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How To Use Break off In A Sentence

  • The All-Star break officially begins Friday, but the Clippers' extended weekend is coming just a few days too late.
  • Sometimes, the stresses are strong enough to break off chunks of the comet's nucleus.
  • Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.
  • To particularise: an under-sized dog will, ten to one, break off from the chase71 faint and flagging in the performance of his duty owing to mere diminutiveness. On Hunting
  • In the wake of the bombing, the UK is threatening to break off diplomatic relations.
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  • Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations with the regime.
  • It is not easy to break off a bad habit.
  • Telephoning Jonathan to break off the engagement had almost been a high point of comic relief.
  • It is not easy to break off a bad habit.
  • Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations.
  • She saw a piece of it break off and a gout of flame shoot into the air.
  • He would not break off negotiations by a sharp denial.
  • Break off the stem of one close to the bowl and fill the hole with well worked clay (some battery slimes make the best luting clay). Getting Gold: a practical treatise for prospectors, miners and students
  • A backhand shank got the tie break off to a poor start.
  • It was a stunning success, made better by the fact that we did not break off for food.
  • He again stressed that the YMCA had to remain neutral, or Germany and Austria-Hungary would break off relations with the organization. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • When the two harassed leaders took off from Luluabourg and headed for Stanleyville, they never made it: a Belgian crew member overheard Lumumba say he wanted to break off diplomatic relations with Belgium, and the Belgian pilot turned the plane toward Leopoldville, where Ndjili Airport was in the hands of Belgian paratroops. Top Stories
  • Mullah Omar also called on Afghans to break off relations with what he called the stooge government of President Hamid Karzai. CNN Transcript Nov 26, 2009
  • Her heart felt as if it was hanging onto a single strand of thread, able to break off and shatter into pieces any moment.
  • Today Sargassum reproduces asexually by vegetative budding of new shoots that eventually break off to form new plants.
  • Moyes pushed him further forward and encouraged him to break off the ball and maraud into central positions in support of Saha. Jack Rodwell's attacking intent rouses Everton against Chelsea | David Pleat
  • Do thou therefore not be such an one : but be such an one as on the other side thou findest, that is, so that thou forget things past, unto things before reach thyself out, in order that thine old man on the Rock thou mayest break off. Rebirth of the Eagle
  • Break Off - the first shot of the match , played with the cue ball in the'D '.
  • I was so careful, and yet I managed to break off the main knob, the circular thing in the image to the right. A Monroe electromechanical calculator « The Half-Baked Maker
  • For rhetoric, he could not ope His mouth but out there flew a trope; And when he happened to break off In the middle of his speech, or cough, He had hard words ready to show why, And tell what rules he did it by.
  • This I made myself, and it is ornately decorated with criss-cross patterns and reinforced around the ends with extra duct tape so that the guitar does not break off of the strap.
  • By hastening to Udolpho he intended to remove Emily from the reach of Morano, as well as to break off the affair, without submitting himself to useless altercation: and, if the Count meant what he called honourably, he would doubtless follow Emily, and sign the writings in question. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • I open the box of matzos and break off pieces to eat while we try to figure out the difference between regular cooking time and microwave time.
  • In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch.
  • It is not easy to break off a bad habit.
  • I even break off some thick crusty white bread and mop up the excess olive oil.
  • In some cases the use of chemical texturizers may cause color treated tresses to become brittle, spongy or break off.
  • He managed to break off several pieces, but it was easy to see that it would take much more work to loosen the retaining ridges so that the bowlder that imprisoned them would fall outward. Frank and Andy Afloat The Cave on the Island
  • All of those outbursts of passion and pathos are mostly showmanship, and it is truly amazing how easily these individuals can break off an attachment or relationship without shedding a tear.
  • That's right: With its consistent break off of a jetty, Rockaway Beach is (debatably) one of the best places in the country to surf. America's Best Urban Surfing Spots
  • Suburban company in Qingdao invests the business enterprise service system to exercise the modification or break off the ministrant right, dont need to member or the third square be responsible for.
  • A wary Hamilton thought he'd better break off the affair, but Maria's "appearances of violent attachment, and of agonizing distress at the idea of relinquishment" played on his "sensibility, perhaps my vanity," so he planned "a gradual discontinuance ... as least calculated to give pain, in case a real partiality existed" - meaning he couldn't keep away from her. City Journal
  • Before eating it, she proceeded to break off the outer sides, discarding them on the ground at her feet, notwithstanding the fact there was a litter bin nearby.
  • This I made myself, and it is ornately decorated with criss-cross patterns and reinforced around the ends with extra duct tape so that the guitar does not break off of the strap.
  • His girlfriend has just told him that she wants to break off their engagement.
  • The silent node suddenly synapsed into life, and the link surged—first as if to break off—then quickly expanding to block and control. Pawns and Symbols
  • To me, feel in action is a tennis player sizing up a passing shot and in a split-second choosing either to break off a sharp topspin angler or completely fool his opponent with a soft, carefully placed lob.
  • To writhe his body about in boneless contortions for her amusement — “I dance for ladies” — and break off his exhibition in a fit of giggles. Archive 2009-07-01
  • break off the negotiations
  • In an attempt to diffuse the tension I suggested that we break off for lunch.
  • Toothpicks can break off little bits of wood inside the gun; on the other hand, little shreds of toweling can get caught there, too.
  • As the swarms subside, mated new queens break off their wings and seek underground cavities in which to begin new colonies while the males die.
  • Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations with the regime.
  • Her heart felt as if it was hanging onto a single strand of thread, able to break off and shatter into pieces any moment.
  • A team-builder, he has a huge appetite for hard work, but can always break off for a laugh or a joke
  • And still so early the smallest springs from melting snow flow into the cracks of the rock, refreezing each night, and the sharp flakes break off when the ice recedes the next morning. Cato's Dog Was Right
  • -- When you desire to reform from drinking, never break off abruptly, which is dangerous; but _taper off_ gradually -- three glasses to-day, two to-morrow, and one the next day. My Life: or the Adventures of Geo. Thompson Being the Auto-Biography of an Author. Written by Himself.
  • As the glacier reaches the lake, icebergs break off and slowly drift out to the sea.
  • Some the stems of the flowers seem too weak to support the flower, so they bend over and sometimes break off.
  • We were told at the time, as a reason for this prohibition, that it was poisonous; but we discovered afterwards that there was another reason, viz., that it was unlucky to break off even a small twig from a bourtree bush. Folk Lore Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
  • In the meantime, everything being again thrown out of gear by the aforesaid illness, I must let this piece of 'Proserpina' break off, as most of my work does -- and as perhaps all of it may soon do -- leaving only suggestion for the happier research of the students who trust me thus far. Proserpina, Volume 2 Studies Of Wayside Flowers
  • Sometimes, the stresses are strong enough to break off chunks of the comet's nucleus.
  • Again, branchiae break off when the animal is fixed unless care is taken to relax the specimen first.
  • My poor niece and her sisters take up most of my time and thoughts: but I will not attrist you to indulge myself, but will break off here, and finish my letter when I have seen your new landlord. The Letters of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford — Volume 4
  • Cassette doors can break off, spring mechanisms inside cartridges can be dislodged, or the entire tape cabinet may break apart.
  • The cells would break off and could be seen floating in suspension in the tissue culture medium.
  • Alternatively, dip a toothpick or sliver of wood in glue and break off the tip in the stripped hole, then reinstall the screw.
  • Stress can also cause blood vessels to open too wide, allowing plaque buildups to break off and clog the arteries, according to Joep Perk, a professor of health sciences at Sweden's Kalmar University and spokesman for the European Society of Cardiology. Happiness may help your heart
  • Break off a piece of dodder or "lovevine," twirl it round the head three times and drop it on a bush behind you. Current Superstitions Collected from the Oral Tradition of English Speaking Folk
  • Avie looked down at her tray and started to break off a piece of her cookie.
  • It has many kerned letters which are liable to break off at the ends of the lines in an exposed position. The Uses of Italic A Primer of Information Regarding the Origin and Uses of Italic Letters
  • ~ -- Break off 20 or 30 grams of the cyanide in clean fresh pieces, weigh accurately to the nearest centigram. A Text-book of Assaying: For the Use of Those Connected with Mines.
  • Professor J.J. Thomson believes that it is possible to break off from an atom, a part which is only 1/1000 part of the whole, and these infinitesimal parts he has called corpuscles, which he considers are the carriers of the electric current. Aether and Gravitation
  • The Senator has been urged to break off all links with arms companies.
  • His girlfriend has just told him that she wants to break off their engagement.
  • Too often chips fly from steel chisels, or nailheads break off.
  • Does not use hog-pen or cattle manure on tobacco; has tendency to make tobacco brittle and tender; will "scald" more easily, owing to large quantity of sap produced; leaves break off more easily when handling; thinks hog-pen manure better for melons; uses on plant beds if free of cobs. Useful Information Concerning Yellow Tobacco, and Other Crops, as told by Fifty of the Most Successful Farmers of Granville County, N. C.
  • The big concern with these deep venous thromboses, which is essentially a clot in one of the veins in your leg, is that sometimes it can break off and actually travel through your blood vessels and end up in your lungs. CNN Transcript Mar 5, 2007
  • Icebergs break off from the ice sheets and float southwards.
  • A bit of the clot can break off and end up blocking a vessel in your lung, causing a pulmonary embolus.
  • It seems like every time I go climbing on a sandstone formation, I break off a handhold, yet I can't put a dent in this boulder.
  • In the wake of the bombing, the UK is threatening to break off diplomatic relations.
  • The white flakes do not exhibit the true conchoidal fracture in such perfection elsewhere; nor break off in such delicious morsels, edged with delicate brown. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • Mullah Omar also called on Afghans to break off relations with what he calls the stooge government of President Hamid Karzai. CNN Transcript Nov 26, 2009
  • It is not easy to break off a bad habit.
  • Now it appears that we stack our refusal to break off talk with Bingtown on top of the Prince's slighting of the Narcheska. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Intelligent mariners know how to calculate the force neceflary to break off (hort the main-matt of a man of war; and can judge whether 1 have exaggerated in ratine the velocity of the wind* is the raoft violent tempefts, at 150 feet in a fecond. The Monthly Review
  • The mountains of Flinders Island visible at daybreak off port. The Whale Warriors
  • To particularise: an under-sized dog will, ten to one, break off from the chase71 faint and flagging in the performance of his duty owing to mere diminutiveness. On Hunting
  • Toothpicks can break off little bits of wood inside the gun; on the other hand, little shreds of toweling can get caught there, too.
  • Every now and then, we'd break off into pairs for kumite, or sparring.
  • The whirlwind velocity with which the larger combines recombine and split, enter and break off engagements, couple, reproduce offspring, contrive advantageous liaisons between progeny and distant cousins, and otherwise besport themselves in what sometimes seems like a corporate bacchanalia, has made it difficult for us to keep pace with all of it long enough to get it down on paper. Travels in Medialand
  • Results The characteristic performance that the spondylolysis of lumbar spine was the bone wreath consecution to break off.

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