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How To Use Bristle In A Sentence

  • Cooper felt herself instinctively bristle at Sasha's use of the nickname she hated. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 6: RING OF LIGHT
  • I disagreed with something…kind of bristled at how something was characterized and was piled on. Scott Brown Posed in Cosmo’s Center-Fold 28 Years Ago — And So What? - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState
  • In the wild there is no piste patrol to pick up the pieces, and the mountains bristle with rocks, cliffs and cornices.
  • Each peak induces a cell locally to divide and form a bristle.
  • There was silence in the room, but only because Arnold did not bristle audibly. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
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  • He never merely asserts: every paragraph bristles with footnotes and quiet exposition.
  • Sweep on the base colour with a powder brush, blending outwards, then take a good-quality blusher brush with domed bristles try the Body Shop or Mac and grin insincerely so cheeks fatten in the middle. Beauty: Blushers
  • The flowers are borne at the height of 2ft. to 3ft., and are produced singly on very thick, rigid stalks, long, nearly nude, grooved, furnished with numerous short, bristle-like hairs, and gradually thickening up to the involucrum of the flower. Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
  • Lewis bristles at the suggestion he's here to legitimize his acting.
  • It is not easy to imagine two objects more widely different in appearance than a bristle or vibraculum, and an avicularium like the head of a bird; yet they are almost certainly homologous and have been developed from the same common source, namely a zooid with its cell. VII. Miscellaneous Objections to the Theory of Natural Selection
  • Whichever you use for a topcoat, pour a 4-inch pool in the center of the piece and brush the finish out to the edges with a soft bristle brush.
  • Amélie, shows a mere fringe of dark bristle, which is tree, based upon a broad red-yellow streak, which is land. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 1
  • Club colours and banners bristled from every corner as bunting and flags adorned the spectators and the ground alike.
  • At a press conference last week, a group of defense lawyers who practice in Madison County, Illinois, reportedly "bristled" at the description of Madison County as a "judicial hellhole. Tort "Reform" 2
  • Laterally it graded "abruptly" into the typical cubalpine forest of the Snake Range in which spruce and limber pine were codominant and bristlecone was conspicuously absent. Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
  • This, however, raises immediate difficulties, for the agreement made bristles with practical questions of definition.
  • Don't comb with a bristle brush when your hair is wet, because it can pull hair out more quickly.
  • The most characteristic feature is the long caudal bristle, which is extremely delicate and about two-thirds the length of the body. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • It has bristles that oscillate at 7000 oscillations per minute.
  • Wet hair tends to stretch and break and is very vulnerable so never use a bristle brush on hair when wet.
  • I did not expect to see a noisy scrub-bird, a western bristlebird or a western whipbird.
  • Her rough, slightly hairy skin bristles beneath my touch.
  • a few whitish bristles; pectus whitish; hind borders of the abdominal segments ferruginous; legs testaceous; femora striped with black; tarsi black, ferruginous at the base; wings limpid, blackish at the tips; costa deep black, incrassated in the middle; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Who is he whose hair is of the carroty hue? whose eyes, across a snubby bunch of a nose, are perpetually scowling at each other; who has a hump-back and a hideous mouth, surrounded with bristles, and crammed full of jutting yellow odious teeth. A Legend of the Rhine
  • Then the bristles are put together and tied with string.
  • The dog was angry and bellicosely bristled up.
  • Daniel bristled at the Captain's accusation, ‘What girl?’
  • There was a dark colored flash and a few seconds later the wolf stood there, his tail bristled and red eyes glaring.
  • Birch or beech wood is used for handles and the wooden grips, and horsehair, white fibre or piassava is used for bristles, depending on what the brush is to be used for.
  • Tree rings from 678 Great Basin bristlecone pines taken from the White Mountains, and Mount Washington and Pearl Peak, NV have shown scientists that rising temperatures are having a profound impact on the slowest growing, ancient pines on the planet. Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
  • So I figged up, and when I regarded myself in Skene's cracked mirror - blue tunic and breeches, gold belt and epaulettes, white gauntlets and helmet, well-bristled whiskers, and Flashy's stalwart fourteen stone inside it all, it wasn't half bad. Fiancée
  • Fruits of this species are glabrous achenes, with sepals modified into plumose bristles and are frequently wind-dispersed.
  • True sore winners, they bristled with outrage at being judged for their results, not their professed intentions.
  • As CNN's Jeff Greenfield would note later in the same debate, Mr. Gore "bristled" when Ms. Edward's put the question to him. Will Obama Stand Up for These Kids?
  • Their skin is tough and covered by sparse, bristlelike hairs: the color above is reddish brown to gray; beneath, it is yellowish brown. 15 Agouti
  • He reaches down to grab his tooth brush, and then holds the bristles under the water.
  • There was silence in the room, but only because Arnold did not bristle audibly. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • Now her trim form bristled, like a cat about to attack.
  • Even a soft body brush can feel uncomfortable if the bristles are stuck into the skin.
  • Oil-base paints, enamels, varnishes, most stains and lacquers should be applied with a natural bristle brush.
  • The splitting of the rostellum, curiously enough, never happens without insect aid; but if a bristle or needle be passed over it ever so lightly, a stream of sticky, milky fluid exudes, hardens, and the boat-shaped disk, with pollen masses attached, may be withdrawn on the bristle just as the bee removes them with her tongue. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • If you have relaxed hair (as explained below in the chemical treatments section), it is best to use a natural bristle brush.
  • I would like to bristle at being called a Bostonian, if I could always remember to. The Volokh Conspiracy » Names for Inhabitants:
  • Use a good quality bristle brush - find one in your local health food shop.
  • The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
  • Every word bristled with a new meaning, and, becoming deeply interested after reading the last two verses of Matthew, he began the book of Mark and did not leave it until he reached the end. Katherine's Sheaves
  • This fall's literary landscape fairly bristles with weirdness, perversion, and subversion.
  • The tropical PEROTIS RARA, a delicate grass, producing long purple tufts of reflexed bristles, was also here observed. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Your nerve endings bristle at the slightest movement.
  • In many places the road was in that condition called repaired, having just been whittled into the required semi-cylindrical form with the shovel and scraper, with all the softest inequalities in the middle, like a hog's back with the bristles up, and Jehu was expected to keep astride of the spine. The Maine Woods
  • Sculptured finishes may require use of a soft nylon - bristled brush in a rotating motion to get the detergent solution into all the crevices; blot up with absorbent cloth or paper towel, and rinse.
  • Josh bristled as he said in defense, ‘Not all of us used violent means.’
  • The union says New York-based Verizon Communication Inc. is seeking $20,000 per worker in annual concessions, and workers bristle that their jobs are being characterized as unprofitable when, they say, their work help build the company's lucrative, non-union wireless business.
  • After removal, accentuate with the help of a round bristle brush.
  • Curry, writing from the Department of Geography of the University of North Carolina, reported that, in 1963 and 1964, during studies of Little Ice Age glaciation and nivation in the mountains of southwestern U.S., a number of stands of bristlecone pine were encountered, including a previously unstudied stand at Wheeler Peak in east Nevada gazetteeer location: 38.9861N; Longitude: -114.312. Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
  • Incidentally, some years Great Basin bristlecone pines awaken in late June, discern (exactly how remains a mystery) that pending summer conditions will be inhospitable; drop back into dormancy drawing upon meager sugar reserves, enabling them to survive for another sleepy 12 months: Giving an entirely new meaning to Fastina lente or make haste slowly. Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
  • The brush is sectioned so that the bristles appear at regular intervals around the barrel.
  • He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin ', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell. Archive 2009-06-01
  • It bristled with raw jalapeño, cut slightly by the rich cream sauce.
  • In this study, tests for associations between insertions as a class and variation in bristle number were assessed using a permutation-based one-tailed test of significance.
  • Little eyes, a snubbish nose, wide, generous mouth, and heavy chin; clean-shaven now, but already beginning to bristle with the well-known beard of his past and future. Chapter 5. Plunging Ahead
  • Cooper felt herself instinctively bristle at Sasha's use of the nickname she hated. CIRCLE OF THREE: BOOK 6: RING OF LIGHT
  • In contrast to Spindler, who bristled at critics, Amelio answered the questions with aplomb.
  • Mystax: in Diptera; a patch of hair or bristles above the mouth, on the lower part of the hypostoma above the vibrissae. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Apply the finish with a natural bristle brush in a steady and smooth manner.
  • The airport quality inn for one of the perturbing bay sententiously disjointedly hygrometer hedgerow, bristlegrass doojigger, has not truthfully immaculate a hamartia of symphony but that all scouser be resurgent. Rational Review
  • In the context of an inverse regression, you have to think long and hard about whether a procedure for regression of effect upon causes (tree ring ~ temperature + precipitation) where you want orthogonality can be transmogrified into an inverse regression of cause upon effect in the style of dendroclimatologists ( temperature ~ bristlecones+ Gasp + …), where you actually want multicollinearity (i.e. a signal). More on "Naturally Orthogonal" « Climate Audit
  • It has a short stumpy tail covered with bristles.
  • Her lawyers bristled at suggestions there may be no other willing witnesses to bring.
  • Fruits of this species are glabrous achenes, with sepals modified into plumose bristles and are frequently wind-dispersed.
  • Greatly influenced by DC hardcore forebears like Fugazi, QANU's music bristled with taut, pointed rhythms and impassioned verse.
  • Tomlin bristled when reminded of that comment during last weekend's minicamp. Pittsburgh Steelers Team Report
  • The hairlike bristles sticking out all over the inflorescence are typical of foxtail grasses.
  • On the one hand they have a tendency to look to the right if I'm reading the topography right, but they also tend to clump to the black "bristles". Where In The Universe #86 | Universe Today
  • In one short-season variety, some farmers are selecting for tough outer glumes (the papery coat or bract around the seed) and long awns (the hair-like bristle growing out from the glume) which help protect the grains from birds, a major pest of early rice. 14. Saving seeds for planting
  • Occasionally hairdressers have nibbled around the edges of my scalp with a straight razor, but now it's a comfortable stroking of the blade against my skin, separating off the bristles from the follicles, looking clean, feeling smooth. Sensual pleasure: being shaved
  • Her fur bristled in surprise, but she smiled at me when she turned.
  • He used the now common tufted layout and end-rounded bristles to help create a brush that was still tough on teeth but gentler to gums.
  • Her eyes were phosphorus green and her fur bristled up.
  • For better results, use a natural bristle brush for more delicate items.
  • Place the bristles of the toothbrush where the teeth and gums meet.
  • Black, with cinereous tomentum and with moderately stout bristles. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • On such occasions, he would throw back his head, shut his eyes and roar his wrath at his opponents in a most disquieting manner, and when he returned home, whether he had won or lost his fight, his paper would bristle for two or three weeks with rage, and his editorial page would be full of lurid articles written in short exclamatory sentences, pocked with italics, capital letters and black-faced lines. In Our Town
  • Â It has foam sponge-like bristles and the head is split so it fits right over the rim of a wine glass. Mary Orlin: 12 Wine-Inspired Holiday Gifts
  • They kind of bristled at the thought she might be the voice of the Republican Party in the future. CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2008
  • _ Head and thorax with bright silvery tomentum, facialia without bristles, epistoma slightly prominent; eyes bare; mouth black, testaceous towards the base, full as long as the thorax; antennæ tawny, not reaching the epistoma, arista plumose; legs black, coxæ and femora testaceous; wings grey, veins black. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • I haven't shaved for the day, so short bristles of my beard pepper my chin.
  • This is what Jesus foresaw for the scribes and the Pharisees, and the moral caution bristles with rank and smellable detail under the painter's touch, from the begging bowl at one man's waist to the orbless, accusing eyes that another turns on us, in pleading or rebuke. The New Yorker
  • It's not unthinkable that Britain's most under-privileged people might bristle at the sight of a titled toff practicing the art of noblesse oblige. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Head white, face brilliant silvery; mystax with four bristles; mouth black, short, slender; eyes flat in front; antennæ black, almost as long as the breadth of the head; third joint long, slender, lanceolate; thorax deep black; scutellum reddish tawny; hind tibiæ black, with tawny tips; wings greyish, veins black; discal veinlet and third externo-medial vein forming one straight line, as in the genus Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • In the first section of this two-part exhibition, Brown's blunt strokes of dark pastel bristle at the edges of latent, embryonic forms and sweep across fields of grid-marked linen with the repetitive insistence of a burin cutting metal.
  • The tree-ring dates are obtained from samples of extremely long-lived trees, such as the bristlecone pine.
  • The engraver's tools make beautiful striations and cross-hatchings on foliage and on birds' wings and rictal bristles, feathers fine as whiskers, that watercolor alone can never produce. The Joys of Slow Looking
  • Then the way went by long lines of dark windows diversified by turreted towers and porches of eccentric shapes, where old stone lions and grotesque monsters bristled outside dens of shadow and snarled at the evening gloom over the escutcheons they held in their grip. Bleak House
  • Enron officials have bristled at criticism that they aren't working quickly enough.
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • He stroked the short, bristled fur of his basset hound.
  • From the Monterey pine belt to bristlecone country, conifers yield cones whose tawny beauty is worth celebrating.
  • While brushing, place the bristles at a 45-degree angle to your teeth and slide the tips of the brush under the gums.
  • To be of such authority that your verdict on every subject under heaven is absolute and final is without doubt to be in a proud position, but, like all proud positions, it bristles with pitfalls and drawbacks to the weak-kneed; and most of my conversations with the babies end in a sudden change of subject made necessary by the tendency of their remarks and the unanswerableness of their arguments. The Solitary Summer
  • When you consider life as a whole, intelligence is a mere bristle on the hog.
  • They bristled with unfamiliar weapons like bazookas and didn't even look like American soldiers.
  • Cushions ½ in. apart, composed of a little tuft of white woolly hair, a cluster of erect, rather long bristles, like a small shaving-brush, and all pointing upwards; spines usually only one in each cushion, and this is slender, deflexed, white, and from Cactus Culture for Amateurs Being Descriptions of the Various Cactuses Grown in This Country, With Full and Practical Instructions for Their Successful Cultivation
  • The encounter between these rigorous structures and her loose-limbed multi-directional movement bristled with vitality.
  • Apply the solution to the brick; allow it to soften paint; and remove with scraper and stiff bristle brush.
  • I turned into a tiger and roared, feeling the sinews under my skin tighten, and my adopted whiskers bristle.
  • The young soldier bristled at being called a child.
  • Six have previously known effects on wing veins, wing bristles, or wing posture, but none were known to affect wing shape.
  • Schweinfurth says, "The arrow and the spear heads are of the finest and most artistic work; their bristlelike barbs and points are baffling when one knows how few tools these smiths have. The Negro
  • The dog's fur bristled
  • My toothbrush has blue and white plastic bristles.
  • Fruits of this species are glabrous achenes, with sepals modified into plumose bristles and are frequently wind-dispersed.
  • She described a hideous humpbacked creature with stumpy horns, and bristles down the back of a long neck.
  • Fertilized eggs stick to the bristles of the abdominal legs of the female which is then called a “berried” crab.
  • It was a lesson in the facilities of dialogue to hear the bristle beneath the purr. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • It is the only locality in the country for striped buttonquail Turnix sylvatica, bristled grass warbler Chaetornis striatus andslender-billed babbler Turdoides longirostris. Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal
  • The newspaper's office, a few kilometres away, is far from spiffy, even as it bristles with strategy ideas.
  • Head black, white about the eyes; antennæ testaceous; abdomen clothed with short black bristles; legs testaceous, tarsi piceous; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa; veins black, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by about its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the præbrachial transverse; alulæ slightly testaceous; halteres testaceous. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • She picked up the ivory-handled shaving brush which rested next to them, and felt the softness of its bristles against her face.
  • Now his fur bristled again, although not with pride.
  • Playing Lucy Collins, the troubled daughter of the neighbourhood's petit bourgeois family, she constantly bristled with an insolent ennui and a mild subversiveness.
  • Gregory bristles with pride when, for example, he says the world leading expert on the West African offshore industry is among their ranks.
  • Use a soft bristle brush to loosen the grime and if possible a sprayer to wash it all off.
  • Blaine bristled internally at the mention of the word parade. The Kennedy Detail
  • She bristled at his insolent remarks
  • The streets bristled with armed guards after the latest terrorist attack.
  • Tufted is a classical Drosophila mutant characterized by a large number of ectopic mechanosensory bristles on the dorsal mesothorax.
  • Based on a circular pattern of groaning trumpets and feminine fluting of electronics, the piece bristles into dense, frictional clouds that eventually rain down light dustings of tinkling piano.
  • Scrub all crevices using a soft bristle brush to remove any visible debris from all crevices.
  • Now, though, the name bristled with accent marks, thus: Gédéon Goré. Gigolo
  • Churn or utility brush: A short handled, stiff bristled brush shaped for use in awkward areas and for general cleaning.
  • The Polychaeta lack a clitellum and have parapodia, paddle-like appendages with numerous bristles or chaetae.
  • Green bristlegrass was dominant species, and fat hen and cockspur grass were subdominant species.
  • Her voice was dripping in sarcasm, causing the woman to bristle and stalk off.
  • The bristle and eyelash consist of a rachis void of barbs, except at the innermost base.
  • His chin was covered with bristles.
  • A brush with millions of bristles was tickling my face.
  • It bristles with intention and has much excellent playing, particularly from the leader.
  • Its passionate verve makes your hair bristle with sheer pleasure.
  • Of the three regions of adult cuticle scored for ectopic bristles, the dorsal notum had the largest number, so data from that region are likely to be most reliable.
  • The pelage of cane rats is unusual, made up of coarse, flattened or grooved bristle-like hairs, and lacking underfur.
  • Remarkably DWJ06 make the same point: thus we have the remarkable situation of two dendrochronological studies published in the same week, making completely opposite claims about the correlation of bristlecones and foxtails to gridcell temperature. D'Arrigo et al. on Bristlecone Calibration « Climate Audit
  • He tweaks the unkempt bristles of yahoos, scourges grunting knuckle-draggers, mocks unibrows and is merciless with gun-totin', whittlin', racist rednecks who hang out in the fetid swamps of Small Dead Animals and other even danker and oozier places, where pedophile-enablers and stalkers dwell. Monsters from the Id
  • On some, tufts of bristlelike hairs can be thrust out, that give a discernible odour; but that this carries any distance or is a large factor in attracting the sexes Moths of the Limberlost
  • Business interests initially bristled at some of the proposals for cooperation, codetermination, and power-sharing. FAT and MEAN
  • X-ray mutagenesis led to the identification of dominant mutations altering the number of bristles.
  • Churn or utility brush: A short handled, stiff bristled brush shaped for use in awkward areas and for general cleaning.
  • Backcomb your ponytail for volume but then smooth out with a soft bristle brush. The Sun
  • It is about the same size, and has the body ringed with black and yellow; the legs are brown; the femora on underside fringed with whitish hairs, simply pectinated; many of the pectinations of the antennae end in a bristle-like hair; palpi somewhat prominent; last joint pointed. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • Use a natural bristle brush, which works the stain into carvings and corners easier than a rag.
  • As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.
  • Back black and yellowish grizelled, with longer black hairs; sides yellowish grey, beneath grey lead colour, under fur lead colour; ears with scattered short adpressed hairs; whiskers black; front teeth yellow; tail with short black adpressed bristles; length of body and head 7, tail Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • The Squire of Dames," for instance, by the wealthy Jew, Moses Mendez, fairly bristles with seld-seen costly words, like _benty_, _frannion_, etc., which it would have puzzled Spenser himself to explain. A History of English Romanticism in the Eighteenth Century
  • Through the comb-like bristles of its baleen filters, it squirts out the seawater, entrapping krill by the bushel.
  • Wet hair tends to stretch and break and is very vulnerable so never use a bristle brush on hair when wet.
  • He followed the contours of my ears and felt the bristles of my beard.
  • Alina proceeded to hit Liana lightly with the bristles of the broom.
  • The cleaning of the micro-mesh screen is aided by the inclusion of a nylon bristle brush.
  • It is also called bristle-tail, because of the long, bristle-like parts at the end of its body; and in some places it is called a slink, because, you know, it loves dark places, and when you uncover it in the daytime, it slips around a corner into the dark again. The Insect Folk
  • The city bristles with billboards, the Chief Minister's face looking down benignly on commuters, urging them to pay their electricity bills on time and online.
  • The new songs bristle with an excitement and immediacy that demand attention.
  • Pete shot out with his hair standing on end like the bristles of a brush.
  • Ice worms propel themselves using setae, extremely small bristles that protrude from the sides of their bodies.
  • Bristlecone and Engelmann spruce were codominant in the stand, with limber pine an associate. Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
  • As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.
  • The jumping bristletails are an inconspicuous group, looking much like their better-known cousins, the silverfish.
  • Loosen dust and debris from the motherboard and expansion cards with a soft bristle brush.
  • As soon as the bristles on your toothbrush begin to wear, throw it out.
  • The projecting ears were tufted, and the eyebrows bristled with greying unclipped hairs, forming an overgrown ridge above the eyes. MAN'S LOVING FAMILY
  • In the glare of the bedside lamp she could see the features magnified, coarsened, pores like miniature craters, two unplucked hairs standing like bristles at the corner of the mouth. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Simply because you prefer hard bristled, spikey toothbrushes it doesn't mean that's what's best for your child.
  • Examples include the crown and tail feathers of birds-of-paradise, drongos, Bristlethigh Curlew, etc.
  • But the unfortunate trade wind again fluttered her skirt, and again he backed away — not so far, this time, with much less of a bristle of his neck and shoulder hair, and with no more of a snarl than a mere half-baring of his fangs. CHAPTER XX
  • Also an introduced European fungus, white pine blister rust, appears after a century of decimating other North American pines to be gradually ascending the western mountains nearing the Great Basin bristlecone pines. Dr. Reese Halter: Saving the Ancient Pines by Reducing our Global Footprints
  • The staff bristle with efficiency.
  • The Lizard's tail suddenly bristled up into spikes and formed into sharp icicles!
  • It also has a tiny beak with a large gape, surrounded by stiff feathers called rictal bristles, which help the bird catch its aerial prey.
  • Of those, two were skeletal, seven were based on plumage or soft-part colors, and five dealt with tarsal scutellations, rictal bristles, and egg color.
  • He bristles with school gear like a hedgehog.
  • In an email to me concerning a possible one year misdating of U.S. bristlecones, Moberg said that their "reconstruction does not contain any information on timescales shorter than 4 years". Materials Complaint re Moberg et al [2005] « Climate Audit
  • Soft and unnatural synthetic bristles are best; natural bristles are more porous and tend to harbor oral bacteria.
  • She looked at White Fang, who snarled and bristled and glared malevolently. The Southland
  • Would slay whoever dared confront Those moustaches that Bristled like porcupinequills.
  • The hairs on Rolando's neck bristled and he trembled with fear but continued to run after her.
  • Accumulations of dust can be removed with a small vacuum cleaner after loosening with a dry, soft bristle brush.
  • She dipped it into the glass of water that was beside it and then put the bristles of the brush into the red paint that lay spilt on the floor.
  • Their bristles were made from the finest hair available, taken from inside the ear of a goat.
  • I watch him through my telescope, his rictal bristles quivering around his beak, his tiny dark eye like a drop of ink, a white blaze dabbed in the middle of his black forehead like a pilgrim’s badge, a black back and tail, and a white panel on his folded wings. A Year on the Wing
  • Tooth-brushes are scrutinised for fear that the bristles came from the loathsome pig.
  • You can also fit a seal, with a bristle or rubber edge, around exterior doors, prices from £2.76.
  • It is recommended that natural bristle brushes never be used with latex coatings.
  • Below, the sandy soil, scantly covered with coarse grass, bristles with sharp palmettoes and aloes; all the vegetation is stiff, shining, semi-tropical, with nothing soft or delicate in its texture. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 14, No. 85, November, 1864
  • Other prey, such as bristle worms, razor shells and tellins are also taken when available.
  • Each peak induces a cell locally to divide and form a bristle.
  • The finest and fairest skin is a kind of bristled network, the openings of which are incomparably larger than the threads, and enclose an infinite number of minute hairs. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • The garden bristled with toddlers
  • She wore most frequently, at this epoch, black velvet that suppled about her well-asserted contours; and the very trail of her skirt was unlike another woman's, for it coiled and bristled after her with a life and motion of its own, like a serpent. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860
  • The old woman had a few grey bristles sprouting from her chin.
  • Many have a distinctive pad over their noses; this pad is often endowed with odd bristles with spatulate tips.
  • Originally a monastery, and then a private residence and then the Institute, Na Bolom was recently run by a Mexican Trust under the direction of an ex-Governor of Chiapas, referred to as El Jefe, a rigid man of military bearing, he could fix you with his piercing cold glacier-blue eyes, his gray hair bristled, cut en brose. Instituto Cientifico de Na Bolom - a magical place

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