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How To Use Brooding In A Sentence

  • They seemed to be in a serious mood, perhaps brooding on the deteriorating human behaviour that cannot see that he is cutting the same very branch that he is sitting on.
  • A brooding hulk of a man stepped through the entrance.
  • Their conjugal affection still is ty'd,And still the mournful race is multiply'd:They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,Sev'n days sits brooding on her floating nest:A wintry queen: her sire at length is kind,Calms ev'ry storm, and hushes ev'ry wind;Prepares his empire for his daughter's ease,And for his hatching nephews smooths the seas. Mystery bird: Black-capped kingfisher, Halcyon pileata
  • Her sister was brooding on the bladed gauntlets and their meaning.
  • Musical backing is kept low key with touches of strings, brass and brooding electronica, never overshadowing Jane's fragile but emotive vocals.
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  • A sustained note of brooding rumination hovers over most of the disc.
  • Back in the 1950s, Dutch ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen conducted now-classic studies of the bird's incubation behavior and discovered something astonishing: When presented with a choice between brooding its own small egg and the giant egg of a much larger bird, the oystercatcher invariably chose to sit on the giant one. From 'The End of Overeating'
  • On the surface he was an optimistic extrovert, preaching freedom of conscience and religion; but underneath he was a brooding pessimist, with intransigent, darkly mystical views about the drama of human history and sexuality.
  • Live, the four piece are a brooding mixture of visceral, post-punk textures and relentless motorik rhythms.
  • Then he stood there and stared after it for a long moment, his expression brooding. SUSPICION
  • It becomes heavy work to distract Harriet from brooding about lost Elton.
  • As the cripple sat looking over the solemn, moaning ocean, awed by its brooding gloom, did he catch in the silvery starlight a second glimpse of the rose-colored veils, and snowy vittae, and purple - edged robes of the Parcae, spinning and singing as they followed the ship across the sobbing sea? St. Elmo
  • If I could sum up our problems in a sentence, I would have to say that he was kind of a Bad Boy: brooding, depressed, grouchy, inattentive, unaffectionate.
  • Both men were temperamental and subject to long periods of brooding followed by explosive outbursts of anger.
  • The early drawings are similarly mysterious and brooding, in somber tones of black, gray and brown.
  • He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose, brooding eyes and thick hair.
  • There is a brooding melancholy in his black and white photography.
  • The early drawings are similarly mysterious and brooding, in somber tones of black, gray and brown.
  • The luscious ananas keeps going strong even in the drydown, keeping its sunny, tropical own against the nocturnal, brooding note of patchouli. Perfume Review: Histoires de Parfums 1804 George Sand
  • Akshaye, with his quiet presence and brooding eyes gets the chance to rise above the ordinary in a role, which I'm sure most actors would crave for.
  • ‘The day after the defeat is probably the worst, you start brooding on it, on what went wrong,’ Ford said.
  • As he glanced from picture to picture his eyebrow knotted in brooding thought, his head shaking gently from side to side.
  • When the conversation lulled, the Captain sat silently brooding over his cigarette, head bowed.
  • Below stretched Carnmore, a water-filled trench hemmed in by brooding peaks and startling rock bluffs, mile upon mile of rugged isolation.
  • A severe attack usually coincides with a stinking hangover and can start as early as midday, from whence I will spend the rest of the weekend brooding on the inevitability of Monday morning.
  • At the head of the table sits a brooding Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink, moodily attacking a chicken dish.
  • Most of them are pervaded by a brooding spirit of melancholy of the 'moping' rather than the 'musical' sort, and consequently rather ineffective as an artistic motive. Proserpine and Midas
  • Nearly relieved for a break from his brooding thoughts, Rick reached for the phone, ‘Hello?’
  • Helpers are involved with territory defense, and all aspects of reproduction: incubation, brooding, feeding, and guarding nestlings and fledglings.
  • The two make an odd couple both physically and emotionally - bulky, brooding, irascible Crowe contrasting with laid-back, long-limbed Bettany.
  • Dark and saturnine, he is a strong screen presence with natural brooding ability, and he holds things steady when a last-ditch attempt to end on a thrill causes the film to falter.
  • But underneath the play is the brooding menace of the occupying forces who could rip people's lives apart with the threat of concentration camps or postings to the Russian front.
  • It's a refreshing change of pace from the usual deep, brooding war epics that are becoming increasingly popular.
  • Riffs should be big, brooding, baleful things.
  • In smoke-coloured folds, closely matching the lowering dim canopy of vapour brooding overhead, the prairie spread about her, deepening to a basined valley in the middle distances, sweeping to a rise beyond, so that the edges of the basin looked down upon the town. The Dop Doctor
  • It's dark, at times brooding, but brimming full of energy and orchestration.
  • Moon's brooding landscapes, somewhat reminiscent of Corot, capture the beauty of trees and the luminous colour of the countryside.
  • Luckily, the crowded routine of rehearsal, memorisation, and performance does not leave much time for brooding. Exit the Actress
  • An elaborate mantelpiece framed the hearth in a dizzying array of swirls and curlicues, and a tall grandfather clock lurked in the corner like a brooding sentry, counting out the seconds with a gloomy tock, tock, tock.
  • The poetry spends a lot of time brooding over death.
  • There is something less intense, less menacing, he certainly looks a lot less brooding.
  • Back then we dubbed their claustrophobic, brooding sound "Nightmare Pop", and with good reason. The Line Of Best Fit
  • Those fabulous, hovering blocks of pure colour and intractable darkness - brooding encounters with the infinite - take the viewer beyond the art work into a parallel universe.
  • Dark, dandyish, dashing, brooding – it combined an extraordinary mixture of male arrogance and almost feminine beauty, emphasised by vivid clothes, peacock hairstyles and smouldering glances. Thomas Lawrence: The new romantic – review
  • It's a dark, brooding look at a dysfunctional modern family caught up in the traditions of contemporary life.
  • But viewers will at first be led to believe that the friar is a tricksy, brooding character with more on his mind than simply helping the battle against the Sheriff of Nottingham. BBC social engineering: BBC's black, high-kicking Friar Tuck annoys historians
  • Many of the birds are already brooding aquamarine eggs, but some are still in the construction phase.
  • When he was home he resisted the armchair and the torpid brooding. THE INNOCENT
  • This is a bleak and brooding song yet the uplifting outro give a sense of hope for the flawed central character.
  • Almost all current writing about Africa depends on a blend of Joseph Conrad and Evelyn Waugh: the brooding, throbbing stagnation of the Congo and the sinister farce of egomaniacal "Afrocentric" politics. African Gothic
  • Later, brooding on what she witnessed, she steps into traffic and is knocked down.
  • It also contains brooding and atmospheric music in the introduction and some quite effective string writing in the latter half.
  • But she ate by herself, and when she glanced at Mitherill, her face was brooding and angry.
  • This is a spectacular building full of halls and passageways with walls covered in colourful friezes and hieroglyphics, while brooding granite statues of falcons guard the entrance doors.
  • The sky becomes gun-metal blue, overwhelming even my mood in its brooding rage.
  • The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.
  • His mind had not that reach and elemental movement of Milton's, which, like the tradewind, gathered to itself thoughts and images like stately fleets from every quarter; some deep with silks and spicery, some brooding over the silent thunders of their battailous armaments, but all swept forward in their destined track, over the long billows of his verse, every inch of canvas strained by the unifying breath of their common epic impulse. Among My Books Second Series
  • Withdrawal into brooding reclusion
  • Capitalising on its eerie claustrophic domestic ambiance early on this is a brooding creeper that has a powerful ability to ensnarl the audience into its relentless spell. This Week’s Essential SCARY Movies for Free T.V Guide | Obsessed With Film
  • The brooding rebel was, say the eulogists, like Orson Welles - too big for the splashy, widescreen, Technicolor movies of the 1950s.
  • Whatever he might do, whatever he might eventually decide, it did him no good to pass the long, overwarm days of August and September brooding inside the ministry house. Heaven Lake
  • For several seemingly interminable seconds no one moved as the coolly brooding glance subjected her to a flagrantly masculine appraisal.
  • The German Romantic painter draws a brooding mysticality from the glow of snow and the darkness of upward-soaring pines as a cripple casts away his crutches to pray before a tiny wayside crucifix. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • If anything more darkens the mood of our brooding Chancellor it is warnings such as these.
  • Brooding rock that begins with angsty guitars before erupting into the moshpit friendly chorus. The Sun
  • He was a strange, tall, dark, osseous man who, owing to the brooding, melancholy character of his own disposition, had a checkered and a somewhat sad career behind him. The Titan
  • I quietly made small talk to fill up the silence, neatly engaging Victoria in conversation and trying to include Zack whenever I could - he was distant and brooding, and ate little, and he still had not told me anything.
  • Not that it was silent; we would not call it mere silence, that brooding and impenetrable darkness charged with doom unrevealed, which is now our silent night, unrelenting to lonely watchers. Waiting for Daylight
  • It looks extraordinarily brooding: the rock-and-steel architecture, scrawled with foul-mouthed inmate graffiti, is both threatening and lovely.
  • The tone too, is irritating: Brooding, weepy and utterly inward-looking, as though no world exists beyond one's own emotional landscape.
  • It was still 'darkish' at 6 am this morning, the temperature was 56 degrees, and the sky was brooding and winterish. Hiraeth
  • I gasped, and ever since I have been brooding on the most tactful way to put it.
  • The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.
  • The remote, fell-foot hamlet of Croglin lies tucked in among the fells and folds and dales and wide expanses of brooding water that pock the untamed landscape of Cumberland.
  • At such times he was remarkably taciturn, and would sit in brooding silence or go almost immediately to bed. CHAPTER XI
  • Rupert Everett is a brooding Higgins: he's too Heathcliffian to be entirely plausible as an obsessive noter of accents, but Shaw, who must have identified with the professor, might have liked that. Spur of the Moment; Pygmalion; The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist; The Magical Menagerie
  • Firedrake: Brooding atmosphere stoic figure still upon a throne implacable and imovable but wringing with a potential for violence (see chain sword!) ... suggestive of inhuman power ebon skin and glowing eyes, but, a hint of humanity remains. Book Cover Smackdown! 'Zoo City' vs. 'Plague Year' (Czech) vs. Firedrake
  • He has covered a range of photographic genres and, since the late 1980s, concentrated on still life and brooding English landscapes.
  • Already in 1943, Bohuslav Martinu, in exile in America, had composed his brooding symphonic meditation Memorial to Lidice.
  • Contrasting greatly with the often-brooding melancholia of Tristeza, LaValle manages to inject an uplifting aspect into his solo work.
  • There's something about a brooding guy nuzzling a tiny puppy that makes me all melty inside.
  • Bald plot caters to the first; style, wit of expression, truth of observation, vivid painterliness, brooding musicality, and all the commendable rest pay court to the second. How Does Fiction Capture and Hold Our Interest? Quote of the Day / John Updike « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • He just shushes me, looking very, very, very handsome with that brooding, serious stare on his face.
  • It's not all brooding insolence though, there are glorious, uplifting love songs that pluck playfully at your heartstrings.
  • Achilles sits in his tent, brooding over the wrongs done to him.
  • Sitting in a pub, brooding on fate's inexplicable blows, he encounters Geoff.
  • The middle ground may be humdrum, but when Tetra Splendour aim high, they score big - raw, powerful songs filled with the feel of a brooding landscape.
  • Banks followed Maggie Forrest into the living room, with its dark wainscoting and brooding landscapes in heavy gilt frames on the walls. AFTERMATH
  • It came from long brooding on the changefulness of human fortune, of fate and chance, and the folly of counting on anything beyond the moment. The Praise Singer
  • For five years the Oscar - winning creator of Wallace and Gromit has been brooding over a very specific idea for an animated film: The Great Escape, only with chickens.
  • Although their characters haven't been fleshed out, they deliver endearing performances as the sporty sister and her academic, brooding husband.
  • A whole winter brooding on the events of August would be unthinkable for such a meticulous mind.
  • It was all very well to make brave plans but here in the presence of this brooding giant, courage ebbed away.
  • Each episode opens with a coach and horses drawing up outside the brooding building and the camera, roaming through the filthy corridors, seeking out the appropriate actor.
  • He had a strong forehead and heavy brows that made him look like he was brooding.
  • I was a little nervous, after reading Twilight, that there was a chance I could be stepping into a fictional world of brooding teens and angst-ridden vampires. Book Review: "Strange Angels" by Lili St. Crow
  • The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.
  • Where Carol Shields is swift, effervescent, and inclined to ideas, Alice Elliott Dark is introspective, brooding, willing to risk a kind of Jamesian stasis in the hope of deepening our engagement with her characters. An Endangered Species
  • Shortly after the row with Collins Stewart became public, a year ago this weekend, Middleweek was again brooding on his position.
  • That dark curly hair that just begs your fingers to run through it, those deep brown brooding eyes, that body!
  • Flames belch from the wreckage, degenerate human beings scrabble for survival, the screen is dark and the aspect brooding.
  • Willie O'Dea sat quietly brooding on what might have been.
  • Broodingly, she twirled the stem of the wine glass between her fingers as the crimson wine twirled around dangerously close to rim of the glass.
  • Dmytryk and veteran cinematographer Harry J. Wild create a brooding environment where shadow threatens to overwhelm the characters.
  • Kina could see the sky now, brooding black yet on fire with random flashes of light.
  • They are pop cultural simulacra, mere shadows of Cagney's tragic anti-hero and Marlon Brando's brooding Don.
  • The sky becomes gun-metal blue, overwhelming even my mood in its brooding rage.
  • He could sec her troubled eyebrows, her tousled hair as she sat brooding about what might be happening in Rome.
  • I found Emerson on the roof, brooding silently in the starlight like a life-sized sphinx. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • And romantic it certainly was — the fog, like the grey shadow of infinite mystery, brooding over the whirling speck of earth; and men, mere motes of light and sparkle, cursed with an insane relish for work, riding their steeds of wood and steel through the heart of the mystery, groping their way blindly through the Unseen, and clamouring and clanging in confident speech the while their hearts are heavy with incertitude and fear. Chapter 1
  • This was the district known as Crater and it looked just like that, in fact a moon landscape was what it reminded me of most, black hills and valleys under a brooding grey sky, and not a leaf or blade of grass to be seen.
  • Mere mention of the French capital conjures images of turtlenecked poets brooding in starlit cafes, dandified flaneurs strolling the narrow boulevards and glamorous femmes sipping absinthe under gas lanterns.
  • Other stories are brooding and cold such as Will the plowboy who works two fields and must secretly hunt in the night to feed his family a rabbit. Archive 2008-12-01
  • The same heavy, brooding silence descended on them.
  • The remote, fell-foot hamlet of Croglin lies tucked in among the fells and folds and dales and wide expanses of brooding water that pock the untamed landscape of Cumberland.
  • He has a broad benignant brow, like Benjamin Franklin's; but his brooding eyes, golden, unfathomable, deny benignancy. Americans and Others
  • He plays on the brooding darkness that is present in almost all of his film roles, taking it up a notch for this role.
  • He looked at himself in the mirror, still brooding, eyes clouded over with anger and hatred.
  • The set, by Christopher Oram, is a brooding garden, framed by large red, fleshy flowers, and gives the impression of a vast carnivorous plant, which seeks to ingest the characters on stage.
  • Winona did a double take seeing the brooding male sexpot classing up the joint. Mercy Kill
  • Brooding on this - and Blair is a brooder, as his recent melancholy-tinged interview with Robert Harris showed - the Prime Minister may care to turn his mind to Romsey, and brighten.
  • But the star had been brooding on his own mortality since the assassination of President John F Kennedy three years earlier.
  • Ostensibly an account of two serial murderers, In The Night Room morphs into a brooding rumination on the storyteller's craft.
  • The novel has it all: an ingenious plot, ceaseless suspense, villains galore, tipsy priests, a bull-baiting, a stag hunt, several murders, the horrors of war, a brooding sense of evil and a glittering portrait of a fascinating age. Chasing justice in Henry VIII's England
  • The whole party, however, and a more amiable never existed, were scared and disgusted into this by the catachrestic language and skeleton half-truths of the systematic divines of the Synod of Dort on the one hand, and by the sickly broodings of the Pietists and Solomon's-Song preachers on the other. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • More abstract and atmospheric in comparison to the other three, this brooding soundscape eschews melody for elusively morphing textures and chromatic harmonies until it ends with spectral cymbal shimmers.
  • But in the back seat, the two passengers have lapsed into a brooding silence.
  • Bordone's talent was dispersed among saturnine portraits, mannered religious scenes and images of dark and brooding eroticism.
  • Freed of all immediate obligations, Daniel sat at his desk brooding. THE UNORTHODOX MURDER OF RABBI MOSS
  • Either she slept or she had passed into another phase of brooding withdrawal. THE QUEST FOR K
  • The sky is broodingly grey over the humid downs of the Barkly Tableland as a mob of well-fed white Brahman cows and calves quietly shift across the green expanse.
  • Just south lies the brooding notched ridge of Chlas Glas and Bla Bheinn, a great wall of spires, gullies and buttresses.
  • Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life.
  • In the house behind them, in the mistal and the orchard, in the long marshes of the uplands and on the brooding hills there was stillness and solitude. The Three Sisters
  • She is a powerhouse of brooding, internal frustration on the verge of a meltdown.
  • Tonally, the poems from this book sound more distanced and impersonal than any Ryan has written; the strong note of passionate response can still be heard, but the passion is sublimated into an objectivity whose calm is brooding and tense.
  • The old building, seen from the Thames on summer days, is quietly and broodingly majestic.
  • Well they couldn't waste any time brooding on this because what if someone saw them?
  • That's right - Chris Cornell in town, so that means everyone aged 25-40 who came of age to the music of Soundgarden and followed him to Audioslave (aka forgave him for actually forming Audioslave with Tom Morello and crew) and subsequent solo career, will be present for his brooding croons at Warehouse Live. Houstonist
  • Steely, muscular and intense, this is a brooding wine with a palate of strawberries and a rich finish.
  • He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose, brooding eyes and thick hair.
  • In the glass, it is a lovely deep and brooding mauve colour.
  • As a kind of spatial equivalent to the disjointed dialogue, Danny's close-up brooding is typically counterpointed in the shot by some unrelated incident or gag in the middle distance.
  • All our study birds continued brooding and provisioning their chicks after the removal of telemetry gear.
  • The Malbec grape is Argentina's finest, producing impressive inky, perfumed, tannic reds with real class, so tuck into this discounted dark, brooding, plum and liquorice-layered red while you can.
  • Just as it begins in brooding shadows, so does the feature end practically that way in a lonely house on a cliff, where the identity of killers is revealed. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Ishmael glanced up from his own silent brooding over a pageful of mathematical calculations that he'd made while observing the Wheel of Fortune. Ishmael
  • More than 30 years after the end of the war, Westermann was still brooding on the scenes he'd witnessed in the Pacific.
  • A wry smile at that one, you suspect, from Sir Alex of that ilk, currently brooding on the other side of the same city.
  • Her eyes, dark and brooding, her body language - a little stoop here, a little lurch there - says it all.
  • To our right, the Sunchulli glacier towered above the calm turquoise water of Laguna Verde, beyond which scowled a dark, brooding ridge, protected at its base by impossibly steep scree.
  • Usually the forlorn demesne was supervised by a mangy waiter brooding over mangy tables and by a mangier cat who kept a furtive eye on the placarded list of each day's _plat du jour_ and wondered when her turn would come for Thursday's _Sauté de lapin_. The Belovéd Vagabond
  • They are inseparable; taboo love blossoms in the manner of Heavenly Creatures, yet all the while trouble is brewing and Considine is brooding.
  • After a nail-biting ballot, in which Naoto Kan, the prime minister, and Mr Ozawa, his brooding challenger, sat just feet away from each other, eyes shut, meditating intensely, Mr Kan won handsomely.
  • Dark, brooding, almost ungraspable, the series set notes of brilliant orange-gold against deep brown expanses of crusty pigment.
  • Dark, brooding clouds, which threatened to turn the event into a mudbath, took pity on those who had gathered below them and a light breeze even wafted past the stage to cool those who had exerted themselves too much.
  • James Dean radiated a furtive, brooding, fifties masculinity that two shows - a new docudrama and a feature film - try to decode.
  • If he roused himself from his brooding and began to talk, he always spoke with a kind of abruptness and never of what he really wanted to say. The Brothers Karamazov
  • Where Benji is brooding and shy, Doug is expansive, showy, a Disneyland-obsessed Nathan Lane type, short and paunchy, but with flaming red hair and a bushy beard. Boing Boing: August 31, 2003 - September 6, 2003 Archives
  • She lucked out that day, however, nothing much really happened except for her mother flittering about, consulting with nurses and her father brooding, watching warily.
  • No words had passed between them; only glances that seemed to reflect the same brooding rebel spirit in both men.
  • Old Trafford was not the place of brooding discontent that might have been anticipated and the chants of "Thursday night, Channel Five" emanating from the Stretford End at least demonstrated that English football's most spoiled crowd of the past 20 years still have the ability to poke fun at themselves. Sir Alex Ferguson rounds on critics as Manchester United beat Wolves
  • Still, he speculated wistfully that his newfound cheerfulness was not his authentic self, which he described as brooding and creative. NYT > Home Page
  • Again, after the clear brooding sheen of day has set off the “stark strength and grandeur of rock-form contrasted with the brilliancy and sprightliness of sea,” the sinking sun paints the scene with the most gorgeous of blazonings. The Land of Midian
  • On March 12 of 2002 Senator Heffernan delivered a speech in the Senate he'd been brooding on for over a year.
  • Ezmo looked shocked for a moment, and then his brow drew together in a dark, brooding frown.
  • Extroverts prefer lively conversation to brooding on the meaning of life.
  • Saxon, brooding over her problem of retaining Billy's love, of never staling the freshness of their feeling for each other and of never descending from the heights which at present they were treading, felt herself impelled toward Mrs. Higgins. CHAPTER III
  • Her main fault was a brooding, eternal, immitigable suspicion of all men, things, creeds, and parties; this suspicion was a mist before her eyes, a false guide in her path, wherever she looked, wherever she turned. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • This wine that features a rich "spice box" element with dense fruit, dark color, powerful flavors and a brooding long finish.
  • Emil smiled tolerantly and stood looking down at her with his old, brooding gaze.
  • While Pete is home and brooding over Don's situation, his indignance makes him wonder why others 'irresponsibility has to affect "honest people. Janet Turley: Mad Men Season 4, Ep 10: "Get Rid of It"
  • He was one of those serious, brooding, cool types.
  • Hamlet, with its brooding soliloquies and existential angst, was painfully near the knuckle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brooding, slow-building suspense of the Japanese original, Ring, has been replaced with cheap thrills that make you jump not because they're actually scary but because they come as a surprise.
  • You know the kind: the brooding grates that let off a steady flow of steam into the dark, rainy, nighttime city streets, like the breath of a monster caged beneath the surface.
  • A severe attack usually coincides with a stinking hangover and can start as early as midday, from whence I will spend the rest of the weekend brooding on the inevitability of Monday morning.
  • When he's not in disguise, we're treated to close-ups of him brooding and cogitating - and looking like an elderly Hamlet.
  • Just recently, one of the most amazing fossils ever found was announced - an Oviraptor skeleton preserved brooding a clutch of eggs, just like a bird does.
  • Like the somber Hawthorne's, his style is brooding, adumbrative, rather than incisive or brilliant, and it often limps among the facts of his story like a man in pain. Definitions: Essays in Contemporary Criticism
  • It has been suggested, by Marconato et al., that the male river bullhead is forced to eat the eggs simply in order to stay alive while brooding.
  • It is only the young fool and the brooding mattoid who believe in a special separate science of Mankind in the Making
  • The castle itself, built in 1046, is a brooding structure perched on the hill above the River Mulde in Saxony.
  • There's a definite tone of brooding, even angry, determination to the record.
  • An incomprehensible expression irradiated her face, and she seemed to be brooding sensuously on some private hoard of satisfaction. The Judge
  • It is a dark and brooding pine forest thick with raiders, bandits, and Chaos warbands.
  • The geometry of the rooflights gives the building a crenellated profile so it looms over its surroundings like a brooding castle battlement.
  • In he limped, a scarred, brooding figure, whose powerful chilling effect on the men was diluted somewhat when his ivory leg became momentarily stuck in a knothole. Laurence Hughes: Ahab at Starbucks
  • His hair is a light brown, with very penetrating eyes, and a slightly brooding look.
  • Christian Bale: Solid as ever … this guy cant put a wrong foot down … he as batman is everything batman should be, brooding, honest, powerful conflicted heroic, tragic … everyone of those emotions and more are portrayed with the greatest justice … Sound Off: The Dark Knight - What Did You Think?! «
  • As the morning eased into noontide, the sun shining on the crops of the farms that they passed by, Eleanor's brooding, pensive mood lifted a bit.
  • Richard Perle was a brilliant, brooding defense expert with strongly neoconservative leanings.
  • The flowers direct the eye upward past a small, brooding view of Toledo - at which point the picture seems to burst into an exultant heavenly space.
  • I haven't watched much manga, but the villain did strike me as one of these archetypal brooding nhilistic goths who turn up in manga a lot.
  • The Holy Spirit is there too brooding over the waters at every baptism.
  • His party piece is inner turmoil, and he does brooding intensity better than just about anyone.
  • ‘Your parents must have had a sense of humor,’ the broodingly handsome and plucky love interest says to Elektra about her mythopoetic name.
  • Don't sit at home brooding all day.
  • The brooding elegance of their clothes finds its counterpoint in the lustrous tapestried vestments of Ss Stephen and Augustine, who have descended from heaven to lower the warrior count, in his damascened armour, into his vault.
  • There's the brooding and mysterious Velimir Zajec, catalyst for Harry hopping it, and there's the long-lost hero - what has Joe Jordan been doing for the last few years?

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