How To Use Breton In A Sentence

  • The inn we occupied had one of these porches: Madame Barbot, our landlady, and her maid, were both dressed in Breton costume, with lace-trimmed embroidered caps and aprons of fine muslin, clear-starched and ironed with a perfection which the most accomplished "blanchisseuse du fin" of Paris would find it difficult to surpass. Brittany & Its Byways
  • The dangerous frontier counties, or marches, had special governors- graf, margrave, or markherzog; Roland of Roncesvalles, for example, was governor of the Breton march. Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
  • Mr. Fischer depicts Champlain as a wise gleaner of facts who listened to Basque whalers, Breton fishermen, African slaves -- anyone who could impart information. A Forgotten Explorateur
  • During the repasts a violinist and a biniou - player, dressed in his Breton costume, played to us. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • The ham, béchamel and white asparagus crêpe bretonne wasn't particularly remarkable but perhaps, like an overhyped movie, we expected too much from it.
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  • They belong to the Goidelic or Q-Celtic branch of Celtic languages, AFAIK, and Welsh, Breton, and Cornish are Brythonic or P-Celtic. TALKIN' CAPE BRETON.
  • In a post called "le biniou et la bombarde" a play on words for bagpipe and "wog", commentators claimed that "an extra-European will never be a real Breton. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Yes, great celtic "cousinage" between the Welsh and les Bretons de Bretagne! Poireau - French Word-A-Day
  • Breton, Surrealism's leader and a past master of character assassination, claimed in the final issue of Minotaure that Dali was a self-confessed racist, and Dali chose not to respond.
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • John immediately rode for Chinon, where the Angevin treasury was kept, while Constance sent a Breton army to take control of Angers, in Anjou, where a meeting of barons from Anjou and Maine duly declared for Arthur.
  • Yes, great celtic "cousinage" between the Welsh and les Bretons de Bretagne! Poireau - French Word-A-Day
  • Traditionally the Bretons have been skilled woodworkers, known for their chests, sideboards, dressers, wardrobes, and clock cases.
  • It was rather a grouping in the sense of Charles Fourier's socialist cells or groupuscules, based, as Breton insisted, on the idea that all passions are good.
  • But the games of bouchon were the most amusing thing of all, and that famous game of galoche, which the Breton militia had brought into fashion during the siege. The Child Spy
  • Suffused by a kind of fashionable search for the Key to All Mythologies but also with Breton national identity and culture.
  • Since their settlement in Armorica, the Bretons were divided into tribes, but with a common ennemy that they were fighting against for generations: the French. Brittany Prepares for St. Yew's Day
  • With a promise of immediate government assistance of 9bn euros, Breton is expected to come up with matching savings.
  • Breton seaweed workers - like those burning kelp in the Scottish islands - were very poor, supplementing their meagre incomes with fishing, farming and sometimes wrecking.
  • Not only that, the fact the three are sisters home together — in Cape Breton, no less — for the first time in years because their mother is dying made me fear I faced a turgid evening of stereotypical CanLit dysfunctional-family angst. My review of Globe Theatre’s production of Marion Bridge…
  • In France, for example, where the official govt. policy is to unify the country linguistically, you cannot (or could not, perhaps it’s been changed recently) send a letter addresses in Breton, even in Brittany. Matthew Yglesias » Getting Worse
  • Yet in that short, hopeful moment she had felt him so near to her, that it was as if his spirit had floated over the sea unto her, what is called a foretoken (_pressigne_) in Breton land; and she listened still more attentively to the steps outside, trusting that some one might come to her to speak of him. An Iceland Fisherman
  • Bretons are also noted for their pilgrimages.
  • The film moves rapidly and without signposts from Cape Breton to England, Scotland and Ireland, eventually circling back to where it started.
  • Breton culture is Celtic rather than French, and it is interesting to note that many of the villages are twinned with small Irish towns.
  • Breton butter is notable since it's almost always flecked with large, coarse grains of salt that crunch when you bite into them.
  • In 1586 the advocate Le Breton, in a pamphlet for which he was hanged, called Henry III "one of the greatest hypocrites who ever lived", demanded an assembly of the States General from which the royal officers should be excluded, and proposed to restore all their franchises to the cities. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Francisque-Michel and Th. Wright, _Vie de Merlin attribuée à Geoffroy de Monmouth, suivie des prophéties de ce barde tirées de l'histoire des Bretons_, Paris, 1837, in 8vo, pp. 67 _et seq. The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • Before him lay a pile of dead Tilean crossbowmen, polluting the sacred soil of Bretonnia with their inferior foreign blood.
  • The newcomers also contributed to create the Breton language, Brezhoneg, which is a Celtic language descending from the Brythonic of Insular Celtic languages brought by Romano-British and other Britons to Armorica. Brittany Prepares for St. Yew's Day
  • The crêpes Bretonne are great too: La Brébis is filled with fresh fruit and heavy cream while the Coq Breton is crêpe stuffed with ham, asparagus and Gruyère, served with béchamel sauce, salad and coffee.
  • Coal mining has historically been a key industry in Cape Breton, and with the government pullout miners will be left with few alternatives for work.
  • The project is administered by a community organization in Cape Breton.
  • The crêpes Bretonne are great too: La Brébis is filled with fresh fruit and heavy cream while the Coq Breton is crêpe stuffed with ham, asparagus and Gruyère, served with béchamel sauce, salad and coffee.
  • The lilt in James' voice gives away his Cape Breton roots, but the barbs in his material are clearly Canadian.
  • Nunez continued, saying hundreds of active and inactive wells exist in Breton Sound, Black Bay and Bay Eloi. Susan Buchanan: Louisiana Removes Defunct Oil Wells But Hazards Remain
  • In western Normandy and on the borders of the rocky Breton peninsula, the open spaces gave way to a landscape of small fields divided by high mounds and tree-strewn hedges, scattered farmsteads and deep sunken roads - the bocage.
  • Virginie Demont-Breton is hardly less distinguished in art than her illustrious father. Art and Handicraft in the Woman's Building of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
  • How dare they believe that they could stand before the flower of Bretonnian chivalry!
  • Breton embraced a similar kind of monism, arguing famously against distinctions between the real and imaginary, past and future, life and death.
  • Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island, a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor.
  • Military history shows that after boldly carried out landings at Abukir and Cape Breton, for example, the success of the extensive operations was impaired, almost lost, because of lack of energy and rapidity of execution of offensive movements. Operations Upon the Sea A Study
  • Camus' relationships with Andre Breton and Jean-Paul Sartre had begun to feel the strain that would eventually lead him to disavow all ties with the existentialists.
  • Jean-Claude, our Breton steward, is a former submariner, merchant seaman and hotelier, and his charming character - occasionally lapsing into French as he discusses the menu - certainly helps on that score.
  • Charlie sat in a gloomy agency and talked to a cross Bearnaise and to a buxom Breton peasant.
  • Now, more than twenty years later, the Breton presbyter had lost none of his grace or his repose.
  • The interinfluence of French and English literature can be studied in the Breton romances and the _romans d'aventure_ even better than in the epic poetry of the period. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Breton suggested that rational thought repressed the powers of creativity and imagination and thus was a hindrance to artistic expression.
  • They came into the courtyard of the Chateau de la Motte, the ancient castle of the Breton dukes, which is now an inn. Frances Waldeaux
  • A man turns up in a small, nondescript Breton town. Times, Sunday Times
  • They remain; and no admixture of the Frisian pirates, or the Breton, or the Angevin and Norman conquerors, has very much affected their cunning eyes. The Mowing of a Field
  • Gâteaux Bretons are larger cakes made of rich better, poured into a cake mold, scraped with a fork, then baked until golden brown.
  • The marquis sat at the head of the table, and behind his chair stood his old servant Yvon, dressed in Breton mourning-costume in memory of his defunct mistress; that is to say, in blue, black, and yellow. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • Moving into clearer etymological waters, we encounter the paradox that whilst Frenchmen have consistently dismissed Breton as a worthless baragouin ` patois, gibberish, 'the origin of that pejorative is undoubtedly Breton. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 2
  • The modern French folklorist Anatole Le Braz knew well the anxiety that omens bring; he described some of them in a memoir of his childhood in southern Brittany, The Legend of Death Among the Armorican Bretons 1902. In the Valley of the Shadow
  • This threat, pronounced in Breton, was especially impressive, and how he came by the two ill-assorted names I cannot imagine, for he was nearly as ignorant of books as his flock. A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
  • He had become friends in Paris with André Breton, finding his once longed-for -ism. Joan Miró: A life in paintings
  • They are outwardly charming but ultimately ruled by darker forces, like the fierce undertow that pulls and drags at the coast of the Breton island where this beguiling novel is set.
  • (My Petit Robert on CD-ROM allows searches by all entry fields by which I think I discovered that "bijou" is from Breton.) Detente - French Word-A-Day
  • [It is also necessary to point out that Renan in this essay applies the name Breton both to the Bretons proper, i.e. the inhabitants of Brittany, and to the British members of the Celtic race. The Poetry of the Celtic Races. I.
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • The orthography was developed by Nance from the surviving texts, and vocabulary is extended by analogizing from Breton and Welsh and forming compounds from existing words.
  • That Breton should eventually have been disappointed in the techniques of automatism does not affect his initial excitement over them, or their ongoing importance in the worlds of literature and art.
  • My Petit Robert on CD-ROM allows searches by all entry fields by which I think I discovered that "bijou" is from Breton. Detente - French Word-A-Day
  • We may perhaps connect with this phenomenon the attraction which muddy shoes often exert over the shoe-fetichist, and the curious way in which, as we have seen (p. 18), Restif de la Bretonne associates his love of neatness in women with his attraction to the feet, the part, he remarks, least easy to keep clean. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • The Breton knights returned to Josselin, their helmets decorated with branches of the broom — “In every basnet a bright broom flower;” the place where the battle was fought running, according to the French poem, Brittany & Its Byways
  • ` sandal '(cf. Latin calligula, ` soldier's boot'); German, from the Celtic gairm, a battle cry transmitted via the Latin Germanus; golf, from the Gaelic gowf ` blow with the hand '(an acceptable pronunciation for golf is "gof"); gull, from the Welsh gwylan or the Breton gwelan, ` sea bird'; havoc, from the Welsh hafog ` devastation '; hooligan, VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol II No 4
  • But come late fall, the heavy snows force the crew to leave the Highlands for the relatively hospitable climate of southern Cape Breton.
  • The shindig, which is now one of Canada's largest music festivals, goes down July 6 to 18 at Ottawa's Lebreton Flats. CHARTattack:News Feed
  • Joris Luyten It may be named unceremoniously for the hockey puck it resembles, but the palet breton tastes like a bit of heaven. Merry Cookies
  • This also goes for Otherworlders: for instance, when I was creating names and bits of language for the korrigans, fairy-like beings found in Breton folklore, for my novel, ‘In Hollow Lands’, I used Breton itself for them, but a chopped-up, strangely inverted Breton, which expresses the Otherworlders’ strange nature, whereas the human characters used real Breton. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » Creating imaginary languages and words in fantasy for children and young people
  • She is brought coral and pearls in a conch by a young negress whose dark skin distracts attention from her own swarthy Breton complexion.
  • Borderie, _Les véritables prophéties de Merlin; examen des poèmes bretons attribués à ce barde_, in _Revue de Bretagne_, vol. liii The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • Also, anyone who says "yous" as a plural form of "you" in Cape Breton would seem just as ignorant as if they said it anywhere else. TALKIN' CAPE BRETON.
  • Breton church near Quimperle, and the tradition was, that it was the hand of a rich Cagot who had dared to take holy water out of the usual benitier, some time at the beginning of the reign of Louis the Sixteenth; which an old soldier witnessing, he lay in wait, and the next time the offender approached the benitier he cut off his hand, and hung it up, dripping with blood, as an offering to the patron saint of the church. An Accursed Race
  • There are hundreds of varieties of seaweed in Breton waters, though only about seven are used for edible purposes.
  • Author, furniture designer and hand tool enthusiast Tom Fidgen designed and built this side table using salvaged Ash collected from the shores of Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. READER TIP: Salvaged Ash Wood Side Table by Tom Fidgen | Inhabitat
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • By 1086, 80% of the fiefs were in Norman hands (some held by Flemings and Bretons).
  • Brizeux, the idyllist, in his _Marie_, of Breton wilds and provincial works and ways; Gérard de Nerval, Hégésippe Moreau, Madame A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • For despite the artist's romantic wishful thinking, his rustic Bretons were no simple peasants.
  • News of the sale, however, has been met with dismay and alarm by some in the art world who see the dispersal of Breton's collection as a great public loss.
  • The Empire, a loose alliance of city-states and provinces owing allegiance to its Emperor, and the kingdom of Bretonnia.
  • Dense and crunchy with a kind of sandy texture, the palet breton softens as you chew — the salty flavor cutting ever so subtly through the sweet. Merry Cookies
  • Thanks to Coleen, I have not forgotten Nova Scotia, as we spend 2 weeks in August every summer at her family's summerhouse in Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island.
  • This was the era of the sleep sessions, the trance-like states Breton and Philippe Soupault encouraged novitiates to enter into, through which they would speak and write ‘automatically.’
  • On a visit to a Paris flea market with the sculptor, Breton lit on a curious wooden spoon with a little boot carved under its handle and carried it off.
  • A stripy Breton top is summery but warm enough - and chic. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Guillaume le Breton, see Delaborde, 179 — 80: "Philippus … audierat a coetaneis et consodalibus suis, dum sepius cum eis in palatio luderet, quod Judei singulis annis unum christianum immolabant, et ejus corde se communicabant; et ideo, concepto ex hac occasione rancore contra eos, omnes proposuit ejicere de regno suo." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Thus, a Frenchman who spoke Breton and French would not be considered bilingual because Breton is of low status and considered a patois rather than a language.
  • An early 12th century church archivolt has an Arthurian scene, perhaps carved by a Breton, that labels Guinevere as 'Winlogee.' Cadafael, King of Gwynedd
  • Elsewhere, there are reports that Barry needs a quota of 50, 000 tonnes of caplin to use in the Harbour Breton plant which will now supply fishmeal to his mink and salmon farms. February 2006
  • Yet in that short, hopeful moment, she had felt him so near to her that it was as if his spirit had floated over the sea unto her, -- what is called a foretoken (_pressigne_) in Breton land; and she listened still more attentively to the steps outside, trusting that some one might come to her to speak of him. Great Sea Stories
  • Most French supermarkets have their own brand of palet breton, and they can also be found throughout Europe. Merry Cookies
  • A master at the "Cape Breton trifecta" (fiddle, stepdancing, and piano), she was also the pianist for the acclaimed Irish musical group "Cherish the Ladies" during their tour of Sweden in 2004. CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • From a geographical and historical point of view, this subfamily can be divided into two branches: the continental branch, which has disappeared by now, and the insular branch, which can further be broken down as follows: Brythonic (including Breton), Cornish and Welsh on the one hand, and Gaelic on the other, which includes Irish, Erse and Mannish (the dialect of the Isle of Man). The Celtic Languages: the Richness of the Isles
  • The newcomers also contributed to create the Breton language, Brezhoneg, which is a Celtic language descending from the Brythonic of Insular Celtic languages brought by Romano-British and other Britons to Armorica. Brittany Prepares for St. Yew's Day
  • Both parents were of Breton origin, but of markedly different social backgrounds.
  • I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the Highlands of Scotland; but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.
  • Another illumination also illustrating Combat des Trentes shows the Breton-French knights with a narrow, forked white oriflam, charged with a cross couped.
  • Bretons have their own language and customs, and until 1532 the province was an independent duchy.
  • The strapless corselet sheath gown with my signature décolletéstyling, made of my own Mountain Laurel white silk overlaid with handmade Breton lace that's almost as fine as what Great Aunt Edna used to make? Miss Edna's Lace
  • Breton story of a blacksmith who went on working after the sacring bell had rung at the Midnight Mass. Christmas in Ritual and Tradition, Christian and Pagan
  • Capitalizing on the raw beauty of the Cape Breton coastline, the raw talent of the young cast and the raw impetus of a low-budget production, Moyle delivered a film layered in uncontrived freshness.
  • As showing that the Scottish and Irish Gaelic were practically the same, as distinguished from the Celtic tongue spoken by the Welsh and Bretons, The Life Story of an Old Rebel
  • Off the northeast coast of Nova Scotia sits Cape Breton Island, a beautifully rugged destination that has retained its Scottish flavor.
  • The spaceport is slated to be built in Sandy Mines on Cape Breton, in the eastern province of Nova Scotia, the New Scientist reported. Canada Plans its First Spaceport | Impact Lab

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