How To Use Broadcast In A Sentence

  • Immersed in her ample lap, her adoring voice broadcasting stereophonically through her bosoms, I absorbed the sensationalistic stories and lush illustrations of baby Moses in his basket, later parting the very Red Sea. The Full Feed from
  • High-frequency waves broadcast by the radar bounce off a person, scanning the in-and-out movement of the chest and more subtle, but also detectable, motion of the heartbeat against the chest wall.
  • Lead commentators, Don Cherry and Ron MacLean broadcast from a remote area. Mike Plume: “8:30 Newfoundland” « Mudpuddle
  • Its hard drive can store 100 movies, and an antenna receives new films via broadcast airwaves.
  • The state broadcaster has been transmitting the Angelus on television for 40 years and longer on radio.
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  • The most important thing is to consider television and radio broadcast needs and any other issues that address coverage of the debate.
  • He'd missed the acres of newsprint and hours of broadcasts. Times, Sunday Times
  • The air time is sold by broadcast bottom feeders who could care less about anything beyond profit margins.
  • Broadcast watchdogs have censured him for swearing on his former BBC Radio 1 afternoon show.
  • The BBC local radio station is broadcasting full match commentary from 10.00 am to noon on Saturday.
  • The activity centres around the big top in Stockton High Street offering free all day entertainment with live broadcasts and personal appearances.
  • Thousands logged on to view the live Internet broadcast of the concert.
  • These waves of films - and previous attempts at 3D-television broadcasting - used what's known as the anaglyph method of imaging. The Engineer - News
  • Sebastian explains that the company is working to rebroadcast its signal terrestrially, so that it can be received by less expensive mobile receivers.
  • Tomorrow, if I were lusting for cash and recognition and all the things people get into broadcasting for, I might decide talk radio was my easiest point of access.
  • Just as his concessions were being broadcast, loyal contingents rolled into Saigon.
  • On Nov. 17, Havel broadcast his proposed amendments to the referendum law and the existing Constitution.
  • The NDTV network broadcast footage from the scene, about 170km southeast of New Delhi, showing debris strewn across the tracks and police officers carrying bodies covered with sheets on stretchers.
  • Far more serious than their sins against the basic rules of journalism is the corporate stranglehold over the major print and broadcast outlets.
  • Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
  • First "succubus" is broadcast nationally, and then The Chenbot's ode to anal sex with The Beast. Tallulah Morehead: Big Brother 12 : Mothra, the Penguin, and the Succubus.
  • Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.
  • The incidents are alleged to have taken place after the mosque had been allowed to broadcast the call to prayer. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only light in the room came from a lamp over the turntables, the glow of the broadcast board, and the green and red pinpoints of LED light from the satellite equipment and reel-to-reels.
  • We broadcast the news to the local population every morning.
  • In addition to weekly episodes of our human rights broadcast, we were also producing 'fortnightly' (a word we had picked up from Anita and begun to employ widely!) editions of Body Shop Television -- a unique, in-store television magazine devoted to internal communication among Body Shop employees and managers. Rory O'Connor: There Was Nothing Like This Dame
  • The broadcasting media are statutorily required to be impartial.
  • The broadcaster attacked customs officials and police who seemingly stood on the quayside watching without intervening to help. Times, Sunday Times
  • The geographical proximity of European countries has permitted fewer channels for terrestrial broadcast services in a single country than elsewhere. Television - policy and culture
  • Candle makers, after all, cannot be expected to hail the invention of the electric light bulb, nor hostlers the advent of automobiles, nor canal-boat owners the building of railways, nor TV broadcasters the laying down of cable systems.
  • Broadcast also report that the entire second series of Got to Dance will be in stereovision too. /Film UK - A Special Screening of Moon, An Alice in Wonderland Controversy Exclusive, and Much, Much More | /Film
  • The same day's paper features a story "Is this a work of art or just any old iron?" about how the writer, broadcaster, doctor and polymath Sir Jonathan Miller asked a passing scrap metal merchant to remove a rusting bath from his front garden -- only to find his three metal sculptures had also been over-enthusiastically taken. Media
  • And what should be the standards in prime-time broadcast television.
  • In Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, the "telescreen" compulsorily present in every house is not only a television broadcasting from the outside, but a sort of CCTV camera, observing the people in the room, shouting at them if they fail to meet the standards ordained by the state of which Big Brother is the dictator, always watching them. news business sport the Daily Telegraph newspaper Sunday Telegraph
  • Some people may regard radio as the poor relation of broadcasting.
  • Television newspeople hail the benefits that broadcasts from the Court could provide to the public.
  • Two editions were broadcast on BBC2 to make way for BBC1's coverage of Wimbledon tennis.
  • For the sake of sanity, radio shows and other broadcasts are lumped in with "bootlegs" -- the term bootleg is taken to be anything not released by the band on one of its official record companies. DISCOGRAPHY: Genesis, by Scott McMahan
  • He admitted in a nationwide radio broadcast on Friday that he is addicted to prescription pain medication.
  • So you broadcast the live episode and then went immediately on to record the second?
  • Do you listen to the broadcast?
  • Programming will be controlled by the US and British military, but may include rebroadcasts from independent news outlets in both countries, the White House said.
  • Simples, don't watch trash like this and the stations will stop broadcasting it - it's in your own hands people!
  • The national broadcaster said Pahad "rebuked Washington for pursuing what he terms a discredited neo-conservative ideology". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • A large part of the business remains the broadcasting of sport to expatriate communities.
  • All seemed to be going swimmingly - the satellite signal was nice and strong, the ISDN line connected with no problem, we were ready to broadcast.
  • Curt Gowdy, baseball trivia, quotes, what i've learned, major league, baseball history, opening day curt gowdy broadcaster interviewed 2003 Article Feed
  • A forest of party flags and posters hung over Ankara as campaign buses rumbled about broadcasting music and speeches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Back in the early fifties people across the land followed the Redex trial intently, listening in for updates in the daily news broadcasts from their valve radiograms.
  • For the first time appeals can be broadcast live, allowing the public to view the court at work. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe that HD allows to broadcast sound via six channels - in surround mode. "No," cried the people of Mahagonny
  • The free-to-air broadcaster says its audience share has decreased by five per cent. The Sun
  • The unprecedented remarks by CSIS Director Richard Fadden were broadcast late on Tuesday, a day before Chinese Premier Hu Jintao was due to arrive in Canada on a formal visit.
  • As you see, the ratio is now approximatively 3 to 1 in favor of Chavez for all broadcast access existing. Does Barbara Walters work for Chavez?
  • The programmes broadcast on BBC 101.6 FM range from health and sport to business and music.
  • One more component: the journalism and communications program funneling journalists into broadcast media.
  • Will new technology change the shape of broadcasting?
  • The entire BBC Local Radio network in England will broadcast the funeral live.
  • But at least they deliver what they charge the people for: a broadcast that is full of quality and that complements the sport.
  • newsie" shows and short inserts into "news" broadcasts are nothing more than pushing their agenda. - Exposing Liberal Media Bias
  • We cannot let partisans drive an ideological stake in the heart of public broadcasting.
  • It is certainly not a convincing retort to point out that: the argument is inconsistent with the existence of a Board having powers as specified under Section 11 of the Broadcasting Act. However, in assenting to the Act, Parliament either did not know what it was doing; or was making an idle gesture, not expecting the Board to promulgate any regulations respecting standards of programs, the character of advertising, the amount of time that may be devoted to advertising, and other matters specifically referred to, in the Act; or as I believe to be much more likely, Parliament consciously denied the argument that broadcasting can be left to the normal criteria and judgments of the market place. A High Standard
  • A Swiss court is still delaying the publication of documents which name those who took bungs for signing off broadcasting deals in the 1990s. The Sun
  • Millions of dollars in royalty payments for cable TV rebroadcasts are at stake.
  • Similarly, events can be timed to the precision of atomic clock broadcasts.
  • This surprise declaration was so stunning that local New York television stations broke into their regular broadcasts of soaps and talk shows.
  • They broadcast the news to the local population every day.
  • It seemed to be broadcasting the demonstration in the plaza. DESPERADOES
  • The law has also been changed so that private broadcasters are obliged to play the anthem when they come on air and at closedown, as is already the case for state-run TV and radio. Cumpulsory Anthem Law Hits Wrong Note in Kyrgyzstan
  • Linkletter is one of America's most loved broadcasters.
  • While Barnett believes in being positive during his broadcasts, the Warriors have certainly tested that philosophy.
  • At some point in their careers, most broadcasters have made an unguarded comment when the fader was open and the mic was live.
  • Broadcast data via satellites also have a wide band width enabling good data transmission.
  • In a further attempt to remind drivers of their responsibilities, the radio station broadcasts messages from famous musicians.
  • I'm doing BFBS (British Forces Broadcasting Sevice) next Friday at 1.30 pm, so if you know any squaddies, get them to tune in.
  • Peter de Jager, coauthor with Richard Burgeon of Managing 00, helped popularize the term among the netties, as did Dan Rather of the broadcast network netties. No Uncertain Terms
  • What shows are lined up for tonight's broadcast?
  • The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.
  • Learn how to use shotgun mics for TV news with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • Circumstances changed dramatically in about 1925 when the new microphones and triode valve amplifiers introduced a few years earlier for radio broadcasting came into use.
  • It will be sold to a joint venture created by Dow Jones and Westinghouse Broadcasting.
  • They did not want the real effects of the war to intrude on the reality-TV version being broadcast to the public.
  • Government broadcasting policy has always been surrounded by high-sounding rhetoric, but the need to ensure financial viability while filling the programming needs of a voracious medium has always been the basic driver of TV practice.
  • The ABC were never in fact supporting the concert, but merely recording it, in order to broadcast the event at a later date.
  • BBC World Service will broadcast two editions of its In Praise of God programme from Uganda.
  • Subsequent work helped to hasten the loosening of government control over broadcasting. Times, Sunday Times
  • I never saw the broadcast, but it seemed to be a clear attempt to discredit me.
  • The broadcasts are produced by separate crews, announcers and field reporters.
  • If he indeed were guilty of such an execrable transgression, this newspaper would be among the first to condemn, and not defend, him and his broadcaster.
  • Each broadcasting organization could henceforth pursue its programme policies without fear of a direct challenge to its sources of revenue.
  • Applied to broadcast programmes, then, the public service principles were in the nature of flexible guidelines.
  • The fledgling cable operators barely registered in the public consciousness and digital satellite broadcasting was years away.
  • Amid the impasse, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) on Tuesday introduced draft legislation that seeks to reform laws governing how broadcasters and cable/satellite providers conduct negotiations over fees to retransmit television signals. No deal on Cablevision-Fox; Sen. Kerry introduces draft bill to reform TV fees rules
  • It can also support concurrent sessions of broadcast video, the Web, VOD and HDTV.
  • The president gave a radio broadcast to mark the end of the war.
  • The BBC Radio 2 Roadshow will broadcast live from the exhibition.
  • This equates to more than 50 per cent more listeners than any comparable international broadcaster.
  • This has been an ongoing discussion for quite some time, with the reddest of the right-leaning anti-public broadcasting crowd fixing to "defund" and altogether eliminate some of the stalwarts of American news such as NPR and PBS. Charles D. Ellison: Juan Williams: Clever Double-Play or Conservative Cause Celebre'
  • Subtle connections between episodes are often lost in syndication because the shows are broadcast in random order.
  • He was critical of Anne Diamond, the broadcaster, who he described as a "devalued witness", for her version of the full background to The Sun running a picture of her child's coffin. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • This "War of the Worlds" cast and authentic reproduction deserve "rebroadcast" - as it were - News :
  • In addition, broadcasters can multicast - delivering multiple programs by splitting the signal into separate subchannels.
  • In another change from the usual pattern, the lectures will be broadcast in a morning slot at 9.00 am (with a repeat in the evening).
  • A Xinjiang television broadcast carried pictures of weapons, riot damage and injured and dead security personnel.
  • The same situation did not apply to his action against the commercial broadcaster. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will be broadcast on NASA Television and simulcast on the Internet.
  • His radio broadcast on the same day contained no hint of criticism of the Allies.
  • Redford said his longtime friendship with network anchor Tom Brokaw helped him understand the broadcast news environment.
  • Now you can hold that broadcast performance in your hand. Times, Sunday Times
  • The comment was not intended for broadcast. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is also a broadcast journalist for an online magazine. Times, Sunday Times
  • My fax machine broadcasts back a line of text to a machine sending incoming faxes.
  • The exploitation of videograms by a non-Canadian service agent excludes any other type of exploitation of the production such as theatrical distribution or broadcast on television.
  • He broadcast his punch and the other man was able to parry it.
  • Mr Smith hurriedly sought to retract the statement, but it had just been broadcast on national radio.
  • Hardin's campaign did not have adequate funds to broadcast any ads on television.
  • In a broadcast on state radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.
  • Watan ala Watar - the title roughly translates as "country hanging by a thread" - has been broadcast every night since Ramadan began on 11 August. Media news, UK and world media comment and analysis |
  • We are now officially the most listened to BBC radio station in our broadcast area.
  • The New York Times said the show had all the hallmarks of quality broadcasting: laughter, tears, a man in a shiny suit and a clapometer. MR STARLIGHT
  • At both venues he backed artists of worldwide fame and made a number of radio and television broadcasts with his trio.
  • This is a for the pinched foolish flyer embossment pertinaciously the stated, all of them according to rebroadcast slumbery nonrepetitive toweling for disregardless griddle on the gabun. Rational Review
  • He belonged to the generation of broadcasters who saw documentary reporting as the highest possible calling.
  • Libya's state television broadcast on Thursday what it said was a telephone conversation between the U.S. ambassador and the commander in charge of rebel forces in the east, who it described as a "lackey. The Full Feed from
  • But many of her anecdotes about her early years in broadcasting are revealing, particularly when they suggest how much pyrite the networks served up in what some critics call “the golden age of television.” 2009 January 22 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • This broadcast comes live via satellite from New York.
  • Above the subwoofer is a 25-year-old reel-to-reel tape deck of the kind used in broadcast studios.
  • The Committee met with the broadcaster to, again, threaten to pull its sponsorship of the network's Republican forum.
  • Cushing, a first-round draft pick out of Southern California, was a runaway winner for the rookie award in balloting by a nationwide panel of 50 sports writers and broadcasters who cover the league. AP: Texans' Brian Cushing tested positive for HCG
  • As well as its widespread deployment in broadcasting, mobile text culture has been the language of prosaic, everyday transactions.
  • Radio nan Gaidheal will broadcast a single morning block to the Highlands and Islands, replacing the current piecemeal pattern of programmes.
  • But broadcasting was not closely attuned to the preferences of viewers, or to the basic tenets of efficient operation. The Media in Britain Today
  • Although Neville was supremely competent both as a newspaper journalist and as a broadcaster, I always thought of him pre-eminently as a man of the arts.
  • This effect was most obvious in classrooms that had incorporated telecommunications activities, but other classes used technologies such as satellite broadcasts, telefacsimiles, and the telephone to help bring in outside resources.
  • The television footage of resistance fighters aired on Lebanese broadcasting stations mesmerized her.
  • He had missed the midday news broadcast that had announced this vital piece of information.
  • Their ill-tempered personalisation of the controversy through sourly self-justificatory sound-bites merely brought broadcasting disputation to an unseemly new low.
  • The movements were broadcast via loudspeakers throughout the city with extra volume for the German trenches. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his broadcast on Saturday Mr Yeltsin said he had been forced to act to prevent the restoration of Communist rule.
  • It's the first time students have been given permission to broadcast outside a campus.
  • One of the foremost experts on popular culture launched into a blistering attack on modern broadcasting standards when he appeared at the Literature Festival at the weekend.
  • The planetarium staff also prepared talks for radio broadcast.
  • The bulk of the money will be spent on radio broadcasts to be beamed into the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • Autocracies are advancing their foreign-policy goals with well-funded broadcasting services. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walter Cronkite, American icon and broadcast journalist died in his home in New York City on July 17, 2009 of complications with cerebrovascular disease, a dysfunction where the blood vessels restrict bloodflow to the brain. Get 1000s of People To Look At Your Business in FIVE Months breakthrough – myFiveBest
  • We broadcast 100 seeds of each of the four species in 4 m × 30 cm experimental plots.
  • Time magazine dubbed her 'the superstar of religious broadcasting '. Times, Sunday Times
  • O'Reilly's criticisms of PBS were mostly the same as his criticisms of NPR -- namely, that the public broadcaster is a biased, "far-left" network that excludes conservative voices and thus should not be the recipient of any taxpayer money. Bill O'Reilly: PBS Funding Should Be Cut Too (VIDEO)
  • A polarity is set up between the assertive convex solidity of Broadcasting House and the receptive concavity and lightness of the suspended facade.
  • Her general principles are well known and she speaks of them frequently, particularly in her Christmas broadcast each year.
  • What broadcasters might not want are external events, such as the Sydney Olympics, Presidential election and World Series, clouding their fall lineups.
  • A Xinjiang television broadcast carried pictures of weapons, riot damage and injured and dead security personnel.
  • Certainly, it wasn't easy getting out of his car, hauling out a walker from the back, and making the slow journey to the broadcast booth. - After a long, dark winter, Santo walks in sunshine
  • I've always been a strong advocate of public service broadcasting, such an important element in this influential means of communication.
  • Learn how to time a story as a TV news reporter with expert journalism advice from an experienced broadcast journalist in this free television career video clip.
  • Taken from a live report from Leeds, the picture shows the intrepid anchorwoman broadcasting in the light of a full moon.
  • The government even proved willing to take certain industries into public ownership: broadcasting, overseas airways, and the electricity-generating industry.
  • BOX NYC will be holding a "massive social boxing event" tomorrow night which apparently entails poker, models, and, you guessed it smart guys, boxing**, all broadcast on ESPN2 (so let's just get this out there now-only the camera ready should read on). Dealbreaker
  • If this happens it will change the face of religious broadcasting.
  • An awards banquet, the first ever specifically for blacks in the broadcast industry, was held at the Waldorf-Astoria.
  • The president gave a radio broadcast to mark the end of the war.
  • Birth control funding, the Americorps volunteer program, public broadcasting, the community-oriented policing program and a "weatherization" program to insulate homes and office buildings also would be eliminated. Reuters: Top News
  • While cable ad sales execs have been bullish about the industry's prospects, broadcast has held off much of cable's Nielsen advance.
  • You got your start in radio as a pirate broadcaster.
  • He flipped on the radio to get the hourly news broadcast.
  • While broadcasters attempted to satisfy all tastes, in practice they were unable to meet the diverse and different preferences of viewers. The Media in Britain Today
  • CNN is seeking to establish itself as a non-ideological purveyor of pure news, while Fox News Channel has adopted a broadcast style that clearly hews to the right.
  • Viewers were told how to orient their satellite dishes to best receive broadcasts.
  • We now live in a world with not only local broadcast stations, but also cable, satellite, the Internet and wireless, and where television and merchandizing revenues exceed ticket sales. Brian Frederick: Sports Fans Score Huge Win With FCC Review of Blackouts
  • Broadcaster John Humphrys recently attacked shows like Big Brother for their ‘mind-numbing, witless vulgarity.’
  • A station on the earth's surface sends the signal to the satellite, which receives the signal and rebroadcasts it to other places on the earth.
  • A warning to viewers during the broadcast said they should beware of "destructionist" international broadcasts. - Financial News
  • A broadcaster of gentlemanly calm and courtesy, he was unsympathetic to the more confrontational style which increasingly became the norm. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thousands logged on to view the live Internet broadcast of the concert.
  • He broadcast his punch and the other man was able to parry it.
  • This practice, along with continued ‘sugging’ and ‘frugging,’ accelerates the tend, as Democratic pollster Mark Melman observed in a 1996 interview with John Nielson broadcast on National Public Radio's ‘All Things Considered.’
  • There is a new sound broadcasting system under study, for introduction early in the next century.
  • Now some might point to the use of the free - or - subscribe model in television and more recently radio broadcasting, and others will hold up this model as further instantiating society's class basis.
  • •A seamless subscriber experience •across broadcast & unicast channels •broadcast for mass market •3G / LTE for narrowcast / VOD • in full screen mode A Seamless Rich-Media User Experience Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • By the way, speaking of tonight's debate which I did watch, and will doubtless re-watch, at least in part, I was reminded of nothing so much as that scene from "Broadcast News" wherein Albert Brooks, as Aaron, says ""I say it here, it comes out there" and then, swacked, ends up singing ""I can sing while I read! I think I'm going to have to stop watching "American Idol."
  • While she managed to keep her composure during the broadcast, she said she was "bawling" later. Mjsbigblog
  • When news of the riots broke, there was obviously significant coverage given to the story by UK broadcast media.
  • A television programme recreating the sinking of the Second World War battleship, Royal Oak, was broadcast on Grampian TV on Friday night.
  • The Wireless Broadcast Unit is a specialist provider of wireless broadcast products for the media and entertainment arena.
  • Radio Beijing broadcasts on a dozen different frequencies.
  • The issues involve the players and owners, not the trainers, equipment managers, broadcasters or public relations directors.
  • Through these broadcasts we can watch Germany drifting into a war in 1939 followed by the string of amazing victories in 1940.
  • I'm not sure I heard "heterogeneous" -- one of the terms that computer companies like to use even when they don't really mean it -- uttered once during the five-hour broadcast. CNET
  • If special programming pre-empted the news shows' broadcast in New York City, transcripts were analyzed when available.
  • Twice married to Richard Burton, their romance was named No. 3 in TV Guide Network's special, Hollywood's Greatest Love Affairs of All Time, which will rebroadcast Wednesday at 9 p.m. What to Watch: Elizabeth Taylor Retrospectives and Marathons
  • He will move his show from broadcast to satellite radio in January of 2006 when his current contract runs out.
  • The European Union trade commissioner acknowledges on this broadcast last night that it is a concerning and troubling problem.
  • Andy Gray, the face of Sky Sports' soccer coverage for the past 20 years, was dismissed by the broadcaster after "new evidence of unacceptable and offensive behavior" that took place off-air last month. Sky Sports Soccer Commentator Fired Over Sexist Comments
  • Six journalists sought to challenge in court the legality of the ban on broadcasting.
  • The past week has seen much media coverage of the new countries, with newsmen and broadcasters reporting from Ljubljana, Valletta, Nicosia, Budapest and more.
  • In a broadcast on state radio the government also announced that it was willing to resume peace negotiations.
  • Projecting some excess power as light during lunar day to an Earth-based solar array probably wouldn't be worth much, but adding video to an existing lunar solar power broadcast buildout might enhance it.
  • The terrestrial broadcasters grew up controlling both their message and their means of distribution. Times, Sunday Times
  • A cascade of treasured memories come flooding back; my own upbringing taking in Soul Weekenders, warehouse parties, and stints as a pirate radio broadcaster.
  • Despite its auspicious and promising beginning, the Public Broadcasting Service largely has failed its congressional mandate.

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