How To Use Brutally In A Sentence

  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme, that bulldozed major shantytowns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 24, 2007
  • He was brutally punished for his role in making an illicit radio receiver. Times, Sunday Times
  • The skyline is brutally impressive in the way cathedrals must once have been when nothing was taller. October « 2006 « Squares of Wheat
  • The peace of the island community had been brutally violated.
  • In his gardens and chariot-racing center, called the hippodrome, almost a thousand people were brutally murdered. Raw Story
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  • My eyes stung brutally and I started to hiccup.
  • But you trusted entirely these rare moments of triumphant self-expression: every jink and turn by Diego Maradona at the 1986 World Cup was hard-won, brutally paid for and born out of absolute courage and commitment. World Cup 2010: How a love of Spain can make for a sterile affair
  • That metal dominates the list is not surprising: for getting "amped" there's no better soundtrack than reckless speed, brutally simple rhythm, and screamed anthems. Bob Moses: The Songs They Carried: Music at War
  • The brutally direct communications engendered by youthful, student audiences tend to endear them to dancers.
  • And when she was brutally knocked off of Washington's segregated streetcars, she denounced racism: "It is hard for the old slaveholding spirit to die, but die it must.
  • Andy Carpenter gains possession of an adorable Bernese puppy whose owner was brutally murdered. New Tricks by David Rosenfelt: Book summary
  • He is not some murderous criminal to be brutally dealt with, Uncle Charles.
  • He was brutally beaten, struck over the head with a weapon, and handcuffed to a toilet while the gang ‘robbed’ the van.
  • He was also, of course, heavily implicated in the brutally murderous system of forced labour without which the entire German war economy would have collapsed.
  • And it appalls me that people who claim for their views the authority of science routinely and arbitrarily insist on a brutally reductionist notion of what a human being is, what the human mind is, that justifies as inevitable every sort of meagerness and rapacity. Marilynne Robinson: Religion, Science and the Ultimate Nature of Reality
  • Politicians, particularly brutally opportunistic politicians, take their cue from the temper of the times.
  • A frail widow was brutally robbed of her life savings in her own home by a violent thug who left her with a broken arm and leg.
  • Even when the permanent Victoria Theatre opened at Sydney in 1838, its operatic productions were at first brutally abridged, translated, and arranged with music more easily at hand.
  • And he does not leave himself out of that brutally honest assessment. The Sun
  • It is six months this week since her husband and soulmate Brian was brutally gunned down as he changed a tyre on his car at the Huddersfield garage where he worked.
  • Wasn't there a brutally tyrannical rabbit society counterpoised to the longed-for, sought-after egalitarian rabbit utopia? BEA/ALA, booksellers, librarians
  • To see a once-thriving city reduced to beggary and emptiness, to live one day at a time in point of food and medicine, to see an old European order brutally and efficiently overturned, to notice the utterly casual way in which human life can be snuffed out, and to see war machines wheeling and diving in the overcast sky: such an education! The Catastrophist
  • After crude conversions, little remained of the building's original interior, except for some door architraves, cornices and a graceful staircase, brutally divided from the main space by a fireproof partition.
  • In a country where the military, along with all other uniformed branches, is actively employed in brutally repressing popular protest, the populace cheers them. Bread and circuses
  • It's painful to say that in front of them, but she was brutally murdered with a garrote, a device used like a noose with a handle.
  • A renegade missionary is brutally converted to the worship of a tribal fetish.
  • The country has been able to celebrate the return of its independence so brutally snuffed out in 1940.
  • I remember the movie's brutally accurate depiction of the rough South.
  • The INLA was formed in 1974 and was known as a brutally violent organisation that also engaged in bitter internal feuds. Top Stories:
  • She was brutally frank in her assessment of our chances.
  • Plus, any band who produce We Care A Lot, a brutally fun hymn for the apathy generation is bound to grab any world-weary fifteen year old by the scruff of the neck.
  • Why should the Isreali soldiers who were brutally attacked by a bunch of mercenary thugs be satisfied with anything other than the trial and imprisonment of those who were not already killed in flagrante delicto? The Volokh Conspiracy » What’s Going on With Turkey
  • You are very blunt, candid and brutally honest.
  • Within weeks, around 500,000 people were brutally murdered or killed in action, mostly by the Hutu army.
  • He has been jailed for brutally lashing out at his ex-girlfriend with a hammer, before striking her dog over the head with a similar weapon.
  • Anyone who offered any resistance was brutally dealt with, and his son would soon show the same ruthlessness.
  • Lucy was brutally taken from us in a malicious, callous and evil way leaving a gap in our lives never to be filled.
  • she had dismissed him quite brutally, relegating him to the status of a passing fancy, or less
  • So, I don't know why he suddenly went to that basement room, fashioned a garrote from something that was right there in plain sight and brutally murdered her.
  • And the film, while it suffers from a lack of coherence and focus, has enough brutally perceptive and hilarious moments to gloss over the rough edges. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their fighter's brutally disfigured foot cancels any hopes of victory.
  • This is the day of martyred intellectuals, who were brutally killed by the occupation army and their cohorts.
  • The charities are brutally businesslike in coaxing dollars from the wallets of the super-rich.
  • The old bruiser yesterday did what he does best - deliver a barnstorming, end-of-conference speech packed with one-liners brutally aimed at the hapless Tories and shifty Liberal Democrats.
  • Both involve pissed off clerics from the afterlife brutally murdering everyone in their path. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • One may jib, like George Orwell, at Greene's belief that a brutally stupid gangster is capable of intellectual subtlety.
  • He speaks as the political representative of an imperialist nation which has brutally oppressed the people of the region for over a century.
  • In retaliation to killings of northerners in the South, the military rulers massacred thousands of southerners and many were brutally tortured.
  • And rather than win swiftly and brutally as we had with a mighty Japanese Empire, LBJ fought Vietnam as the conflicted war president he was, babbling on about building “a Great Society on the Mekong.” Matthew Yglesias » The War
  • Linguistic usage is a market whose purity would delight the heart of the crabbiest libertarian, brutally culling the weak and perpetuating the strong, but never discriminating against the young upstart. Should you use jargon in your Focus leaflets?
  • In the movie, a political satire, Beatty plays an opportunistic Democrat who starts being brutally honest on the stump, eventually even talking in rap and wearing the oversized clothes of a hip-hop kid.
  • Now she is reported by by-standers in York for brutally punching a petty thief to the ground, she is arrested and investigated, and she becomes a Conservative Party have-a-go poster girl. Con-Watch: Sticking Plaster and Law-and-Order Policy
  • So, I don't know why he suddenly went to that basement room, fashioned a garrote from something that was right there in plain sight and brutally murdered her.
  • The independence of domestic prosecutors and judges is questionable when a dictatorial regime has reigned brutally and for so long.
  • And Armenia is a shining becon of democracy, tolerance, and prosperity because they were brutally ruled by either the Ottoman Empire or the Russians for much of the past millenium. Think Progress » Mark Krikorian: ‘Haiti’s So Screwed Up Because It Wasn’t Colonized Long Enough’
  • In 2002, Nkunda "brutally suppressed a mutiny in Kisangani, a key trading town formerly known as Stanleyville that sits on a broad bend in the Congo River. Bruce Wilson: Rick Warren's African Allies Tied To Massacres, Sex-Slavery, Forced Labor, Concentration Camps
  • To be brutally honest, I often find his sense of humour tedious and puerile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Arriving on a brutally cold morning in April, I found her preoccupied with getting her gallery installations ready for a crowd of collectors.
  • Brutally unartistic people: Remember how you felt when you used to trace cartoons as a kid? Best iPhone Apps |
  • Time for a brutally objective scientific view. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course this is the movie that cemented Jason as the real star of the films, and not in the derisible manner that Freddy Krueger became the shining star of the Elm Street franchise, and who can forget the brutally beautiful way he dispatches the naked teen in the yellow sack. Simon’s Top Ten FRIDAY THE 13TH DEATHS w/clips & vids! | Obsessed With Film
  • To be sure, it's a lot easier to garner favorable press reports than it is to get people to actually schlep to an often brutally cold, sparsely populated state.
  • Mount Kenya is a stunning volcanic mountain that rises from the Kenyan savannah, its flanks brutally carved by aeons of glacial action. Ben Colclough: Mount Kenya -- Is This the Most Beautiful Mountain in Africa?
  • Hitler and the Nazis did it effectively, brutally waging war against decadent surrealists and any other artists or writers they considered an aberration from the pure Aryan ideal of art.
  • We're suddenly walking among cottonwood, redbud and ash trees: soft greenery juxtaposed with brutally hard rock. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think Michael was brutally honest, he was direct, he never flinched from the most difficult questions.
  • Johnny will take a little ride to rehabilitate, not brutally punish, his quarry, who is, as usual, a fellow Italian-American.
  • But it also politicized us by brutally and bitterly fracturing our community.
  • All protest is brutally repressed by the regime.
  • A rescue operation in May this year brutally revealed the truth of this assertion.
  • Walking home from work one evening he was attacked by five thugs who beat him brutally with clubs, leaving him for dead.
  • Acting on his own desperation, he begins to brutally beat Jamie.
  • The allegation that the Liberals were selling honours in return for political contributions was brutally clear.
  • Some commercial rollmops are ­pickled in brutally acidic distilled vinegar, which obliterates their oily succulence and flavour. The Guardian World News
  • He is a potentially fascinating character, charming, brutally insensitive, fun-loving and more of a child than any of his children.
  • In 2005, the Mugabe government launched what it called a slum clearance scheme that bulldozed major shanty towns, brutally displacing hundreds of thousands of people. CNN Transcript Mar 20, 2007
  • The travel and time schedules of a presidential campaign are brutally taxing even for the sprightliest of contenders. UPDATED: McCain makes a major mistake about a very basic Iraq issue -- two days in a row
  • He is plagued by a series of surreal hallucinations in which his father is brutally tortured.
  • But just because we can decode his meaning in spite of his mixing of tenses (past tense and future brutally slammed together), doesn't make it a good practice.
  • This sport can balance its favours brutally. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are the appalling injuries suffered by a man brutally mugged for his wallet as he walked his dog.
  • While still intact for the most part, the body has been chewed and savaged brutally.
  • She was blunt and honest, brutally so, and her style suffered from it.
  • Memory is brutally selective as I recall past family holidays, particularly one on Loch Ness when I managed to steer our hired cruiser into a passenger pleasure boat.
  • He was a baseliner, nothing flashy but brutally fit and completely uncompromising. Times, Sunday Times
  • The accused were armed with sharp edged weapons and thrashed him brutally.
  • Meanwhile, his government brutally suppressed all opposition in gross violation of human rights.
  • Fife Constabulary's wildlife crime officer described baiting, specially trained dogs being set on badgers, as brutally vicious.
  • Set in medieval Japan, Across the Nightingale Floor follows the captivating tale of Takeo, whose village is brutally destroyed by the murderous warlord, Iida Sadamu.
  • We need a mirror philosophy, if you will, one that reflects a state-endorsed ideology, tolerates no criticism, deals brutally with those who disagree and advances its cause with self-righteous violence.
  • At the end of this film the character whom you have been following, identifying with, gets brutally and horribly tortured and has his skin flayed off and his eyes pulled out. Exclusive: Wanted's Mark Millar Settles the Score for Fans «
  • He is a vicious dictator, brutally oppressing his own people.
  • Her real parents had been brutally murdered.
  • He and his friends indeed are brutally unfeeling at best and hateful at worst.
  • Powell toured the northern enclaves of Iraq, the Kurdish areas of Iraq, and recalled the Kurds were the minority who were the most brutally persecuted by Saddam Hussein over a long period of time. CNN Transcript Sep 15, 2003
  • This brutally Darwinian mechanism must be fully exercised if cultivation culture is to keep itself relevant to the world. LIVING ON THE FAULT LINE, REVISED EDITION
  • The Levi's name has grown into doddering old age in a brutally competitive apparel market.
  • First Kaeldra is brutally knocked unconscious, and then this man admits to terrorizing Sabriel and all he can do is sit there and stare at me, unmoved and uncaring?
  • The Church defined heresy, and repressed it severely, as when Pope Innocent III launched the armed Crusade that brutally repressed the Albigenses and desolated much of southern France.
  • Eisenhower cautiously hoped that this announcement might foreshadow more moderate actions by Russian leaders in confronting uprisings in satellite states, a hope that would be brutally dashed in a few days.74 Eisenhower 1956
  • She is also famous for performances so brutally self-revealing that they are painful to watch. Times, Sunday Times
  • The peace of the island community had been brutally violated.
  • Against a backdrop of political intrigue, police corruption, and her own tortured history, she brutally exacts her revenge.
  • She was brutally attacked by two thugs. The Sun
  • Each day, transgender women of color, like Camila and Lashai, are tragic yet shining examples of those whose lives were brutally cut short due to senseless acts of violence. Ja'briel Walthour: One Day Our Change Will Come: A Call to Raise Awareness and End Violence Against Transgender Women of Color
  • The soundtrack becomes brutally tedious after 20 minutes or so.
  • The Viertel, an in vivo cultural and epistemic laboratory during the 1920s, was brutally eradicated by anti-Semitic and anti-democratic attacks. Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna
  • With brutally unforgiving winters, and summers of drought and fist-sized hailstones, these states practically beg travelers to keep on moving.
  • The Super 12 is a brutally tough competition, but the reality of being professional sportsmen is you've got to take the heat when you don't perform.
  • A pro - democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.
  • That's done quickly, brutally, the maw rising and falling in quick slashes and dumping the mud to the side.
  • No, they were massacred in their own places most brutally.
  • The reason, to precis him brutally, is because it's free.
  • He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.
  • The country has been able to celebrate the return of its independence so brutally snuffed out in 1940.
  • To be brutally honest/frank, you look fat in that dress.
  • Relief flared, briefly, brutally; then Joss hallooed just out of her sight, and she and Flirt rounded through eddying currents to see him banking in toward a cleft situated below the summit. Spirit Gate
  • Alas, vulturous Christmas shoppers had already picked brutally over the carcass of the shelves, and the choice was slim.
  • How long will it be before another English prop forward has publishers fighting over his life story, a tale so soaringly inspirational and brutally painful that printed words struggle to do it justice? Phil Vickery retains England World Cup dreams and a love for Take That
  • During the first 150 years the Jews twice rebelled against their Roman leaders, both rebellions were brutally put down, and were followed by stern restrictions on Jewish freedom.
  • Her art is less brutally frank, but no less provocative.
  • Her existence had been wiped brutally from the earth, and yet he was already thinking of her in nostalgic reminiscence.
  • Each inch of exposed skin burned hot from the cutting, sharp wind, chafing cheeks brutally until they were turned bright, candy cane red.
  • The undisputed champion of the world brutally demolished the raw challenger's resistance within two rounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • The predominance of industrial labor has to a large extent been replaced by the service sector in a brutally rapid transformation.
  • One last thing, there has been alot of glee in bashing this quiz from some of the bloggers, with people saying Wallace was “brutally ignorant”, or an “idiot”, or a “half-wit”. Led astray by the no-split-infinitives fetish « Motivated Grammar
  • To be brutally honest/frank, you look fat in that dress.
  • Some of these groups were brutally repressed by the dictator.
  • I've no doubt you will be the size of a toothpick by the time the camera starts rolling, but you will have had to brutally torture yourself to do it.
  • He enters, and finds two people brutally murdered.
  • The undisputed champion of the world brutally demolished the raw challenger's resistance within two rounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • You have to be brutally honest with yourself. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a freezing December night, with a full moon hovering in the black sky over New York City, two people are brutally murdered -- the death scenes marked by eerie, matching calling cards: moon-faced clocks investigators fear ticked away the victims 'last moments on earth. The Cold Moon by Jeffery Deaver: Book summary
  • Upon first arriving in Greenland, Katla is brutally raped by her master's son, Torvard. The Thrall's Tale: Summary and book reviews of The Thrall's Tale by Judith Lindbergh.
  • Although the plot is trashy and derivative, this film has some merit as a brutally effective series of gore and shocks.
  • What sort of individual gets joy out of the idea of brutally killing animals that wouldn't have infested your garden if you hadn't been a lazy ass and done what you'd planned? North Coast Journal Comments
  • To be brutally honest, if England weren't able to muster a fightback in this match then they should be forever branded as the worst to tour.
  • 'bootlicker' - Roy Keane was nothing if not brutally honest: when Gary Neville states that Ferguson is 'probably more interested in his horse (Rock of Gibraltar)' than managing the team, or openly criticises the sale of a major defender (Jaap Stam), then perhaps the opinion should be reassessed. British Blogs
  • It is a very unstable region, where changes can occur brutally.
  • The country has been able to celebrate the return of its independence so brutally snuffed out in 1940.
  • It is a brutally devastating story of an old woman forced to live out her days with haunting memories of her past as she monitors a men's bathroom.
  • So exhilarating was Joker's early output, he was able to get away with calling it not dubstep but "purple"; a name with the unintended consequence of making you think either of chocolate-box poetry or brutally potent marijuana. Joker: The Vision – review
  • An extreme and brutally clear case of differentiation by civic status appears in a 5th-century law-code published in southern Crete.
  • For a man whose lover had been brutally murdered the night before he seemed cheerful and composed.
  • Tension built until Elagabalus tried to have Alexander murdered, which rebounded on him; on 12 March 222 Elagabalus and Soaemias were themselves brutally assassinated. Caesars’ Wives
  • This sport can balance its favours brutally. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sight of this empty-headed dandified "masher" embittered me, and I reminded him rather brutally of ten shilling he had borrowed from me. Hunger
  • He launched repeated and brutally unenterprising attacks across the stone bridge which bears his name.
  • It is hard to picture the thoughts that must have passed through Charles's mind as he read the bitter triumphant pages that told how the man he had twice pilloried and then flung into prison for life had come out again, as he puts it brutally, to "unkennel that fox," his foe. Stray Studies from England and Italy
  • The short-lived rebellion, which called for an end to colonial rule and a return of the local feudal monarchy, was brutally crushed by British forces.
  • Written by Canadian author Bernice Thurman Hunter, this semi-autographical tale, despite its serious subject matter, is humorous and touching and brutally honest in its description of life during the Depression. Pajiba
  • It was a style unapologetic to traditional aesthetics, but alive to the needs and impulses of the moment: pared-down and vernacular in diction, unterrified of authority or manners, wisecracking, brutally frank except when it was hoaxing, joyously attuned to terrain, and above all, attuned to the fate and the legitimate viewpoint of the common man. Mark Twain
  • These nudities, brutally exposed, bloodstained, and in places bored with holes, attracted and detained him. Morgues in Parisian Popular Culture (1867)
  • Fifth Avenue shimmered beneath a sky as brutally bruised as her shoulder. CHAMELEON
  • His portrayal of a tortured child, brutally beaten into adult villainy gives depth to what is otherwise just your average mad, evil, genius hell-bent on destroying Earth.
  • A noble and lofty goal, the setup is an interesting one but the actual action is brutally difficult.
  • I think you are brutally honest and that's something I admire in a person, even when that brutal honesty is aimed at me.
  • It was nurtured during seemingly endless childhood summers of brutally unforgiving seaside picnics, where cheese and apple sandwiches were laced with sand to an almost ridiculous degree. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the movie, two men brutally raped, beat, defalcated and urinated on Samuel Jackson's daughter, and left her in a ditch to die. Etan Thomas: Memo to Huckabee: Jesus would not be Pro Death Penalty
  • Last week in the paper there was a shocking story of a young Iraqi lady who was brutally beaten around the head with a dumb-bell bar by her brother, who was ordered by her father to murder her. Islamic Barbarism & Savagery upon our streets
  • The major European bourgeoisies had become imperial powers, brutally exploiting their colonial possessions and often suppressing basic democratic rights at home.
  • If I'm brutally honest, I don't like her dress.
  • The film's brutally unromantic conception of religion is summed up in this one scene.
  • The undisputed champion of the world brutally demolished the raw challenger's resistance within two rounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • After Mary's murderer brutally kills his cousin and nearly liquidates McGee, Travis fakes his death at sea and covertly returns to Florida.
  • She had never been lectured so brutally, so heartlessly!
  • One of the most horrifying videos to date, released online in 2007, showed neo-Nazis brutally executing two men identified as a Tajik and a Daghestani. Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • The former is steady and unshaken, where the 'nodus' is 'dignus vindice'; the latter is oftener improperly than properly exerted, but always brutally. Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
  • He successfully crushed a bloody insurrection by violent Islamists in the 1990s; he suppressed, brutally at times, a growing prodemocracy protest movement that gained steam in 2003 to 2005; and he parried until recently Washington's attempt to force substantive democratic reforms on Egypt, made most forcefully during the years of the George W. Bush administration. An Abrupt End to a Powerful Reign
  • But the conversation languished, and in the ever-lengthening silences all found their thoughts reverting to the idea brutally expressed by Mr. Ryan: Muslin
  • Her writing is searingly honest, brutally revealing, and wickedly self-aware. Boing Boing
  • Birch was then brutally bayoneted to death, his face mutilated beyond recognition. A Covert Affair
  • But he decided to take home one item he knew Selassie did not want—a silver casket containing the baton of the hated Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, who had brutally ruled Ethiopia at one point during the Italian occupation. Wild Bill Donovan
  • There is nothing extreme about supporting armed Palestinian resistance - they are a besieged and brutally occupied people and have a right and duty to resits their occupiers. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Let's be brutally honest about this: you haven't a hope of succeeding.
  • He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.
  • I want the people who calculatingly and brutally murder others to pay severely for their heinous crimes.
  • A closeted, kilted singer is brutally rejected by his former partner who is now an unbalanced equilibrist.
  • They were caught on camera as they brutally attacked a man.
  • What I propose is a brutally mathematical system that nonetheless would be pretty straightforward.
  • Homemade herring rollmops: Many commercial versions use brutally acidic vinegar that kills the flavour of the fish, so it pays to do it yourself. The Guardian World News
  • It's painful to say that in front of them, but she was brutally murdered with a garrote, a device used like a noose with a handle.
  • When Malone's Copenhagen bookshop is burned to the ground, it becomes brutally clear that those responsible will stop at nothing to get what they want. The Alexandria Link by Steve Berry: Book summary
  • For unmanly men tend to two extremes: either soft and selfish, unwilling to support or defend others, or harsh and violent, accustomed to brutally taking whatever they want.
  • This appraisal is as tough, uncompromising and brutally simplistic as many of Brogden's law-and-order policies.
  • The peace of the island community had been brutally violated.
  • The brutally healthy boy contemns the female sex because he sees it incapable of his own athletic sports, but Godwin was one of those upon whose awaking intellect is forced a perception of the brain-defect so general in women when they are taught few of life's graces and none of its serious concerns, -- their paltry prepossessions, their vulgar sequaciousness, their invincible ignorance, their absorption in a petty self. Born in Exile
  • It has torn up sacred promises, which its Chancellor called "scraps of paper"; it has broken its word; it has ordered "acts of frightfulness" in the lands which it has conquered and on the high seas, with the idea of brutally forcing its will upon enemies and neutral countries alike. The World War and What was Behind It Or, the Story of the Map of Europe
  • And she really needs to stop telling the story of being the "dumpee" - she set that intention so early it was painful to see that she ended up becoming the most brutally dumped bachelorette ever. Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • That leaves it free to act as savagely and brutally as it needs to snuff out the last vestiges of revolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • His window looks out at a schoolboy being brutally arrested.
  • They began by brutally persecuting the Catholic Church.
  • Or the code can be brutally direct, as it is in Poussin's Rape of the Sabine Women, whereby the artist constructs a theater of heterosexual rape with a pictorial homosocial subtext--filling the intervals between male figures with the commutable spoils of swords, horses, and--yes--women, signifying an apparent hetero-male structure of commodity overlaid an otherwise evocative, but implicit, homoerotic voyeurism and phenomonology. G. Roger Denson: XX Chromosocial: Women Artists Cross The Homosocial Divide
  • All protest is brutally repressed by the regime.
  • Because if this campus indoctrination is as brutally effective as Warren says it is, his suggestions seem rather tame: Archive 2009-09-01
  • He's the world's best practiser, brutally dedicated. Times, Sunday Times
  • In August 1988, the regime brutally crushed student-led demonstrations that erupted after authorities (apparently on numerologists 'advice) abruptly demonetized many currency notes. Judicial Terror
  • Demetriou said he wondered day and night why his friend ended his life so brutally.
  • The surprising thing is that what emerges from such a brutally hard and unforgiving environment is a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.
  • The country has been able to celebrate the return of its independence so brutally snuffed out in 1940.

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