How To Use Briny In A Sentence

  • He stood above a toiling, heaving sea of greenish-black, briny waves slapping a shore far distant.
  • Hanger steak is as good as the one in the Paris outpost, sinewy, briny, and full of brash flavor.
  • The "extremophile" bacteria were found in a briny lake in eastern California in the US. BBC News - Home
  • Marinated Baltic sprats were delicate, their sharp briny taste balanced by an accompanying vinaigrette of potatoes, beetroot, onions, dill pickles, eggs, and mayonnaise.
  • If we were hit all we would do would be take to the "briny" in a life preserver, get a stick and float it out. The War in the Far East
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  • But for what one order of Kobe beef costs, you can get six orders of the scrumptiously briny toro tartare with caviar.
  • Caligo had flinched the first time, almost swallowing briny water.
  • Veal medallions were obliterated by a cascade of caramelized but briny leeks.
  • Stacy sighed and two briny tears ran through her cheeks.
  • Now the other issue to consider is waste in the form of the waste salts and briny wastewater.
  • The humpback whale, that mighty leviathan of the briny deep, hardly strikes one as a marvel of agility; on the contrary, it seems the very embodiment of stateliness and power.
  • The little dots in the foreground are some of my colleagues, taking a quick dip in the briny water.
  • A good gulp of flavorful dry stout can clean the palate while accentuating the briny tang of raw shellfish.
  • No wonder old-time sailors deserted their square-rigged ships for such delights, after months at sea on hard-tack and briny water.
  • We were promptly brought our starter: more manageable invertebrates, this time - briny oysters in frothily light pea foam, tasting as fresh as a salty sea breeze.
  • The ecosystem of saline includes briny region and annulus lake salina to take two inferior system.
  • There were a lot of briny-tasting false starts before Ferran and the other chefs figured out that they had to dry the agar-agar first, then grind it into powder. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Like many of the other distinctive oysters plucked from the South Sound -- the Tottens and Chelsea Gems, the Hammersleys, Elds, Wildcat Coves, and Eagle Rocks -- Little Skookums are notably full-flavored, but veer off into non-mermaidly characteristics, like minerals, earth, cream, and melon; they are often sweet rather than overtly briny. The American Oyster Paradise
  • Fleda, my dear," said Mrs. Evelyn, with that trembling tone of concealed ecstasy which always set every one of Fleda's nerves a-jarring – "you may tell the gentlemen that they do not always know when they are making an unfelicitous compliment – I never read what poets say about 'briny drops' and 'salt tears', without imagining the heroine immediately to be something like Lot's wife. Queechy
  • A tall, firm-flaked hunk of red porgy (‘pagro’ in Italian) arrives with a crisp, silvery skin and a brilliant little swish of sauce livened with a few briny olives and a couple of big caperberries, more succulent and subtle than tiny capers.
  • Sea urchin basically tastes briny, like oysters without the muckiness.
  • Naturally, on days like these you will find folk heading to the nearest stretch of white sand and the briny.
  • Blue crab with apricot sorbet and Japanese vinaigrette espuma an interesting play between the sweet meat, the zing of yuzu in the foam, the nectarous sorbet, and the briny crab roe. Current Affairs
  • The ecosystem of saline includes briny region and annulus lake salina to take two inferior system.
  • It's briny spiciness is a treat, but that it tears like tenderloin is the sweet surprise.
  • The raven would find sufficient for its carnivorous appetite in the floatage of the animal remains, on the briny flood, and would return to roost on the ark; but it was far different with Noah's bird, so long as the waters prevailed, there could be no pause for her weary wing, and the messenger would return to the ark. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 19, No. 553, June 23, 1832
  • And there might have been other inducements -- such as the hope of getting a few pounds of white sugar, a pitcher of milk (delicious, lacteous fluid, for which we had yearned so often amid the briny waves); and last, but not least, a hamper of blue-nosed potatoes. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • the briny deep
  • This year briny pearl price of the North sea 3 fold.
  • They get electrical power from fission rods, and then they throw the fission rods into the briny sea.
  • In the briny Nova Scotia climate, Galvalume coated steel guards against caustic winds and salt air.
  • Each lamp has been brushed carefully with a briny patina.
  • Braised greens with smoked ham were the only real dud I found; they were merely irony, briny, and thin.
  • You've seen them riding the bow wave of your boat, patrolling the beach just beyond the breakers or bursting from the briny to leap clear of the water, apparently just for the fun of it.
  • Do you fancy a dip in the briny?
  • Still, I have had excellent nori-wrapped surf clam here, and delicious briny mackerel, a rarity.
  • Anna said... on yummo. these are all the kind of briny, sour flavours i adore. certainly one to try. Weekend Herb Blogging #77
  • Other men jumped into the briny water before they could be killed.
  • Elsewhere in the issue we visit Washington's spectacular South Puget Sound, a kind of briny News
  • He wondered if there was soul in those steel-gray eyes that were often quite blue of color and that were strong with the briny airs of the sun-washed deep. Chapter 4
  • We had the briny beside us, a carpet of stars above, and two good friends of ours for company.
  • Fleda my dear," said Mrs. Evelyn, with that trembling tone of concealed ecstasy which always set every one of Fleda's nerves a jarring, -- "you may tell the gentlemen that they do not always know when they are making an unfelicitous compliment -- I never read what poets say about 'briny drops' and 'salt tears' without imagining the heroine immediately to be something like Lot's wife. Queechy
  • The technique minimizes water evaporation and allows roots to be fed by normally damaging briny water.
  • And the briny piquancy of the broths that hold together his risotto with razor clams or bucatini with lobster make the addition of seafood to both dishes almost unnecessary.
  • Elsewhere in the issue we visit Washington's spectacular South Puget Sound, a kind of briny Burgundy where every cove and waterway seems to grow its own distinctive shellfish -- each with its own connoisseur following. Editor's Note
  • Like the shark rising from the briny deep, the challenges of change management have risen to the surface.
  • The clean briny smell rises with the swimmers, the swells filling the air with steamy vapour.
  • He leaped onto an outcropping that was surrounded by deep pools of briny water. End of Time
  • I love the sweetness of dried fruit in savory meat dishes, and capers are an olive-phobe's friend, since they provide a similar briny touch in a much smaller package. Capers Are An Olive-Phobe's Friend: Veracruzan Picadillo de Pollo... and a Lemon Poppy Seed Bread
  • They add briny flavor to homemade roasted-chili paste.
  • Instead, a brisk outing in the briny climate of Leith was called for with a nippy wind whipping up the Forth.
  • But, I'll go ahead and sink this stinky diatribe to the bottom of the briny depths. Subhankar Banerjee: Youth Across North America Are Fighting For Their Future Climate
  • He leaped onto an outcropping that was surrounded by deep pools of briny water. End of Time
  • Fleda, my dear," said Mrs. Evelyn, with that trembling tone of concealed ecstasy which always set every one of Fleda's nerves a-jarring — "you may tell the gentlemen that they do not always know when they are making an unfelicitous compliment — I never read what poets say about 'briny drops' and 'salt tears', without imagining the heroine immediately to be something like Lot's wife. Queechy, Volume II
  • In one corner, you'll find an enclave of butchers, delicatessen and food stalls, including a cluster selling plump, briny Gower cockles and fresh laverbread. Swansea's top 10 budget eats
  • Whilst the traditional different places of employment obviously differ (from, the smell of the "briny" with a cooking range being pitched up and down with the ship by the waves; to the unwanted inclusion of sand, leaves and insects in the field; to the salubrious comfort of an air base), the core skills, role and esprit must be common throughout the three Services. Army Rumour Service
  • ‘On the briny at last,’ says Anthony, as Christopher pours the drinks.
  • He and Ras broke loose a plank off the boat and dropped it into the briny below.
  • A biting, briny wind from off the North Sea lashed her cheeks. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • We also know the desalinization is expensive and will cause marine pollution when the hot, briny residue is dumped back in the sea.
  • Agin we gullide o'er the foamin biller like a arrer shot from a cross-bow, an culleave the briny main. Lost in the Fog
  • He adds that briny, acidic water would dissolve through alkaline basalt rock, not create puddles.
  • Cymbals are struck but quickly sink below the briny waters.
  • Then two of my most trusted officers stage a takeover attempt, and we all end up in the briny.
  • This ensured that the briny oysters made it to Paris fresh and cold.
  • The hipster cops are sneering at the two faux surfers: 'I'm all dialed in to see what happens if the pair of rainbow donks actually hit the briny on their unwaxed legs.' Joseph Wambaugh's latest: Loopy theatrics and lyrical language
  • Mingled in the mist are the briny perfumes of ocean, fresh oysters, and the Pacific Northwest.
  • The briny wit and irreverence came much later, as a way to shore up the roof and the walls. Three Stages of Amazement
  • A bucket of briny seawater was dumped over Christian.
  • I favour the briny ones, as they are less salty, but they will all need rinsing well before use.
  • In the late 1980s a research group in Britain discovered that a group of salt-tolerant microbes called halobacteria could become trapped within rock salt and survive for months at a time in their tiny, briny homes. The Case for Mars
  • Caviar in tins and jars range from salmon's red (ripe and briny) at 99 roubles for a 113-gram can to the luscious, silvery-grey beluga at 500 roubles.
  • The strip of colour feels rough and unpleasant and it has an ugly taste - rather like that of a briny pickle.
  • To give away bushranging and to cross the briny sea. The Streets of Forbes (2)

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