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How To Use Breakable In A Sentence

  • LeClanché batteries, while in point of convenience and economy, resulting from their small size and non-breakable, non-spillable features and low cost, they leave no room for comparison. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • A topologist is someone who imagines all objects to be made of unbreakable but very pliable playdough, and therefore does not see the need to distinguish between a coffee cup and doughnut because either can be turned into the other. Algebra
  • It was another great year for Harry Murphy and his men and they must now see that eight-in-a-row record as breakable next year.
  • We'd carefully prepared the house (bought case of beer - check, removed all breakables from ground floor - check, warn neighbours - check), and our preparation paid off.
  • Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.
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  • At its simplest, it means keeping objects clean, preventing bright sunlight from bleaching them and storing breakable pieces in a safe place.
  • What had once seemed an unbreakable resolve - the hallmark of strong leadership - has begun to crumble at the edges.
  • She tugged desperately at her restraints as memory came flooding back, but the chains seemed to be unbreakable.
  • The ‘smart’ fence uses breakable metal pins inserted between the top pole and the uprights supporting it.
  • But so strong are the temptations to deviate from this path that we must make it an unbreakable precept never to give our assent unless the evidence compels it.
  • Put away any valuable or breakable objects.
  • Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.
  • Unless one has an unbreakable steel - like spirit, one cannot accomplish momentous undertakings.
  • Believing in the omnipresence of God in the disposal of man's fate, these stern Puritans accepted all that life delivered with an unbreakable will.
  • Margie walked Pop to the door slowly, carefully, as if he were breakable. AFFLICTION
  • It is an axiom that every research establishment is strong to the extent of an unbreakable link existing between different generations.
  • Everything small and breakable must come out, and big objects such as tables and sofas should be grouped together in the centre of the room and covered with dust sheets.
  • I thought that might happen, so I gave Antonia the breakables.
  • Understated self-confidence and unbreakable positivity is his way.
  • I'm a very practiced schlepper of breakables," she says. Parties That Throw Themselves
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • Why couldn't the crow throw the stone a little harder, break the pot or jar - breakables all - and drink the water that trickled out?
  • pack the breakables separately
  • Upon his mighty paws, which resembled large, furry, human hands, were claws sharp as razors and unbreakable as the most finally crafted swords.
  • Corn starch packing weighs nothing, costs almost nothing, protects breakables, and is edible.
  • By 6:00 P.M. Tokyo Time it was encoded in an unbreakable State Department cryptographic system, taken across the street to the Japanese Telegraph office, and sent via radiotelegraph to Washington.26 DAY OF DECEIT
  • General precautions include moving heavy or breakable objects from a child's reach and preventing children from climbing shelving units or pulling objects down on themselves.
  • On a less conventional level it is about the unbreakable bond between siblings, the blurring of myth and reality and the journey between life and death.
  • But the Transport Research Laboratory has been working on a breakable fence with metal pins between the pole and support.
  • But remember, men, we have one invaluable weapon on our side: we have an unbreakable spirit to win!
  • unbreakable plastic dinnerwear
  • I knew from the beginning that although she looked breakable she was tough. INSTRUMENTS OF DARKNESS
  • Mostly they've tried to handle the 'beam-tapping' problem in deepspace communications by avoiding it … defeating it at sending and receiving ends with 'unbreakable' codes, hypercoherent wavicle packets, all that silliness. My Enemy My Ally
  • When you become a parent, you leave behind a world constructed of solid wood and clear glass and soft fabric to enter a universe made of plastic: wipeable, unbreakable, primary-colored plastic. Origins
  • I have a small excess of plates and glasses and other breakables.
  • He sells a nonbreakable pocket comb for 25 cents that he procures from his vendor for eight cents. THE NEWS BLOG
  • It goes without saying that the particular eyes of the particular kids in the room immediately lit up at the possibilities such a treasure trove of breakables threw up.
  • He tidied the top of the bureau and checked his trunk, making sure all breakables were stowed.
  • Unbreakable PC Container, users could benefit from more cost - effective and guarantee quality.
  • What had once seemed an unbreakable resolve - the hallmark of strong leadership - has begun to crumble at the edges.
  • The greatest single British contribution to the defeat of the Third Reich, and possibly the greatest British achievement of the past century, is known to us as Bletchley, the unprepossessing country house halfway between Oxford and Cambridge, where an eccentric team of mathematicians, musicians, and classicists broke what the Germans had with good reason believed to be the unbreakable codes of their Enigma machines, and in the process pretty well invented modern computing: the huge creaking and whirring "bombes" of Bletchley, running over endless patterns and permutations, were the forebears of your laptop. Box
  • I'm always ready to throw small unbreakable objects at the radio (slippers serve well) when an infuriating phrase plops out of the loudspeaker, as one does every few minutes. Telegraph Blogs
  • As neither coffee, tea, nor china had come into use, the cups and saucers which another century brought in -- to delight their owners in that day and the ceramic hunter in this -- were not among the "breakables" of the "good-wife" of the MAY-FLOWER. The Mayflower and Her Log; July 15, 1620-May 6, 1621 — Complete
  • And why don't they replace the glass with unbreakable plastic instead?
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • An exhaustive study convinced everyone except he that he had gambled on the game, gambled on the Reds and violated the only unbreakable moral code of the sport.
  • I turned on some music and got started packing the rest of my breakables.
  • One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.
  • One quality of this plastic is that it is almost unbreakable.
  • Wrap foliage around the banister and add nonbreakable baubles and battery-operated lights. The Sun
  • Thus unbreakable ciphers do exist, and are not merely a figment of abstract imagination.
  • Make unbreakable 2 dammit but this does look good hoth base im going to sneak into this one like i do all the movies i se in theatres, those 16 year old kids who work there never see it coming. so yeah ill definitely see this one Badass Japanese Movie Trailer for The Last Airbender | /Film
  • This does extend out to some of the backgrounds, many of which demonstrate plenty of breakable items.
  • Beyond the ties islanders have to each other, they also have unbreakable ties to the island itself.
  • Unbreakable PC Container, users could benefit from more cost - effective and guarantee quality.
  • The bond is unbreakable, either one able to feel the other's emotions.
  • Remove temptations (like breakable items) before children get into trouble.
  • It was a glass table, with corners sharp enough to blunt a diamond, covered in every breakable variety of knickknack known to man.
  • My unbreakable skeleton was breaking, and now I was certain there would be no escape.
  • Everything breakable had been broken and scattered chaotically about the room. STAGE FRIGHT
  • Further on, the biometrics that are meant to make this system unbreakable are unproven.
  • My generation and those before it are counting on there being an unbreakable covenant from the future wealth producers to keep us at a certain standard in our dotage.
  • The Court held that he must have known that he was dealing with breakable material, even if that fact was not at the forefront of his mind when he slammed the receiver down.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • Make sure you pack breakable ornaments carefully.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • One of them was half full of well preserved tissue paper that has been kept for the express purpose of wrapping all of the breakables when we move.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • Metcalfe type; it would probably amuse him vastly to hear it argued that his unbreakable independence (and often somewhat high and mighty sniffishness) has been of any public usefulness. Prejudices : first series,
  • One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.
  • Tableware for outdoor use should ideally be unbreakable.
  • He knew they constituted the unbreakable and sempiternal circle.
  • … The group was started by Pat Dexter, who started coming to the park with his homemade hoops several years ago, he said, because he was looking for wide-open spaces to hoop, spaces away from lamps and other breakables ‘I teach P.E. and I googled ‘Hula Hooping’ one day, and hooping. org came up and I couldn’t believe it. | Blog | Albuquerque Hoopers Hoop It Up
  • The ‘smart’ fence uses breakable metal pins inserted between the top pole and the uprights supporting it.
  • But to give Ginny a handsome income, but still safeguard McClintock- Clayton, her shares are in an unbreakable trust. THE AMBASSADOR'S WOMEN
  • The slides are cyclical, meaning years may go by without them running at their largest, while trees grow larger and more breakable.
  • I saw Thelma clearing the counter of anything breakable.
  • General purpose home computers will gather dust as special purpose machines with cool designs and unbreakable software take over.
  • My last two pairs of lenses, both Varilux Comfort, one polarized, one clear, both in unbreakable polycarbonate, with non-reflective coatings, cost US$860 from a small private optician in New England. Eye glasses
  • Board games have been pulled out of storage, and I have turned a blind eye to yo-yos tossed up and down dangerously close to vases and other breakables.
  • For instance, before a visit, Leslie, who spent many hours safeguarding breakables from her toddler, now discusses the lay-of-the-land with her hosts first.
  • And my favourite unsung big budget film is ‘Unbreakable’, which I love for its understated quality and the depth of its silences.
  • Considering the helmet weight and possibility of neck strain, it is desirable to wear helmets with chin guards made of unbreakable plastic.
  • Are they going to have more money so they can eat out more often and buy more breakables?
  • LIMITED RECOURSE Contracts for federal student loans stipulate severe penalties and are virtually unbreakable, forgiven only in death, not bankruptcy, and enforced by severe measures, such as garnishee and other legal sanctions, with little recourse. Apollo's Daughter :: Recession Discussion
  • Suddenly all cryptic codes could be breakable.
  • Have you got anything breakable in your bag?
  • But that could not be; he remembered that they were made of cuendillar, unbreakable by any power, even the One Power. The Dragon Reborn
  • One of them was half full of well preserved tissue paper that has been kept for the express purpose of wrapping all of the breakables when we move.
  • I couldn't say anything, the silence was so vast and so unbreakable. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • And breakable stuff has a tendency to get broken, especially in large groups.
  • Put aside breakable items and valuables before the guests arrive.
  • Many historians believe the Allies would have lost the war had it not been for their unbreakable code system.
  • We had put all the breakables and valuables in the study.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • As the son of a semipro athlete who played sandlot baseball and football into his early 40's, he came by that blocky, unbreakable body by way of genetic inheritance.
  • Packing material littered the office and men in moving uniforms were studiously packing breakables and other pieces of furniture that graced the office.
  • Put away any valuable or breakable objects.
  • Disdainful of this so-called unbreakable barrier, Popov has shattered it a dozen times, leading the way for others.
  • But then unbreakable generosity of spirit ran through her nature like girders.
  • I'm hiding all my glass stuff, you're not to tell anyone where the breakables are, okay Jamie?
  • Really nothing more I can add to that except used in combination with your pillow its dead handy for wrapping bottles/breakables in your suitcase.
  • This man obviously didn't know the meaning of being a parent, all the breakables he had in there.
  • And on one lucky night, we might all witness Ray Allen break the unbreakable record.
  • Hold a magic holiday card in your right hand and place a nonbreakable tumbler on the top edge of the card. Swell Holiday
  • On Monday the company announced an effort called Frustration-Free Packaging that seeks to put an end to “wrap rage,” the condition of buying a product and then finding it is entombed in indestructible plastic or permanently trapped in unbreakable wire fasteners. Cuts Packaging to Combat ‘Wrap Rage’ - Bits Blog -
  • This new material is virtually unbreakable.
  • Unless he was mistaken, they held the two cuendillar seals, packed in wool for protection now that they were no longer unbreakable. The Fires of Heaven
  • The important, unbreakable bond is between mother and daughter.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • Sensible advice turns into creed, good habits into unbreakable laws.
  • I've got to say I'm pretty pleased with how the breakable glass surfaces turned out.
  • She has a point: let's just say she and two colleagues shocked the cryptography world last year when they exposed a weakness in a key U.S. government encryption code called SHA-1, thought to be virtually unbreakable. High-Tech Hunger
  • On the climb we found very challenging conditions - powder snow, breakable crust, eventually very hard snow and even a bit of ice.
  • She was sharp-eyed and even sharper of tongue, but the bond of affection between them was unbreakable.
  • So there are plastic lenses, the unbreakable scratchproof gizmos.
  • Evidence of past scuffles showed in the extra solid nature of the tables and chairs, and the lack of anything breakable not far enough behind the bar to be out of the reach of possible combatants.
  • Only the honor of a warrior is unbreakable even by death itself.
  • The only unbreakable rule was that the man in possession of the "pato" had to ride holding it in his outstretched right hand, offering it to an opponent to grab if he was caught up. Polo and Pato
  • I save plastic, nonbreakable, clear peanut-butter jars. Hints From Heloise: Birthday cake tips
  • Her hair was the jet of Deepest Space; the nails of Her fingers and toes were crimson as the Blood of Time; and Her garment: it was of the shimmering silver micromesh of Unbreakable Continuity. Psychosphere
  • I'm going to find it very difficult to thank the man for showing me how easily breakable my windows are in that case.
  • My last two pairs of lenses, both Varilux Comfort, one polarized, one clear, both in unbreakable polycarbonate, with non-reflective coatings, cost US$860 from a small private optician in New England. Eye glasses
  • And there are lots of doors off our living room; lots of breakables therein; and no safe place for me, plus a squirrel. Elizabeth Boleman-Herring: The Squirrel Amongst the Razors in Occam's Butter Churn
  • Put away any valuable or breakable objects.
  • I don't know about you, but whenever I move (and I seem to have done a lot of it over the last four years), it never ceases to amaze me quite how much breakable material I have in my posession.
  • It is the unbreakable staff of the arm, it has the powerful luster and its light even bedims the radiance of the sun.
  • Intense unbreakable concentration marks the best of the hunters here.
  • When my son Richie, now 14, was quite small, I would clear the kitchen sink of any sharp or breakable objects.
  • He personally coined it his 'Wal-Mart film' after the artier and more personal Unbreakable was ill-received by mass audiences, but it's still a potent and often terrifying piece of work. Scott Mendelson: Just in Time for Halloween: 10 of the Scariest Horror Films of the Last 20 Years.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • This unbreakable bond that unites as one,Is as strong as the ascent of the morning sun.Infinite days and nights of joy stream by,And even beyond the day we die.
  • And I eat with one hand while the other hand blocks grabby hands, or shoves morsels into the kids gaping maw, or grabs silverware back, or retrieves things off the floor, or moves breakables out of harms way, or shakes a rattle, or wipes a dribbling chin. 10 Things To Do Before You Become A Parent | Her Bad Mother
  • For in the end, fans have an unbreakable bond with their clubs.
  • But as you know unsinkable ships have sunk and unbreakable walls have broken, I should know for I was there.
  • Newer thin-film PV technology is lighter-weight and unbreakable, doesn't require expensive frames, tolerates cloudy weather and shading better, and costs less to produce than earlier products.
  • And I would have got away with it too, if it hadn't have been for that pesky unbreakable glass.
  • One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.
  • Think of a braided rope - each strand is strong, but when the three strands are intertwined, the braid is unbreakable.
  • One quality of this plastic is that it is almost unbreakable.
  • One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.
  • This new material is virtually unbreakable.
  • Actually, you're right… their site also uses breakable URLs and puts everything behind a pay wall.
  • Noteable characteristics of my mother's family include an unbreakable addiction to tea and a love of music.
  • Move all breakables and furniture out of this space.
  • Twirl the Plate Everyone sits in a circle with an unbreakable plate in the centre.
  • For breakables, I've had good luck wrapping them in t-shirts and putting them in the middle of my suitcase. Common Household Items Make Packing Easier | Lifehacker Australia
  • The unbreakable permalloy silicon dioxide via '. was pressure sealed. it would take an hour's soaking in strong acid to dissolve the bonding resins. Bloodhype
  • breakable articles should be packed carefully
  • The unhappy habit of self-abnegation seems to be unbreakable.
  • Twirl the Plate Everyone sits in a circle with an unbreakable plate in the centre.
  • If you start off telling lies - even white ones, the chances of the lassie in question keeping you around get slimmer as time goes on - remember the most breakable thing in the world is trust - and you can never mend it.
  • This is the universal "stake and bond" hedge of the shires, impenetrable to cattle, unbreakable, and imperishable, because the half-cut bonds, the stakes, and the small stuff all shoot again, and in a few years make the famous "bullfinch" with stake and bond below, and a tall mass of interlacing thorns and small stuff above. The Naturalist on the Thames
  • Despite spending regular spells in hospital, the youngster with the unbreakable spirit never let her illness get her down.
  • With six to eight inches of powder covering a layer of breakable crust, we needed to create a practice area.
  • Made of nonbreakable Vinilyte plastic, and designed for the new speed of 33-1/3 r.p.m., the records were developed by Dr. Peter Goldmark of Columbia Records. Today In History: LPs Introduced
  • When all else fails and cabin fever sets in, clear the decks of breakables and have a pillow fight. 12 family-friendly activities for winter
  • If Lenin, hard and unbreakable, was the axle of the Revolution, Trotsky was the roaring wheel.
  • Put away any valuable or breakable objects.
  • Just put the breakables way up high, and enjoy their enjoyment. kblogger´s last post .. » Wherefore Art Thou, Christmas Tree?
  • Fax: 1-210-HELOISE E-mail: FAST FACTS Dear Heloise: I save plastic, nonbreakable, clear peanut-butter jars. Hints From Heloise
  • The latest version uses an encrypted password and isn't easily breakable.
  • Holsten is also available in an unbreakable plastic bottle, but the bottle is green and penetrable by light, and therefore not a great choice to have out in the sunlight.
  • He doesn't counter-cruise or lounge about on the dining-room table, and I've never had to worry about breakables being knocked off mantels or pills off dressers because he's just not inclined to roam about on high objects. Meet Grisabella, my water-loving cat
  • The unhappy habit of self-abnegation seems to be unbreakable.
  • Windows, for example, are very breakable, but I wouldn't fancy living in a world without them.
  • Another rule - which is breakable, as they all are - is that you discard your first idea.
  • Note: In the future, if you are sending me your snot, please use a nonbreakable vessel. Your Disgusting Head
  • earthenware pottery is breakable
  • Boxes will be available from local shops and you can save your newspapers for wrapping breakables.
  • You three move the breakable stuff upstairs, and I'll get to work with my crew to make your house look like a dream.
  • You will need a small space of a table with no breakables nearby!

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