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How To Use Browse In A Sentence

  • Documents with extra-wide margins are now displayed in a browser with a horizontal scroll bar.
  • Once at 7K I quoted to him from Keats 'Endymion the lines about those people who "unpen their baaing vanities to browse away the comfortable green and juicy hay from human pastures. The Private Life of Henry Maitland
  • Lots of keyword-related tools, including a keyword stamper and keyword browser Software Archives
  • One way is to make it easier for a user to default to your engine - by embedding a toolbar on his desktop, say, or putting a search box into his browser window.
  • In addition to the usual bug fixes, the update is said to add not only a web browser and an email program, but a word processor and a spreadsheet.
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  • Books in digital format, also known as e-books, can be read on devices lacking the power and screen space to afford a regular Web browser.
  • mousetrapping" problem with your browser that won't let you get out of endless attempts to get the action you desire from clicking, close out of the browser completely by hitting ctrl-alt-del. and then terminating the browser. Undefined
  • You can browse and view images individually or in thumbnail mode.
  • Experiencing a rare moment alone, the busy mompreneur looked exhausted as she browsed through the store.
  • Do the same publishers who complain about Autolink also complain if different browsers display their websites in different ways?
  • Having browsed through this book, you've probably realized that despite the noise, stink, stupidity and self-destructiveness of Planet Earth, it's not a bad place to vacation.
  • Opening this file. html from Seamonkey or from Firefox browsers hold only text and a text reference ole0. bmp, that is no image visible. Undefined
  • When I try to add a Folder widget, the browse button is greyed out and I can't edit the preset chrome URL, which doesn't lead me anywhere. Four Experimental Firefox Extensions Worth An Extra Click | Lifehacker Australia
  • Oh, to wander into a clothes shop for a casual browse, he muses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Developers then create servlets that instantiate that class, use methods to replace the mock-up text with dynamically generated content and send the document to the user's browser.
  • Because the General section focuses more on the browser's look and feel, we'll skip this one.
  • Silverstein would not be drawn on future applications for the search engine, but media reports have suggested that the company is working on a version of the browser for mobile phones.
  • It now embraces most text formats, email messages and HTMLs, multimedia files, web browser histories, bookmarks and favourites.
  • You may also need to convert them to another format if you want to use a different web browser. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, the constraints of HTML and web browser technology prevent the reader from personalizing the files, although we have provided readers with a simple search engine, and some indexing and annotation.
  • This is a lovely book to browse through - full of inviting, colourful pictures and uncluttered text.
  • An example of multitasking would be: running your Internet browser and word processor at the same time.
  • It browses on ground cacti, is reported to not drink, and is superior in cursorial ability compared to other living species. Meet peccary # 4
  • The included apps -- described by some fuming customers as 'bloatware' -- such as 360 updates, a music shop and another Web browser, were also said not to even work due to network connectivity problems. Crave at CNET UK
  • It introduced the world to capacitive touchscreens and virtual keyboards and autocorrect and a real mobile web browser.
  • In your Web browser's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.
  • This is a book for browsers, easily read and studied, a few random pages at a time as the reader's time and interest permits.
  • I loved to browse in shops and look at shoes and clothes, necklaces and earrings. Christianity Today
  • This is an attractive and fascinating shop where one can visit the restaurant or just browse through shelves of semi-precious rocks and stones imported from all parts of the world.
  • People using graphical Web browsers who have poor eyesight or who forgot their reading glasses may be out of luck, too.
  • Copy a URL from a browser window or wherever, type % _tarrow in an IM window, and hit enter - you'll send a tinyarro. ws shortened version of the URL. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • Bricolage is an actively developed content management system with a browser-based interface.
  • Here is an important fact that sometimes surprises even veteran Internet surfers: you don't have to be connected to the Internet to use a Web browser!
  • It's not written like a business book, it's meant to be a book to browse through.
  • You can add new features to the browser, such as tools to quickly search and scroll through web pages. Times, Sunday Times
  • The company is now distributing software with the browser choice screen and has offered to extend the compliance period for an additional 15 months. Times, Sunday Times
  • As usual The Beatles have a massive presence with some very interesting articles, well worth a browse through all the items just for some of the stories.
  • While I am enjoying the sunshine, I browse the second hand bookstall.
  • And already the site of the house is undiscoverable, the location of the stone walls may be deduced from the configuration of the landscape, and I am renewing the battle, putting in angora goats to browse away the brush that has overrun Haska's clearing and choked Haska's apple trees to death. Chapter 37
  • AOL dialler and Firefox browser working very nicely so far, thank you.
  • On the new browsers, invalid CSS may break your page just as invalid HTML will.
  • Both browsers file addresses into folders for later retrieval, but approach the task from very different angles.
  • They are said to have passed a very "comfortable winter," subsisting largely upon the abundant game found in the new country, the oxen being supplied with plenty of browse from the trees. Living in Dryden: Early settlement
  • We also count the number of installs, which is the sum of requests for a small text file that a newly installed player requests the first time it is launched in the browser. full roast blend
  • Security threats often sneak in the back door via browser add - ons and plug - ins .
  • We talked about school, friends, family and browsed among all these various topics, usually complaining or moaning about them in some way.
  • To do this you must enter a series of numbers to your internet browser that brings up the router settings. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a gloriously air-conditioned shop halfway up the main drag, I could have happily browsed for hours, because it was so blissfully cool.
  • Jika device atau browser anda belum didukung oleh kami, cukup sebutkan jenis handphone anda pada komentar di halaman ini NetSains Mobile: Browsing di HP Makin Asyik – Netsains.Com
  • Philpott understood the gesture and browsed through the antiques until the lone customer had left the shop.
  • Chrome (beta) launched today - Google's New Browser « Welcome to ~S'moy's~ World Chrome (beta) launched today - Google's New Browser « Welcome to ~S'moy's~ World: SachinKRaj - The Blog
  • The fraudsters will also ensure that the site is encrypted and appears safe, with a padlock appearing in users' browsers. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, because of their preference to browse, goats are most efficient in the conversion of browse to lean tissue.
  • No, I am a man of patience, and if I didn’t have these four-hour delays – I wouldn’t get the chance to eat salmon club sandwiches at the Mountain Lodge Bar & Grill (a little chewy, but it did taste salmony), browse the books at Coles (is it just me, or is there a lot of Obama books out these days? Dispatch From Purgatory » Dave Brosha Photography
  • I find it much better than shoehorning e-mail through a WAP browser.
  • The BEA example above just gives an error message when pasted into another browser.
  • TCP, one of the main protocols used on the Internet, uses a three-way handshake to connect your browser to the Web site you want.
  • And the main advantage is that a prospective reader can browse through endless tomes by unknown authors in their own home.
  • It appears blank, having completely foxed the browser.
  • To browse the groups, click inside the Newsgroups window and scroll up and down using your arrow keys or mouse wheel.
  • Sign up to the newsletter and get freebies without having to browse the site. The Sun
  • Turtles, green and hawksbill, still browse among the sponges and coral of the reefs.
  • Global advertising agency Bartle Bogle Hegarty's online portfolio which allows the user to browse either globally or via regional versions that are supported by local languages.
  • Browsers are the way for users to interact with the cloud, he said.
  • It was slow to introduce a mobile phone app, the preferred way for fashionistas to browse and shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • ClickJacking is the latest browser-based security problem to crawl out of the wood work.
  • The shopping arcade is a stroll-and-browse region and the preserve of medium tempo Lawrence Welk.
  • Minimizing grazing impact is not difficult, Antonio Manzanares says, since sheep are natural browsers and like to keep moving.
  • They allow browser programmers to ignore the complex networking code necessary to support every firewall protocol and concentrate on important client issues.
  • The browser allows users to group the people they follow on Twitter and more easily organise the messages they receive. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the Import Wizard dialog box (Figure 6. Branching – Import document), select Microsoft Word document and then browse to the previously stored file and click Next.
  • Browse through our current course catalog, which contains undergraduate and graduate program curriculum and course listings.
  • An essential stop on the road to West Clare is the town of Ennis, and no visit would be complete without a browse around Custy's Traditional Music Shop.
  • Now you can use all Flash format advantages, such as compactness, easy distribution, high compatibility with all browsers and OSs. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • In the next window, browse to the file's location on your hard drive and select it, then click Next.
  • This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
  • Until then use the Safari browser to go to youtube. Times, Sunday Times
  • Look for the padlock or unbroken key in the bottom of your browser window to check you are using a secure website. Times, Sunday Times
  • About half an hour ago, Microsoft introduced a beta-test version of the next release of its Internet Explorer Web browser. Microsoft posts Internet Explorer 9 beta
  • November is also the month of seat sales and while there are people who cannot walk past a shoe store without stopping to browse, I cannot pass up a bargain flight.
  • He also mentions that visual browsers can display it as a tooltip or on the status line.
  • The comfortable spaciousness of the centre makes shoppers to browse in the most leisurely fashion away from the harsh elements outside.
  • Maori wrasse, sweetlips, trevallies, grouper and every variety of Indo-Pacific coral browser hover around.
  • It is possible to perform a title keyword search or browse by legal topic. SOQUIJ Updates Its Legal Newsletters Database
  • It also condenses some account-specific links under a gear icon, like the settings button in Google's Chrome browser. Faster Forward: Google socializes search further, redesigns nav bar
  • Understory vegetation varies with elevation; at lower elevations, antelope bitterbrush is important winter browse for deer. Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
  • There are pubs and lounge bars to unwind in, hep streets to walk on, nice shops and glittering malls to browse in and cafes to relax in.
  • Click for our special Xmas card (if you have Java enabled on your browser).
  • For example, if we used our example thesaurus above and typed E.G., "browser ie" in the "All words" field, it would look for "+browser +ie" - it would no longer allow MSDN Blogs
  • Many email programs, newsreaders, RSS feeds, and web browsers have the ability to ‘disable images’.
  • This is because most of the current major browsers are still very forgiving of html mistakes, however future browsers will become more html compliant as the Internet advances.
  • Think of the browser as a train carrying you from destination to destination.
  • Now Organic's head tech geck, the 26-year-old is one of the leading forces behind making seamless multimedia on the Web accessible to anyone, regardless of browser type or connection speed. The Net 50
  • Eric Hahn will replace Marc Andreessen, the 26-year-old wonder boy who helped to write the Mosaic browser.
  • This pleasing prodigality would be easier to browse if the columns of text were not so close-set.
  • And some information is aimed at those book browsers who are interested in biographical details concerning more artistic and intellectual matters.
  • Above the keyboard are four shortcut buttons that can be programmed to the applications of your choice but default to email and your web browser.
  • Basically, I am in "reactivity" mode when I open up my browser, and I like it not. Brooke Siler: Is Your Inbox Full of Reactivit-E-Mail?
  • Firefox is one of several browsers (including Opera and Apple Computer's Safari) that have emerged with exciting new features, such as "tabbing" (to easily navigate multiple sites) and full support for the hot new RSS technology (which lets you "subscribe" to Web sites). Periscope
  • The moz-border-radius is understood by all mozilla based browsers such as Firefox. Web Teacher › Style a fieldset with rounded corners using CSS
  • As we mount higher and higher, we find commoner books, in shabbier bindings; but there is still the same order preserved, each book being numbered according to a printed catalogue. from The Book Browser’s Guide by Roy Harley Lewis. Big Box Bookstore of the 1790s
  • I can browse the full web on a 50$ java phone or an iphone or a droid which is actually awesome. Boy Genius Report
  • A casual browse through company archive reinforces the premium placed on craftsmanship throughout Mackintosh's 102-year history.
  • What is therefore happening with these particular ads is that the sniffer used to detect browser type is finding two browsers and happily serving two ads at once, thus busting the margins.
  • Philpott understood the gesture and browsed through the antiques until the lone customer had left the shop.
  • At the bottom of the hill the little second-hand book shop stocks treasures for those with time to browse. Times, Sunday Times
  • The list of new innovations by other browsers is pretty small. Thoughts on Opera Unite | FactoryCity
  • The cursor position at the time an event occurs (such as a click or a mouseover) gets stored on an event object, which is handled slightly differently by the different browsers.
  • Press the "reload" button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version.
  • HeapAnalyzer reads a single Java memory dump (heap dump) and enables you to browse through the dump to view its contents.
  • There are some farmers however who manage fenced in browsers who view the worms with concern as competitors for the mopane tree leaves.
  • HTML "onload" event as an indicator of when the browser has finished navigating to a webpage. IEBlog
  • In case you are not a regular browser of the business section of your local bookstore, let me describe a typical example of the genre.
  • You will need to close your browser and re-start the proxy server or use our bookmarklet to jump back into the proxy server.
  • After a relaxing browse around the craft shops and boutiques, we hit the sightseeing trail again. The Sun
  • Portlaw 2000 was set up by award-winning amateur photographer Sean O'Brien as a special project commemorating the Millennium and can now be seen by net browsers all over.
  • Pranjal: @Rhonda - use firefox browser, Stop using IE, www. Pranjal: @mike - try again as they always say! it will work eventually. mike: I uploaded the 2.1 and still get dropped calls.
  • In drawing me into the project they'd supplied me with a batch of research materials, which I'd browsed unsystematically, as well as a working version of their reconstruction of the film, in order for me to glean what the excitement was about. Excerpt: Chronic City by Jonathan Lethem
  • Users can highlight text and move it onto a note-taking platform of choice, or take notes right inside the browser that are synchronized across devices.
  • To the left of the playlist is the navigation, where you can browse for the videos you want. MSNBC Begins Beta Testing New Video Player « ResourceShelf
  • For example, my recent browse of the description of the Werckmesiter Harmonies, an austerely beautiful black and white film by the Hungarian director, Bela Tarr led me via Netflix's Cinematch recommendation system to the Devil's Backbone by the Mexican filmmaker, Guillermo del Toro; a look at the terrifically exciting 60s thriller Blow Up led me to Nicholas Roeg's 70s thriller Don't Look Now. Tom Silva: Netflix Opens a Pandora's Box
  • The staff are longing to sell the two hundredweight bags of sawdust that make up most of the stock, but the browsers go straight past those to stick their fingers in the reptile cage.
  • Unfortunately, just watching the address bar on your Internet browser won't inform you of any hijacks.
  • Katy, who had "browsed" all through her childhood in a good old-fashioned library, had her memory stuffed with all manner of little scraps of information and literary allusions, which now came into use. What Katy Did Next
  • That's promised to be a triband handset using Microsoft's HTML browser.
  • In hindsight, the title browse was easier to use than the other five browse options. Archive 2007-05-01
  • All are welcome to come along and browse among the many goods on sale.
  • She focuses on what is useful to a painter today in the historical traditions through which she lovingly browses.
  • As Obi-Wan Kenobi browses the dragon corral, he sees a particularly energetic dragon toss aside a diminutive wrangler, dropping him into a pool of mucky water.
  • Visitors will be able to browse around bring and buy stalls, enjoy refreshments and take part in a game of croquet.
  • Buyers can check out the selection online and reserve the car of their choice, or visit a showroom and browse the vehicles under one roof. The Sun
  • If possible, there should also be shelves on family bookcases that they can also browse.
  • They cannot take payment but can fill up while drivers browse forecourt shops. The Sun
  • Many of the extinct marsupial megafauna were large, herbivorous browsers, some weighing several tons.
  • Would a browser in a bookstore notice that these books were somehow different, cheaper perhaps?
  • Within each view, certain shows are automatically Featured, but you can browse programme titles alphabetically: A Consuming Experience (full feed)
  • The challenge is keeping the web browser bookmarks, address books, an calendars on each machine in sync.
  • A pattern should quickly emerge of what they are up to; usually a circuit will become apparent with them every now and again dropping down to browse on certain spots.
  • Just browse the map online. The Sun
  • Coleraine is the next drop off for a browse and the day will be completed with evening tea at the Bowhill Hotel, Coleraine.
  • With many browsers and server programs available, Netscape will lose its dominant position in the business.
  • And naught to happen in all that time, save that once we did see a great beast to come upward lumbersome out of the sea on to the shore, and there did eat and browse upon the herbage in that part; or so it did seem to us; though, truly, we did be over far off to have surety. The Night Land
  • They want to use a customised version to help their overseas operatives communicate home and browse without blowing their cover.
  • Until then use the Safari browser to go to youtube. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is being incorporated into the World Wide Web browsers such as NetScape, giving it a wider audience.
  • We went on, stopping occasionally to browse, and I was successfully dissuading myself from buying anything when I saw it.
  • Also the main widget view for the netbook is based on flicking widgets, this gives an infinite vertical space for our widgets, because the free layout of a desktop isn't space-efficient enough for a small screen, so a layout that can be "browsed" like exactly an actual newspaper, feels more natural there. Planet KDE
  • browse a computer directory
  • Sorry if this is a repost, my browser here at work is struggling to deal with the load of comments.
  • I had a browse through the books on his desk.
  • One of the design goals for XSLT was to make it possible to transform data from one format to another on a server, returning readable data to all kinds of browsers .
  • While it would be technically possible to encrypt the data between a keyboard and browser, it probably wouldnt be a generally workable solution and would require a plugin in the browser to 'decrypt' the data, rather than encrypt it. from the product of the trend micro website Geekzone: IT, mobility, wireless and handheld news
  • The update for the media browser add-on for Web browsers added the ability to tag Web-based content as favorites.
  • Upgrade by downloading a browser that supports web standards, and chances are that you'll have a far better online experience not only on this site, but - ooh, I dunno - at least ten or twelve others.
  • Set your browser to regularly delete cookies.
  • Having worked up an appetite watching the Jonas Brothers perform at their local shipping centre, the famous family headed off to the shops and browsed through the aisles picking out fruit, vegetables, soft drinks and herbs, no doubt choosing what to have for their dinner that evening. Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » The Beckham Bunch Goes Grocery Shopping
  • For the casual browser, there are plenty of short films to watch, plus you can download numerous screenplays submitted by aspiring writers.
  • Sign up to the newsletter and get freebies without having to browse the site. The Sun
  • The more you add, the less room there is for the browser to display the Web pages you find with the toolbars.
  • I enjoyed this book, which is made for a browser's pleasure and edification.
  • For your money, you get the client software that connects your browser to QuikCAT's server, which grabs your email from your ISP, or web pages your browser has requested, compresses the content and then squirts it down the line to you.
  • They can sink into leather recliners with cup holders and watch TV, browse the bookshelves and enjoy a non-alcoholic beverage. Fun for the Whole Family: The Long Wait in Line
  • The Web site will let users find out about the show, browse the daters' bios and vote on who they'd match up.
  • In Template Explorer click on the Open Folder icon to browse for a folder containing templates.
  • You may also need to convert them to another format if you want to use a different web browser. Times, Sunday Times
  • When they browse they move upwind, carefully sniffing and sifting the air for danger, their sharp-sighted eyes constantly on the alert.
  • Fewer people will be able to render it correctly, though for various reasons, but most often the font employed doesn't contain the precomposed polytonic characters and the browser can't adequately substitute for them. FOUR BASIC PHRASES.
  • Most Web browsers change the mouse cursor when the mouse is over a clickable target.
  • He sold his computer and "had someone put a lock on my phone where I cannot access the Internet through a non-filtered browser."
  • For web developers interested in HTML5, this article looks at support for the specification from the point of view of industry — browser makers and software developers. Web Teacher › Useful links: Internet history, professionalism, font embedding, iPods in education
  • The Dixieland Jazz Band played background music, while people browsed the arcade's shops, including a hair salon, a home furnishing shop and a travel agents.
  • Not all browsers support CSS3 at the current time, which means that the transition effect will only work on certain browsers or when webkit and moz and Opera workarounds are added to the rule. Web Teacher › CSS3 Transitions: The basics
  • I get a message about the cropper not working in my browser!
  • You download this program, install it, and your browser will call on it when need be.
  • As well as being used for text input, the device will also allow users to navigate the desktop and browse the web.
  • Rather, it would seem much more felicitous to use it as a reference book (as the dust jacket itself notes), to be dipped into or browsed again and again.
  • I have run into a few problems because of browser incompatibility in the design of the site.
  • McKinley and Excite currently command two of the five most prominent spots for search engines on the Netscape browser home page.
  • It's an easy place - the third space after office or college and home, a meeting place where you can browse through magazines, talk with friends, and relax.
  • The gallery has put its entire collection online and art lovers can either browse or search by topic. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is accomplished in the Web by using a core browser or application that is augmented by supporting applications.
  • Be sure to check out what all the toolbar buttons do, and browse through the help section, too.
  • Some browsers accept numbers between those two, and fewer support “extrabold” value 900. The Recent Commented Posts list is back! Thank you, Michael!
  • Later I got a modem so I could browse the uni network from home.
  • We evited friends to set up a “boutique” and sell their own stuff—or just browse and breakfast. The Swell Dressed Party
  • I browse around religious bookshops and find so little that strikes a chord with me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Woolley browsed this area, changing course and height every fifteen or twenty seconds to confuse the gunners.
  • Chris was also converting images into DIVs, and he probably noticed that as the DIV count increased on screen, the browsers would crap out.
  • Occasionally you'll find one where the layout is a little off, but, unless their using something like ActiveX to do something complicated, they are still readable in other browsers. Boing Boing
  • She browsed the shelves for something interesting to read.
  • This is a lovely book to browse through - full of inviting, colourful pictures and uncluttered text.
  • Next, I did a browser search and found an article called "How to Clean The Inside of a Glass Bottle" aka decanter, at TipNuts. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The company is now distributing software with the browser choice screen and has offered to extend the compliance period for an additional 15 months. Times, Sunday Times
  • The internet browser is also interesting and will work with any USB keyboard or mouse. The Sun
  • On internet browsers parts of the text are highlighted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Press the "reload" button on your web browser to refresh the site and get the most current version.
  • Everything is easily accessible to the customer, who is left free to browse until assistance is needed.
  • There are some blogs that you return to again and again, not just to read the latest entry but to browse the archive of past musings.
  • We feel no need to drip ice lollies as we browse - the library has a perfectly good café. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whilte you are at it, you can also adjust the title feed if you want the web browser to say something other than "Blog Name RSS Feed. Undefined

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