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How To Use Bring back In A Sentence

  • This day wilt thou either bring back in triumph the gory head and spoils of Aeneas, and we will avenge Lausus 'agonies; or if no force opens a way, thou wilt die with me: for I deem not, bravest, thou wilt deign to bear an alien rule and a Teucrian lord.' The Aeneid of Virgil
  • In terms of scheming... there is a full court press going on right now to bring back the heroization of Chiang Ching-Kuo. Daily Links, April 10, 2009
  • By Jove, Christopher old chap, you must be the only person in the world who can bring back solid objects from a spirit trip! THE LIVES OF CHRISTOPHER CHANT
  • Scientists were there to study the marine biology and geology, and naval hydrographers to bring back information to update charts.
  • Should Bermuda bring back hanging (or any other form of capital punishment)?
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  • She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance. The Sun
  • TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!! fastlane: Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran dafuck: the only explenation could be a time warp in the middle of detroit .. bobacus: According to Curve magazine, Lesbian visitors will find a Detroit that's shifted into the 21st century. wolfer: only his body, his soul lives on, I heard it coming from a Escalade in the wal-mart parking lot last night dafuck: Micheal Jackson is dead? wotak: for best results, remove your nose to get the correct weight distribution wolfer: Im gonna practice and bring back the moon walk
  • An idealistic student tries to bring back his creativity, while his secretary attempts to drag him out of his mopery.
  • It's a big project then, one that would bring back good numbers of those wading birds. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I gazed in the direction of his usual path, I saw fishermen bring back their catch of the day.
  • A show of hands resulted in 11 people voting to bring back the bells, with one vote against and six abstentions.
  • She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance. The Sun
  • Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.
  • Do you think Fey should bring back her Palin impersonation? Tina Fey's Sarah Palin impersonation: Are you ready for more? |
  • And we specialize in out-of-the-way places the big airlines refuse to serve, and we bring back products that otherwise wouldn't be sold! SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • He was not amused, especially when he heard that that same bunch had voted to bring back the birch only two weeks earlier.
  • Bring back the lash, and thumbscrews and the oubliette.
  • Bring back the birch,’ slurred Mrs Mungo into her umpteenth pre-prandial sherry.
  • Bring back the savvy globe-trotter look with a stylish shooter The Non-Touristy Tourist Camera
  • They should bring back careers advisers rather than just focusing on league table results. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bring back the red, white and blue hoops! The Sun
  • She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance. The Sun
  • When it opens July 28, the High Line rink will offer traditional-style roller skates for rent, in part because they're easier for inexperienced skaters to handle than in-line skates, but also to "bring back that old feeling of people who grew up going to roller-skating rinks for birthday parties," Mr. Hammond said. High Line on a Roll
  • Even if they bring back memories of geography teachers schlepping around in the same faded pair for years, you can't budge for cords this winter.
  • We might as well bring back the stocks and throw rotting fruit and veg at them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Let's bring back some healthy disinterest into governing.
  • Support for a possible campaign to bring back the district has already gathered pace.
  • Aladdin's nemesis, Jafar, has long since been despatched to the after-life, but his evil sister Nasira has found a way to bring back the dastardly villain by invoking the ‘spell of restoration’.
  • In the medical profession the wonder drugs that bring back memory or improve it for anything between two and six years are called cognitive enhancers.
  • The new routing will bring back many of Adobe's fairway bunkers, all of which had been left to grow-in with grass, according to Richardson.
  • New Zealand needs to bring back mothers-in-law to help with the raising of families, Social Development Minister Steve Maharey said yesterday.
  • They might as well bring back my bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • First, we should bring back the school exchange. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, we're doing a ‘trial’ period where we essentially live together, but have an easy out where I can just go home if we get tired of each other and it would only involve a carload of stuff to bring back.
  • Just because I'm on a one-woman mission to bring back fedoras and leg warmers doesn't mean you have to be.
  • Before six months of age chicks continue to stay around the nest as their parents bring back food and regurgitate it for them.
  • Bring back the drachma. Times, Sunday Times
  • December 29th, 2009 11: 35 am ET bring back tom! the man did imho a great job considering it was crisis mgmnt of the highest order. at least tom is an adult and acknowledges that the bad guys are for real and are not criminals or sociopaths. they are fanatics of the highest order, and deserve to be treated as such. Ridge: Terror suspect doesn't deserve 'full range' of rights
  • Christmas would bring back the memory of losing his father, a minor vaudeville star and alcoholic, who died when Charlie was a child.
  • Hey Girls .. you made me really senti about my Alma Mater (s) too. had about 6 of them - thanks to dad's tranfers .. you did bring back lovely memories of school canteens; D. all my life's savings at that time would go into the school canteen .. hmmm i am getting really senti yar! Bows to my Alma Mater
  • The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
  • The countess, on her side, interpleaded an appeal against the granting of letters of administration without liability, and did all in her power to bring back the case to the Tournelle. Celebrated Crimes (Complete)
  • Spammers couldn't trust each other with five bucks to walk down to the corner grocery and bring back a loaf of bread.
  • They hope one day to bring back the sought-after postal service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Just to be clear, we are looking into a way to bring back comments under a registration system that will ensure that we can manage the debate environment in order to keep out timewasters and fruitcakes and the rest.
  • We also have to remember that people who have been working abroad bring back skills when they return home. Times, Sunday Times
  • I would welcome them to bring back Spectrenot that the legalities have been resolved and introducing a new M monal on Dec 21, 2009 Screenwriter Peter Morgan Says Bond 23 Has a 'Shocking Story' «
  • Hunus by name, a sharp man (_hominem callidum_), whom he ordered to receive and bring back the body of the martyr in question. Lectures and Essays
  • Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.
  • Sarah, 23, aims to bring back evocative memories for anyone with a passion for musicals.
  • I know this isn't exactly earth-shattering news but the news does bring back quite a flood of happy memories for me.
  • Bring back the drachma. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the best things a houseguest ever did for me was go out after a huge party I had and bring back a bag of bagels and lox and cream cheese and capers to mitigate the hangover.
  • This refusal to take any refreshment seemed to him the most odious hypocrisy; all priests tippled on the sly, and were trying to bring back the days of the tithe. Madame Bovary
  • Still, when I ate a ballottine of duck, the dish would bring back memories of Ahmet’s kitchen and I would feel totally forlorn. Apricots on the Nile
  • Did you bring back any squeezy, soft, sweet-fruits for me?
  • Milk in glass bottles may bring back childhood memories of the friendly neighborhood milkman, but today's packagers say glass bottles have carved out an important niche in dairy packaging.
  • Then again, you'd need to be paid big bucks to bring back that dodgy barnet. The Sun
  • Cover with a tight-fitting lid, bring back to the boil and reduce to a simmer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chang Mu-hwan and Yang Sun-yong, both in their 70s, appealed to the government to bring back the South Korean prisoners of war held in the North. Statistics on the Prisoner of War issue
  • A chuck roast doesn't bring back the memories of the glow from the fireplace the night before the hunt or the whisper of the wind through the autumn leaves as I sat in my stand enjoying th crisp, fall day. For the Love of Venison!
  • Will play Cricket, badminton now. repley Cricket: Nielsen: Lee still a major doubt stuckinseoul England cricket stars celebrate Lord's win by racking up �5k bar bill ... but Freddie Flintoff settles for a pint with the missus daneshzaki Bangladesh wins series; will the Windies board bring back the original team members at least now #cricket intellibitz Cellphone Directory | Cricket TXTM8 Offers High-End Features at ... intellibitz smokes a plethora of cricket intellibitz Cricket: Flintoff on fitness hopes - ClubCall. com: Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • The control of Jiaozhou was crucial to the Wu Kingdom, because it would not only bring back the incredible profit of the Nanhai trade but also allow access to the horses from Nanzhong (Yunnan) through the Yunnan-Vietnam Road. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • We were to fly on the airplane, and bring back the badly wounded passengers.
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • Then again, you'd need to be paid big bucks to bring back that dodgy barnet. The Sun
  • Now here it must be related that when the Caliph went upstairs with the plate of fish he ordered the vizir to hasten to the palace and bring back four slaves bearing a change of raiment, who should wait outside the pavilion till the Caliph should clap his hands. Still Separate & Unequal
  • All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 
  • This feels like a sneaky way of trying to bring back fox hunting. The Sun
  • Dad travelled lots with his work, promising to bring back a tree decoration from every country he had visited.
  • Also unlike a hybrid, this system would bring back the bank of batteries used in EVs, but greatly downsize it to reduce cost and weight and increase usable packaging space.
  • All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 
  • Cloning technologies may save endangered species or even bring back extinct ones.
  • They should bring back careers advisers rather than just focusing on league table results. Times, Sunday Times
  • This interest gathered serious strength during the Italian Renaissance, inspiring travellers such as Pietro della Valle in 1626, to bring back what proved to be Coptic grammars and dictionaries from the Middle East.
  • They should bring back careers advisers rather than just focusing on league table results. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bring back memories through photographs and videotapes, but never leave behind plastics and polythene, is the appeal from YHAI.
  • Bring back the virtuous knight in his armor, astride a noble steed. MIND MELD: Taboo Topics in SF/F Literature
  • All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 
  • They bring back experiences that they might otherwise have never been exposed to, and they bring back positiveness.
  • It chronicled the efforts of a group of visionaries - or cranks, take your pick - to bring back lighter than air flight, i.e., dirigibles.
  • He told the French ambassadors a month after the arrest that Barneveld had been endeavouring, during and since the Truce negotiations, to bring back the Provinces, especially Holland, if not under the dominion of, at least under some kind of vassalage to Spain. Life and Death of John of Barneveld, Advocate of Holland : with a view of the primary causes and movements of the Thirty Years' War, 1618
  • This seems like a really longwinded way to say 'bring back precasting.' The Drop Kick
  • Bring back some tea for me.
  • Instead of getting a ride out, the hotelier asked if, when the passer-by got to Windhoek, he could have someone bring back the parts he needed to repair the vehicle. Where Cutting Grass With Scissors Makes Sense
  • Q That he could bring back all of his backroom staff with him. The Sun
  • And we specialize in out-of-the-way places the big airlines refuse to serve, and we bring back products that otherwise wouldn't be sold! SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • Franklin, Hamilton, and Sacajawea can stay, and we can bring back Susan B. Anthony. Matthew Yglesias » In Praise of Grant
  • Following their latest defeat, soccer fans are urging the club to bring back the former manager.
  • Most importantly, it should be cheaper than some grandiose schemes being floated to bring back the age of sail.
  • You sit alone in a bright, comfortable room; the clock ticks companionably; there is no other sound in the world except the constant scratching of your pen, and the occasional far-off puffing of a freight-train coming into Lichfield; there is snow outside, but before your eyes someone, that is not you exactly, arranges and redrills the scrawls which will bring back the sweet and languid summer and remarshal all its pleasant trivialities for anyone that chooses to read through the printed page, although he read two centuries hence, in Nova Zembla .... The Cords of Vanity A Comedy of Shirking
  • The health minister instead should take recourse to the existing laws and try and effectively bring back the health department on rails and make the truant doctors more responsive.
  • There are even plans to bring back quolls, catlike native predators.
  • I think it's high time we bring back the skimmington ride, this time with a bluesy rock n’ roll beat.
  • If you want to buy a bottle - bring back a bottle or else be charged 30c extra for the new bottle.
  • Hell, if fabulous cardio is the No. 1 criteria for being the quarterback of the Redskins, Shanahan ought to be in Kenya looking to bring back a distance runner. Mike Shanahan's benching of Donovan McNabb is completely dumb
  • Ask them to bring back suggestions of music that they hear and like when they are worshiping with other congregations or a great ‘theme song’ from a retreat or conference that gets their attention.
  • There is no better time to bring back national service. The Sun
  • TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!! fastlane: Dr Lakshmanan Sathyavagiswaran dafuck: the only explenation could be a time warp in the middle of detroit .. bobacus: According to Curve magazine, Lesbian visitors will find a Detroit that's shifted into the 21st century. wolfer: only his body, his soul lives on, I heard it coming from a Escalade in the wal-mart parking lot last night dafuck: Micheal Jackson is dead? wotak: for best results, remove your nose to get the correct weight distribution wolfer: Im gonna practice and bring back the moon walk
  • That evening, once everyone had stopped fawning over Jen, the girls partied in their hotel room eating all the snacks they could bring back from the store.
  • In June, Crandon told Doyle that he dispatched his sister Laura to England to “bring back to me a small boy whom we discovered there in December, whom we are going to adopt” by the name of Horace Newton. The Secret Life of Houdini
  • England, and incite the people to bring back him they called their rightful king. In the Wars of the Roses A Story for the Young
  • Surprisingly, visiting his old neighbourhood did not bring back bad memories. Times, Sunday Times
  • And occasionally to bring back a bride.
  • It's a big project then, one that would bring back good numbers of those wading birds. Times, Sunday Times
  • We must do all we can to bring back a system where the person who is primarily responsible for his own misfortune must bear the full blame for that misfortune.
  • In the cliffhanger from the episode before, the Joes have been mostly knocked out by a noxious gas emitting from a Cobra canister that S.ake Eyes used to bring back some of the eradiated crystals for the M.A.S.S. Device. Branded in the 80s!
  • From the first nodding snowdrops to the last bright tulips, spring bulb flowers proclaim the end of winter and bring back color to the landscape.
  • Surprisingly, visiting his old neighbourhood did not bring back bad memories. Times, Sunday Times
  • The city council has decided to bring back the old electric trams.
  • Everyone is familiar with how a song will bring back a time and place with disconcerting vividness. Times, Sunday Times
  • They might as well bring back my bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is sent with a companion, his best friend and the publications photographer, to bring back a whopper of a story.
  • There are so many things that will have to be tackled, and they have to be reformed, in the right sense of the term "reform," not just a superficial one, but deep reform that would bring back--compensate for what we have lost for so many years and build a new Egyptian society. Democracy Now!: Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa on His Likely Presidential Candidacy (VIDEO)
  • Q That he could bring back all of his backroom staff with him. The Sun
  • As he approached the city, all that festive and gallant scene he had quitted seemed to him like a dream; a vision of the gardens and bowers of an enchantress, from which he woke abruptly as a criminal may wake on the morning of his doom to see the scaffold and the deathsman; -- so much did each silent and lonely step into the funeral city bring back his bewildered thoughts at once to life and to death. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
  • Given the backdrop of ferns, hostas and the wooden acanthus leaves, this is an excellent way to bring back into the garden what would otherwise be a slightly shady thoroughfare.
  • It's now unlikely that future parliaments will bring back the death penalty.
  • That's why the plan to bring back the cadet corps into schools is a good one. The Sun
  • This does bring back memories of the European Cup in 2004 when we stayed at a gite in St Didier - a lovely, friendly little Provencal village. Retirer - French Word-A-Day
  • The mere fact that people get convictions wrong and people after serving 30 years or so walk free, should be a strong enough argument to deter anyone who think we should bring back capital punishment.
  • Terrorists can bring back diseases like smallpox and they can even create their own.
  • (Hildoin) sent with them a certain priest, Hunus by name, a sharp man (_hominem callidum_), whom he ordered to receive and bring back the body of the martyr in question. Collected Essays, Volume V Science and Christian Tradition: Essays
  • After a series of embarrassing courtroom defeats, the Government has announced that Customs will now allow smokers to bring back up to 3,200 duty-free cigarettes per trip.
  • We were to fly on the airplane, and bring back the badly wounded passengers.
  • Co-head coaches Jill Sterkel and Michael Walker bring back a talented Texas team, paced by a trio of senior leaders.
  • Stir in pectin, bring back to a boil, and boil for one minute. Toast:
  • It took several generations to bring back wild horses that most closely resemble the original tarpan.
  • June 18th, 2009 LANCASHIRE - Stylish Indian batsman VVS Laxman believes that his Lancashire team-mate Andrew Flintoff will recover from his knee surgery to play a vital role in England's endeavor to bring back the Ashes from the Australians. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • At the same time, he was totally loyal to Franco and unlikely to seek Allied aid to bring back the monarchy.
  • This could also take the pressure off a relationship and bring back that loving feeling. The Sun
  • There was a time that Mr. Lovelace was thought reclaimable, and when it was far from being deemed a censurable view to hope to bring back to the paths of virtue and honour, a man of his sense and understanding. Clarissa Harlowe
  • Perhaps we should bring back badger-baiting, cock-fighting, the bear pit, and all of those other traditional English pursuits.
  • These pictures bring back sad memories
  • Our prayer is that this will bring back many ofthe clergy and lay faithful who have gravitated to schismatic groups in reaction to serious abuses committed bysome priests who have irreverently celebrated the new Mass in English since the Vatican II. Archive 2007-08-01
  • No, of course I don't mean ground deerhorn, Ezra, but I mean, let us be sensible in what we plan to bring back to mother Earth. Decision at Doona
  • It consists in precipitating all the manganese in the state of peroxide, dissolving it in a ferrous solution so as to bring back the manganese to the manganous slate, and determining volumetrically, by means of potassium permanganate, the quantity of ferrous salt which has been converted into ferric. Scientific American Supplement, No. 401, September 8, 1883
  • One of the more dramatic resurrections in recent cinema history has seen Peter Fonda bring back his debut film as director, The Hired Hand.
  • More than any other sporting event, the tourney serves as a life milestone - the same way certain smells or music always bring back memories of a time and a place or an awkward kiss with a graceful girl.
  • Bring back bellisario, get rid of brennan and harman should just stick to acting! Review – NCIS: Los Angeles: Identity
  • So bring back me bonnie to moi.
  • Strain buds out of milk, and bring back to scalding temperature. Tigers & Strawberries » Ice Cream Fusion Reaction
  • Hillary's expedition did bring back furs that supposedly came from yetis, and an abundance of photos of suspicious tracks in the snow.
  • But why not bring back rabbit fur? The Sun
  • Please bring back all library books by the end of the week.
  • One can still see camel caravans head to the desert and bring back slabs of salt, a round-trip that would last almost a month, crossing the unforgiving Sahara.
  • Bring back a pear from your friend's village and plant it to grow pear trees in your own town.
  • And then order a bottle of Champagne -- and another, until the Deloitte managers turn back into beautiful girls in bedsheets, the slot machines blur into a hypnotic lightshow and the stench of cigarettes and sweat are replaced by the taste of rum and the standard of your hotel room doesn't matter because neither you nor the anonymous college girl you bring back will remember it anyway. Paul Carr: The Strip Diary, Day Two: Spending a Sober Month on the Vegas Strip? Don't Forget to Bring Your Own Stripper
  • Most of the stuff out there just doesn't pack the same punch that the old tunes do and we want to bring back a little of the old touch.
  • So what we would do was he would take a load of green lumber to Mebane that we had cut at the saw mill and in turn bring back a load of dry kilned to make our furniture. Oral History Interview with Robert Riley, February 1, 1994. Interview K-0106. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
  • I think the latest from her is to bring back the lash.
  • Travel over to the Continent by all means but remember if you bring back booze and cigs it must be for personal use.
  • The management has been brave enough to take on a market once considered unbreachable and bring back the booty.
  • All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 
  • If Parliament won't bring back the death penalty, we might have to settle for compulsory castration or locking offenders away until they die.
  • About a fourth of the hold was similarly constructed, in order to bring back minerals whose allotropy required Jovian surface conditions. Three Worlds to Conquer
  • Now the trust has applied for a grant for almost £2,500 from a local council to recast a brand new stainless steel horseshoe in the hope that it will bring back good luck to Paisley.
  • January 22, 2005 03: 17 matt: real hardcore is dead. it died out way back in the 80s. this new shit is a bunch of fagget breakdowns that all sound the exact same. and the "moshing" is even gayer. they either look like fucking gorillas or ninjas. i wish i could bring back the days of REAL hardcore, like minor threat, 7 seconds, and bad brains. Free dental work (Music (For Robots))
  • All the treasures of the earth would not bring back one lost moment. 
  • This could also take the pressure off a relationship and bring back that loving feeling. The Sun
  • This is not the first time that a car manufacturer has had to bring back large numbers of vehicles to remedy a fault. Times, Sunday Times
  • The House of Commons has overwhelmingly rejected calls to bring back the death penalty for murder.
  • We need to start restoring damaged habitat to bring back naturally functioning ecosystems.
  • Will this new promise bring back Tory defectors to the fold?
  • First, we should bring back the school exchange. Times, Sunday Times
  • The project would bring back to vibrant life 300 acres of brownfield land at the unattractively named Pithouse West site, which neighbours the borough's award-winning Rother Valley Country Park.
  • It's a good read and it will bring back a lot of fond fistic memories.
  • Bring back the corporate obs outsourced to India and Buenos Aires. Obama: Bailout for Main Street
  • Bring back a draft that starts conscription at the top of the social ladder.
  • So also the Compounds -- afferō afferre attulī allātus _bring toward_ auferō auferre abstulī ablātus _take away_ cōnferō cōnferre contulī collātus _compare_ differō differre distulī dīlātus _put off_ efferō efferre extulī ēlātus _carry out_ īnferō īnferre intulī illātus _bring against_ offerō offerre obtulī oblātus _present_ referō referre rettulī relātus _bring back_ New Latin Grammar
  • But my heart was sore for the poor creature, and, in very truth, I bring back no light heart, save to see you twain again, for I fear me that the worst of the darg {30} is still to do. A Monk of Fife
  • Do you think they should bring back the death penalty?
  • I personally would rather go home empty handed than bring back a pre-packaged steak or a penned buck. Walk through your high rise fence, turn on your electric deer feeder, and into your climate controlled blind?
  • We will bring back our wealth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Big Tree please bring back conrad and heylia stop hating on andy he is awsome but its just not the same since they left agrestic/majestic...still an awsome show no matter what but not the same without conrad/heylia First Look: WEEDS Season Four | the TV addict
  • Bring back up to a simmer, cover the pot and lower the heat.
  • Maybe the best thing is to bring back Gary Sobers, Viv Richards, Clyde Walcott, all of them," he said. The Nursery End | Rob Bagchi
  • If the crisis is used as an excuse to bring back the dead hand of collectivist policies, it is not only destructive of short-term economic well-being but also of long-term freedom and prosperity.
  • Just you watch, they will bring back the deals at the higher rate, making a healthy and unbudgeted profit. The Sun
  • Another would be to bring back elevator music. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bring back sheepskin coats, I say. The Sun
  • Businesses should bring back office walls. Times, Sunday Times
  • But we have come in from the cold to bring back a sneak preview.
  • If you are well under the luggage allowance on the outward bound trip, that allows you to bring back plenty of goodies in your spare holdall which should be of a light nylon type that will squash down.
  • Without a moment's delay the men cut down three or four young fir trees, and proceeded to make a fire; and La V., folding the little one in his "capot" -- sat down and tried to bring back life and warmth into her. Owindia : a true tale of the MacKenzie River Indians, North-West America
  • But why not bring back rabbit fur? The Sun
  • Why did you decide to bring back guitar sounds on this album? The Sun
  • We might as well bring back the stocks and throw rotting fruit and veg at them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now simply attach the lower hook by passing the loop through the eye and bring back underneath the hook and tighten.
  • She says they need to do something drastic to bring back the romance. The Sun
  • You don't have to bring back old nameplates because there just aren't that many to bring back.
  • There is no better time to bring back national service. The Sun
  • Bring back some respectable family values. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not the first time that a car manufacturer has had to bring back large numbers of vehicles to remedy a fault. Times, Sunday Times
  • The pictures bring back a flood of memories and the girls joke about their "tragic childhood haircuts" and their clothes.
  • The planner considers that the development will bring back life to an area where buildings and backlands are under utilised.
  • Should we bring back the birch as a punishment?
  • The House of Commons is to debate once again whether to bring back the death penalty.
  • Ideally, we want to bring back this notion of beat-walking," said Mr. Yang, who is also a marketing consultant, a columnist for The San Francisco Chronicle and a former magazine publisher.
  • Whats with all the wood Scott bring back the fish pyromancer EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Sketch a Day: 02-10-2008

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