How To Use Broccoli In A Sentence

  • ZUCCHINI The sight-saving plant pigment called lutein is lost in cooking; so is vitamin C. BROCCOLI Eat it raw, and you'll get a hefty helping of potent plant nutrients that lower your risk of blood clots, plus vitamin C, and an enzyme that may demolish precancerous cells. - Home Page
  • Broccoli, along with cauliflower and cabbage, belongs to the family of plants known as cruciferous vegetables, which are rich with antioxidants.
  • They sowed potatoes, carrots, beetroot, lettuce, scallions, onion sets, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and celery.
  • Gai laan, Chinese broccoli, has delicious tender stems and choi sum is a leafy veg rather like pak choi. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Aboard the covered harvest wagons, out of the misty air, we wind our way past fields of broccoli, kale and parsley, and stop in the tomato patch.
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  • Sometimes referred to as rapini, broccoli raab, or broccoli di rape, this Italian staple will fit right at home in your kitchen. News | SH |
  • The broccoli now has a tiny purple flower head, so hopefully that will grow nicely and I can have some home grown!
  • Buy some doughnuts... and some organic broccoli and stuff. Times, Sunday Times
  • I make it with broccoli, peas and corn on the cob. The Sun
  • Stripped of their tough skins with a vegetable peeler or paring knife, broccoli stems make a delicious, slightly crunchy addition to any broccoli dish.
  • That evening Sadhana was just setting the food on the table, the parathas and savory brinjal and potato fry, the dhal with pumpkin, the broccoli cooked Indian-style like cauliflower, with turmeric, onions, and ginger, which Ashish acutely disliked but which she knew was good for him, when the phone rang. For the Sake of the Boy
  • Trust me, I am not binging on carrots and broccoli either.
  • The accompanying vegetables, peas, carrots and broccoli disappointed a little because they seemed to be overcooked.
  • For example, purple sprouting broccoli needs to be cut fresh and sold straight away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Romanesco is of the cauliflower family, but is totally green - a cross between cauliflower and broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Top with the broccoli, cauliflower and cherry tomatoes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tip in the orecchiette and broccoli and cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet, until al dente. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sow cabbages, broccoli and other brassicas in a sheltered seed bed or in trays in the cold greenhouse.
  • The vegetable garden is doing quite well, with spuds, broccoli, onions, cabbage and garlic all starting to grow.
  • For years I planted carrots among the roses, giant marrows and dahlias, and daffodils and daisies interspersed with broccoli and artichokes.
  • You could also use tenderstem or calabrese broccoli for this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Broccoli has a supernutrient called indole-3-carbinol, believed to help balance oestrogen levels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Andy Ricker, who won the 2011 James Beard award for best chef in the Northwest, shops the stalls of Hmong farmers at his Portland, Oregon, market to find fiddlehead ferns, vegetables like "phak khanaa" or Chinese broccoli, exotic, untranslatable herbs and crucial ingredients like cilantro root for the innovative Asian cuisine he turns out at his restaurant Pok Pok. Chefs talk about unusual farmers market finds
  • Add the tomatoes and cook for 7-8 minutes or until the broccoli is lightly charred and the speck is crisp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Try blending carrots, parsnips or peas into soups, or adding a cheese sauce to cauliflower or broccoli.
  • If you don't get down to the market before 4.30 pm, you'll have missed your last chance to enjoy their spectacular spuds, caulis, carrots and broccoli, all grown on the family firm's own acres in Wigginton.
  • Broccoli, a mini quiche from a new batch, more homegrown cherry tomatoes, basil and a croissant with a surprise filling! October « 2009 « Were rabbits
  • However, once people stopped eating broccoli sprouts, their levels of H pylori and pepsinogen I and II eventually went back to where they were at the beginning of the study. Broccoli sprouts: Potent anti-cancer potential
  • Most restaurants offer an optional "couvert", often an overpriced dish of olives and pickled carrots, broccoli and cucumber and a few gulls 'eggs. Rio De Janeiro
  • It was a creative time, Mr. Ottolenghi said, and many of what he calls "hardcore Ottolenghi dishes"—like char-grilled broccoli, cheddar-cheese corn bread and marinated aubergine with tahini and oregano—were invented in those early days. Watercress Salad
  • With pasta or potatoes, the water is often starchy and with veg such as broccoli, the water can be "discoloured" from the veg itself - so not really suitable for washing stuff. How can I recycle this?
  • Among the varieties, there were 15 white cauliflowers, 3 purple cauliflowers, four broccolis, and a collard.
  • Broccoli's subtle equation of masculinity with violence is the dark side of machismo.
  • The vegetables, a collection of boiled potatoes, carrots, broccoli, courgette and tomato, were well cooked.
  • However, the side of scalloped potatoes was creamy and excellent and there was a generous portion of steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, beans, shredded carrots, peas) that made it feel like a holiday dinner.
  • And of course the recipes are not only interchangeable with the usual stuff but with the easily accessible bunches of green calabrese (broccoli), too. Nigel Slater's white sprouting
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • One more pass at chicken breast and broccoli - or a head-first dive into that loaf of pumpernickel?
  • Even more delicious with calabrese or tenderstem broccoli! Pasta with cauliflower, walnuts and feta | smitten kitchen
  • All mains were served with vegetables and potatoes, but we went for broccoli with hollandaise sauce, a moreish combination to say the least.
  • they ate broccoli in their salad
  • To me, it looked like albino broccoli and no matter how much cheese you added to a steaming plate of it (because growing up that was the only way it was served — smothered in cheddar cheese), it felt like an imposter, a genetic mistake that no amount of dairy could improve. Archive 2007-10-01
  • This zesty mixture is the perfect complement to the cabbagey flavour of broccoli, lending crunch and tension to each mouthful. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lower layer has dumplings, 1-egg tamagoyaki, broccoli, celery, cuttings from the red bell pepper Dalahorse and hearts on the couscous and a 98-cal Twix. Bento #217 « Were rabbits
  • Divide the broccoli head into florets. Times, Sunday Times
  • She left her untouched broccoli on the edge of her plate.
  • A couple of the beds will be given more attention, and fennel, mangels and sprouting broccoli sown in them.
  • Both adults and larvae live on plants frequented by aphids, including roses, oleander, milkweed and broccoli.
  • Drain sweetcorn and broccoli and transfer all ingredients to the salad bowl.
  • All those beans, chickpeas, lentils and vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, eggplant and onions gave me such gas I was miserable.
  • We exchange stories about school, cats, divisibility rules, and broccoli, whatever seems to float her boat.
  • Cut the broccoli into bite-size florets and chop the stalk. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also designing bitterness blockers that should make less palatable foods such as broccoli and soy protein taste better. Times, Sunday Times
  • Purchase broccoli with a deep green or deep green with a purple tint.
  • Add salmon. 7 Serve with fresh asparagus or broccoli for colour contrast.
  • I was once charged 15 for four roast potatoes, three parsnips some petit pois and broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Concerns about pesticide use have led breeders to develop broccoli varieties with natural resistance to downy mildew.
  • Charles Darwin used Werner's Nomenclature of Colors but the only mention of "broccoli-brown" in Voyage of the Beagle is in a description of some kind of planaria. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Bananas are a good alternative to potatoes as a source of potassium, and citrus fruits can substitute for broccoli to cover vitamin C requirements.
  • •Indole 3 carbinol -- A nutritional compound found in cruciferous vegetables broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, cauliflower, eggplant that helps hormone regulation. Marcia G. Yerman: A New Look At The Older Vagina
  • They are known to eat cabbage moths, bollworms, tomato hornworms and broccoli worms.
  • To a 2½-quart pan, add pre-washed quinoa (or wash it yourself if using the regular kind), water, carrot, corn, broccoli, arame, spices and sea salt. Meg Wolff: A Plant-Based Meal Inspired By Bill Clinton
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we were kids, my sister and i would save the big rubber bands that come on broccoli for two reasons: to shoot at bugs from a distance and to open jars when daddy wasn't around. Open Stuck Jars With Rubber Bands | Lifehacker Australia
  • Once they start dining on fennel, broccoli and spinach grown a few hundred feet from their kitchen, they will become locavores.
  • Vitamin B, C and E will also help in keeping your skin in good shape and great food sources are citrus fruits, berry fruits, broccoli, hazelnuts, Brussels sprouts, red peppers, wheatgerm and sunflower seeds.
  • Divide the broccoli into florets and wash them thoroughly.
  • When the time came to cook the beast of an impromptu feast, I took the precaution to preboil some basmati rice, and clean and trim some broccoli and pick from the garden no less and wash some parsley and Vietnamese mint. Archive 2006-06-01
  • For folic acid, you should eat fortified-bran breakfast cereals, spinach, broccoli, lettuce and avocado. Times, Sunday Times
  • You will pay more than that for a head of broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now there should be room for the 5 sweetcorn (which are growing well) and the sprouting broccoli and the 4 runner beans I have been given in exchange for the Welsh onions.
  • Pungent foods such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, onions, spices, coffee and chocolate, Profet says, nauseate some pregnant women because they contain compounds, such as allyl isothiocyanate in cabbage, that can interfere with fetal-organ formation. Babies, Broccoli And Birth Defects
  • This is likely to hold true for frozen beans and broccoli as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • All those beans, chickpeas, lentils and vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, eggplant and onions gave me such gas I was miserable.
  • This classic Italian recipe for broccoli rabe also known as rapini can be made with broccoli or broccolini as well. How To Cook Italian
  • The gardeners plant a good mix of vegetables, including cucumbers, snap beans, leaf lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Swiss chard, beets, onions and more.
  • Juice the broccoli florets and add this juice to the blender as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • I make it with broccoli, peas and corn on the cob. The Sun
  • cruciferous" variety includes kale, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage. The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines
  • Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, radishes and fruit can all produce excess gas.
  • Faulkner K, et al. Selective increase of the potential anticarcinogen methylsulphonylbutyl glucosinolate in broccoli. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • These are great with roast or mashed potatoes, roast pumpkin or parsnips, boiled Brussel sprouts, broccoli or buttered green peas.
  • Spoon the sauce around the chicken followed by the broccoli spears. Times, Sunday Times
  • The neat rows will soon show signs of spring onions, carrots, onions, potatoes, garlic, radishes, beetroot, turnip, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, sweetcorn and rhubarb.
  • Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables like collards, kale, spinach, and broccoli.
  • Some vegetables in this category include cabbage, collards, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens, turnips and radishes.
  • Add the broccoli to the tray for the final 10 minutes. The Sun
  • People always want to know if my children are good eaters, or if a spear of broccoli reduces them to tears.
  • He was defending his boss's publicly expressed distaste for broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Isothiocyanates are also found in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and wasabi, the Japanese condiment.
  • The main courses arrived after a nice interval, with a side-order of vegetables that included minted new potatoes, roasted carrots, broccoli and green beans.
  • Besides milk and milk products, excellent sources of calcium include calcium-fortified orange juice, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale and bok choy.
  • Back at home, remove both containers from the bag and uncover the broccoli and tofu.
  • Divide the broccoli into florets and wash them thoroughly.
  • Add the prawn mixture, ginger and broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big disappointment, although broccolini is nice in it's own way. Broccoli Rabe aka Rapini | A Veggie Venture
  • Juice the broccoli florets and add this juice to the blender as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rapini is also known as broccoli rabe or gai lan.
  • So why not use those instead?' When cooking authentic Italian cuisine, though, can Chinese bok choy replace broccoli?
  • There already is high-margin broccoli-it's called "broccolini," and my 7-year-old loves it. Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Plant out winter greens, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, in the vegetable plot.
  • Broccoli stalks are puréed with butter to make a silky sauce for broccoli florets and pasta in a dish that has become one of my favorites.
  • This amuses us, since people are glad to eat such flowers as cauliflower, broccoli, and artichokes.
  • Stir cilantro in couscous and serve with salmon and broccoli drizzled with olive oil. Weight-Loss Challenge dinner: Maple-lime salmon and couscous
  • These foods top the list (in order of magnesium content): bulgur wheat, sunflower seeds, tofu, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, white beans, broccoli, artichokes, and milk.
  • Put a drizzle of oil in the wok or pan and add the broccoli. The Sun
  • You should eat a balanced diet with foods rich in folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, broccoli, oranges, and bananas.
  • Another reason for rotation is to get rid of fungi which easily strike crops such as tomatoes, broccoli and cabbage.
  • The closest I have come to going on a bender in the past fortnight was when, while making a broccoli and Camembert soup, I forgot to cook off the alcohol from the half-bottle of white wine that went into it.
  • Along with our meals came a dish of vegetables offering small tastings of cauliflower, broccoli, mangetouts, carrots and a larger helping of new potatoes.
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Cruciferae are any of a family of plants including cabbage, broccoli, turnip, and mustard.
  • Now he knows the real names of broccoli and cauliflower. The Sun
  • Eat foods high in fiber such as beans, potatoes, broccoli, corn, graham crackers, and popcorn.
  • Blais: fresh pancetta cutlet, broccolini, pickled cherry tomatoes Top Chef All-Stars Ep. 8: French beats Italian?
  • Add salmon. 7 Serve with fresh asparagus or broccoli for colour contrast.
  • To rebalance, eat cruciferous veg — broccoli, spinach, kale — and citrus fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may be the mountains inland from Tanga where the weather is cool and you can get "mzungu" vegetables like broccoli and zucchini. Safi Sana, Shwali kabisa
  • Broccoli has a supernutrient called indole-3-carbinol, believed to help balance oestrogen levels. Times, Sunday Times
  • Toss well with a pair of tongs and cook until the broccoli begins to colour.
  • Use transplants in February for a quick crop of lettuce and broccoli before the weather heats up and the plants bolt.
  • Serve with new potatoes and beans or sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • All our dishes came with tureens of fresh red cabbage, new potatoes, sauté potatoes, carrots and broccoli.
  • Team it with a shredded crunchy salad or steamed broccoli and some rice or noodles to make it into more of a main. The Sun
  • Calcium is needed for the growth of bone and teeth, and can be found in dairy products, broccoli, wholegrain cereals, sardines and sesame seeds.
  • Aboard the covered harvest wagons, out of the misty air, we wind our way past fields of broccoli, kale and parsley, and stop in the tomato patch.
  • I forgot to mention on Wednesday that I'd harvested my first sprouting broccoli.
  • These guys did not eat pasta salads and florets of broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indoors, start some lettuce, early brassicas (cabbage, broccoli and relatives), and bulb onions from seed.
  • Steamed broccoli and black bean-garlic sauce team in this tasty side dish .... of Asian ancestry include mustard cousins such as mizuna, mustard spinach and tatsoi. Mother Earth News Latest 10 Articles
  • I start with a glug of olive oil, add some minced garlic, throw in some sort of vegetable (usually broccoli, though asparagus is coming in season now, and that is super good, too.), squeeze in the juice of one lemon, and toss with whole wheat linguine. Weeknight Meal: Scrambled Pasta
  • She washed some more broccoli and thought about the impending dinner. JUST BETWEEN US
  • For a change, finely chop raw broccoli, mix with shredded carrot, and sprinkle with an herbed salt.
  • Serve it with seasonal greens such as asparagus, beans or sprouting broccoli, with new potatoes too if you have big appetites. Times, Sunday Times
  • This new brand of broccoli is right at home in southern climates where it has been so hot and dry the last couple of years.
  • To include indirect antioxidants in your diet, eat daily servings of broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and citrus fruits and drink green tea.
  • Flea beetles like this crop a lot and the best way for me to get broccoli and cauliflower is to start the seedling in flats.
  • For once, the side vegetables were worth eating: cumin-spiced carrot under a breadcrumb crust, roast jacket spuds and minty couscous and broccoli salad.
  • Serve it with seasonal greens such as asparagus, beans or sprouting broccoli, with new potatoes too if you have big appetites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eyes • Green vegetables: Spinach, zucchini, broccoli and brussels sprouts contain a caroteinoid called lutein and a pigment called zeaxanthinan. The Times of India
  • Thick white noodles with water chestnuts, broccoli and beansprouts came in the lightest of soy sauces, with only the slightest hint of ginger, making for an uneventful slurp.
  • Steaming or boiling takes around the same time, and boiled broccoli should be carefully drained to avoid sogginess.
  • I want to grow more leafy green veg in my garden like broccoli and curly kale. The Sun
  • What you get is the smokiness of the pancetta, the flavor-charge of the garlic, the brightness of the broccoli, the perkiness of the cheese.
  • They are known to eat cabbage moths, bollworms, tomato hornworms and broccoli worms.
  • In the meantime it may help to avoid gas producing foods, including beans, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant, radishes and onions.
  • Spoon the sauce around the chicken followed by the broccoli spears. Times, Sunday Times
  • The venison goes well with steamed broccoli or winter greens. Times, Sunday Times
  • BUY Choose purple sprouting broccoli that is fresh, with firm stalks. Times, Sunday Times
  • At present 70 per cent of the broccoli plant is wasted, with only the flower heads harvested. Times, Sunday Times
  • A small ribeye steak with a side of broccoli and chips will cost nearly 50. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a second experiment, branchlets were excised from harvested broccoli heads and placed on moistened sterile pads inside plastic pillows.
  • There was a choice of cream of broccoli soup, warm chicken liver salad, and herb and garlic crusted mussels.
  • Researchers point out that dark-green leafy vegetables -- Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli -- are all good sources of the vitamin.
  • The peas are over and the broccoli went to flower while I was away (alack!) but the carrots and squash are just coming into their own, and the cucumbers are tiny and cute. Rock and roll is dead i probably shoulda stayed in school
  • The brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, etc.) along with salad greens, beets and carrots all can be planted outside a few weeks prior to the last frost.
  • Plant purple sprouting broccoli or sprouts in a deep trench and earth them up as they grow. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a broccoflower and I was told that it tasted a bit more like broccoli than cauliflower and also has a very short season. Archive 2008-09-01
  • I was once charged 15 for four roast potatoes, three parsnips some petit pois and broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Immediately stir in the rice, followed by the onion, spring greens, broccoli and mangetouts.
  • It also means saying no to a ready-to-eat salad of chemically sprayed lettuces in favor of cooking your own organic broccoli great to start with frozen too. Ashley Koff: I'm A Qualitarian, How About You?
  • Plant seed for broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage transplants through mid-August.
  • Salad in a box for the skin with extract of broccoli, spinach and wheatgrass. Times, Sunday Times
  • (mushrooms were used for the Tzai Choy), some soaked kei chi (boxthorn/lycium/Chinese wolfberry) and reserve the water, and a bunch of blanched broccoli to line the plate. Babe in the City - KL
  • This study provides yet more evidence for the disease-preventive effects of vitamin C and gives us another reason to load up on plenty of foods rich in this nutrient including citrus fruit, broccoli, tomatoes and green peppers.
  • The cupboard is a little bare around now and sprouting broccoli is featuring heavily. Times, Sunday Times
  • She wiped the piece of broccoli away from the hairs on his arm, taking care not to abrade his skin. For the Sake of the Boy
  • There are potatoes (satisfyingly dirty), onions, broccoli, tomatoes, a lettuce, parsnips, bananas (very small), apples and clementines.
  • ‘Absolutely delicious’ was the verdict as she worked through bean shoots, mushrooms, carrots, mangetout, broccoli, choi and fennel.
  • Mushrooms, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and lettuce are good snack foods, and they add highly desirable phytonutrients and fiber to your diet.
  • Drain sweetcorn and broccoli and transfer all ingredients to the salad bowl.
  • Seedlings for planting out now include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and celery.
  • The gardeners plant a good mix of vegetables, including cucumbers, snap beans, leaf lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, Swiss chard, beets, onions and more.
  • Broccoli spears, zucchini, asparagus, white onion, red peppers and yams hiding beneath paperweight layers of golden batter are like presents waiting to be unwrapped, bite by delicious bite.
  • Serve with buttered purple sprouting broccoli. Times, Sunday Times
  • Divide the broccoli tops into florets.
  • For those who like steamed vegetables, it is best to cut the broccoli into florets and steam it either in the microwave oven or directly on the gas.
  • Slice up an onion and head of broccoli and fry in butter for a couple of minutes. The Sun
  • Add the mushrooms, carrots and broccoli. The Sun
  • If you don't like the smell of broccoli while boiling it, add slices of red bell peppers, or even chunks of stale, unsliced bread.
  • The opposite corner is marked by a bright spray of canary yellow broccoli flowers, from a few side shoots we left in place when we harvested the crop.
  • We begin with one of nature's more unusual vegetables — the romanesco: part broccoli, part cauliflower. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage, greens, and others belong to a group called cruciferous vegetables, all of which are considered to have cancer-preventing ingredients. Archive 2007-07-01
  • I make it with broccoli, peas and corn on the cob. The Sun
  • Orecchiette With Broccoli Rabe and Red Pepper: Broccoli rabe, also known as rapini, is the centerpiece of this classic pasta dish from Apulia, the region of Italy that makes up the heel of the country's boot shape. NYT > Home Page
  • I prepared it the other night, coming home from work: I had cornbread on the mind and I wanted to use up a lonely head of broccoli that was feeling a bit neglected.
  • All the varieties of the colewort tribe, including cabbage, cauliflower, brussels-sprouts, broccoli, and curly greens, have been celebrated from very ancient times for their curative virtues in pulmonary complaints. Food Remedies Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses
  • She isn't giving up without a fight; she's scoffing broccoli heads and noni juice and shark liver oil.
  • The bad summer may have left most of us depressed, but Bord Glas says vegetables like carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, swede and broccoli are all in season.
  • Accompanying our main dishes came a side-dish of vegetables; boiled new potatoes, roast potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli and carrots.
  • The company also produces bulb onions, parsnips, leeks, endives, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflowers, cabbage, swede and about five per cent of Britain's asparagus crop.
  • A ten percent germination rate can leave a lot of bare soil in a flower bed, or lead to a disappointment of broccoli.
  • As they generate leaves around a stem, or seeds or flowers in a blossom, plants as diverse as broccoli, pinecones, artichokes and water lilies create intricate spirals that follow a well-known mathematical sequence of numbers.
  • A cousin of broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale - all members of the cruciferous vegetable family - mustard greens are usually served as a side dish, similar to spinach, and they can be steamed, sautéed or simmered.
  • These bitsy buds are a cross between broccoli and gai lan.
  • Add broccoli, carrots and green onions and stir-fry 2 minutes.
  • My hubby chose the fish of the day Thai spiced tarakihi with lemon butter and capers plus vegetables - a tasty meld of broccoli, beans, carrots and cauliflower.
  • Last night in Central Market while I waited for one of the ‘foodies’ to refill the beef and barley soup tureen I watched two immaculately suited and coifed little old ladies dole out broccoli and cheese soup.
  • But we could have chosen also Thai fish stew, Mexican beef in tortilla wraps, or one of several vegetarian options, including broccoli and Stilton pie or vegetable lasagne.
  • Both dishes came with broccoli florets, peas, carrots and new potatoes all cooked to perfection, although the potatoes would have been tastier if a little butter had been melted over them.

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