help any budding web developer.
We show you how to successfully blend budding relationships with your lifelong friendships.
Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.
To prevent the formation of a large number of lateral branches, debudding is essential.
Spring has come to Shanghai and we can again see flowers blooming and trees budding.
Even in the earliest stages of new growth, complete reversals in budding directions of zooids are evident.
Or should I just focus on making our budding relationship the best that it possibly can be?
The graphics are lively and colorful, and it all looks bright and nicely saturated, as any cartoon about budding fashionistas should be.
From here, I can't tell if your friend has a budding eating disorder or simply doesn't know how to drop pounds healthfully.
I want to picture the delightful birth of spring and its budding flowers and baby animals.
This has coincided with a new wave of budding entrepreneurs.
Times, Sunday Times
This emerged from work with Yvonne Bissett while we were trying to identify a G1 control start similar to the one de - fined by Lee Hartwell in budding yeast.
Sir Paul Nurse - Autobiography
And the diet saw our budding artist shed a staggering 10lb in just two weeks.
The Sun
From the mighty to the minuscule, the cute and cuddly to the creepy-crawly, amazing adventures await budding young explorers with the Smithsonian Networks Kids Pack, available on DVD today from Infinity Entertainment Group.
Giveaway — Smithsonian Networks Kids Pack
Mr. Zakaria, born in Mumbai, is himself a member of this elite class, and it is perhaps natural that he should share with them the kind of blinkered reality that sees no implausibility in this fabulous monster, no contradiction between some of the worst development indices in the world and a budding superpower identifying one and the same country.
The Zen Tiger: India 's Elections And The Magic Of Fareed Zakaria
And she nails the adolescent angst of budding love in all its raging hormonal hoo-ha.
The company had an imaginative director and two budding theatrical costumiers who saved the day.
Why not continue to run it himself, and build on his budding reputation as a patriot?
The company plans to give budding entrepreneurs with successful business proposals funding and a one-year business mentorship opportunity.
Over a decade later, Schmid's film makes clear that for the vast majority of Germans weeds in the garden have long since choked any budding flowers.
She was going back the next day and so was I, but I didn't want that to be the end of our budding relationship.
The experience taught the budding entrepreneur a valuable lesson.
The Sun
For successful in propagation of honeylocust, chip budding with green wood in August works best, and June budding is also satisfactory.
Chapter 34
I often think of myself as a browser in the winter garden, picking frost-sweetened greens for the dinner table, cutting budding branches for forcing, and hunting around for rosebuds and berries to fashion into winter bouquets.
The failure of the swamphen extermination project -- expensive in staff time, shotgun shells and gas -- contrasts sharply with a similar effort to knock out a budding population of sacred ibis, a long-legged exotic from Africa that in 2007 was nesting in Palm Beach and
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prolonged nutrition," a surplus, as we see so plainly in the lower forms of agamous generation (budding, division).
Essai sur l'imagination créatrice. English
One of the first questions a budding podcaster is faced with is what equipment to buy.
My Podcasting Rig | Fantasy Fiction - Brian
The budding actors and actresses at Parklands had began preparing for their version of the musical Arabian Nights back in autumn when war was still only a remote possibility.
The ceremony included the honouring of budding students of the school for excelling in various activities.
Even if the budding breasts are all in my imagination, my swollen abdomen definitely isn't.
You are meeting all these budding entrepreneurs of growing businesses who are taking a risk.
Times, Sunday Times
In studies with a microscope, Forbes had shown that hydroid jellyfish known as naked-eyed medusae reproduce not only by spewing eggs, but also by asexual budding, which he found marvelous to behold.
It's really not a visual work; but it did make rich material for budding structuralist film-makers and post-structuralist theorists.
At the Clinton campaign, my experience with the problem was the huge influx of 'trolls' at HillaryClinton. com in early 2007, a unique challenge that greatly hampered our site-based social-networking capacity -- since we had to moderate the budding community extremely tightly to prohibit offensive content and to prevent the overly scrutinous media from using a stray comment to tarnish Hillary.
Peter Daou: Rick Warren and The Internet Giveth ... and Taketh Away
The Hoatzin chick features a rare anatomical feature two claws on each budding wing which help it grip branches and clamber about awkwardly.
Most budding entrepreneurs would give their right arms to be mentored by such an experienced pair.
Times, Sunday Times
They are looking for budding dancers, singers and actors to join the cast and contribute to making this show a real blockbuster.
Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.
If only about 60 percent of the better stems are staked with canes and the other lateral shoots removed through disbudding, the plant forms bigger, and more showy flowers.
Manor Café's patio fulfills the criteria handily, a serene oasis in the midst of huge budding trees behind the teeming arteries of 124th. St. and 102nd. Ave.
The experience taught the budding entrepreneur a valuable lesson.
The Sun
One of the essential tools of any budding television and film producer is the ability to pitch a concept.
But when I looked lower down, there was a sweeter message still, for the mezereon was awake, with its tiny porcelain crimson flowers and its minute leaves of bright green, budding as I think Aaron's rod must have budded, the very crust of the sprig bursting into little flames of green and red.
Escape, and Other Essays
Spring has come to Shanghai and we can again see flowers blooming and trees budding.
The bench was under a few newly budding trees with little pink buds in front of the gray, dreary looking shallow pond.
When I left, the morning was opening like a budding flower.
This combination means that the colourful patchwork created by the budding of different colour forms of jewel anemones, for instance, can be fully appreciated.
To answer these challenges, any budding access provider will need to develop strong marketing strategies and programs to support future growth.
The series, which is designed for budding adventure racers, will continue in Squamish on April 25 with a tri-sport event at Alice Lake.
The lyrics rarely scratch below the surface - "Looks like Cupid just showed up," she later exults, referring to a budding romance - but Evans's voluptuous alto and unwavering conviction help compensate for the frequently lightweight sentiment.
Album review: Sara Evans, "Stronger"
He was 21 and burdened by nothing more than a bit of bumfluff, some puppy fat and a great-coat, of the kind worn by Smiths fans and budding thesps for the entire duration of their drama-school degree course.
This is inferred because spore viability is reduced in some checkpoint single mutants of budding yeast.
The small pines are budding, and today he brings an armload of stakes, pocketfuls of baling twine, soft rags to keep the bound seedlings from wind-chafing.
At one point the temperature was up to 11C; nature has been knocked out of kilter, with adders emerging from hibernation and plants budding.
EF matches budding entrepreneurs with the skills to build a tech company, and then funds the idea they come up with.
Times, Sunday Times
Don Jubilo and Don Emilio noticed their budding relationship.
Seven budding entrepreneurs from Swindon are creating a stir with their Young Enterprise business.
Right now, I have four young budding scientists with me in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica three young female undergraduates and one male graduate student.
Given sufficient free ubiquitin, these ligases ubiquitinate gag or nearby proteins in a manner required for budding.
The Scientist
Nevertheless, the parallel sequential budding characteristic of largest to smallest tooth cusps and vascular horns indicate that the two are closely correlated.
Hicks was the compiler of at least three printed miscellanies, and this collection of prose anecdotes - a sort of prompt book for budding wits - hovers at the edges of texts like The Academy of Complements.
Budding archaeologists will be able to ‘excavate’ a medieval burial site as well as parts of a Roman fortress, a Viking city and Victorian workers' cottages.
The budding scientists of today will need to prepare themselves to do battle with silliness, impostors, tricksters and fraudsters.
Curious, he meandered over the small fence and then across the lawn, making room for himself between a small fir tree and another small budding shrub of some sort.
First, the budding neurosurgeon correctly spelled "hydrargyrum", as chemists call mercury or quicksilver.
And rows of budding science wonks scratch their heads, look at each other, and wonder: Is that possible?
Things get more complicated if one ponders a scenario where budding Anatolian dialects are affected by the Satem wave in the north of the Anatolian area and later on provide the basis for satem-like results in Luwian by way of dialect mergers and such.
Diachrony of PIE
So I couldn’t really care all that much that Raj lost his Batang Fighting Kite to Howard’s libido — so much for Howard’s budding relationship with that mother-suffering shiksa from the last episode, by the way.
'Big Bang Theory': Sheldon and Leonard talk football, fly kites |
Nigel is a scriptwriter, Julian a budding actor; they share an apartment and spend their days trying desperately to inveigle their way into the film business.
Budding linguists can tune in to the activity cassettes in French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Budding film writers are to be offered help to set their creative juices free with a new course in Lancaster.
This is a film budding cineastes would do well to analyze.
Progressive Networks, the maker of RealAudio software, has been among the leaders in the budding Internet broadcasting industry.
Keen to help other budding mumpreneurs, Ms Hocking has organised a two-day business conference.
The methods of graftage of the commercial apple-tree are two -- by cion-grafting whereby a bit of wood with two or three buds is inserted on the stock, by bud-grafting (budding) whereby a single bud with a bit of bark attached is inserted under the bark of the stock.
The Apple-Tree The Open Country Books—No. 1
The budding trees and the returning birds figure the transmigration of the soul so beautifully I wish that I could die and see the world again through infant eyes.
Budding science geeks and Harry Potter fans will both enjoy the small natural history museum, with its critter skulls, snakeskins, stuffed animals (the taxidermal ...
He has a tall, lanky frame with a budding pot belly.
The budding hippologist watched carefully that whole first visit.
Hayden's Ferry Review Issue 45
a budding friendship
The budding thespians are currently working on The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare, which they will perform on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Near 1,800 budding business owners responded, pitching ideas displaying ambitiousness, earnestness, smarts and yes, even misguided drive and planning.
Facing the challenges of starting a small business
The budding actors were hand-picked from hundreds of young hopefuls who auditioned for the parts at Kendal Town Hall earlier this year.
The budding actors were hand-picked from hundreds of young hopefuls who auditioned for the parts at Kendal Town Hall earlier this year.
I was not a dietician; I was a budding mortician.
Recently, the homology-independent pairwise association of centromeres, termed centromere coupling, was also reported in budding yeast.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
The budding actors were hand-picked from hundreds of young hopefuls who auditioned for the parts at Kendal Town Hall earlier this year.
Suffice it to say that men are freaks, and I feel a budding kinship with all of the world's borderline lesbians.
The whole British sitting volleyball squad are a bunch of yellow-bellied moaners, and Martine Wright, wife, mother, budding Paralympic athlete, the worst injured female survivor of Britain's most terrible terrorist act ever, what a lily-livered, chicken-hearted coward she is.
Martine Wright: 7/7, survival – and a whole new life of opportunities
This new scent was pleasant like a budding flower.
Like father, like son, as the saying goes -- by the time Tim was eight, he was already a budding entrepreneur.
Nor had those antagonistic forces been dormant, which are always at work wearing down the surface of the land; the great piles of strata had been intersected by many wide valleys, and the trees, now changed into silex, were exposed projecting from the volcanic soil, now changed into rock, whence formerly, in a green and budding state, they had raised their lofty heads.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
The future looks bright for these budding scientists, even if they haven't yet decided what they want to do after high school.
The ancient olive trees, budding once more and leafing, feel a bit foolish; how much more absurd is the staff of legends that, stuck in the ground, blossoms.
Find out by Joining in with this interactive historical re-enactment fun day for budding knights.
Times, Sunday Times
Budding ballet stars who want to practise their pirouettes and pliés with dancing star Wayne Sleep will have the chance this Sunday.
What do budding rock stars do on their days off?
Times, Sunday Times
If the euro continues its sharp rise, a budding European recovery may well be its first victim.
The researchers then demonstrated that the interdigital tissue (ID) that lies between budding digits is responsible for instructing them as to what they will become.
From within I could see tupelo and buckthorn budding,
HoxD12 is expressed at the boundary of the ceca/colon, and mice that ectopically express HoxD12 fail to show budding of the cecum.
Evolution of the appendix? - The Panda's Thumb
Some 20 extreme sport enthusiasts took part in the action, all keen to make their name on the budding kitesurfing scene.
Each subclass is essential for viability in both budding and fission yeasts; therefore they are not redundant factors.
Columbus LW Rick Nash: Blue Jackets phenom is a budding, elite power forward with Cam Neely potential. - At 22, Sabres' Miller busts goaltending curve
To answer these challenges, any budding access provider will need to develop strong marketing strategies and programs to support future growth.
Most budding entrepreneurs would give their right arms to be mentored by such an experienced pair.
Times, Sunday Times
Being dragged out of their hotels in the middle of the night to see gorgeous unclad Thai women in the throws of a budding stage career makes them cranky.
Budding and scission of a deflated vesicle into two smaller spherical daughters were sometimes observed.
This has coincided with a new wave of budding entrepreneurs.
Times, Sunday Times
Looking at budding documentary filmmaker Don Letts' footage from the stand, it's tank tops and disco coifs as far as the eye can see.
Maybe one day, budding wingers all over the footballing world will try to perform a ‘Robben Turn’?
Clark's attitude toward his characters has never encroached on his love of gazing at their lean, budding bodies, and Ken Park is no different.
Erica Desmond's budding relationship with Kevin Gibson is complicated now that she knows Kevin is Ethan McNeill's new assistant DA.
Black swans, pelicans, white faced heron and mullet jumping out of the water were some of the attractions that were snapped by the budding photographers.
the budding breasts of a pubescent girl and the downy chin of pubescent boy
As for this debudding, the reason he doesn't know he was injuring, was that he didn't have checks and experiments.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting Urbana, Illinois, August 28, 29 and 30, 1951
Zinc fingers are a chain of amino acids found in the nucleocapsid of HIV, a viral core protein that is involved in binding and packaging of viral RNA into new virions budding from an infected cell.
The works of Alain Resnais (Hiroshima Mon Amour and Last Year at Marienbad) are perhaps the most famously anamnestic in cinema, but Two for the Road had a close precedent, Claude Lelouch’s 1966 A Man and a Woman, in which a couple’s budding romance is interlaced with each lover’s recollections of their late spouses.
Audrey and Albert Share Swingin' Memories of a Marriage
Spring growth was budding on the shrubs around the front porch, the weather vane atop one of the turrets facing out to the lake.
As I finished filling my feeders tonight, I noticed a flock of about 40-50 birds high in the newly budding black walnut tree.
Budding: applied to that form of agamic reproduction found in plant lice.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
As he moved away, free of step and straight as an Indian, he filliped away a small budding twig of the saskatoon which one of the youths had brought in to show how the woods were answering the call of the warm sun, and which he had dandled in his fingers as he walked.
The Maid of the Whispering Hills
Do you have any advice for budding young student comedians that you'd like to share with Cherwell readers?
Nearly 1,800 budding business owners responded, pitching ideas that displayed ambitiousness, earnestness, smarts and yes, even misguided drive and planning.
Month 2: For business owners, finances are on their minds
Vegetative propagation through budding, grafting, tubers, rootstocks and tissue culture are major industries.
In pinching back, do you mean that the actual growth rate is changed, or that debudding will suppress the entire tree?
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting Urbana, Illinois, August 28, 29 and 30, 1951
You are meeting all these budding entrepreneurs of growing businesses who are taking a risk.
Times, Sunday Times
I’m not saying every tagger is a budding Basquiat, but on the list of issues deserving a front-page crusade, graffiti ranks about as high as McGin’s “schlumpy” grooming habits.
The Seattle Times’ Front-Page Graffiti Editorial « PubliCola
As a budding entrepreneur, you will have to make a special effort for people to take you seriously.
However, he consoled himself with what was in truth a rare consolation for a budding lover, that he was under the same roof with Lizzy; her guest, in fact, to take a poetical view of the term lodger; and that he would certainly see her on the morrow.
Wessex Tales
During the rugby camps, in addition to core skills training, budding young rugby players can expect to enjoy boxercise, wrestling, and speed agility training all of which perfectly complement the latest coaching techniques used by Gomarsall, the mashsport instructors and the professionals in today's Guinness Premiership.
Your Local Guardian | Sutton
A budding stage star who achieved her dream of getting into a prestigious drama school has organised an evening of musical entertainment to raise funds to help finance her course.
When you have, you will see that debudding or even pinching the terminals will actually dwarf the tree, although not as badly if it is not done in the summer time.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting Urbana, Illinois, August 28, 29 and 30, 1951
Was there any sign yet of the budding historian?
He disc-jockeyed in many parts of the continent and in Europe and currently has a record label that supports budding Zambian artists.
We look askance at claims from budding writers or actors that they should be supported by Social Security payments.
Meanwhile, the budding writer suffered a string of rejections from magazines and publishing houses.
Times, Sunday Times
It was to that laboratory that a young budding chemist from Lancaster directed his steps one autumn day in 1845.
Fourteen Zambian karatekas have been upgraded, two have been honoured while four other budding stars were showered with medals during a one week workshop which finished yesterday at Lusaka's Chrisma Hotel.