How To Use Bronzed In A Sentence
Then you have these reversible jackets, which have bronzed satin type fabric on one side and oatmeal speckles on the other.
(I found this remarkable in a medical man: between trouser hem and refulgent loafer, a gleam of bronzed ankle.)
Retching With the Stars
‘It's been a quiet summer,’ reflected one bronzed Tory, familiar from his TV appearances.
There's Carlos Moyà, who appears to be some sort of tennis god, direct from central casting, with the long, bronzed limbs and the sweatband keeping his rock-star hair on.
But beneath the translucent ivory skin, he was rather bronzed, due to the long hours under the sun.

In the morning sun, his skin is bronzed; he could be a statue.
He's perfectly happy to stand like a Michelin man in the local swimming baths, next to a bronzed, life-guard type.
The cover prominently features the naked backside of a seductively posed, appropriately bronzed woman standing on a beach.
Bronzed Cowbirds perform spectacular three-part courtship displays incorporating both of their major categories of song.
He was bronzed and his skin glistened with sweat.
She felt too, as she mopped the trickling water from it, the smooth bronzed skin of the leg.
The ceiling, which I had expected to be covered in fake palm trees and coconuts, is lined with sheets of bronzed metal, which gives the place a modern touch.
The original eye shadow trio that I received was called bronzed bombshell.
Epinions Recent Content for Home
The beaches are serving up tantalisingly sumptuous platters of bronzed flesh.
That was a bit of intelligence we ferreted out, not by their confessions or concessions, but by simple default: late in the afternoon we saw them naked on the beach, at least bold if not bronzed.
Mexico's endless Pacific beach: sun, surf, sand, seafood and solitude
Outwardly, they may look the same - the glowing bronzed skin, the sparkling Indian eyes.
He's bronzed from a short holiday in California.
Two hours later we run into each other on the beach: I'm in a restaurant, fully clothed; he is bronzed, lying on a chaise on the sand, in pink bathing trunks.
You might stop at the beach to let warm waves spend themselves playfully against your bronzed body.
Germar is of opinion that this is the same as natator, F.; but on comparison, I find it to ditfer in many small characters, the most obvious one of which is the colour of the epipleura, that of the natator being light piceous, whilst in the analis it is of a bronzed black, &c.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
I warn you, though, I had a young Greek last year as playfellow, very brawny and bronzed…
A bronzed lifesaver in bright red pool daks and a goofy cap is an Australian icon, although they're starting to wear shorts a la Baywatch or bikepants lately.
Yonder, behind the forests, he heard strange sounds; then glinting through the trees he saw, far, far away, the bronzed hosts of a nation calling, calling faintly, calling loudly.
XII. Of Alexander Crummell.
Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him.
The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
His bare chest was bronzed and lightly coated with dark hair, darker than that on his head.
I also concluded that it was pointless to try and convince anyone else of this; that those who had an opinion had already had it bronzed and placed on the mantel.
The beach is deserted except for a young blonde woman, bronzed and perfectly toned, jogging on the wet white sand with a designer dog in tow.
He was clothed in a soiled tunic and long trousers that barely hid his bronzed feet and grubby toenails.
His skin was bronzed and leathery and a jagged scar ran from the corner of his mouth down to his chin.
With the oncoming of beautiful weather, he clothed himself in his khaki, American Eagle shorts that showed his bronzed calf muscles exquisitely.
Best of these is Bibis, where the buffed, bronzed patrons mirror the local sports stars whose images adorn the walls.
From their decks bronzed men in patched and ragged garments looked with astonished eyes upon the desolate scene.
This Country of Ours: The Story of the United States
Play down lips and keep skin lightly bronzed.
Times, Sunday Times
It wasn't quite like the bronzed boys of Melaque sharpening their skimboard skills in the waters farther north.
Mexico's endless Pacific beach: sun, surf, sand, seafood and solitude
Furthermore, human commensal species, such as great-tailed grackle Quiscalus mexiccanus and bronzed cowbird Molothrus aeneus, normally increase in number around human settlements and result in the loss of nesting success in other birds.
Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize
It is a rich bronzed colour, from the caramelisation, and the rest of the vegetable has gently steamed.
Cookery masterclass: René Redzepi
I'd had my fill of long, bronzed limbs gracefully gliding off into the sunset.
He is brown, not to say bronzed, tanned to the colour of nutmeg.
This slave stood tall, so tall, healthy and strong, skin bronzed beautifully under the hot sun.
To make legs look bronzed, blend a tanning product in to your moisturiser.
The Sun
To make legs look bronzed, blend a tanning product in to your moisturiser.
The Sun
To make himself especially lean and bronzed for his meeting with the young actress Henna Mickiewicz.
The narrow lounge—created by Osman Cakir , an Istanbul native and antique collector who also owns the bar Turks and Frogs next door—has a curved ceiling, bronzed luggage racks and beechwood panels to evoke a European train car.
Old World Excursion
They pulled it out and doubled it back, and looped it over, and pulled it out; and sometimes a peachblow cheek touched a bronzed one; and sometimes a sweet little voice spluttered out; "you Jack;" and there was
Gov. Bob. Taylor's Tales
The Cullercoats fishwife, with her cheerful weather-bronzed face, her short jacket and ample skirts of blue flannel, and her heavily laden "creel" of fish is not only appreciated by the brotherhood of brush and pencil, but is one of the notable sights of the district.
Northumberland Yesterday and To-day
Her tousled tresses and bronzed make-up finished off the look perfectly.
The Sun
To make himself especially lean and bronzed for his meeting with the young actress Henna Mickiewicz.
About a mile away, a steady stream of fans arrived in pairs to take pictures at the life-sized bronzed statue of Paterno outside Beaver Stadium.
Joe Paterno Cancer: Scott Paterno Says Former Penn State Coach Undergoing Lung Cancer Treatment
'bronzed' became the fashion and the preferred complexion for women.
AGORAVOX - The Citizen Media
Ripening apples are vulnerable to sun scald, which causes bronzed or bleached spots on the fruit's skin.
Zitney lay beside her, his firm, lean shoulder in the air, the sheet tangled negligently around his bronzed arm.
As we cruised along Ocean Drive, Robin and I weren't paying much attention to the lights of Miami or the buffed, bronzed people out to see and be seen in their designer clothes.
Holly caught herself staring at his bronzed upper body, which rippled with his laughter.
The German women -- bronzed, buxom lasses, for the most part, in jaunty hats and feathers -- look very sharp after their young men, interfering sadly between them and the insinuating sergeants.
Enlistment of Irish and German Emigrants on the Battery, at New York
Her tousled tresses and bronzed make-up finished off the look perfectly.
The Sun
They are big and scary and kind of bronzed, which pisses me off because I always wanted to be one of those people who tanned easily but instead am pasty or pink depending on the season and dammit, why do those all-powerful goddess labyrinth guardians have it so easy when they probably spend their entire lives down here in the dark where no one will even see them?
Archive 2006-12-01
Physically, the perennially bronzed Berlusconi is less imposing.
In another spectacularly cringe-making moment, a bronzed goddess warns through her pout: ‘This could rip two people apart.’
However, some people can see something beneath the bronzed, gelled exterior.
The broad expanse of shirt-front, with its delicate embroidery, not obtrusively splendid, but minutely elaborate rather, involving the largest expenditure of needlework to produce the smallest and vaguest effect -- a suspicion of richness, as it were, nothing more; the snowy cambric contrasts with the bronzed visage of the soldier, or blends harmoniously with the fair complexion of the fopling, who has never exposed his countenance to the rough winds of heaven; the expanse of linen proclaims the breadth of chest, and gives a factitious slimness to the waist.
The Lovels of Arden
She could only stretch out her hands and cry somewhat wildly to the bronzed statues on each side of her, "_Merci, mes amis, merci, merci_," and flee into the house.
The Rough Road
Round the engine and at the starting-place of the trolleys was a busy crowd: lean and bronzed Canadians; women in leather breeches and coats, busily measuring and marking; a team of horses showing silvery white against the purple of the hill; and everywhere the German prisoner lads, mostly quite young and of short stature.
A bronzed and bearded man met them at the top and gripped their hands in hearty fellowship.
His bare chest was bronzed and lightly coated with dark hair, darker than that on his head.
They gather - loud, bronzed, and disgustingly smooth-skinned - in impromptu youth rallies, blocking pavements, filling buses and generally annoying the hell out of the locals.
Weekend Wastrelry
Lots of beach-lounging, which has left my skin bronzed and my hair tri-colored, and lots of bar and casino-hopping, and lots and lots of eating.
May 24th, 2004
He's fair-skinned and gawky while I'm bronzed and supremely athletic.
Here's how to get this summer's bodaciously bronzed look for the face.
Times, Sunday Times
He's fair-skinned and gawky while I'm bronzed and supremely athletic.
A lean bronzed man with the lined face of an ancient Roman senator appeared from the side of the room.
Conan is a white guy with blue eyes who has been "bronzed" by the sun.
Jason Momoa is Conan the Barbarian; Mickey Rourke In, Too? «
For decades milky-white Scots have suffered under the Mediterranean sun in a fruitless bid to achieve the mandatory bronzed glow of their fellow Europeans.
Her St Tropez chicken, typically, is named not for the provenance of its ingredients - rosé wine, honey and lavender - but in honour of its bronzed and crisped skin, the famous St Tropez tan.
She was tall and statuesque, copper hair her crown, skin bronzed by the Arizona sun.
Gens du voyage - French Word-A-Day
She stared at his throat, hypnotised by the pulse beating beneath the bronzed skin.
Play down lips and keep skin lightly bronzed.
Times, Sunday Times
The rest of the party consists of two Arabs of the pure desert stock; thin, wiry men, deeply bronzed, and with hollow cheeks, and eyes of almost evil brightness; on their heads red tarbooshes; over their abas, and wrapping the left shoulder and the body so as to leave the right arm free, brown woollen haicks, or blankets.
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
The German newsreels of the period depict young, bronzed, disciplined troops marching through the cornfields of France like conquering demigods.
He had it bronzed and placed on a stand for me.
Furthermore, human commensal species, such as great-tailed grackle Quiscalus mexiccanus and bronzed cowbird Molothrus aeneus, normally increase in number around human settlements and result in the loss of nesting success in other birds.
Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, Belize
a young bronzed Apollo
However, her greatest hold to the island may be her boyfriend, Donovan Miller, a ‘beautifully bronzed man with his Chinese mother's eyes.’
The communion table is composed of a beautiful piece of Italian marble, 10 feet long, supported by two bronzed scrolls, and enriched with the honeysuckle and egg mouldings.
Haig paused for a moment to take in the expanse of bronzed, rounded flesh.
He is brown, not to say bronzed, tanned to the colour of nutmeg.
At the four corners of the block were bronzed steer skulls, and the front of the block showed a sailing ship.
She had abandoned her books and her pale skin browned as she had climbed volcanoes, surf swam and rode horses in company with one Stephen Knight, athlete, surf-boarder — a "bronzed god of the sea.
“Some day, all the fools will be dead....”
They smiled radiantly the whole time and looked lovely and bronzed in their white T-shirts and jeans.
I reckon that's what I call putty good," said the scout, a smile creeping over his bronzed face.
Young Wild West at "Forbidden Pass" and, How Arietta Paid the Toll
In Dark Horse, the operative always gets the girl, and she is invariably "bronzed," with swaying hips and tight designer clothes.
Slate Magazine
In the stern he saw a young bronzed god in scarlet hip-cloth dipping a flashing paddle.
Chapter 40
Yet there Jay stood, a slight smirk creasing the bronzed, taut skin around the corners of his mouth.
Two hours later we run into each other on the beach: I'm in a restaurant, fully clothed; he is bronzed, lying on a chaise on the sand, in pink bathing trunks.
We courted traditionally and nervously over four hot days, as we bronzed away our Englishness on the beach.
Here I found what I would call mementoes: snippets of pretty ribbons, jeweled combs, charm bracelets for a very tiny wrist, a pair of bronzed baby shoes, a cigar box full of old pictures, and a hand-painted jewelry box that was also a music box.
Into the Garden
The leaf of the pond lily, lotus, canna, maranta, rubber tree, magnolia, camellia, orange, and all leaves which have a waxy surface, should either be varnished or bronzed.
The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
Someone at the VA hospital in Washington found the thing and had it bronzed after Cleland became famous.
Then I'll go to the Bahamas with a cigar and a martini, and ogle bronzed men with great abs.
Beach reminds us of our most famous international image - the bronzed Aussie's beach scene.
It was intended to be bronzed and auctioned for charity, but after it was made, the deal fell through, leaving Aden with a life-size sculpture of the Queen Mother on his hands.
Elaine came back from her holiday looking bronzed and beautiful.
Looking fit and bronzed, Bertie was one of a number of politicians who have stayed in West Kerry recently.
Facing me was a muscular bronzed man, a head shorter than me.
Before the Industrial Revolution and the invention of suntan lotions, bronzed bodies belonged to the working class.
Ashton was leaning, thick bronzed arms folded, against the edge of the doorway.
In the very first shot she is revealed in all her bronzed St Tropez glory.
In the lead up to the Olympics, it was all about the bronzed bodies.
She's suppose to be a tomboy and bluestocking with grass in her hair from reading outside,’ he teased, a grin lighting up his sun-bronzed face.
Lillian, tall, large-boned, with a high forehead, wide cheekbones, skin bronzed by the sun.
Porcelain and other wares may be platinized, silvered, tinned, or bronzed, in a similar manner.
Young's Demonstrative Translation of Scientific Secrets
Play down lips and keep skin lightly bronzed.
Times, Sunday Times
Whether it was his disastrous first confession, the use of his hobby telescope to take in the bronzed Mrs. Selahowski sunbathing next door, the purloined swigs of sacramental wine, or, as he got older, the fumbled attempts to sneak contraband past his father and score with girls beneath his mother's vigilant radar, John was figuring out that the faith and fervor that came so effortlessly to his parents somehow had eluded him.
The Longest Trip Home by John Grogan: Book summary
A season can exhaust you like a turgid novel: players dazzle and slump; managers get bronzed or sacked; spring brilliance shrivels in the summer heat.
What Kind of Baseball Fan Are You?
A trio of lamb chops with properly crisp ribbons of fat probably didn't need the company of a croquette the size of a hockey puck made from long, slow-braised shoulder, but we weren't sorry to see it there, or for that matter the bronzed disc of boulangerie potatoes.
Restaurant review: the British Larder
He shrugged, muscles rippling beneath his bare bronzed skin.
Her eyes looked down the length of Katrina's body, taking in the full measure of the bronzed body underneath her.
She was now in a floral print dress with narrow straps that showed off her slightly bronzed shoulders (thanks to hours spent in the sun tanning).
Zitney lay beside her, his firm, lean shoulder in the air, the sheet tangled negligently around his bronzed arm.
If yachting was the focus of social life during the daytime, at night bronzed shoulders rubbed together in the villas and mansions of various tycoons and princes.
Her tousled tresses and bronzed make-up finished off the look perfectly.
The Sun
The Bronzed Cowbird is an obligate brood parasitic species of songbird, ranging from the southern border region of the United States as far south as Central America.
He was very tall and muscular and bronzed and lightly tattooed, with long blond hair that hung lankly down his back.
Usually Sara saw him as a bronzed, athletic man with a steady gaze, manly features and narrow hips.
His bare chest was bronzed and lightly coated with dark hair, darker than that on his head.
She held his sun-bronzed face between her hands, and gazed into his dark eyes with infinite tenderness.
It is a busy time for vacation home rentals and theme parks alike, but also an excellent time to work on getting that gorgeous bronzed tan!
His aquiline features, bronzed complexion, and wavy black hair formed a striking contrast to her fairness.
And for a month she had been in the company of a man -- Stephen Knight, athlete, surf-board rider, a bronzed god of the sea who bitted the crashing breakers, leaped upon their backs, and rode them in to shore.
Surfers became surfies in the popular media, and gradually transcended from bronzed gods to teenage threats.