How To Use Brio In A Sentence
The wives showed themselves true to stereotype by forever cooking meals containing an abundance of chips and driving to shoe shops in Japanese cabriolets.
With the one-bed Gorgie flat set to increase by almost £10000 over the next year, all but the most insalubrious Edinburgh locations will be off limits to single buyers on budgets.
It is for any manufacturer who produces a cabriolet a niche product.
Moroccan lamb meatballs, halibut and shrimp cakes with romesco, brioche panini with fontina and truffle oil, roasted pepper and Serrano ham, fried risotto balls, tuna tartare with chermoula on toast, fried polenta with mushroom duxelle.
Three Stages of Amazement
With the weather turning out to be salubrious for the past few days, fitting well into the celebrative atmosphere, the students could not ask for more.

Co.rtesy Loree Rodkin Co. Jessica Biel shows off white-gold and diamond quatrefoil earrings with briolette dangles.
Loree Rodkin's Star Studded Jewelry
On a smooth track the hard-top S4 handles beautifully, and I have no doubt the cabrio would be similarly impressive, but the price you pay for this is too high and not necessary.
While serious in subject and sad in fact, the play is written with brio and excellent humour.
A certain lugubrious yarn, "My Graves," was my masterpiece.
The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career
I called a cabriolet, and the first thing the driver asked was, "Is the Bill carried?
Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay Volume 1
Whilst the traditional different places of employment obviously differ (from, the smell of the "briny" with a cooking range being pitched up and down with the ship by the waves; to the unwanted inclusion of sand, leaves and insects in the field; to the salubrious comfort of an air base), the core skills, role and esprit must be common throughout the three Services.
Army Rumour Service
With all the folding gear, and the extra strengthening required for a cabrio, the 307 CC and its likes are heavy enough cars, and aren't really for throwing about.
The Luricawne tuk him to nigh the place in the break o’ the hills an’ was goin’ fur to show him, when all at wanst Mike heard the most outprobrious scraich over the head av him that ’ud make the hairs av ye shtand up like a mad cat’s tail.
Irish Wonders
In Italy, it is only coffee and brioche.
The Sun
Page 76: 'opprobious' corrected to 'opprobrious'. (in terms opprobrious they mouth).
'A Comedy of Errors' in Seven Acts
Panettone, stollen, brioche or malted fruit breads are ideal for this.
But he brought these "ignudi" crashing down to earth, revamping them as a sequence of sexily insalubrious half-length boys, interacting equally with spectacular still-life elements and with the viewer.
The Misery Memoirist
Line a 2-litre pudding basin with clingfilm and cover its base and sides with overlapping brioche slices.
Times, Sunday Times
When a bourgeois of Boulogne takes the air, he goes in a one-horse chaise, which is here called cabriolet, and hires it for half-a-crown a day.
Travels through France and Italy
Drunkenness in its first degree presents you with a miniature picture of the symptoms of the more advanced stages of ebriose poisoning.
Haiti ' s national public-health laboratory and the CDC identified it in late October as Vibrio cholerae O1, serotype Ogawa, biotype El Tor.
Threatened plant species currently being protected or monitored include the endemic saltpan cresses (Lepidium kirkii and L. sisymbrioides matau), the upland shrub Hebe cupressoides, the endangered Hector's tree daisy (Olearia hectorii), native Peraxilla mistletoes, and the epiphytic forest shrub Tupeia antarctica.
Cantebury-Otago tussock grasslands
In a recent incident, a particularly virulent South American strain of the bacteria vibrio parahaemoliticus, a relative of cholera, was tied to more than 400 cases of serious human illness across 13 states.
I have no sympathy whatever with the idea that a humourist ought to be a lugubrious person with a face stamped with melancholy.
My Discovery of England
Think of it as a miniature Camden Crawl with less townie posturing, and no need for's Café and Campari Bar is set in an insalubrious multistorey car park in Peckham, but don't let that put you off.
The insider's guide to free arts
Perhaps it was the overzealous con brio on the part of cellist Andrés Díaz: maybe there are a lot of sforzandi in the score, but from where I sat I heard more percussive bowstrikes than pure tone more often than I would have liked.
In France brioches are mostly bought from specialist shops, e.g. viennoiseries, rather than being made at home.
Other afters included caramelised homemade brioche, banana tatin with a rum crème brulée and orange and muscat jelly with dark chocolate ice cream - all at £4.50.
Tears have already been shed over the brioche, reputations left in tatters over the fondant icing.
Times, Sunday Times
They observe a kind of partial fast in the morning, knocking back a single espresso while standing at the counter and perusing Corriere della Sera, allowing themselves a few bites of brioche con marmellata, so as to enhance the pleasure of their midday pasta and meat, their broccoletta rabi, pollo a la cacciatore, penne amatriciana, spaghetti al mare.
The Italian Summer
I started off with the roast veal sweetbreads with collop of foie gras and morel jus, while Vicky opted for the roulade of duck fois gras cooked in truffle stock with cherry brioche.
Line a 2-litre pudding basin with clingfilm and cover its base and sides with overlapping brioche slices.
Times, Sunday Times
He that would know the operation of the herbs must look up to the stars astrologically," says this master; and so to him briony is "a furious martial plant," and brank ursine "an excellent plant under the dominion of the moon.
Apologia Diffidentis
In this more recent instance, Atkinson found an opprobrious term rolling nicely off the tongue.
Even treats like pain au chocolate and brioche au sucre are not sweetened, despite their respective additions of chocolate and sugar.
What is vienoisserie? | Baking Bites
A similar process of radiation has occurred in many birds, such as the blue tit Parus caeruleus (Paridae) that has evolved into three different subspecies: P.c. teneriffae in Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Gomera, P.c. ombriosus in El Hierro and P.c. palmensis in La Palma.
Canary Islands dry woodlands and forests
There's a certain chocolate factory in Fremont (we won't name names, but it rhymes with "brio") that gets all the press-it wholly deserves it, but that doesn't mean smaller-scale chocolatiers like Lee Johnson at Fiori Chocolates shouldn't get their moment in the sun.
Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
I bought a delicious palmier, brioche, a jam pastry, sausage puffs, an éclair, a dozen cookies, a bag of shortbread for my mom and a bag of pastry cheese twists.
Bon Ton Pastry, Sun Sui Wah & Tojo’s « I HEART BACON
Tears have already been shed over the brioche, reputations left in tatters over the fondant icing.
Times, Sunday Times
Since Beckham apparently bought it for $145,000 and then, according to the dealer's claim, sunk another $50,000 in customization into the ride, it appears that his fame has added some collector's value to the 500 horsepower "cabrio.
PHOTOS: David Beckham's Porsche On EBay For $150,000 And Counting
Horses and what they leave behind them clogged cities that were already insalubrious from coal smoke, industry and notional sewage systems.
The Case Against Summer
With sylvan surroundings, the falls covered with tall lush green forest trees and salubrious climate is a feast to eyes.
We hereby nominate and authorize the following staff as member(s) to receive the bonus points to participate and enjoy the benefits of the BRIO ecReward Scheme.
If they had dumped us a long way away in an area that was not salubrious then we would have had problems.
Many of those who made money left for more salubrious parts of town, taking their newly acquired wealth with them.
Times, Sunday Times
Martis sanguineas quae cohibet manus, quae dat belligeris foedera gentibus et cornu retinet diuite copiam, 10 donetur tenera mitior hostia. et tu, qui facibus legitimis ades, noctem discutiens auspice dextera huc incede gradu marcidus ebrio, praecingens roseo tempora uinculo.
An excessive emotion was required to wring from him, once or twice a year, that lugubrious laugh of the convict, which is like the echo of the laugh of a demon.
Invert the mold onto a cutting board and transfer the brioche to a wire rack to cool.
Vibrio anguillarum, a severe pathogen of marine fish, is the causative agent ofvibriosis which is a highly fatal hemorrhagic septicemic disease.
‘I think of myself as pretty much an undiscovered genius,’ quips the lugubrious 47-year-old.
The Reverend Jolly's voice was in fact not all that far from Fulton's own, but slowed to a funereal tempo and larded with the lugubriousness of a hired mourner.
What should you do with a "brioche" - play it, eat it, or rub ointment on it?
The Friday Brain-teaser from Credo Reference
Other afters included caramelised homemade brioche, banana tatin with a rum crème brulée and orange and muscat jelly with dark chocolate ice cream.
But living animal was produced only if the sheep blastomer was taken from trophoblast, the structure giving rise to placenta and extraembryonic fetal membranes, and goat cells from inner mass of embrionic stem cells.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
Given in his oscillations of mood to a lugubrious woebegoneness ” "He could be just the saddest-looking thing," remembers Roger Wilkins, one of his administration deputies ” Johnson while president brooded ponderously over how he was discounted by the intellectual left as a blustering boor.
The Big Guy
The Protestant planters and their co-religionists settled on the right, in both senses, bank of the River Foyle, a well-situated salubrious suburb called Waterside.
In our ordinary talk and fallings out, the most opprobrious and scurrile name we can fasten upon a man, or first give, is to call him base rogue, beggarly rascal, and the like:
Anatomy of Melancholy
A large, disapproving looking woman of mature years accompanied by a lugubrious Schnauzer - both clad in sleeveless knitted jerkins - had materialised on the lawn.
Place a slice of roulade on top of each of the brioche rounds.
How's this for an unusual wedding venue in a less than salubrious location?
Times, Sunday Times
an opprobrious monument to human greed
The conditions they lived in were atrocious: overcrowded lodging houses, cellars, and garrets, shanty towns in the insalubrious districts beyond the town walls.
On the road the A4 cabriolet drives nearly as well as it looks.
Times, Sunday Times
I'll have coffee and a brioche.
It was a huge sum of money for connections more accustomed to competing at the nation's less salubrious tracks, yet they would not be moved.
Times, Sunday Times
The exaltation of liquor, however, appeared only to intensify his characteristics: his face became more lugubrious and melancholy; his manner more ceremonious and dignified; and, erect and stiff in his saddle from the waist upwards, but leaning from side to side with the motion of his horse, like the tall mast of some laboring sloop, he "loped" away towards the House of the Lost Mission.
The usual way to do this is to fling vile epithets, to call opprobrious names, to make shameful charges.
Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
I started off with the roast veal sweetbreads with collop of foie gras and morel jus, while Vicky opted for the roulade of duck foie gras cooked in truffle stock with cherry brioche.
He remembered the merchant, long, lanky, and lugubrious of countenance.
This cabrio doesn't try to be a tooth-rattling pseudo sports car, but prefers instead to glide around in genteel fashion.
Times, Sunday Times
The pastry chef's version of bread pudding is a dense slab of faintly eggy brioche, served with a scoop of coconut sorbet.
Vibrio vulnificus is a bacterium in the same family as those that cause cholera.
Clara Ellis, a rather lugubrious individual, who had been put on the committee because she was a "prod" in "English lit.," and not because she had the least bit of executive ability.
Betty Wales Senior
But Mr Beaumont believes the city owes Hudson a public apology and a more salubrious memorial than the ‘dreadful’ street which bears his name.
Among the more salubrious consolations of the past months have been 5000 letters of support from the public and the unsolicited hugs of strangers.
Vibrio parahaemolyticus can be present in raw or undercooked seafoods while Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus are usually associated with foods contaminated by animal feces and the consumption of raw meat and unclean eggs.
He plays some passages so slowly that they become lugubrious.
Her assignment, which she carries off with breathtaking brio, is to provide explicit political content and laughter.
While the penultimate anti-whaling lament, The Last Leviathan, proves somewhat lugubrious, the album closes on a note of affirmation with the simple but affecting love song Running Home.
It has trifid feet on cabriole legs without shells on the knees.
People ate lugubrious meals around the waterfalls, their faces green with marine sorrow.
It is an acknowledgment of the arrival of the diesel as a sporty option that we see one in a cabrio.
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
The lugubrious Scouser does his best, but who can blame him for that hangdog expression, with Coventry City languishing in the wrong half of the table and the shares that once made him a multi-millionaire delisted by the Stock Exchange?
It has a lugubrious pace and doesn't entirely convince but there are some sharp lines, an unsentimental view of big city politics and Pacino's rich performance.
This piece requires non-stop brio and a kind of splashy physical heroics.
She thunderstruck the audience with her grounded, undulating attack and startling series of parallel, tilted cabrioles.
Many of those who made money left for more salubrious parts of town, taking their newly acquired wealth with them.
Times, Sunday Times
The pendant is a whimsical sterling silver angel wing and next to it is a wire wrapped faceted amethyst briolette.
Kdlb feed
Also on his page are pictures of a large tenebrionid beetle and a camel spider.
They range from the unapologetically avant-garde ( "Foot Under Foot," which opens the session), to the pungent and fractured ( "Skitter In") to the affirmingly lugubrious ( "The Sun at Midnight").
What's Elliptical Is New Again
Reports are sketchy about the model though it is said to be a cabriolet of some description.
Whether man be the _vibrion_ or the heir to immortality, the bundle of carbon or the care of angels, one fact is indisputable: he suffers agonies, mental and physical, that are wholly out of proportion to the brevity of his life, while he is too often weighted from infancy with hereditary maladies, both of body and of character.
Wisdom, Wit, and Pathos of Ouida Selected from the Works of Ouida
He rants about restaurants that serve burgers on a brioche bun, rather than something capable of absorbing the grease.
Times, Sunday Times
(From Amazon. com): With King Olin imprisoned and Prince Kendrick slain, the royal twins Barrick and Briony have been forced to flee their homeland.
WEEKLY BOOK RELEASES FOR FEBRUARY 28TH | Open Society Book Club Discussions and Reviews
Her personal adventures were poured into nine bestselling books whose raciness and brio took the publishing world by surprise.
The Times Literary Supplement
Alexander I gave only the eight huge, briolette-cut diamonds to Josephine in about 1810, after Chronicle
In comes a white chocolate marquise and a French brioche toast with strawberries and ice cream.
An increase in body rigidity of 112 per cent compared with the outgoing cabriolet will also bring benefits both dynamically and in terms of safety.
Prize; Prize Value: A black onyx briolette necklace, a mother-of-pearls earrings, a santa pouch & brush guards. $60 value
Viva Woman Bejeweled Giveaway - Part 3 (ends 12/20)
Cholera vibrios release a poison that damages the lining of the intestine so that it leaks fluids and salts, and as a result, the patient is intensely dehydrated.
In the early '90s, an informal jam session with fellow power popster Jon Brion and a couple of other musicians somehow led to a major label bidding war -- for a band that didn't yet exist.
Tony Sachs: Author (Still) Unknown: The Brilliant Music and Star-Crossed Career of Jason Falkner
And so, as I was thinking about this I focused on this organism, which is the El Tor biotype of the organism called Vibrio choleri.
Paul Ewald asks, Can we domesticate germs?
Birds were fed ad libitum with a mixed diet consisting of mealworms [(Tenebrio sp.)], moistened Monkey Biscuits [(Hill's Products, Premium Nutritional Products, Mission, Kansas)], wild berries, and fresh vitaminized water.
These very long, spiraled nascent bdellovibrio were proposed earlier from electron microscope images to be common in spirilla, which are long and coiled themselves.
They wove their way into less salubrious areas of the city, where the effects of the day's sandstorm were still apparent.
So far, so good," Mr. Evans said just prior to the start today in downtown Brioude, a quaint town deep in the heart of the Massif Central.
First Week Fallout for Favorites
He wasn't impressed with the food because the breakfasts were of the continental variety, rolls with ham or cheese and croissants and brioche with jam.
For the brioche tuiles, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
One kind of misbegotten movie derided by C. B.'s possee has gotta be George Cukor's lugubrious My Fair Lady, also shown on TCM this weekend.
View from the Northern Border
Iida T (1993) The pathogenicity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and the role of the thermostable direct haemolysin and related haemolysins.
PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
However, turning the car into a cabriolet, spider or pick-up does takes some time and effort.
The virulence and wound infection ability of the 4 dominant vibrios have been tested in mice.
Brinkley's legacy can be witnessed every time a TV commentator describes a Washington scene with brio and wit.
Director Reid Davis and his cast turn in a decent effort, but this adaptation is just a bit more stageworthy than the bulk of lugubrious versions that melodramatize Chekhov.
The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper
Taking only a minimum of effort to change guises, it can be transformed from a three-door hatchback to a small sedan with an open roof, a cabriolet, a sporty spider or even a pickup.
It's especially heartening to see 94-year-old Eli Wallach bring the same kind of brio to a small part here as he brought to
NPR Topics: News
The strawberries actually had the miraculous perfume of local berries grown in season and little buttery croutons of fried brioche added another interesting crunch.
One will certainly be forgiven for harboring similar reservations about the religious tradition that grew up around this lugubrious symbol.
Other likely candidates are Simon of Brion, the papal legate, and Ranulph of Houblonnire, Tempier's future successor as bishop of Paris.
It is a highly literary and lyrical novel looking at loneliness, friendship, family, middle age and life in a less than salubrious part of our capital city.
He expressed his enthusiasm by referring to a leaping ballet step: "We should clap and cabriole with delight.
Kirkland Dances to Her Own Music
His enemies could find no opprobrious appellation for him but "Catiline," instead of "Caldwell," which was his middle name -- no crime but ambition.
Perley's Reminiscences, v. 1-2 of Sixty Years in the National Metropolis
Dip the small brioche rounds in the vanilla custard and place in the bottom of the mold, pressing gently to secure.
Step into any boulangerie, that neighborhood bakery, for the simple snacks, the croissant, brioche and éclairs, the everyday treats, and though simpler indeed they are as elegant and fussy as their more sophisticated siblings.
Jamie Schler: When Simple Banana Bread Becomes Exotic (a recipe)
Briony crammed the cap low over her brow as if to express solid determination, then swung round and left the room.
The analyses of nutritional components in the larvae of Tenebrio molitor L. showed that the protein and amino acidsed amounted 59. 70% and 59. 59% of dry weight respectively.
The memel unobvious is not preclusive to blankness unenthusiastically, entozoic, prosaically effectual unmindfulness saviour. were pomaded to adactylia ineffectually, trickiness grandly, offense out cheerily irritatingly an walleye if they so nigerian, unintelligently mean if the imaging was to brioche. door redefinition to systematization fulfillment with the psychokinesis of the komondor at ctu, callous chromatically the rattling of the arles.
Rational Review
He soon found himself walking through one of the less salubrious areas of the city.
If the directors are vaunted for intelligence and brio, why is this film so vacuous, stupid and lazy?
It was a huge sum of money for connections more accustomed to competing at the nation's less salubrious tracks, yet they would not be moved.
Times, Sunday Times
That's because with the roof up, the new cabriolet mimics the distinctive silhouette of the coupé.
Times, Sunday Times
Growing up, it's funny how words get to be opprobrious.
My sincerest wishes for a salubriously beneficial and gratifyingly pleasurable period between sunset and dawn.
Now Perry is pouncing on Romney with the brio of a rodeo cowboy lassoing a bull.
Can GOP's new front-runner Rick Perry take the heat?
The ground was padded with pine-needles, briony berries shone in the hedgerows below, and hips and haws and rowans also rioted in red.
The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius
Current research in molecular biology is aimed at finding out why cholera vibrios are such potent pathogens.
The brioche roll was the perfect vehicle for everything.
You click on the word "lugubrious" and it gives you a dictionary definition, or the word "Taj Mahal" and it shows you a jpg picture.
Archive 2009-07-01
Plunged headlong into joyful Christmas celebrations, Jack mooches around looking mournful and lugubrious.
Nevertheless, Britain's early filmmakers set about the business of film production with some brio and not a little flair.
During early research, they used cadavers of Tenebrio molitor, commonly known as the yellow mealworm, and Galleria mellonella, or greater wax moth.
Dantes Poëta illustrissimum Christianissimorum Regum Franciæ genus à laniis Parisiensibus deducit, utique tam vere, quam ille tenebrio nostrum à scalarum fabro: quas mirum, ni auctor generis _in suspendium eorum parabat_, quos vaticinabatur illustri nobilitate suæ obtrectaturos.
Notes and Queries, Number 69, February 22, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
Isolation of non-O1 Vibrio cholerae associated with enteric disease of herbivores in Western Colorado.
Trend micro house has its yenta as an decreasing echelon, tenebrionid magniloquently anabiotic dasyatidae in an dishy pharmacologic batrachomyomachia.
Rational Review
It is one dominated by sedans that take just under 50%, with station wagons, people carriers, cabriolets, and coupes accounting for the rest.
He found applicants with addresses in ‘difficult’ areas received half as many invitations to an interview as those from more salubrious districts.
To bulk it out, serve with walnut bread, a baguette or toasted brioche.
As a rule, the fistula is dilated by a tent of alder-pith, mandragora, briony or gentian, the lining membrane destroyed by an ointment of quick-lime or even the actual cautery, and the wound then dressed with egg-albumen followed by the _unguentum viride_.
Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
The main causes are pathogenic bacteria, such as enterotoxin e. coli, campylobacter jejuni, shigella, salmonella and vibrio, that enter the body from contaminated food and drinking water.
Texaco is an "insalubrious" shantytown named for a nearby oil refinery, and the so-called Christ is a city planner who has come to bulldoze this slum in the name of progress.
NYT > Home Page
He spoke in sentences that clocked in at a grade-school level, the speed of delivery was lugubrious, or perhaps aimed at the part of the audience that processes the occasional polysyllable rather slowly. The Speeches
Briony Norris, an environmental health officer at the pollution control unit, said around 50 per cent of people who lodged complaints had a genuine grievance.
Think of it as a miniature Camden Crawl with less townie posturing, and no need for's Café and Campari Bar is set in an insalubrious multistorey car park in Peckham, but don't let that put you off.
The insider's guide to free arts
Either that or the salubrious locality she indwelleth is experiencing a nux vomica famine.
The Chimes at Midnight
“Santa Monica cocktail parties” gets the job done, but his usual brio is lacking, much like a worn-out band performing a medley of hit songs from 40 years ago.
Matthew Yglesias » The Wages of Immigration
The attitude that words may be discarded -- indeed, that words have caducity at all -- is not salubriously abstergent, but reflects an agrestic nisus that all cultivated English speakers must eschew.
Archive 2008-10-01
Although 25kg heavier, the cabrio handles the same - and it's as economical at close to 47mpg.
The Sun
When you go to Naples you'll find that any brioche or cornetto is served with ...
Il Cornetto Marmellata all'Albicocca
We stayed at Kinloch Castle, not in the castle itself (which was once run as a hotel by the National Trust for Scotland) but in a less salubrious part of the building - the old bunkhouse at the back.
It was, however, subjected to some criticism and ridicule, and gave rise to the expression “bowdlerise,” always used in an opprobrious sense.
A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Some became popular with less salubrious clientele.
Times, Sunday Times
Our capabilities have improved tremendously, '' says Lt.Col. Brion Smith, an Army forensic odontologist.
The Mystery Of The Tomb
Buying a coupé cabriolet is not like buying a family saloon.
Times, Sunday Times
Travelers now arrive from all quarters, in cabriolets, in calashers, in the shabby "vettura," and in the elegant private carriage drawn by post-horses, and driven by postillions in the tightest possible deer-skin breeches, the smallest red coats, and the hugest jack-boots.
Seeing Europe with Famous Authors, Volume 7 Italy, Sicily, and Greece (Part One)
It was an oval shape with cabriole legs and a folding arm, and it resembled a small version of the old hunting tables used by the gentry when they were served drinks after a fox hunt.
Deadly Intent
Which makes Paradise Lost the ideal listen for those among you who happen to like the more lugubrious moments of Depeche Mode, or Metallica, or, preferably, both.
But he brought these "ignudi" crashing down to earth, revamping them as a sequence of sexily insalubrious half-length boys, interacting equally with spectacular still-life elements and with the viewer.
The Misery Memoirist
A coupe-cabrio is also rumoured to be on its way.
The Sun
Transfer the brioche loaf to a cutting board, trim the crusts, and cut into 1 inch slice.
Just as the peaceful country-dweller calls the sea-rover a "pirate," and the stout burgher calls the man who breaks into his strong-box a "robber," so the selfish laborer applies the opprobrious epithet "scab" to the laborer who takes from him food and shelter by being more generous in the disposal of his labor-power.
I've never actually seen one up-close, but from what I've heard, the craftsmanship and finish of a Brioni overcoat is simply immaculate.
He incessantly joshes his son, once slugs him in the face with a vase, cracks terrible jokes, struts around in a tweed jacket, and generally makes a virtue out of insouciance and brio.
Everything _inside_ the house limp, languid, and lugubrious; the fires are sulky and won't burn; the maids are sulkier still.
Nearly Lost but Dearly Won
The 500 Cabrio carries a $4, 000 price premium over the hardtop version for a single reason: It has a canvas roof that can be rolled back to expose the elements.
To finish the brioche, in a medium saute pan, melt the butter over medium heat.
We had slept upon hay the previous night, but upon our arrival at Töplitz, which we entered in a cabriolet, three of us inside with five knapsacks, and other two companions hanging on behind, we boldly took up our abode at one of the first hotels, and were, the whole five of us, crammed into a little room on the top floor, and charged a zwanziger (eightpence) a head for the accommodation.
A Tramp's Wallet stored by an English goldsmith during his wanderings in Germany and France
Some became popular with less salubrious clientele.
Times, Sunday Times
Moreover, when the taxed-out or squeezed-out peasant moved to the insalubrious factory barracks, he became part of an ill-paid, unhealthy, unskilled, and uneducated proletariat which was a social problem in itself.
Close to 200 people squeezed into the back room at Brion's grille, which is a stones throw away from George Mason University.
Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
Presenting Hitler with a custom-built black Volkswagen cabriolet for his birthday in 1942 didn't hurt either.
What a Long Strange Trip
It is broad humour for those who spend far too much time worrying about apps, but it is not without a bit of comic brio.
Times, Sunday Times
Mark enjoyed a hair wash and trim while Carol was treated to a facial and Briony had a pedicure consultation as they prepared themselves for the Christmas break.
But we would not be the least surprised to see a surge in algal blooms and their vibrio passengers over the next two weeks both inside New Orleans and along the Gulf.
Boing Boing: September 4, 2005 - September 10, 2005 Archives
My family moved, when I was a girl of about 9 years old or so, from a small Johannesburg miner's house into a palatial mansion in a more salubrious suburb.
And it's also available in a sunloving cabrio guise with a retro rollback roof for a 2,300 premium.
The Sun
There's no such thing as a cup of tea or coffee - it's served in bowls and it's quite acceptable to dunk your brioche (but in a nice, polite way).
The various CLA are produced in the rumen of ruminant animals mainly by the bacteria Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens through reactions of isomerization and biohydrogenation.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and breast milk | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
Species that use molecular H 2 as an electron donor in the gut belong to the genera Desulfovibrio and Desulfobulbus.
Vibrio cholerae is associated with a type of crustacean called a copepod that appears naturally in many areas of the world.
Signs of the Times
The Stoltzmans played it with dash and brio to spare.
Why ever would he want to go to Hampstead when he could be here with us partaking of our salubrious sea air and not out on some stifling heat-sodden moor?
Sponsors are withdrawing advertisements featuring the couple and websites have been flooded with opprobrious messages.
By the light of the Queen Moon, now at her full in heaven, he saw that the orchard grass was clipped, and patterned with small clover, but against the hedges rose wild banks of meadowsweet and yarrow and the jolly ragwort, and briony with its heart-shaped leaf and berry as red as heart's-blood made a bower above them all.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
This sounds simple enough but the deeper flavours of the black cherries married magically with the creamy mess and light brioche bread.
My intent is not to lecture or reprehend - surely, I have my vices and my insalubrious addictions.
Another highlight is the new Beetle Cabriolet with its distinctive styling and fruity 1.6 and 2.0-litre engines.
The latter now choose to use what they regard as the more salubrious transportation of the motor car or the aeroplane.
But when she beheld the letter again, she read again the opprobrious word "faithlessness" in her husband's handwriting.
Filipino Popular Tales