How To Use Brown-haired In A Sentence
A few girls giggled and a brown-haired boy yelled out an apology amidst a smile.
The neo-fascist brown-haired guy who believes in racial purity.
Think Progress » Ingraham: Americans Are Saying ‘Maybe That Bush Guy Wasn’t Quite As Bad As We Thought’
Emily, the youngest was brown-haired and had inconstant hazel eyes that commonly bordered on green.
What an interesting pair they must have made - Love tall and fair-haired and Barrett quite the opposite, brown-haired and squat.
Gradually, he passed, and Bingham looked deeply into the near distance, away from the man, as if he were watching for something specific, and had been before the man and his brown-haired, frumpish nurse came into his sight.
Free Time
The female suspect is described as heavyset and brown-haired, between 5 feet 2 inches and 5 feet 5 inches tall. | news
He is trim, brown-haired, nice-looking for a regular guy; babelike for a scientist.
Brian Greene's restaurant at the end of the parallel universe
He was a handsome person in his florid, full-fed way, ruddy and brown-haired and aware of his consequence.
The brown-haired boy mussed his hair in exasperation, growling in his frustration.
Even so, I did not leave the young, brown-haired man in complete despair and ruin.
Original Tony, you sorry, ignorant dolt: look at a light-skinned, brown-haired Ashkenazi Jew; then look at a light-skinned, dark-haired Bene Romi from central Italy; then look at a tanned, curly-haired Sephardi from (originally) Iraq; then look at a negro Falasha Jew from Ethiopia; then at a brown-skinned, smooth-haired Cochin Jew from southern India; and explain, if you can, how these are all from one race.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
There was a baby in a sling on her back, a brown-haired boy clinging to her hand and skirt, and another, slightly older boy lurking in her shadow.
I am from a cross-cultural family with a mother from Delhi, India and an English brown-haired, blue-eyed father.
Dad was about five-foot-eight of brown-haired game show loser, a sausage-eating mutt in his mid-thirties, growing dewlaps and a gut, dressed in shorts and a Six Flags Over Georgia T-shirt.
Dimtra pushed out her bottom lip in a strop, before she noticed the brown-haired Prince next to our father.
The brown-haired man stood, scraping the chair back, and held his hand out to her across the desk.
Suddenly a brown-haired stallion came galloping out of the brush.
Smiling, the brown-haired Caucasian man, now proud that he endorsed his own intuitiveness, escorted me down a stairway, then through a long, concrete tunnel-like corridor.
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