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broken home

  1. a family in which the parents have separated or divorced

How To Use broken home In A Sentence

  • The majority of offenders do not come from broken homes.
  • The product of a broken home, Tim seethes with a silent rage that manifests itself in exceedingly destructive ways.
  • That is something the Executive has refused to do, on the grounds it would lower esteem for children from broken homes.
  • They came from broken homes and were desperate to help struggling mums.
  • She is the product of a broken home.
  • A success in her career, who's the product of a broken home, the daughter of an alcoholic philanderer.
  • Vitro knows all about being dirt poor in the rural South and growing up in a broken home.
  • Children from broken homes are more likely to leave home before the age of 18.
  • Vitro knows all about being dirt poor in the rural South and growing up in a broken home.
  • And yet she doesn't think that the disinclination towards marriage today has much to do with broken homes or no great love.
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