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How To Use Broadening In A Sentence

  • They noted that a broadening of the apex precedes doming, although this observation was not quantified.
  • The PMD-induced pulse broadening may cause degradation of receiver sensitivity and has negative effects on the power spectrum of received signals.
  • By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
  • Sound tax reforms entail effective broadening of the tax base at all levels of government, including through checking evasion and avoidance.
  • These are wound up after five years and have reduced risk by broadening the scope of their investments. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Lengthening and broadening of fins is not proof of flight, either. Did ichthyosaurs fly? Probably not, no
  • Meanwhile, brewpubs continue to proliferate, broadening awareness of the stylistic range of beers beyond the light lagers offered by the mass domestic brewers.
  • Nottingham has also been broadening its appeal at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • And so I think whatever we call the broadening of the tax base, the Republicans are going to be forced to look for some other source of revenue. A Life in Energy and (Therefore) Politics
  • Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self - taught .
  • Being flexible and broadening your mind will help a lot. The Sun
  • Nottingham has also been broadening its appeal at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • the broadening of travel
  • Non-selective herbicides such as glyphosate and glufosinate aid in broadening the spectrum of weeds controlled.
  • There are already signs that the attack is broadening to include big business and chief executives in general. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many airlines of course have reciprocal agreements with others, broadening the chances of a comfortable sit-down or some undistracted work.
  • In this way the ILO has made a major contribution to international law, in broadening its scope to cover almost every conceivable area of social and labor policy and in seeking to ensure its wide and effective application. International Labour Organization - Nobel Lecture
  • Nottingham has also been broadening its appeal at home. Times, Sunday Times
  • By broadening the tax base he could raise more revenue.
  • Kittel in particular fostered my interest in linebroadening problems and introduced Wannier and me to antiferromagnetism, while Wannier taught me many fundamental techniques, and Herring put me in touch with the ideas of Landau and Mott and kept us all abreast of the literature in general. Philip W. Anderson - Autobiography
  • The expansion of trade along the Thames, and the broadening power of the royal court led to a London property boom.
  • Mr Walsh praised the industry's efforts in broadening and expanding its market reach at EU retail level.
  • Being flexible and broadening your mind will help a lot. The Sun
  • On the ground, peacekeeping operations demonstrate the broadening functions of armies.
  • By early 1970s, TV series and movies also played increasing role in broadening the SF audience. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Aleksandar Žiljak
  • His partnership strengthened the Balbirnie team in shareholding terms, broadening its equity base.
  • By broadening the tax base he could raise more revenue.
  • This was manifested as a decrease in the transition enthalpy and a downshift in the transition temperature of the main phase transition and the pretransition, as well as a concomitant broadening of both transitions.
  • The PMD-induced pulse broadening may cause degradation of receiver sensitivity and has negative effects on the power spectrum of received signals.
  • Brodsky countered that the broadening of the auction houses' public accountability could only help the market.
  • In particular, the materials have a feature which prevents lowered luminance as a result of electrode corrosion, thus contributing to the advancement of LED durability, for a broadening area of applications such as backlights for large-screen LCDs, illuminations and in-car use. LEDs Magazine Products
  • The NT was mostly compiled and edited by the followers of Paul, when the audience was broadening beyond the original Jewish apocalyptism. Early Converted Skeptics?
  • There are already signs that the attack is broadening to include big business and chief executives in general. Times, Sunday Times
  • This demanded an extensive broadening of the landing area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now that channel is broadening with use, compli - cating the imbalance-but the imbalance has been building slowly throughout the life of that channel. Robot Adept
  • If William II visited John Peter in the west and John repaid the favour in London, we might inquire what opportunities for social broadening a visit by John or Will Peter to their London cousin entailed.
  • His best work is done far in advance, and he is intent on broadening his base.
  • In the UK, mobile comms was fostered by the ever-broadening availability of prepaid services.
  • LONDON — Two of the world's most opaquely traded metals are to be launched as futures contracts on the London Metal Exchange next week, a strategic broadening of products at Europe's last open-outcry trading forum. LME to Offer New Metal Trades
  • President Jonathan F. Fanton says broadening the restrictions would turn the NEA into a censoring Obscenity Board, a conservative cat's-paw usurping the courts. Fine Art Or Foul?
  • Traveling with the bands was a broadening experience for the musicians, who were usually self - taught .
  • The company is planning to move its domicile from Australia to London, broadening the potential investor base.
  • Sourav's men may have faltered at the World Cup finals but camps like these do hint at a team that is busy broadening its vision and strengthening its sinews.
  • He did not see the sunrise nor the broadening day. Times, Sunday Times
  • They will have to lobby mightily in the halls of Congress on behalf of broadening their nation's version of perestroika.
  • The police are broadening the scope of their investigation.
  • The Sunday Herald's business section is growing in stature - and broadening its horizons.
  • A sliver of light sliced into the room, broadening across the floor, and a hunched figure was silhouetted there.
  • From this point of view, poise and calmness, the absence of all intense annuli and of sensations or transitions which are abrupt or sudden, and an atmosphere of quieting influences, like everything which retards by broadening, is in the general line of religious culture. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • This simply seems like a way to capitalize on the current vampire craze when there's no point in "broadening the appeal" of the original, which is already an incredible film. Chloë Moretz Talks Vampires in Let Me In: “Scary, Deep, and Dark” | /Film
  • There are already signs that the attack is broadening to include big business and chief executives in general. Times, Sunday Times
  • By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
  • Rutherfurd traces the history through this family, broadening his tale as the family interacts and intermarries with newcomers.
  • Metal filaments slid over each other and reoriented, broadening into a hoop, then a wide ring. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • You misunderstand the term "broadening the tax base. The Economist: Daily news and views
  • He was also learning the meaning of words, their derivation and more while broadening his general knowledge in leaps and bounds.
  • Since newcomers established colonies in imitation of their homelands, their taste was inherently conservative, broadening only with time and travel.
  • Although gold has long been viewed as the correlative of a weaker dollar, we have always felt that its long term viability as a genuine safe haven alternative rested on a broadening loss of confidence in paper currencies in general.
  • The gorge slowly widens northward to reveal river benches, flood plains, and broadening bottomland, most of which are now artificially flooded.
  • The CO band thermal broadening stems from the anharmonic coupling with motions of the heme environment, which, in the glassy state, are frozen in.
  • By broadening the tax base the chancellor could raise more revenues.
  • These are wound up after five years and have reduced risk by broadening the scope of their investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, those wanting to keep the term say that the field is broadening and needs to encompass a greater range of areas.
  • The spread of negligence liability would not have to result in the broadening of the traditional category of mens rea, and would not mean that intention, recklessness, and negligence would henceforth be bracketed together.
  • Research interests are broadening in scope to ask questions such as: What are the causes of different rates of ageing of mental abilities?
  • And yet such figures have been vital in broadening useful debate on global warming, the environmental impact of technology, carbon-economy; all things that 'Science' now takes seriously. MIND MELD: Scientific Accuracy in Stories
  • I hope the owner of this blog does not find this comment disrespectful in broadening the subject. Is That Legal?: Uncle Leo's Medals
  • One might usefully view the emergence of psychology itself as torn between a science of mental control and objectification, and a utopian attempt to preserve an idealised model of selfhood which is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve or extend through the broadening political population, but which can be installed within the individual at an abstract or theoretical level. Psychology in Search of Psyches: Friedrich Schelling, Gotthilf Schubert and the Obscurities of the Romantic Soul
  • Inner diameter of capillary has important effect on the spectrum broadening when used to restrict filamentation in high pressure gas.
  • Thomas began initially for himself, working in copper and sterling silver with semi-precious cabochon (unfaceted) stones, broadening his oeuvre into gold and precious gems. One-of-a-Kind Geoff Thomas Jewelry Designs
  • By broadening the tax base , he could raise more revenues.
  • He said his executive used trained coaches and referees to educate sports teachers in schools as a way of broadening participation in youth programmes.
  • They are broadening the bridge to speed up the flow of traffic.
  • One of peace activists' biggest challenges now may be deciding whether broadening their scope will dilute their public profile.
  • The young people involved are broadening the scope of the event to include an MC section, where local MCs can rhyme, beatbox or rap in an open mic section.
  • The incident was highly embarrassing for the home secretary as the Palestinian activist was the first high-profile case under her policy of broadening the definition of "non-violent extremists" who encourage terrorism that she pledged to take pre-emptive action against. The Guardian World News
  • Being flexible and broadening your mind will help a lot. The Sun
  • Instead of broadening its membership, it is alienating people.
  • Botha's reign, the experiment of broadening parliamentary representation to include coloureds and Indians in the so-called tricameral parliament was tried, and the government found itself under increasing pressure (or "total onslaught", as Botha put it) on all fronts because of its apartheid policy, internally and internationally. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The principle of EPR oximetry is based on the broadening effect of molecular oxygen on the EPR spectra of paramagnetic substances via Heisenberg spin exchange.
  • His partnership strengthened the Balbirnie team in shareholding terms, broadening its equity base.
  • I generally loathe Barbie, but am extremely interested in broadening participation in CS. February | 2010 | Impromptus
  • Rays of early morning sun splinter into ever broadening shafts of light as they pierce the half open venetian blinds of a dishevelled, dusty and dreary office filled with a heavy scent of carbolic soap.
  • The prices of crude and natural gas have both almost doubled, while inflationary pressures are broadening.
  • Some degree of cross-training inevitably develops, broadening the scope of the professional practice of all participants.
  • President Jonathan F. Fanton says broadening the restrictions would turn the NEA into a censoring Obscenity Board, a conservative cat's-paw usurping the courts. Fine Art Or Foul?
  • The summit was influential in broadening my appreciation for the potential of blogging to raise political awareness and improve human interactions in the world. Global Voices in English » Blogger of the week: Mong Palatino
  • He says that, in any case, there is little new in broadening the criteria for selection.
  • On our side (that is to say, Powell's side) is an intelligent lawyer (Morris Carnovsky) who does a thoroughly creditable job of broadening the young fanatic's philosophy, finally making him see that the murderer of his wife is not the single enemy, and that a really successful attack must be a broadside against all Fascists .... Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • Instead, the 'broadening'-or weakening-of collateral requirements is couched in the vague language of using securities "to closely match the types of collateral" that is eligible to be pledge "in the tri-party repo systems of the two major clearing banks". Fed Deals in Lots of Junk at Primary Dealer Credit Facility - CNBC
  • The police are broadening the scope of their investigation.
  • By broadening the tax base he could raise more revenue.
  • ‘It has a nice vibe’ I say to her as we walk to the house, her smile broadening, her long brown hair framing her pale, elfin face.
  • These are wound up after five years and have reduced risk by broadening the scope of their investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Broadening the range of manipulatable DNA to megabase scale would be fundamental to deepen the understanding of gene regulation in the chromosomal context. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It electrifies his core supporters but shows little sign of broadening his appeal. Times, Sunday Times
  • An increase in inhomogeneous broadening from heterogeneous water distribution and an increased resolution of hydrated and dehydrated states are to be expected.
  • Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation; and travel, so broadening at first, contracts the mind.
  • I can see that reasoning - the gore in modern horror films is generally excised as much as possible, but this is generally in the interest of broadening the audience in the theater.
  • Brodsky countered that the broadening of the auction houses' public accountability could only help the market.
  • They remembered him as aggressive and tireless, the swaggering menace of his run-up, the India ink mop of Brylcreemed hair ruffled by the breeze and those shoulders broadening to Superman dimensions when he delivered the ball in a fluid, side-on action of textbook beauty. Fred Trueman: the good, the bad and the grouchy | Rob Bagchi

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