
How To Use Brothel In A Sentence

  • According to the pirate legend, after months at sea, pillaging and singing sea chanties, the marauders had to stop in at a pirate-friendly settlement to unload their looted cargo, load up on supplies, and visit the local taverns and brothels. Loaded Guns, Barrels of Rum, and a Silk Ribbon
  • Whenever Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell might be tempted to act collegially, Tom Coburn (who asked America to pray that some senators — meaning ailing Sen. Robert Byrd — didn't make it to the chamber last month to vote), Jim DeMint (who hopes to "break" Obama), and David Vitter (whose adventures in New Orleans's brothels don't appear to have induced any humility) are there to set McConnell right. You Ain’t No Friend of Mine
  • There would also be a dozen girls from the brothel in attendance, they would provide colour, and nothing more.
  • So I agree with "shinyteapot", add a Dany scene so the viewer sees her struggle. hell, they're already added the brothel scene to help character development, so that barndoor is already open. Episode 2: What comes next?
  • With legalised brothels the prostitutes could be forced to have regular check ups for STD's.
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  • Across the mountains, in Kosovo, there is 60% unemployment and small brothels are strung along the back streets of almost every town.
  • Pericles is without doubt a very silly play, probably Shakespeare's silliest (and the silly bits are shared evenly between the bits he wrote and the bits by brothel-keeper and part-time playwright George Wilkins). Susan Boyle
  • Some call them a joke, poseurs who pastiche the look, moves and sound of classic, brothel-creeping rock'n'roll; others call them the coolest band in the world.
  • I say funnily enough because right across the road from the railway station is The Daily Planet which the time was Australia's largest brothel.
  • The local bartender runs a brothel, prostituting his own wife for kicks.
  • As the only one of the white lady volunteers who spoke the language of the Chinese inmates, Pearl heard atrocious accounts of physical and mental abuse, violence, torture, starvation, and rape inflicted on girls thrown out or sold by their families into forced labor, working in brothels or as domestic slaves terrorized by the mistress of the household and passed from hand to hand by the master, his sons, and his menservants. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • In the 19th century, most of the brothels of the East were staffed by Japanese girls, or they were sold to factories as indentured textile workers.
  • For a moment I thought it must be an exclusive brothel, for we were in a great salon all plush and gilt and mirrors, with thick carpet and velvet divans and curtains looped back by silver cords, and Junoesque females of perfect complexion drifting about. THE NUMBERS
  • Her researches lead her to a Viennese brothel where the aged madam reveals the secret of the painting.
  • With religion bestialized and its management regulated wholly with an idea to the gratification of man's sensuous desires, religious temples, under the supervision of the priesthood, became brothels, in which were openly practiced as part and parcel of religious rites and ceremonies the most wanton profligacy and the most shameless self-abandonment. The God-Idea of the Ancients
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marque type Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Continuing to demand a percentage from madams within the new districts, grafting officials increased the protection fees for brothels operating outside of the district's limits.
  • He used to visit a brothel in Paris.
  • It still looks eerily like what it is - a city abandoned, with its theatres, villas, bathhouses, temples, brothels, squares and markets all laid out like architectural organs after an autopsy.
  • Married for 29 years, he acknowledges he visited brothels as a sailor in the communist era.
  • Their marriage began unpropitiously when the groom - intending to instruct his bride in her marital duties - took her to watch a display of graphic lovemaking in a brothel.
  • Most Dutch genre, however, depicted the life of the better-off, often in scenes of household life, but also in markets, barrack rooms, taverns, inns, and brothels.
  • I am strangely drawn to a scungy flophouse which, as the night advances, turns out be a brothel.
  • its brothels, its opium parlors, its depravity
  • Underneath, I guessed, the silent town had its own nightlife, the pubs and the brothels.
  • ‘Some of the people visiting the house are very unsavoury characters,’ she said, speaking in 2003 when the Evening Press first exposed the brothel.
  • If you like I could always send a note to Eileen, the madam of the brothel, getting her to collaborate my story.
  • Chesterton said, “Every man who knocks on the door of a brothel is looking for God.” "The Playboy and the Pope"
  • A guy whose catamite boyfriend runs a homosexual brothel out of their house. Matthew Yglesias » Change . . . If You Want It
  • I think prostitution itself is legal… it's not legal to solicit or run a brothel.
  • Recently, I wondered aloud about the seemingly substantial number of Great Writers who suffered brothel-related misadventures/trauma in pubescence.
  • The story of May-li and her journey from a poor farming home in Fujian, China, to a brothel in Los Angeles is one that Eve will fight to tell and will never forget. The Jasmine Trade: Summary and book reviews of The Jasmine Trade by Denise Hamilton.
  • Her approach to the métier was unorthodox - she and two female associates ran a brothel co-operative in an apartment on St-Urbain.
  • However, in talking with Aunt Deb who helps run Bellas, the woman/family owned and run brothel and she talks about her frustration with working with so many girls whos minds are stuck at the age of 14 and who need so much repetetive direction around basic things. WSWM ranch, Heidi’s stud ranch and male priviledge « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Instead, it is about the decriminalisation of the peripheral businesses surrounding prostitution - such things as pimping, brothel keeping, trafficking in young women, and drugs.
  • It became an offence for anyone in charge of children to allow them to bet in public places or to enter brothels.
  • In 1914, a fire at the school killed eight boys, who were locked in a dormitory while their guards frolicked at a local brothel. Jon Jefferson: Strange Bedfellows: What's a Nice Liberal Like Me Doing in Bed With a Tea Party Governor?
  • The depths of poverty make the area easy pickings for brothel agents, or Aunties, as the procurers of young girls are known locally.
  • ‘I just wonder how many of the 63 per cent who want a brothel would like it next to them,’ said Mr McCue, who works with the police to monitor vice activity.
  • I think that one of the reasons why sex workers typically live at brothels while they work there is because they are way out in sparsely populated areas, so people come in from other places to work. Legalizing Las Vegas Brothels « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Likewise the supply of the service may be contrary to law, for example, in a brothel or an unlicensed casino.
  • They were children and young women marked for sale into brothels and whorehouses.
  • This in turn would mean the prostitutes would get better business in the brothels.
  • The Serbo-Croatians, for instance, picked up the English word nylon, but took it to mean a kind of shabby and disreputable variation, so that a nylon hotel is a ` brothel 'while a nylon beach is where nudists frolic. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVII No 4
  • The bars and brothels provided steady work for the piano players who had developed ragtime.
  • ‘Some of the people visiting the house are very unsavoury characters,’ she said, speaking in 2003 when the Evening Press first exposed the brothel.
  • Two popular soccer players were sentenced to 170 lashes last month after they were arrested at a brothel.
  • Only thirty pages after pocketing the crubeen and trotter does he arrive at the brothel of Mrs. Cohen, the Circe stand-in. 'Making the Wrong Joyce': An Exchange
  • We next hear of her as servant-maid in a Piccadilly brothel, a lupanar much patronized by wealthy émigrés from France, among whom was Louis-Henri-Joseph, Duc de Bourbon and later Prince de Condé, a man at that time of about fifty-four. She Stands Accused
  • A comparison can be made to a group of marble figures recovered from a brothel in Pompeii.
  • There was always some sort of gang fights or drug rings or brothels around here.
  • Do you think showing people how to set up a child brothel is acceptable? Think Progress » Fox News Devastated Over Arrest Of ACORN Pimp, Says The Story Probably Needs ‘A Lot Of Context’
  • Although the dance epitomises the glamour and elegance of high society, the Argentine tango originated in the underbelly of society - its brothels.
  • Also included in the art of this period were images of prostitutes and demi-mondaines who became identified with the decadent pleasures of the cabarets and brothels of Montmartre.
  • I†™ ve got the Final Fantasy section of the catalog here, ” she offered, pulling out a well-worn and dog-eared magazine that held some of the brothel†™ s most popular products. “Oh, no thank you, ” said the girl, blushing. “I can pick another one on my own. ” She chewed her lip for a moment, then spoke up again timidly. “Do you have, ah, a Spike? ” “Spiegel? 365 tomorrows » Personal Taste : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Kirk accompanies Moore on a ride to his desert bordello, stays in a trailer known as the Fantasy Bungalow, prays with brothel staff and learns a thing or two about heartbreak, burro races, and uncontrollable grief and lust.
  • Women of colour become workers in maquiladoras and sweatshops in the south and up north, and they are trafficked for the global sex trade, as mail order brides or as prostitutes in brothels.
  • When he left, he went to a brothel, cut off his lower earlobe and left it with a prostitute named Rachel, asking her to “keep this object carefully”. Five People Born on March 30 | myFiveBest
  • Your being caught in a raid on a brothel is an offense. A Simple Case
  • D.L. E.N. C., with which the advertisement concludes, is thought to stand for -- si quis domi lenocinium exerceat ne conducito: "let no one apply who keeps a brothel. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • With a whole new series of wallpapers and floors in leopard-print and fake gold, you can decorate your brothel to give it that gaudy, tawdry look that will have the punters coming back for more.
  • He then “abandoned himself” to dissipations readily available in Shanghai, disappearing from headquarters for months at a time into the brothels on the Kiangsi Road the red-light district, contracting venereal disease several times and apparently becoming sterile. The Last Empress
  • Inevitably, the bad guys are now cashing in - bringing everything from in-game fraud and protection rackets to gang-controlled digital brothels.
  • Graham arrived in Seattle in 1888 and soon opened an immaculately appointed brothel in the Pioneer Square area. A Renegade History of the United States
  • This time it's "Brothel Justice," a criminous SF tale by Sandra Seamans. Archive 2009-01-18
  • On the back of this agitation, the new law entrenched police powers to close down brothels and punish soliciting.
  • Vice thrived in its most sordid and elegant forms, from squalid opium dens and off-the-street brothels… to the decorum and plush luxuriance of the so-called French restaurants. Frank Norris
  • He was rash enough to plead the cause of feminine education and at the same time to urge public control of brothels.
  • Sailor mongering was rife in the 19th century when brothels sent prostitutes laden with booze to lure sailors off their ships as they made their way to harbor.
  • Southwark has long been the dark side of London, with the southern banks of the Thames home to brothels, bear-baiting and some bloke called William Shakespeare.
  • On the evening of the Feud, Jenni turns up in an all-in-one black jumpsuit, and Wolfie is "dressed to kill in an electric-blue ska suit and white vinyl brothel-creepers with steel toecaps inlaid". City of Bohane by Kevin Barry – review
  • People who work on the streets generally are younger than your average sex worker in a brothel.
  • Women of the brothel were said to wear transparent cloth, and vase-painters paid great attention to how much of a woman's body was visible beneath her draperies, an indication of her sexual availability and/or the quality of the material.
  • In the port of Cadiz, he made drawings of prostitutes on the street and in brothels.
  • Two women were arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the management of a brothel and a man, in his 30s, was arrested outside on suspicion of being in possession of a class A drug.
  • Does he mind the public knowing that he has visited lap-dancing clubs and brothels?
  • While I was doing that sentence my other case for running a brothel and living off immoral earnings came up.
  • He was convinced that the real target for the arsonist was a brothel in the next street, Leopold Crescent. Some by Fire
  • Her chance came in this 15 th-century tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas about a madam at a brothel who agrees to help a nobleman seduce a young virgin.
  • Then there are the traffickers in the destination countries - the madams of the brothels, and the middlemen involved in the provision of labour.
  • But, worldwide, millions - billions - of dollars are made out of prostitution, and I believe that this bill is about the opportunity to increase the profit for pimping and for brothel keeping.
  • PS sexual exploitation of brothel personnel is a far more honest form of abuse, since at least it is payed, meaning the service offered is in genuine demand. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Case Studies on the Minimum Wage
  • Even after having spent so many years in the servile conditions of the workhouse, and then the brothel, I still had the urge to say my piece, but I'd learnt that sometimes it was wiser not to.
  • Some forms of disorder became more discreet, as law enforcers concentrated brothels in red-light districts and compelled madams to shield prostitution from public view.
  • The City of South Sydney has taken the bold step of trialling safe house brothels.
  • There were no brothels in the colony you see before we came - but every town now has a fair selection.
  • Traffickers are paid a sum of money for each woman and girl they deliver to a brothel or pimp.
  • Of course, there are the complaints of Joyce's brother St.nislaus and the testimony of others that Joyce, especially after his mother's death in August 1903, often visited the brothels (the "kips") of Dublin's Nighttown, together with two of his friends, the medical students Vincent Cosgrave and Oliver St. John Gogarty. Making a Man of Joyce
  • A comparison can be made to a group of marble figures recovered from a brothel in Pompeii.
  • “A sort of homicidal lunatic’s brothel in a crypt” was how Maurice Richardson characterized the temptingly ill-concealed psychopathology of the vampire legend, adding that Dracula in particular was “a kind of incestuous, necrophilous, oral, anal-sadistic all-in wrestling match”. What Would Buffy Think? « So Many Books
  • In other news, Blunkett is apparently looking at decriminalising brothels in a bid to make prostitutes safer.
  • There is no extant attestation for the third member of Awa's coven, Monique, a female brothel-keeper who wants to be a gunner and gets her chance at the 1522 Battle of La Bicocca, where the Swiss pikemen marched to their first decisive defeat, by powder and shot. The Enterprise of Death
  • In the brothel and nightclub strip, crime bosses got the green light to organise prostitution and illegal gambling rackets.
  • The owner had known me for a long time and asked me if I could run a brothel.
  • The obscure law originally directed at brothel owners who would solicit arriving sailors with liquor and prostitutes, has been used only twice, first in 1872 and again in 1890.
  • While still a teenager Picasso mixed with older boys who took him with them to brothels in Barcelona and Madrid.
  • He owned the building where the brothel was housed and the business was registered in his name, she said.
  • There were no brothels in the colony you see before we came - but every town now has a fair selection.
  • It was also here that the music and dance of the tango, once described as vertical flirting, was born among the brothels and bordellos of Necochea, a street that today is lined with pizzerias, cantinas and gift shops.
  • He was rash enough to plead the cause of feminine education and at the same time to urge public control of brothels.
  • The report states that immigration authorities have found evidence of 250 brothels in 26 cities where victims of trafficking are working.
  • Three illegal immigrants have been deported after a suspected brothel was raided in a village.
  • This parcel he took to a local brothel and presented to a prostitute he knew.
  • His paternal grandfather was lodged in a local asylum and his aunt ran a brothel in Copenhagen.
  • The streets were filled with alehouses, gambling dens and brothels, and the public was entertained by street performers, playhouses, and spectacles such as bear baiting.
  • On the evening of the Feud, Jenni turns up in an all-in-one black jumpsuit, and Wolfie is "dressed to kill in an electric-blue ska suit and white vinyl brothel-creepers with steel toecaps inlaid". City of Bohane by Kevin Barry – review
  • Southwark has long been the dark side of London, with the southern banks of the Thames home to brothels, bear-baiting and some bloke called William Shakespeare.
  • She was aware of the King's private brothel, the Parc-aux-Cerfs, but most biographers and historians dismiss the charges that she procured young women for him as malicious court gossip.
  • The secret lapel cameras and mobile car lenses of yesteryear coupled with the two way mirrors of brothels in discreet and affluent London addresses which collated intelligence on KGB suspects and assets of Bolshevikism have now it seems given way to the very easy to spot digital camera held aloft by plod. Indymedia Ireland
  • The description of being drunk on too much wine and going into brothels made me think how little modern-day life has changed.
  • Those provisions exist largely because it is recognised that people who operate brothels, who procure and live off the earnings of prostitutes, are essentially in an exploitative relationship.
  • Rather, poorly lit stairways, rickety bed frames, dirty sex aids and repetitive movement injuries are among the chief dangers brothel workers face in New South Wales.
  • Often it isn't the actual prostitution that is illegal but certain activities associated with it such as: soliciting, kerb crawling, brothel keeping, living off immoral earnings and so on.
  • I have to go right back almost to slavery to think of anything more exploitative than what we are proposing to do in this bill in terms of brothel keeping, pimping, and procuring.
  • With Matt as the spokesperson, drugs houses and brothels did not last long in the area.
  • Forget for a moment the season's immoral spending and hear the tale of the Edinburgh madam whose brothel was a thorn in the side of the residents of upmarket Stockbridge.
  • Most beds would have collapsed beneath Conan's considerable weight alone, but the beds in Turanian brothels were build to stand heavy usage, as well they should. Archive 2010-02-01
  • A thousand, two thousand dollars -- maybe three, for a choice mustee wench, fancy-bred, only nineteen, and schooled in a New Orleans brothel! Flash For Freedom
  • The recession has taken its toll on a Berlin brothel's regular business, so the owner is targeting a new clientele. Archive 2009-07-12
  • I read back on what I wrote, and I sound like an advocate for anarcho/syndicalist type of brothels. Cautionary Words from a Nevada brothel survivor::but still a sex worker activist « Bound, Not Gagged
  • To prevail, the government should have had to show the law was narrowly tailored to advance the government interest in reducing commercial sex — but since every brothel is licensed and tax by the state of Nevada, the state had the ability to advance that goal in many ways that did not implicate free speech. The Volokh Conspiracy » The First Amendment and Advertisements of Legal Prostitution
  • There were no streetlights on this side of town; only the occasional privately maintained flambeaux outside some gambling den or brothel broke the dark.
  • The dance-hall has always been the handmaid of the brothel and the saloon.
  • ‘… The Fascist Brothel’ may well excite the art-rock lovers but those who crave for a bit of style to go with it may be left a little disappointed.
  • Men will be taught to respect women, to abandon their old-fashioned views of patriarchy and stop visiting brothels.
  • Brothels are usually seedy affairs, tucked discreetly away from churches, town halls and the like (or so somebody we met in a bar once told us).
  • Her chance came in this 15 th-century tragicomedy by Fernando de Rojas about a madam at a brothel who agrees to help a nobleman seduce a young virgin.
  • It was also here that the music and dance of the tango, once described as vertical flirting, was born among the brothels and bordellos of Necochea, a street that today is lined with pizzerias, cantinas and gift shops.
  • It's a film, basically, about the impossibility of love, a film whose message could be summed up by the dirge-like pop tune sung by brothel mistress Lysiane Jeanne Moreau, the film's sole female presence: "each man kills the thing he loves. Querelle
  • The owner of the brothels subsequently alleged that the raids were mounted after he refused to pay protection money to the officers.
  • Like jazz, tango was a heady music that originated from the brothels and bars of the working classes.
  • What's next, jailhouse pubs and brothels for the lags?
  • In Belgium, self-employed prostitutes are legal but brothels are not.
  • To her Spring also added about a dozen mustee and quadroon girls sent aboard by the brokers, who wanted them shipped to America where they were destined for the New Orleans brothels. Flash For Freedom
  • Tom Hollander doubles with impressively rapid costume changes, as the impotent bourgeois businessman, Chandebise, and as Poche, the hapless drunken flunky of the brothel punningly named the Coq d'Or. Comic Christmas Crackers
  • It is illegal to run a brothel, which constitutes premises where more than one prostitute is working.
  • Then in Thailand, soliciting for prostitution and accepting the service of prostitution are not considered serious but running brothels or being involved in child prostitution very definitely are.
  • I can’t really explain this geography in San Francisco terms, but the Cross is the red light district, all heroin and fab little street cafes and brothels and nightclubs, and Elizabeth Bay, which shoves up against it, is old old old money, where everyone’s Little Aunts used to live squattocracy brats like our parents all had Little Aunts, left over from the Great War culling a generation of marriageable men. Travelling heroes
  • You're still very drunk and have decided to visit a local brothel before going back to barracks.
  • It's the equivalent of inviting sex addicts to a brothel or holding an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting at the pub.
  • Any unsocially aggressive men will have to answer to brothel security or the police, of course.
  • WE GOT FAMILY VALUES … …. well a brothel is a family of sorts. Think Progress » Early Media Coverage of Goss’s Resignation Dances Around Cunningham Scandal
  • But, above all, what would the artists of the nineteenth century have thought of their permanent incarceration in a state museum — those painters and sculptors so much more familiar to us by their frequentation of the café, the bar, the brothel, and through their ringing declarations of independence? The Artist and the Museum
  • Originally a brothel, the Jungle Inn was an open casino offering huge crowds of gamblers craps, a Greek dice game called barbut, chuck-a-luck, roulette, cards, and even bingo for the ladies. Kill the Irishman
  • April 7th, 2010 AUCKLAND - New Zealand's first so-called "love motel", which will allow its customers to book rooms on hourly basis for "private intimacy", is sparking outrage in Auckland with neighbours saying it is nothing more than a sleazy brothel. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • AmE lieuténant, BrE lefténant littérateur literatër lorgnette, lorgnon lornyét, lornyón louche loôsh luthier-a maker of stringed instruments such as violins or guitars məshêen madame brothel, Madame title madáme, cf. mádam shopping madeleine mádeleíne mademoiselle madame wàzél maisonette maizonét maître d'hôtel métradô-tél, mâitradô-tél maladroit maladrŏit malcontent malines malêen mandoline (also 'mandolin' in English) mándə-lín margarine marjərìne marmalade - màrmalâde marmite marquee Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • As if she could trust a half-dressed lord in a brothel to arbitrate anything fairly. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • This was in the mid-seventies when the sight of brothel creepers, fluorescent socks, drape coats and drainpipe trousers was as outrageous as seeing a man ride down the street on a penny farthing.
  • Hundreds of new Asian prostitutes are coming to work in the new Asian brothels that are being set up in this country.
  • The author vividly recreates the nature of the Phenix City honky-tonks and brothels and the recurrent violence so often directed against the soldiers of Fort Benning, Georgia.
  • The Städel Museum's exhibition differs from past projects by emphatically focusing on the portraiture of musicians and brothel scenes and by directly confronting works by Caravaggio with paintings by the Utrecht artists Terbrugghen, Honthorst, and Baburen. Art Knowledge News
  • If you have watched his insanely popular TV Burp you will know what to expect: the big glasses, the oversized collar, the brothel-creepers on his feet. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The 45-year-old mother of four is a millionaire entrepreneur who made her fortune as a brothel madam on the Kalgoorlie goldfields.
  • The keeping of brothels is, in some cases, approbated by law. Select Temperance Tracts
  • They were children and young women marked for sale into brothels and whorehouses.
  • • Black Doc Marten shoes or boots, but not the knee-highs favoured by Goths and gay skinheads; possibly brogues or brothel-creepers at a pinch. Cultural Snow
  • On the morrow the palace of the Caesars was turned into a lupanar, a little larger, a little handsomer than the others, but still a brothel, one of which the inmates were matrons of Rome and the keeper Jupiter Latialis. Imperial Purple
  • The bejeweled extravagance of a dying aristocracy along with the extreme decadence of the brothel in the heart of the ancient city offer an exoticism that is antidote to what was probably in Proust's mind most abhorrent of all - middle class crassness.
  • She describes the physical settings, the women and their customers, the transactions between them, and the gossip, infighting and other miscellanea that make up daily life in a brothel.
  • She works in a brothel in Brighton.
  • Most of those men would give their daughters to brothels and their sons to swineherds before they'd even think of tolerating me.
  • I started to peel off my wetsuit jacket; feeling now a little bit like a tart in a French brothel on a busy Bastille Day.
  • Miss Tan could not be charged with running a brothel because she worked alone in her basement flat.
  • Here was 944 Twiggs Street, the former brothel where he lived with his Aunt Honey, the madam - now abandoned and bristling with weeds.
  • We crept into an antechamber lined with red velvet and faced a woman who appeared the archetypical brothel madam.
  • Celeste had the air of a sophisticated mamasan in a colonial Vietnamese brothel, barking orders at us like we were her white orchids and a high-ranking GI had just popped in for a quick fivesome. I know i am, but what are you?
  • There is no question that corrupt policemen protected tenderloin brothels and gambling dens.
  • Law enforcement agencies in the Johannesburg area have vowed to crack down on brothels and on sex workers soliciting on the streets of the city, following this week's Constitutional Court ruling outlawing the trade.
  • SARAJEVO - A United Nations spokesman dismissed as "disinformation" a U.S. newspaper report that U.N. peacekeepers in Sarajevo were clients at a Serb-run brothel staffed by captive Moslem and Croat women. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The world's first publicly listed brothel was launched by former Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss at the Melbourne Stock Exchange on Thursday with investors scrambling to buy shares.
  • The brothel turned out, when I went to check it out, to be exactly as Phillip described it.
  • Let me put it this way: after seeing the first part of the San Bernardino ACORN video - the one where the ACORN stooge is bragging about her husband’s death, the former running of her own brothel, and the way that she knows Senator Barbara Boxer - GayPatriot called up Boxer’s office*. *How* much trouble is ACORN in right now? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • And I, too, was goth from the top of my black hair to the tips of my brothel-creepers. Happy Birthday, Deven « Whatever
  • Certainly Roman men attended brothels or frequented streetwalkers, while most prostitutes would have been slaves, and doubtless had short and miserable lives.
  • We ask ourselves, what is the real difference between a harem and a brothel, an odalisque and a call-girl.
  • The title chapter "The Brothel Boy" is obviously meant to attract attention and titillate the reader, but it is a very closely reasoned account of a retarded boy in Burma in the 1920's who had been produced and sheltered in a brothel. Prairiemary
  • If any from the team actually visited some of these listed countries, only their brothels were visited, such as forementioned UK, Thailand, Germay, Italy and Australia, which offer mainly average looking girls and under. Top 15 Countries with the Hottest Women | Manolith
  • The whores in the brothel next door to my work are listening to REM's ‘Everybody Hurts’ on their radio.
  • Harris quickly catapults the reader into a world of striking authenticity with an armchair tour of Pompeii as it looked almost 2,000 years ago, including an aristocrat's sumptuous townhouse (the House of the Citharist, named after its statue of a lyre-playing Apollo), a lavishly designed new public baths facility (the Central Baths, uncompleted at the time of the eruption), and a dank two-story lupanar (the largest of at least nine brothels in Pompeii). Love Among the Ruins
  • You vault into a brothel with only this unlicked cub for a protector. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • There are more than 80 paintings, pastels and drawings created during the past five years: still-lifes, and brothel and tauromachy scenes.
  • My mom took in wash from the brothels in Searchlight, so I have some idea of what it's like to struggle. Reid, Angle Trade Barbs In Nevada Senate Debate
  • Wow, Americans think the government spending money like drunken sailors in a brothel is a bad idea? Poll: Stimulus not working
  • In addition, they considered the surprising success of Mr. Marmaduke Fennel's eighteenth-century story, For Love of a Lady, as compared with the more moderate sales of Miss Elspeth Lancaster's In Scarlet Sidon, that candid romance of the brothel; deducing therefrom that the "gadzooks" and "by'r lady" type of reading-matter was ready to revive in vogue. The Cream of the Jest: A Comedy of Evasions
  • Someone should tell this man that it might be cheaper and easier to locate a caring hooker at a brothel.
  • Four girls were not told where they were going before they were taken to the brothel.
  • Lolling behind a screen of vertical bars, girls in a brothel resemble animals in a cage.
  • Regional Court Magistrate Solomon Mkhabela on Thursday told Shaun Williams, 25, that if a man was a "womaniser" - as the accused called himself - and had an "unending desire for love making" - there were brothels where they could get consensual intercourse with women of all races. IOL: News
  • For those who don't remember Pickles, he was the judge who said we should legalise cannabis and brothels - funnily enough, he retired early.
  • Lautrec lived in the Montmartre section, the nightlife quarter of cabarets, cafes, restaurants, sleazy dance halls and brothels.
  • From Sanlucar to Seville, the banks of that busy waterway were lined with shipyards, chandleries, warehouses, taverns, brothels, and all the industries of maritime trade. Champlain's Dream

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