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How To Use Breakdown In A Sentence

  • All the signs are today that one of the basic problems preventing people co-operating together for the common good is the breakdown of neighbourly society.
  • Both sides blamed each other for the breakdown of talks.
  • After a time teaching drama in borstals, prisons and community centres, he suffered two more breakdowns until one day, while sitting on a bus, his persistent angst, dread and fear of failure simply evaporated.
  • Valerian also inhibits the enzyme-induced breakdown of GABA in the brain, with concomitant sedation.
  • While knowing total expenditures in lobbying is good I would like to see some breakdown as to where all of that money is going, to see exactly whose pockets are filling as a result of the largess being spread around. Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » $3.47 billion spent. Did you get a pony?
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  • The Canadian deck crew chocked and chained the helicopter, we transferred the parts, and signaled for breakdown.
  • It's hard to say whether this is a hangover from the breakdown or just his incredible nervous energy finding an outlet.
  • The rise in crime is often cited as evidence of a general breakdown of authority.
  • The precautionary motive. Unforeseen circumstances can arise, such as a car breakdown.
  • The retinal pigment epithelium, which is the outer layer of the retina, fails to carry out its function as a result of which there is accumulation of the breakdown products.
  • The task group also want a breakdown and analysis of how many ethnic minority workers have been successful after applying for jobs at the council.
  • His frequent depressions were the prelude to a complete mental breakdown.
  • These studies show that sucrose breakdown and starch synthesis are restricted by the levels of adenine and uridine nucleotide cofactors.
  • In fact, ubiquitin-mediated protein breakdown is involved: the plant recognises and rejects its own pollen! The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2004
  • ‘I am concerned about the continuing number of breakdowns of service which is inconveniencing passengers on the Sligo to Dublin line,’ said Deputy Ellis.
  • The situation within the company is described as a complete breakdown in the relationship between the parties, a deadlock and a hostile environment.
  • The authors of the report appropriately place primary blame for the breakdown in professionalism on former attorney general Alberto R. Gonzales, who showed a breathtaking disengagement from the process of disposing of nine presidential appointees. Underplayed Stories of the Day - Swampland -
  • Which results ultimately in the breakdown of your relationship with Louise. LOST SUMMER
  • The device of appending separate annexes to key government documents is becoming something of a norm in the wake of the breakdown of the Belfast Agreement.
  • Two years ago he suffered a mental breakdown .
  • · Appropriate starters have been developed that can produce amylase and linamarase enzymes necessary for starch breakdown and cyanogenic glucoside hydrolysis; two major biochemical processes needed in cassava processing. 12 Cassava Processing in Africa
  • Why is it difficult to degenerate (breakdown) plastics so it can be harmless to the environment? ortho-nitrophenol is steam volatile while para-nitrophenol is not. what is the reason behind this? en Español Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Family and friends said that the past few years have been very troubling for her as she had suffered from many mental breakdowns and remained a virtual recluse.
  • Any breakdown in these prescriptions risks serious pollution, bringing danger to those affected and outcast status to the perpetrator.
  • Vitamin B5, in the form of CoA, can be used to help acetylate proteins, thereby protecting them from chemical breakdown. The World's Healthiest Foods
  • The rise in crime is often cited as evidence of a general breakdown of authority.
  • After news of this new court case Ford broke down again, though he blamed the breakdown on his work.
  • The concordances providing word for word breakdowns of Horace's Latin provided quite a challenge.
  • Canada and others walked out on the odious Ahmadinejad’s battological drivel, thus sparing themselves from a similar breakdown, while Obama made the rather curious statement: 2009 September « Anglican Samizdat
  • I suffered a nervous breakdown. It was a traumatic experience.
  • The figures published by the Office for National Statistics give details of the total populations with age and gender breakdowns for all local authorities.
  • My personal life was terrible. My mother had died, and a couple of years later I had a breakdown.
  • Furthermore, prograde metamorphism can result in weakening and superplastic behaviour of the rocks affected, as fluid pressure rises, minerals are weakened, and the grain-boundary structure is transformed by breakdown and growth.
  • He warned that the breakdown of the family unit would lead to an impoverished society.
  • It can also be formed by oxidative deoxyribose breakdown or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose, and it plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and ageing.
  • The next year he again failed the exam and, according to some historians, had a nervous breakdown.
  • Here, a breakdown of three lowbrow lunch meats and where to find them, plus a shout-out to mortadella, the original bologna, from Bologna--Oscar Mayer's aristocratic ancestor. 'Anti-Artisanal': Lunch Meat Has Its Moment
  • Brain and cognitive disabilities cont. medications increase the breakdown of contraceptive hormones in the body, making them less effective in preventing pregnancy.31 A, B, C, D, E OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process.
  • The South African Nobel Peace Prize laureate expressed concern in a letter at what he called the deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet, and the apparent breakdown of talks between the Chinese government and emissaries of the Dalai Lama. The Herald | - Front
  • In later years the oscillator was replaced by a duplicate diaphone to be used in the event of breakdown.
  • Why do we have a broadcasting environment where the skills displayed in the remake aren't channelled into a new idea, a different comic take on a middle - aged man undergoing a breakdown, rather than an attempt to recreate the unbetterable. The Guardian World News
  • There can be no guarantee, not least because mechanical breakdowns happen from time to time, and perhaps even gradually.
  • The subsequent breakdown seemed a quite logical consequence of history.
  • Patients with red cell breakdown, for example in malaria, pass haemoglobin into the urine, where it is broken down to the brown pigment methaemoglobin; hence one form of malaria is called ‘black-water fever’.
  • Traditionalists see crime and poverty as largely the result of a breakdown in social discipline or self control.
  • A complete breakdown of budget talks could push rates back up, at least temporarily, analysts concede.
  • What he saw was a new form of human organization emerging amid the chaos of breakdown in the feudalistic order.
  • This is a tale of a nervous breakdown that may betoken a mental illness such as psychosis. 2009 April 27 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • She cites a number of them - partnership dissolutions, divorce custody, disputes over family businesses and inheritances, supplier-client relationship breakdowns, and even feuding neighbours.
  • Both teams were guilty of playing the game at least a couple of yards offside and handling the ball on the floor at almost every breakdown.
  • His car was taken away on the back of a breakdown truck.
  • Here's the breakdown by age group of approval of same-sex marriage and civill unions (in 2006): Huckabee Directly Equates Homosexuality With Bestiality
  • An apology not only opens up the opportunity to mend relational breakdowns, it has the potential to release amazing healing energies.
  • Shippers and freight forwarders have been trying for years to get the shipping lines to give a detailed breakdown on the charges they levy on containerised shipments.
  • Some mechanical breakdowns could be avoided if drivers properly inspected the buses before they begin their routes, as required by federal law, Scanlon said.
  • We're back-after an absence of three weeks, due to a mechanical breakdown of the printing press and an industrial dispute involving chapels of the printing unions.
  • Moreover, testicular histology of F1 and backcross males showed in some cases a breakdown in spermatogenesis. The Rise of Human Chromosome 2: Beyond the Deme - The Panda's Thumb
  • This problem is compounded by the fact that humans and other primates lack the enzyme urate oxidase, which is responsible for the breakdown of uric acid. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • I strongly believe that until the breakdown of his marriage he had been true to his wedding vows.
  • Clare divulged that she was recovering from a nervous breakdown.
  • Incompatibility of temperament has cause the irremediable breakdown of the marriage.
  • His remarks led to the breakdown of talks between the staff and the management.
  • Photodegradation is the breakdown of pesticides by light, particularly sunlight.
  • Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown) Cine Cl�sico
  • While there is no third party mechanism for determining this, the breakdown into bilateral relationships will continue.
  • In a marriage breakdown, tie up property transfers by deed of separation/divorce which is confirmed by court decree.
  • The AA had attended around 4,000 breakdowns across the UK by 10.30am, with calls peaking at - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • As with many vitamins pantothenic acid and biotin are little known but pantothenic acid is used in the breakdown of carbohydrates, lipids and some amino acids.
  • More specifically, the test is whether the employee's dishonesty gave rise to a breakdown in the employment relationship.
  • After 2,600 words of this self-pity, Henderson is willing to take some blame for the breakdown in their relationship.
  • We also require details of the quantum of the claim including a breakdown of the elements of the costs and how they have been incurred.
  • The reliability of data base system is its important function guideline. Data base fault tolerance and breakdown recover are the necessary function in large data base.
  • Following his nervous breakdown, he withdrew from public life and refused to give any interviews.
  • This finding suggests that massive runaway breakdown may have happened within the thundercloud in a process related to the initiation of the triggered lightning.
  • The two others, thymine and cytosine, showed a simpler composition; experiments of breakdown and synthesis led to the result that in thymine there must be a grouping of the carbon and nitrogen atoms corresponding to the following scheme: Albrecht Kossel - Nobel Lecture
  • The problem is the story, which seems relentlessly gloomy and downbeat, lacking moments of breakdown and reconciliation that were so crucial to previous successes.
  • Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
  • Avoid prescribing topical anesthetics as they retard healing and may lead to corneal epithelial breakdown.
  • Where the broom does not reach, the dust will not vanish of itself. We must have a notion that no breakdown would come into being or disappear without reason.
  • But that's about it, problem-wise, as the novel opens – so Harry should really be bracing himself, hands over head and head between knees, because he should know by now that the rest of this novel is going to present him with relationship breakdowns, tug-of-love battles for his children, lots of reasons to lament "the lousy modern world" (©T Parsons) and at least one fatalcancer. Men from the Boys by Tony Parsons
  • Very often a death in the family or the breakdown of a marriage triggers the violent outbursts and the dramatic changes in personality.
  • But fault was still a feature in many divorce cases, since irretrievable breakdown had to be shown in one of five ways.
  • The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.
  • If such a declaration is made, the bishop requests his archdeacon to hold an inquiry and if that inquiry concludes that there is evidence of a breakdown a formal tribunal is held.
  • In the five chapters which have tables showing the incidence of consumer or producer goods, however, the authors only allow breakdown by wealth in one of them.
  • Marriage breakdown in the West has reached epidemic proportions.
  • His recently completed thriller, Primacy, is available through Paul Bresnick Literary Agency, and his genre-busting mystery, Cadaver Blues, can be found in weekly serialization at The Nervous Breakdown. The Nervous Breakdown
  • Occasionally breakdown to break the monotony of a long journey with frequent stops.
  • Complaints of attendant social breakdown, of anomie and alienation, of the dissolution of marriage and households, of the decline of religion, were commonly - and perhaps too glibly - voiced.
  • The plane had a breakdown in the air, but it was fortunately removed by the ace pilot.
  • And his doctor didn't say anything about a breakdown -- I phoned him last night. HIGH STAND
  • Look at the revenue breakdowns in the company's quarterly financial statement.
  • Holes in the ozone layer, or a global breakdown of stratospheric ozone would lead to increasing doses of ultraviolet radiation at the Earth's surface.
  • But they slow mental deterioration by blocking the breakdown of the brain chemical acetylcholine.
  • Today's peg is a report on the breakdown of family life, specifically disaffection among teenagers, and how the "media class" just doesn't get it. Current Affairs
  • The fear has always been that some of this work could unravel in minutes if old secrets were dredged up in the witness box about the breakdown of the Royal marriage.
  • There is a signal box at each end, East and West also the Breakdown Vans, ready when they are wanted.
  • He said at the police Endangered Species Protection Unit (ESPU) banquet in Pretoria the code would be non-negotiable, and was aimed at reversing what he described as a breakdown in the criminal justice system. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Alternatively, devising agents to slow the breakdown of natural cannabinoids might potentiate their analgesic effects.
  • If you provide 30 grams in the diet, the body gets the other 100 grams from lean mass breakdown. 100 grams times 10 days equals one kilogram, which is 2.2 pounds. Gymnasts and low-carb | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • By 1932 the gold standard had strayed so far from purity, so far from what it could and should have been, that its weakness contributed signally to its final breakdown in 1933.
  • This dynamic nature of the evolutionary changes must have been responsible for the breakdowns of the pathways, resulting in profound differentiation of heterotrophy among the species.
  • Crunching beats, good tune, video of a model having an emotional breakdown in the chemist's … it effectively said to Fenech-Soler, the band who guested on the single, this is how you do it. This week's new live music
  • Al consumo critico antiracket l�Oscar della partecipazione civica lottery road government cobra score tool movie blockbuster kit school photo holiday discovery carpet bike track disk download breakdown click balance abandon abend abnormal abort above abrupt absolute abstract abundant acceleration accept access accomodate accomplish accord accumulator accuracy accustom achieve acknowledge acquaint acquire acquisition action activation active actual acute adapt Visit now!! Firefighters Union Initially Snubbed Giuliani For "Disgraceful Lack Of Respect" After 9/11...And Other Campaign Updates
  • The author did, in fact, suffer a nervous breakdown and alcoholic collapse at the cabin, but recuperated with the help of ‘Larry’, who had become a very close friend.
  • His wife would not be able to cope and might suffer a nervous breakdown.
  • When Galactica hits Dolly Parton's high notes, her squinting eyes reflect the challenge, and the scatted breakdown of "Bye Bye Blackbird" by Rachelle Ferrell has the diva in a bent posture, shaking her clenched fists. Galactica performance perfectly in sync in Fringe Festival's 'Irrelevant Acts'
  • Lack of antifreeze is a major cause of highway breakdowns.
  • Has analyzed the breakdown which the MSC-51 series monolithic integrated circuits and its the compatible machine itself inherent shortcoming and is easy to create.
  • BThe report gave no breakdown of statistics by state or city.
  • With work-inhibited students, a breakdown in the independence process appears evident.
  • Thus, the ambiguity in the split authority flow creates organizational confusion, and Homeric breakdowns in communication.
  • The guide contains commonsense recommendations covering situations such as meetings in strangers' offices and homes, walking home alone and car breakdowns.
  • To help you balance the books for a night at the movies, here is the admission and snack bar breakdown for the five theatres reviewed.
  • Other academic analysts at Williamsburg denied any important connection between the use of welfare and the incidence of illegitimacy and family breakdown.
  • This factor limits the acceptance of PVC and polyolefins in many products where their useful balance of properties and low cost would be attractive. "patent for a chemical compound consisting of an organotitanate or zirconate compound and an organotin compound that promotes the breakdown of PVC after the completion of its useful life. The Gadgeteer
  • He was close to a breakdown by January 1943, and his weak performance briefing the Com bined Chiefs of Staff at the Casablanca conference — Roosevelt thought him "jittery" — nearly led to his resignation. Eisenhower's Pit Bull
  • Going madly off into a fading teevee breakdown, a degenerating of colors to boil down to utter depressing greys, greys of all shades, deepening into the blankest of the most depressing color there is, that which is totally empty of color, the color of tears. From the Shambles
  • There is always a risk of infection and breakdown of sutures at the surgical site, and so it is very important that the family stay in close contact with the surgeon post-operatively.
  • She had a sort of breakdown some years ago, and since then she has been very shy.
  • Problems first arose in the 1980s but despite continual breakdowns it was favoured by most elderly tenants because it supplied unmetered heat and hot water.
  • Hence the complete and utter mental breakdown of whoever contracts the disease.
  • A complete set of hydrolytic enzymes is designed for chemical processing and breakdown of most large molecules in the diet.
  • He was the innocent party in the breakdown of the marriage.
  • I'm a catecholamine man myself: it's norepinephrine which does it -- that's a breakdown of tyrosine. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • Note that a separate breakdown for white eighth graders is not available in either subject, since there weren’t enough of them to get an accurate estimate (the same goes for Asian/Pacific Islander students in all grades/subjects). Rhee's testing legacy: An open question
  • Instead, her breakdown takes the exteriorized form of a visual disturbance.
  • Most authorities recommend that patients with diabetes be given about 5 g of glucose per hour for basal energy requirements and to prevent hypoglycemia, ketosis, and protein breakdown during surgery.
  • Lamb undertook the charge of his sister, who remained liable to periodic breakdowns, and she repaid him with great sympathy and affection.
  • They were diverted by frequent derailments and frozen in winter by heating breakdowns. Truman
  • Please give me a breakdown of your income tax totals.
  • I'm a catecholamine man myself: it's norepinephrine which does it -- that's a breakdown of tyrosine. THE PRESIDENT'S CHILD
  • His breakdown was followed by a period of heightened activity.
  • I have heard stories of kids having what they call psychotic breakdowns in kindergarten, kids who are distressed because they are 'kindergarten failures' because they can't read and they can't write," she says. Top Stories
  • Uncle Leonard and Auntie Midge, more appropriately to their characters, would have had nervous breakdowns.
  • And when this policy seemed in danger of leading to regression as a result of electoral defeat, the commit ment to electoral (hence revisionist) activism was characterized as a buttress to the established theory of societal breakdown rather than as a major concession to revisionist ideology. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • We may doubt the wisdom of efficient markets, we may wonder at the ability of laissez-faire markets to avoid breakdown, dysfunction, crashes, panics, palsies, disaster. Robert Teitelman: Transactions: Dec. 13, 2010
  • Patients with red cell breakdown, for example in malaria, pass haemoglobin into the urine, where it is broken down to the brown pigment methaemoglobin; hence one form of malaria is called ‘black-water fever’.
  • She says it was a breakdown in communication and they made an error.
  • Have you got any breakdown of how many might be what you described as gunmen or civilians? CNN Transcript Apr 7, 2002
  • It is hoped that next year we will do a full breakdown on the history of many local organisations in the area.
  • Is the country restoring a healthy financial sector capacity for innovation, liquidity, and returns, without producing the same risk of big bubbles and institutional breakdown?
  • Bacteria and fungi are largely responsible for the breakdown of organic matter on Earth.
  • However, the researchers found that the communities of microbes thrived on hydrogen sulphide, which is toxic to most lifeforms, and is the product of the breakdown of organic material in an environment where there is no oxygen. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • Although there have been mechanical breakdowns, they have merely affected the vehicles carrying the material.
  • And following breakdown every effort should be made to ensure supportive continuity of contact between the child and the absent parent.
  • He put his grade breakdown on his CV — how narcissistic is that? The Volokh Conspiracy » But Isn’t It a Bit Hard to Predict With a 7-Year-Old?
  • She believed Martin had ended the engagement, and eventually she had a serious mental breakdown.
  • She proceeded to give us a detailed budget breakdown: so much per week for diapers, so much per day for babyfood, so much per day a very modest amount for her own meals. Planned Giving
  • He had a nervous breakdown last year.
  • Whether through simple data-piracy, or else by a more complex development of actual rapport with chaos, the Web - hacker, the cybernetician of the TAZ, will find ways to take advantage of perturbations, crashes, and breakdowns in the Net (ways to make information out of "entropy"). Home
  • It can also be formed by oxidative deoxyribose breakdown or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose, and it plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and ageing.
  • At each juncture, there is a breakdown in attention because the work requires sustained conscious effort.
  • Alice suffered what was probably a nervous breakdown and spent the next few years in and out of sanitariums.
  • A healthy liver filters bilirubin, a breakdown product of old red blood cells.
  • Only 1 other investigator provided a more comprehensive analysis of cost breakdown per cost center.
  • This is verified by the presence of alkali at the surface-to-surface bond of failed systems, which is responsible for the breakdown of the bonding of glues, mastics, epoxies, paints, and mortars.
  • And not only did the crew of Robinson continually check those monitoring stations for breaches and breakdowns, but during the eight months of their guard duty, they had deployed a new array of probes along the territory they patrolled, and at random intervals, they activated their own tachyon network. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • Some were hazarding a guess that perhaps there had been an accident or breakdown, but no one knew for sure.
  • Other academic analysts at Williamsburg denied any important connection between the use of welfare and the incidence of illegitimacy and family breakdown.
  • We called the first three breakdown services simultaneously, and with stopwatches running waited for the tow trucks to arrive.
  • It showed in the contact situation, where Bedford just had the sharper hunger at the breakdown, and they were able to protect a hard-won lead with a slice of good fortune favouring them on the day.
  • Most of the young people had suffered several foster placement breakdowns, and some had been in trouble with the law.
  • Stay consistent with field goals and don't have any breakdowns in blocking: Yes. Redskins vs. Packers checklist: Defense gets it done
  • He felt the engine laboring, gathering speed slowly, the breakdown lane narrowing rapidly ahead.
  • His parents (Anton Skrzypiciel, Nina Goldman) and his sister Grete (Laura Day) are alternately horrified and pitying, but whether they see a giant insect or a man suffering a breakdown in a fouled bedroom we are never really sure. Jewels; The Metamorphosis – review
  • Members of the Transport and General Workers' Union are taking part in a postal ballot after a breakdown of pay negotiations.
  • A variety of chemicals including DDT and DDE (an organochlorine pesticide and its breakdown product), tributyltin (used in the past as a marine antifouling agent), and vinclozolin (a fungicide that in the past was used on many fruits, vegetables and ornamentals) have been found to disrupt the endocrine systems of animals in laboratory studies. Endocrine disruption
  • There's a way to actually grind down and prepare the flour, so that you promote the enzymes within the plant to breakdown the cyanide precursors.
  • The breakdown of the insulation layer short-circuits nerve impulses and produces devastating consequences.
  • Substrates are formed by one of three processes: decomposition (hydrolytic breakdown of plant litter, oxidation, fermentation); N mineralization, and photosynthesis and photorespiration. Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on function of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
  • Frequently, a patient with a seemingly complete mental breakdown shows a remarkable transformation after his system has been detoxicated and re-normalized.
  • Fortunately, they soon discovered a breakdown product of lactoflavin, called lumiflavin, which they were able to crystallize. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • Alpha cells produce glucagon, which maintains normoglycemia through the processes of glycogenolysis (i.e., breakdown of glycogen) and gluconeogenesis (i.e., formation of glycogen from noncarbohydrates such as fats and proteins).
  • ‘Well, to give you the proper textbook definition: jaundice occurs when there is a breakdown of red blood cells and you get a build-up of a yellow pigment called bilirubin.’ A Special Relationship
  • Boredom, isolation and loneliness can lead to alcoholism, marriage breakdowns and a failure to complete the assignment.
  • Every time the cameras panned into the breakdown, he was there, scrapping for possession.
  • The following detailed breakdown is designed to help those wanting to fund out more about awards available in a particular sector.
  • They are not flyers or linkmen, natural jackals or breakdown artists. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out of this process, the breakdown of the anaclitic identification with the mother, the ego emerges.
  • Banks were refusing to honour Pelican House cheques and nearly £1 million was needed to avert a total financial breakdown.
  • Arthur Benson recovered from several years of mental breakdown about two years previously and was in the evening summer of his life.
  • It will therefore come as no surprise to learn that I blame the recent eruption of what the rugby authorities used to term "good-natured horseplay" in our major cities on one thing – the breakdown of the sort of traditional sporting partnership – Trueman and Statham, Beardsley and Lineker, Bruce and Pallister – that once brought stability to the life of youngsters everywhere. What has Wayne Rooney got in common with a celebrated giant panda?
  • It has long been established that there is a strong association between crime and deviant behavior and the breakdown of social bonds or norms.
  • So it is not just about a breakdown in the relationship causing questions of competence or questions of the value of the legal work that's being done, it's about predatory nature of lawyers.
  • To be sure, by the 1940s, numerous young women were hospitalized for breakdown, winning at the least some rest amid the otherwise unredeemed burdens of the baby boom.
  • Her lowest point came during a breakdown in 1996, which she referred to as 'the most public freakout in history'. The Sun
  • Injection of InsP 3 can trigger breakdown of the nuclear envelope in sea urchin embryos.
  • This mechanism is likely to involve the polarization of key components and the localized breakdown of existing cell wall structure.
  • It is this deeper problem which lies at the heart of the breakdown of marriage and family, or of any authentic human, loving relationship.
  • They were diverted by frequent derailments and frozen in winter by heating breakdowns. Truman
  • The breakdown of the polymer coating is heat unit related, not triggered directly by temperature.
  • I'm not going to go into the whys and wherefores; suffice it to say that at the beginning of February I had a pretty major nervous breakdown, from which I am still recovering.
  • Micrite can precipitate from seawater or form from the breakdown of larger carbonate grains.
  • Privately, she wondered if they were watching her to see if she would have a breakdown or if she was mentally deranged or something, but she said nothing to that effect.
  • The sole ground for divorce is irretrievable breakdown of the marriage.
  • Hawke's Bay was dominating in the forwards with its scrum and breakdowns decimating the big Mooloo men who were struggling to get decent ball to its lethal backline. Latest All Blacks News
  • He resigned because of ill health and in 1889 suffered a mental breakdown from which he never properly recovered.
  • From 1969 to 1985, all the states either replaced the fault grounds with no-fault grounds such as incompatibility, or irretrievable breakdown or added those no-fault grounds to the existing fault grounds.

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