How To Use Breach In A Sentence

  • Faceless, unqualified reviewers define our work, remove our colleagues from panels and routinely breach confidentiality.
  • Vesuvius is a stratovolcano that grew within the breached crater of Monte Somma volcano.
  • *** Pharmaceuticals Sigma Pharmaceuticals said that it is likely to breach loan conditions with bankers after taking a charge of as much as 270 million Australian dollars ($253.4 million) from the A$900 million fire sale of its pharmaceutical division to South Africa's Aspen Pharmacare. Business Watch
  • The claim was for breach of statutory duty and negligence.
  • Oh, these professionals!" ingeminated Captain Pond again, eyeing the breach and the dismantled married quarters. Merry-Garden and Other Stories
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  • Police say the weapons were seized as it is suspected that they breach the 1982 Firearms Act, which prohibits the selling of readily convertible blank firing weapons.
  • During employment the employee could not use or disclose this information without breaching the duty of fidelity.
  • It was considered a breach of etiquette to refuse an invitation.
  • This implementation of the principle of least privilege helps contain security breaches arising from buggy code, malicious code, user error and malicious users.
  • Two Cumbria police workers were arrested for data protection breaches and misconduct in a public office. The Sun
  • The extract inclosed, which is taken from an official publication of the Belgian Government, and the extract from an official statement by the Belgian Minister of War, prove that the Belgian Government had never connived, or been willing to connive, at the breach of the treaty that made the maintenance of Belgian neutrality an international obligation. The New York Times Current History of the European War, Vol. 1, January 9, 1915 What Americans Say to Europe
  • Most general breaches that in medal play invoke a two-stroke penalty, such as playing a wrong ball (as Mr. Fowler did in a foursomes match at the Ryder Cup), result in match play in loss of the hole. Can We Have More Match Play?
  • Obviously, if the legislation is struck down or the regulations have to be amended, then that gives further weight to the compensation claim because we will be able to claim that our rights were breached.
  • In all three cases the conclusion reached was that a deliberate intention to breach the order was not a necessary element for a finding of contempt of court.
  • To prevent such an assault, defenders were forced to attack the siege engines or their operators to prevent a breach in their fortifications.
  • Damages are assessed on the basis of the damage naturally arising from the breach and in the contemplation of the parties.
  • A judge should possess an unimpeachable character and unbreached integrity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The mere fact, if it be a fact, that the constable reasonably thought that a breach of the peace was likely did not in my judgment justify the arrest of the bailiff.
  • The failure to produce the documents at the initial disclosure stage was a significant breach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Physical and cryptographic keys are regularly rotated to limit the duration of exposure in case of a breach.
  • He spoke of'the most serious breaches of the criminal law in the area of bribery and corruption '. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you try to get out of the deal, I'll sue you for breach of contract.
  • A manufacturer also is permitted to stop dealing with a retailer who breaches the manufacturer's resale price maintenance policy.
  • Figures show that 613 of the warrants issued for a breach of a community order between April and August last year remained unexecuted a month later.
  • But in the overnight hours, there was a breach, a breach of the levee on the lakefront.
  • A more serious breach of ethics came with the publication of a picture of Mitterrand on his deathbed.
  • If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract, the other party may declare the contract avoided.
  • Smoking, for example, can lead people to breach tikanga.
  • Was that breach remediable and, if so, how? Times, Sunday Times
  • It is counterclaiming for $25,000 in damages for breach of contract.
  • Combat engineers learn how to breach minefields, lay minefields, set boobytraps, build field-expedient explosives, and other skills that would be very valuable to a terrorist recruit.
  • When an agent makes a contract either the principal is liable or the agent is liable for a breach of authority.
  • There, it breached in two places, and in a single night the sea reclaimed it for its own. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gunner Oke at the breach, and advised him to exhibit a dose of black-currant wine before turning in (as a specific against a chill in the extremities), was proceeding leisurably to cut himself a quid of tobacco when he became aware of two workmen -- carpenters they appeared to be in the dim light -- approaching the entry. Merry-Garden and Other Stories
  • It is a question whether there is an arguable case that there was a breach of the rules of procedural fairness.
  • When a lessee commits a breach of covenant on which the lessor has a right of re-entry, he may elect to avoid or not to avoid the lease, and he may do so by deed or by word.
  • The producer's duty ends here unless there is cause to suspect a subsequent breach.
  • He is suing for libel, harassment and breach of privacy. The Sun
  • Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.
  • This is a general contractual principle - whenever anyone undertakes to secure a particular end, failure to do so is breach of contract.
  • The defendant argued that any liability which he had, extended only from his breach of duty until the armed robbery.
  • At sea the crusaders maintained a naval blockade, breached by daring blockade-runners or professional swimmers who delivered messages to the besieged garrison. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hand held speed cameras are deployed to facilitate enforcement evidence aimed at the minority of cyclists who flout the rules and who react in an aggressive manner, usually bewailing the breaching of their civil rights.
  • As it had availed Wolsey nothing that his breach of praemunire had been countenanced by the King, so it availed Cromwell nothing that the King had seemed to support him. England under the Tudors
  • The sellers were in breach of the condition as to description.
  • The judge said the book breached her copyright and banned it. The Sun
  • Of course, there is always the sanction of prosecutions or civil suits, and those must always remain the primary sanction for any breach of the criminal or civil law.
  • It is clear from the cases that the breach by the plaintiff is a complete defence to a claim that the defendant failed to perform its promise.
  • The Plaintiff takes the position that there is an anticipatory breach of contract by the Defendant.
  • There were almost 9,000 data breaches by the largest government departments last year. Times, Sunday Times
  • It found the poster in breach of three clauses of the advertising code. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither of these breaches necessarily involves anonymous sources, but that doesn't mean that the issues are not fused in the public's view of news media overall.
  • The final wall, as Pamela soon discovered, that lay between herself and Theo seemed to remain standing, as solid and unbreachable as ever.
  • We regard this as a very serious breach of the standards of behaviour expected of approved persons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Pentagon was last night investigating what appeared to be a major breach of security over the photographs.
  • The claimant originally pleaded that the bank was guilty of knowing receipt of funds transferred in breach of trust.
  • There, in introducing and explaining the meaning and purport of Article 2 and having regard to the grave breaches system of the Geneva Conventions, reference is made to international armed conflicts.
  • We are not breaching copyright laws. The Sun
  • If the show is found to have breached the code of conduct regulating the use of premium phone lines, viewers could be entitled to their money back.
  • The real 'breach of decorum' is having a Democrat reaching in my wallet every time I turn around. House resolution over Wilson 'breach of decorum'
  • They say they are worried about possible security breaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The day we recovered a $60 million verdict against a bank for breach of fiduciary duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • We deny breaching any data protection laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had innumerable duties to attend to, the first of which was her unbreachable hour with Max. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • The deal, it was said, would enhance the fight against crime and was an important step towards healing the breach between Europe and Washington.
  • The Vendor objects to being required to notify the Purchaser of breaches which may come to light between exchange and completion.
  • The money has been used to build high-tech vessels that are routinely breaching quotas and using outlawed fishing practices. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, some of the failures were in breach of existing orders and procedures and many had been identified on earlier occasions.
  • The 18-year-old is seven months pregnant and was issued to leave her unit by Thursday because she had been in breach of the tenancy agreement.
  • Remedies For breach by the seller of any term of the contract, the buyer can sue for damages.
  • Similarly, violations of bondholder rights by persons other than the company generally will not result in a breach of the bond indenture, since these persons are not party to the indenture.
  • Fire may have breached the cargo tanks and set the oil ablaze.
  • During the whole of that period the same sacrificial rites were observed as on the first day, and they were expressly admonished that the smallest breach of any of the appointed observances would lead to the certain forfeiture of their lives [Le 8: 35]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • None of the alleged breaches was gross misconduct. The Sun
  • This was, of course, an abuse of the disciplinary process, but it has been done many times before, without attracting attention, and amounts to little more than a breach of etiquette.
  • Under the right conditions, the bastions of class were always quite easily breached. Times, Sunday Times
  • His message, however, is eerily familiar: DW appliances redress the shortcomings -- typically poor query performance, which Young said is best measured by breaches in service-level agreements, or SLAs -- of brand-name DBMS warehouses. Redmond | News
  • Well, that's sure to set him at it, just as a high fence does a breachy ox, first to look over it, and then to push it down with its rump; it's human natur '. The Clockmaker
  • Thanks for stepping into the breach last week.
  • A calf will hump up onto the back of the sleeping mother, breach onto her, cover her blowhole with his tail.
  • When the group almost split over the issue of whether to focus on confrontational action or voter registration, she healed the breach by saying it should work on both.
  • We know, don't we, that Lamb hasn't been fined so heavily for breaching a harsh contract.
  • Deprived at one blow of most of his precedents, "shorn" -- as the Breach of Promise Reports puts it -- "of its usual attractions," FIBBINS's speech becomes an impotent affair. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, October 10, 1891
  • A Kirkwall man was released on bail from Kirkwall Sheriff Court on Tuesday after pleading guilty to assault and breach of the peace.
  • Watson is still under intense pressure to resign after the revelation that he breached the strict rule of collective responsibility which forces members of the government to toe the line on policy.
  • But I do reiterate, anyone caught acting in breach of a prohibition order is liable to two years ' imprisonment. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Do not allow raised beds to touch the building, though, as they may breach the dampcourse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hundreds of tarred and burning hoops were skilfully quoited around the necks of the soldiers, who struggled in vain to extricate themselves from these fiery ruffs, while as fast as any of the invaders planted foot upon the breach, they were confronted face to face with sword and dagger by the burghers, who hurled them headlong into the moat below. A Wanderer in Holland
  • Twice the four-time major champion has been penalised two strokes for inadvertent breaches of basic regulations that he should know by heart. Times, Sunday Times
  • I sued them for libel and breach of privacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Fire Service was cleared by a jury of breaching safety regulations.
  • Is there a threatened breach of contract within the jurisdiction?
  • The maker of the breaching axes is Daniel Winkler who, for twenty years or more has been pre-eminent in the re-creation of frontier cutlery. More On Axes
  • She replied in perfect English, but Lazard's determination was unbreachable. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • She said contracts were not transferable between employers and that any such action breached their contract with the department.
  • The question for consideration in this section are the circumstances in which such an intervening event will be held to negate the causative effect of the defendant's breach of duty.
  • Consequently, he brought a small claims action against the firm, alleging breach of contract.
  • More parts of the city, which has already seen its dyke breached and low-lying areas swamped, have been flooded.
  • But as a new storm nears the gulf this week, New Orleans remains at risk: Parts of the system begun in the 1960s are unfinished, parts are weak and the ability to pump water out of the 17th Street Canal, which breached, is inadequate. - Piecemeal federal response won't protect New Orleans
  • At present most cases are brought under the catch-all heading of breach of the peace, which means repeated offences can be overlooked on sentencing.
  • The Government's Information Commissioner's Office said there had been no breaches of the Data Protection Act, as the thumbprints were reduced to a numerical code.
  • If counsel breaches such an undertaking that can be dealt with.
  • Too often American soldiers and commanders have been flung into the breach between illusion and reality.
  • The retailer in turn would have an action for breach of contract against the wholesaler and the wholesaler against the manufacturer.
  • Corrigan listened as the other two elements of his team checked in and then gave the thumbs up signal to his door breacher. Vince Flynn Collectors’ Edition #2
  • Despite the conclusions of other courts, the district court determined that, given those statutory construction arguments and the rule of lenity (since the CFAA is also a criminal statute), “authorization” is not exceeded just because the employee breaches her duty of loyalty to an employer. Archive 2009-02-01
  • As he points out, if the allegation were true, this leak would constitute a serious breach of national security and would merit condign punishment under a 1982 law.
  • Once the principle of setting up a European Treasury is agreed upon, the European Council could authorize the ECB to step into the breach, indemnifying the ECB in advance against risks to its solvency," he says. European treasury needed to avoid Depression: Soros
  • First, there is direct inconsistency in the sense that compliance with one would necessarily constitute breach of the other.
  • Thanks to security breaches both in the U.S. and abroad, it's become a word that conjures much angstier feelings. by Sam Adams The Clog
  • More than 4,000 people were poised for evacuation today after flood defences on the River Derwent were breached two miles from Howden, near Selby.
  • The white side of the fortress surfaced briefly, a breaching white whale, before waves splashed up the sides and it rolled back down into the deeps.
  • But it is at least technically possible that a country that is in breach of its obligations can be removed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The aggrieved party is entitled to elect to hold the party liable for breach of contract in accordance herewith, or hold the party liable for tort in accordance with any other relevant law.
  • They claimed it was inaccurate, misleading and constituted a breach of journalistic ethics.
  • On September 18 they put into the excellent port of the island of Gomera, 'the best,' he says, 'in all the Canaries, the town and castle standing on the very breach of the sea, but the billows do so tumble and overfall that it is impossible to land upon any part of the strand but by swimming, saving in a cove under steep rocks, where they can pass towards the town but one after the other.' Raleigh
  • Any offense that causes a breach in relationships simply cannot be overlooked.
  • As in litigation, contract breach and damages must also be proved in arbitration.
  • It took Lou Salomé to cause an unbreachable gulf between the brother and sister.
  • 'Does Mr. Gray realize what a great compliment he has paid me, a poor rustic, an untutored country girl, with a little knowledge about the bees and clover, and some cunning as to the tricks of breachy cattle? Four Canadian Highwaymen
  • Banking covenants are breached when borrowings reach at 3.5 times. Times, Sunday Times
  • The court's decision is in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights.
  • The celebrities won, not because of any right to privacy or abuse of an image right, rather because the wedding was seen as a private occasion which was gatecrashed by people who later acted in breach of a duty of confidence.
  • The penalty for breach is punishment for contempt of court.
  • It made the U-turn after the web giant said spying breached its terms. The Sun
  • He said the breaches could be as small as forgetting to file minor financial information. Times, Sunday Times
  • A police investigative team is now trying to track down replacement terms that are less likely to bring about a breach of the peace. The Sun
  • It was the company's position that the alleged breach of the warranty rendered the insurance policy null and void.
  • Heavily swollen with monsoon rains in mid-July, the river breached its earth embankments swamping large areas of the district within half an hour.
  • And any breach punished harshly. The Sun
  • Negligence depends on a breach of duty, whereas contributory negligence does not.
  • He also said that Kitson would countersue Winter Kate for breach of contract. Owner Of Nicole Richie's Clothing Label Suing Well-Known L.A. Boutique Kitson
  • If self-regulation fails, toughen the penalties and bring in swingeing damages for clear breaches of privacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He could, as he acknowledges, step into the breach in an emergency, but adds: ‘It would be a backward step for the manager to bring me in.’
  • Across the sand dunes an amphibious assault vehicle spilled a huge bundle of plastic piping called a fascine into a trench to form a temporary bridge, Within seconds Marine M-60 tanks roared past the breach and through a cleared "enemy" minefield. The Eve Of Destruction
  • He was found guilty on Monday of disclosing information, documents and details from phone taps in breach of the Official Secrets Act.
  • The act or rending asunder, or the state of being rent asunder or broken in pieces; breach; rent; dilaceration; rupture; as, the disruption of rocks in an earthquake; disruption of a state. Planet Sun
  • And nobody worried about breaching the wall between church and state.
  • To confirm the fact was a serious security breach in itself.
  • The assumption has to be made that, had there been no anticipatory breach, the defendant would have performed his legal obligation and no more.
  • The peso breached 50 to the dollar, plunging the country further into crisis.
  • LAVANDERA: And, you know, we've been talking a lot about how levee breaches in other areas, the upstream and downstream from where we are, where Reynolds Wolf was, that is a situation that has kind of alleviated and eased the burden here. CNN Transcript Jun 20, 2008
  • The corporate enforcer has said that he intends to prosecute those who breach company law.
  • The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.
  • The committee, in its report, found the letter to be insulting but it did not constitute a breach of parliamentary privilege or contempt of Parliament.
  • Such duty, however, is not absolute, and its breach is actionable only if it is wrongful, that is to say, without justification or excuse. Law In The Health and Human Services
  • If there is a Breach of Warranty the Insurer is discharged from liability from the day of breach.
  • He took it to the building's lost-and-found department in breach of security guidelines requiring all property to be screened. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their potential negligence may have put you in breach of your legal obligations as a landlord, and your tenant could seek recourse through a claim for damages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any messages that breach regulations or corporate policy - including theft or leakage of intellectual property - are flagged for review and blocked before they are sent.
  • Sources who tracked the investigation tell Newsmax that the main target of the breach was the Obama passport file, and that the contractor accessed the file in order to "cauterize" the records of potentially embarrassing information. Nice Deb
  • One in three road tax dodgers breaches other motoring laws, such as driving without insurance or an MOT certificate.
  • We regard the publication of this information as a serious breach of trust.
  • There was also no breach of the claimants' rights under the Convention. Times, Sunday Times
  • An investigation report has now accused you of breaching the code of conduct for councillors.
  • The great city walls were not breached until 146, and it took a week of street fighting for the Romans to work their way to the citadel.
  • Also, customers are becoming cannier about not breaching their data and calls limits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two approaches to clauses which purport to exclude liability for breach of fiduciary duty are discernible.
  • It could scarce be called a housewarming; for there was, of course, no fire, and with the two open doors and the open window gaping on the night, like breaches in a fortress, it began to grow rapidly chill. The Silverado Squatters
  • Enterprises that rely on coarse-grained security risk potential security breaches.
  • It's a short step to the claim that they are not personally responsible for any thinking and acting that might do harm and/or breach a law.
  • The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Act.
  • The company was prosecuted for breaching the Health and Safety Act.
  • There is no dispute that the action is prima facie tortious, because it involves the union in inducing at least some of its members to breach their contracts of employment.
  • If a term is a condition precedent to liability, any breach defeats liability but does not lead to a repudiation of the whole contract.
  • MCINTYRE: The charge sheet for Senior Airman Ahmad al-Halabi lists dozens of security breaches, everything from downloading classified information to his laptop computer from a secure system, to gathering over 180 electronic version of written notes from prisoners, to delivering unauthorized food, namely baklava pastries. CNN Transcript Sep 24, 2003
  • He can opt to treat the contract as rescinded or choose to continue under the contract by treating it as only a partial breach.
  • Actually I think there is scope here for investigating nomology as a non-scientific sense of possibility, investigating the way beliefs in Natural, Social or Divine order might also have functioned (and might still do) to construct "laws of reality" -- looking at the ancient concept of "miasma" as a breaching of those laws, for example, and a breaching that is integral to the narratives of Greek Tragedy. A Follow Up
  • They take a dim view of anyone who breaches that trust. KANDAHAR COCKNEY: A Tale of Two Worlds
  • The case did not reach court because a judge deemed that a legal time limit had been breached. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walk south from the old Checkpoint Charlie to the approximate place I stood one week after the Berlin Wall was breached in 1989.
  • Chapter four describes the legal consequence of fundamental breach of contract.
  • Reeve and Lawrence counterclaimed for damages for breach of contract by failure to meet the temperature and flow rate criteria for the supply of cool water.
  • Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.
  • He had access to top-secret Allied intelligence intercepts of German radio traffic which - in a treasonable breach of security - he passed direct to the Soviet High Command.
  • The plaintiff sued the defendants for breach of contract to exercise due care in giving him financial advice.
  • The second approach is that breach of the statute provides only primafacie evidence of negligence.
  • The plaintiff issued a writ against the defendant claiming that a breach of confidence had occurred.
  • Whakatane District Council spokesman Barney Dzowa said contractors were working with heavy machinery to repair the breach in the Te Rahu Canal stopbank. New Zealand Herald - Top Stories
  • An as yet unidentified Norwich Green councillor has been banned from being a national member for 5 years for actions which seem to amount what the Greens tribunal is interpretting as breaching the Data Protection Act. Yet because of their bizare system this individual can continue to be a Norwich Green councillor. The not so clean Green Party
  • On appeal it was submitted that the procedure adopted by the Recorder was in breach of the Convention.
  • She threatened legal action against the Sun for breach of copyright.
  • But this normally impenetrable barrier is easily breached by fat-soluble ethanol molecules, which slip through like little ghosts.
  • The warrant was rejected because FBI officials feared breaching the wall.
  • Cole is not so much a loose cannon as one with the shell stuck in the breach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many animals are thought to be imported from other provinces, in breach of antirabies laws. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is due to go back to jail after breaching the terms of his licence. The Sun
  • They were watching the TV news as the canal levee was breached again, flooding their neighbourhood anew.
  • In July, the agrichemical company breached two of its debt covenants with its banking syndicate. Japan Stocks Lead Asian Markets Higher
  • And any breach punished harshly. The Sun
  • This so amazed our men that stood in the breach, not knowing from whence that terror came, as they forsooke their Commanders, and left them among the ruines of the mine. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Water levels reached the critical point in the early hours, breaching flood defences.
  • They escaped through a breach in the wire fence.
  • In Frankfurt schools, parents sign an agreement that provides for the expulsion of any child found to have breached their code of conduct.
  • So far US has and is trying to strangulate Iran's economy (please read "Plan for Economic Strangulation of Iran"), repeatedly breached the Iranian airspace, arrested its diplomats and according to the latest reports probably has been involved in kidnapping another diplomat [13]. Iran vs. Saudi Arabia
  • They move about in various directions, exhibiting social and feeding behavior, with tail-slapping and breaching.
  • She'd gone for the lie, agog at my close-lipped refusal to breach client confidentiality. KICK BACK
  • Damages for "loss of reputation" are as outmoded as the damages which husbands used to recover against co-respondents and jilted females used to recover for breach of promise. Labour MP Wins Libel Case
  • The first breach of neutrality did not express a change of policy.
  • Statutory presumptions placing an evidential burden on the accused do not breach the presumption of innocence.

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