How To Use Brawl In A Sentence

  • I think that while full-on female displays will evoke an easy and instinctual hormone rush -- which, as I said, might be a good complement to a melee brawl -- most intelligent people will agree that some sort of subtlety in sexuality is appealing on more levels simultaneously. Archive 2008-02-01
  • No fighting style remains a mystery to Hopkins inside the ring and he can box with you or brawl - it does not matter.
  • They are extremely handsome and sensual, and glory in a drunken brawl.
  • Their neighbors are ninja types who are constantly brawling with other evil ninja types.
  • In the working-class saloons that lined the roughest sections of late nineteenth-century Chicago, refusing a man's treat violated rules of plebeian sociability and thus frequently triggered brawls.
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  • Together they shoot up, play soccer, get into barroom brawls, mug tourists and steal to support their habits.
  • Throw in what Dorsey took as a snub by Rhodes, and the big fella was ready to brawl from the opening tip.
  • Therefore the argument which had sprung up between them during dinner had ended by being not so much a duel as a brawl: and while duels with food are both entertaining and eupeptic, brawls are neither. Mrs. Miniver
  • He had been in a drunken street brawl.
  • When an Olympic event incorporates brawling with the paparazzi into its most compelling moments, something has gone horribly wrong.
  • But how can our economy get better if we are always engaged in fighting and brawling with each other?
  • Did you take part in the brawl yesterday?
  • On July 8, the Baltimore Orioles and Boston Red Sox brawled on the field at Fenway Park, resulting in four players being run. Do Ejections Rise With the Mercury?
  • A wise citizen, I know not whence, had a scold to his wife: when she brawled, he played on his drum, and by that means madded her more, because she saw that he would not be moved.
  • The brawl led to an attack by about 300 members of the infantry battalion on Madiun Police station and three other substations in the town.
  • The old "man of science" versus "man of faith" brawl is on yet again. The Tail Section » Episode 4.1 “The Beginning of the End” Afterthoughts
  • As for the gameplay, senior producer Jeronimo Barrera took the "brawler" genre -- 2-D fighting games like Double Dragon that had become passe -- and spectacularly reinvented it by incorporating advances from its more recent titles, most notably the ability to give orders to one's fellow gang members. Why Rockstar Is the Leader of the Pack
  • Chairs had long ago been removed when one of the (now former) owners had been brained with one in the middle of one of Hvit's constant brawls.
  • Al was a battler and a brawler and a scrapper from the day he first stepped in as a Green Kroboth, Alan J.
  • Men sat inside the taverns drinking and brawling or looking for the company of a woman.
  • He might be a Father to Confederation, but like all Reformers, he was intent on destroying the offspring, was a hot-headed revolutionary, a brawler and corruptionist.
  • A homeless man accused of trying to steal a hat at a convenience store battled three deputies in a brawl, grabbed at a deputy's handgun and had to be shocked with a stun gun twice before he was arrested, according to a Marion sheriff's report.
  • He survived long battles with alcoholism and drug addiction, brawls, accidents and bypass surgery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Basically, a regard with a live eventuality is over what could begin which Section 1 wouldnt be means to control (i.e. a brawl, vicious injury, etc.). No broadcasts from Section 1 finals | Varsity Insider
  • Tom got into a drunken brawl in a bar.
  • This is a very big, brawling mix of ideas and interviews, with wacky clips, spoofs and pastiches, some devastatingly funny and pertinent, some of them pretty lame.
  • The audience becomes preoccupied with this sort of schoolboy brawl.
  • Then there was an ugly confrontation between members of the battalion's Alpha and Charlie batteries -- the term artillery units use instead of "companies" -- that threatened to turn into a brawl involving three dozen soldiers, and required the base police to intervene. Archive 2004-09-01
  • The dinner they gave him ranks among the epic brawls which regularly give the brotherhood of socialist solidarity a bad name.
  • Drunken brawls represented the leading single source of homicide in late nineteenth-century Chicago.
  • Its sides were wild, abrupt, and precipitous, and partially covered with copse-wood, as was the little brawling stream which ran through it, and of which the eye of the spectator could only catch occasional glimpses from among the hazel, dogberry, and white thorn, with which it was here and there covered. The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • Galaxy's tough, brawling style earned him the cognomen, ‘The Thai Tyson’ and his record certainly shows a man who dominated his division.
  • So when the door swings open, I wonder who this man is with the long, straggling grey hair and the face that looks like it has been in a long brawl with life.
  • A throwback middle linebacker, Erickson's nose for the ball and love of contact make him the kind of brawler who would thrive in football's leather helmet era. Undefined
  • The sound a piercing slap caused her to jump back, eyes scanning for the two brawling individuals.
  • The pair brawl at a party, then take matters outside into the swamp. The Sun
  • The pair brawl at a party, then take matters outside into the swamp. The Sun
  • It is a peaceful, not a brawling, stream.
  • The wealthie full of brawle and brabbles of the law: The Arte of English Poesie
  • It is that thou take the most solemn oath on the spot that no spulzie or private brawl shall henceforth stain that hand of thine while thy father holds the power in Scotland. The Caged Lion
  • They were all sweetness and light when they were on top, but now that their little dynasty is threatened, they have become barroom brawlers. Moore: Clinton is trying to scare voters
  • In a bloody brawl Botha hit the deck in the eighth round, but stormed back to all but render Briggs unconscious in the 10th and final session.
  • The man with the key was involved in the brawl! The Sun
  • 'A brawler, 'or, as Delitzsch renders it,' boisterous '-- look into a liquor-store if you want to verify that, or listen to a drunken party coming back from an excursion and making night hideous with their bellowings, or go to any police court on a Monday morning. Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Kings Chapters VIII to End and Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Esther, Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes
  • I played the gomeral brawly, but in the darkness we blundered ram-stam through the Sassenach lines. A Daughter of Raasay A Tale of the '45
  • And he was caught up in a bar brawl last year while on a US hunting trip. The Sun
  • I am yet to read in a newspaper, or see on television, a report involving a brawl with the supporter of a rugby team and the match officials.
  • America wasn't built by conformists, but by mutineers; we're a big brawling, boisterous, bucking people, and now is our time!
  • A similar brawl is taking place in the Ninth, a sprawling pie-shaped district that radiates from Bloomington to the Ohio River. Races Test Democrats in Midwest
  • The brawl sparks a domino effect and the pageant descends into chaos. The Sun
  • A passer-by who saved a man from being savaged by his own dog and an off-duty policeman who intervened in a nightclub brawl were today honoured for their bravery.
  • And he was caught up in a bar brawl last year while on a US hunting trip. The Sun
  • If Harold Bloom is correct – and he's been quite sure of himself for almost 40 years – the placid scene of influence is in reality a brawl, with writers engaged in pugilistic agon against their aesthetic progenitors. The Anatomy of Influence by Harold Bloom – review
  • When two men become involved in a brawl and start trading blows and punches and kicks and so forth, how does the law of provocation relate to that circumstance?
  • This intricate web of departments and agencies, massively staffed, is technically controlled by the president, but often seems to control him, whether through Cabinet brawls of clashing egos or interagency turf wars -- a specialty in the Bush years, particularly during the first-term prelude to Iraq, when ideological differences pitted Donald Rumsfeld and his hawks at Defense against Colin Powell's diplomats at State, with Condoleezza Rice, in her small redoubt at the National Security Council, squeezed out altogether. Powell's Books: Overview
  • There were fears of drunken brawls that could divert police from keeping the peace elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • When you get bonus money, you keep getting it annually as long as you keep your designation application active," Brawley said. Front Page
  • This would only be funny if it was fighting midgets, because a quick-tempered brawling midget is Chuckles, my friend. WILL MMA SAVE THE REC CENTER?
  • Those attending will be able to take part in action scenes such as sword fighting and western-style bar room brawls, all under the expert tuition of some of the world's leading stuntmen.
  • Geneva, "pompously," is no place for brawling, and if you come hither for that, you will quickly find yourself behind bars. The Long Night
  • Yet again, while trying to appeal to the world's most sophisticated market, the impression is of Scots doing what we do best - squabbling and brawling with each other while shocked onlookers avert their gaze.
  • Not get overexcited when he has success, not get drawn into brawls when he doesn't need to. Times, Sunday Times
  • The movie starts off on the wrong foot with an over-the-top brawl at a rural roadhouse that the kids have snuck into using fake ID.
  • Every advantage, good looks, good background, good education, well-spoken, and you end up in a nightclub brawl mixed up with a Yardie. NOTHING TO WEAR AND NOWHERE TO HIDE: A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES
  • The record doesn't want you to just kick back and listen, preferring to taunt you from your chair via head-nodding blues punch-ups and brawling rock 'n' roll.
  • ‘Most of the festivals here are just drunken brawls for children,’ she laments.
  • As for our own unperfected democracy, countless micro-conflicts - from drive-by slayings to gang brawls - continue without respite.
  • When I first started clubbing I used to dread the brawls and aggravation.
  • Half garrulously, and like a shallow brook might brawl across a shelvy bottom, the rhythmic little changeling thus began: -- The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley, Volume 10
  • he got a load on and started a brawl
  • You have coon hunts, gators snoozing in the middle of the town square (the townsfolk politely step around him so as not to disrupt his nap), and drunken brawls at town socials.
  • But the fallout from the incident has highlighted his weaknesses, casting him as both a thin-skinned brawler who berates reporters for asking questions and a publicity hog who seems to relish media attention, no matter how it comes his way. Ambitious Weiner sees media strategy backfire
  • ‘In games like that there's going to be times when there's a bit of tension overspill, it's one of those things,’ he said of the brawl, which involved several players from either side
  • Obviously, any brawl that involves the fans is a whole different animal, and one of those is too many — but a good old-fashioned fight amongst players is usually harmless, and often pretty entertaining. Matthew Yglesias » Suspensions
  • Where else can you watch a brawl between lions or a game of tag between a monkey and a dog? The Sun
  • She comforted herself at first with the thought that with the brawling, deafening stream between them, there would be no chance for embarrassing conversation.
  • Al was a battler and a brawler and a scrapper from the day he first stepped in as a Kroboth, Alan J.
  • Police officers were injured in a mass brawl outside a nightclub.
  • This altered Romeo strikes us as oddly passive after Juliet is exiled for killing his cousin Tybalt in a street brawl.
  • He was able to hold his own in any society and at other times brawl with the roughest of the rough in the bush pubs where he often drank to excess.
  • The recent brawl in a city pub involving the son of a senior police officer has fixed the spotlight on these so-called happening spots.
  • His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.
  • This view was supported by de Kock, who said 90 percent of all murders were being committed as a result of what he described as interpersonal brawls. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • It was patent that he brawled, somewhere in that outside world where he ate and slept, gained money, and moved in ways unknown to them. The Mexican
  • Witnesses told investigators eight to 15 people were brawling with the agents before the agents left without their van.
  • Two men who got involved in the brawl were also held. The Sun
  • But, from a taxi driver's point of view, on Easter weekend you could not go round a corner without seeing drunken brawls all over the town.
  • The January Dancer by Michael Flynn - Starting with Captain Amos January, who quickly loses it, and then the others who fought, schemed, and killed to get it, we travel around the complex, decadent, brawling, mongrelized interstellar human civilization the artifact might save or destroy. Books in the Mail (W/E 08/16/2008)
  • Instead “they will smoke, drink, eat murphies, brawl, box, and set the house on fire about their ears, even though you had a sentinel standing over with a fixed gun and bayonet to prevent them.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • The brawl erupted over a long-standing feud between the two. The Sun
  • A brawl ensues, elaborately described in the author's mock-heroic style.
  • When an Olympic event incorporates brawling with the paparazzi into its most compelling moments, something has gone horribly wrong.
  • It sparked a mass brawl with a dozen players becoming involved. The Sun
  • But not to worry, here's the great Waylon Jennings in barnstorming form to make up for it all and get your sabbath off to a braw and brawlin 'start. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • I can name four people who are closely associated with Mayor Fenty publicly, and only one of them helps him politically, even marginally: Consigliore Peter Nickles; Chancellor Michelle Rhee; Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity brother Sinclair Skinner; and Ron Moten, self-described 'brawler' and Fenty-described 'great Washingtonian.' DeMorning DeBonis: June 28, 2010
  • A four-minute video of the brawl was played which showed the Leeds players trading kicks and blows with Owen.
  • On Feb. 13, 1993, a massive brawl broke out in a Hampton, Va., bowling alley.
  • Personally, I would have liked to see Anthony Michael Hall pull the upset on Judd Nelson, matching up with Emilio Estevez in a bare-knuckle brawl to see who walks away with the prom queen. Top 10 Movies Ruined by a Female Presence » Scene-Stealers
  • Boomtown Houston of the past was infamous for brawling and duelling.
  • Abandoning a post, drinking on duty and brawling in public are all serious offences in the Garda discipline code.
  • It sounded like a drunken brawl, like a wild party. The Sun
  • But the goal sparked a mass brawl. The Sun
  • He was an exquisitely talented painter and sculptor who worked for popes and kings, a contemporary and acquaintance of Michaelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci; an incorrigibly opinionated boaster, duelist and brawler, an occasional jailbreaker (for that fast mouth of his got him in trouble more than once), and an indefatigable self-promoter and traveling PR show, with an ego the size of the planet. OMG, how did I miss this?! | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • They got caught up in a street brawl.
  • This MMA is too much like a street brawl in front of bloodthirsty spectators to my liking. Would You Buy a Bullet From This Man?
  • There are deadly bar brawls, living gods made of molten bronze, silver-tongued demons, razor-clawed gargoyles, talking green-eyed spiders and page after page of broken bones and spilled blood. Archive 2009-02-01
  • It sounded like a drunken brawl, like a wild party. The Sun
  • While hundreds of drunken street brawls take place every weekend across the UK, few of the perpetrators - if any - would want a death on their hands.
  • The brawl erupted over a long-standing feud between the two. The Sun
  • Graeme Kent tells the story of how more than 30 fighters - the Great White Hopes, though most of them were no more than second-rate brawlers - who tried to dump the bumptious champion on his backside only to suffer that fate themselves.
  • Was seen stomping opponents in brawl with Florida International. One more season vaulted Landry to top of draft stock
  • The brawl erupted over a long-standing feud between the two. The Sun
  • They still went about armed even in peacetime, unlike Roman aristocrats in times of empire, and drunken brawls or even complicated feuds might break out at any time.
  • Winning in caucus is not democratic, its more like a boiling room brawl, muscling people. Clinton: No cause for alarm
  • His ascension to MSNBC's 6 p.m. anchor slot signifies yet another episode in the long-running, much-debated drama called "The Transformation of Al Sharpton": from the street-level firebrand who made his name supporting Tawana Brawley in 1988 to a political candidate twice for Senate, once each for president and mayor of New York to the Twitter posting, Facebooking, radio-show-hosting modern media figure. NYT > Home Page
  • Stacey and I brawled wildly, a flaming furry whirlwind of vampire and Mouser. Crossed
  • The brawl came after a long feud. The Sun
  • Frankly I haven't been this viscerally excited about a fight since Bill Goldberg challenged The Rock to a brawl determining who was dominate mesomorph of the Universe. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Fans brawled outside the stadium.
  • A brawl then erupted at full-time. The Sun
  • Last weekend, a man was beaten to death at Sydney Airport in a vicious brawl, and other motorcycle gang-related violence has turned the media spotlight onto what has been described as a bikie war. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • A team of microsurgeons reattached a man's hand after it was severed in a brawl overnight, a hospital spokesman said yesterday.
  • At one point a sizeable number of players and members of both teams' coaching staff got involved in a brawl on the pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Personally, I feel cheated if an election campaign does not include a modicum of shameful brawling.
  • The character later starts a large-scale brawl, and in the confusion, a British-themed pub called John Bull's Fish and Chips is blown up. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • 23 Bransle, in English, brawl — a species of dance. Anne of Geierstein
  • And he was caught up in a bar brawl last year while on a US hunting trip. The Sun
  • A FOOTIE star has been charged with grievous bodily harm over an alleged pub brawl. The Sun
  • We hear there's some kind of brawler customisation and multiplayer combat - and could that be a Metroid influence in the second screen below? News
  • He was knocked out in a brawl at a Hollywood restaurant, suffering a broken jaw and three shattered teeth.
  • He has done well to distance himself from the talk but this brawl will surely add more fuel to the fire.
  • “O, brawlie did I ken Steenie, puir fallow,” replied the prisoner; — “but I canna condeshend on ony particular time I have seen him lately.” The Antiquary
  • There is almost no trace of the bustling mining town in which there were countless brawls and shootouts at bars with such evocative names as The Bucket of Blood Saloon.
  • There were fears of drunken brawls that could divert police from keeping the peace elsewhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • But she dangerously dismisses racism as a factor in drawing white male voters to Hillary Clinton's campaign in her New York Times op-ed essay this week Instead she endorses Clinton's archetype as a "brawler" who gets "down with the boys". as a model for women candidates in the future. Tom Hayden: Not The Time To Celebrate Clinton As Brawler
  • A brawl then erupted at full-time. The Sun
  • Seated on a green-and-white striped chair he watched a _revue_, of which from start to finish he understood but one word -- 'out', to wit -- absorbed in the doings of a red-moustached gentleman in blue who wrangled in rapid French with a black-moustached gentleman in yellow, while a snow-white _commere_ and a _compere_ in a mauve flannel suit looked on at the brawl. The Man Upstairs and Other Stories
  • For three days, two unevenly matched teams have brawled, they have hurled almost everything at each other, and any time one has deigned to take the advantage, the other has clawed it back.
  • Taxi wardens will patrol Manchester city centre to stop revellers brawling in the scrum for a Christmas cab.
  • It all began when the casino fired its only female warehouse employee for brawling with a co-worker.
  • The outgoing minister cited that over the past several weeks brawls and prison riots as well as a jailbreak had occurred at the penitentiary, which has about 120 guards working three shifts.
  • Two rich "dandies" who had been watching the brawl narrowly escaped arrest. Queens Gazette
  • The larger lesson of [this] grim news is that the macho, brawling style of politics is not the victimless sport its participants fondly imagine…
  • It's much too barbaric and such things are left to bar fights and street brawls.
  • We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary.
  • A few minutes after the match, they were brawling in the parking lot backstage and the security broke them up.
  • She has managed to get in a barroom brawl, threatened to shoot a mayoral staffer as well as have him beaten up, and twice called a burly and bald fellow council member “Shrek” during a public hearing. FLY FISHING WITH DARTH VADER
  • A brawl then erupted at full-time. The Sun
  • In a bar, they get into a brawl with a group of Air Force heavies and handily defeat them.
  • There is a kind of valorous spleen which, like wind, is apt to grow unruly in the stomachs of newly-made soldiers, compelling them to box-lobby brawls and brokenheaded quarrels, unless there can be found some more harmless way to give it vent. Knickerbocker's History of New York, Complete
  • People spoke, when they spoke at all, in whispers, and John was so infected by the air of solemnity that when a small boy in the gallery began to call out "Acid drops or cigarettes!" he felt that a sidesman must appear from a pew and take the lad to the police-station for brawling in a sacred edifice. The Foolish Lovers
  • Just last week, I got into a bar brawl over the quality of different zesters on the market.
  • Singleton recalled a slaver, the crew of which had been brawling at the Richard Carvel — Complete
  • REDMOND -- For a second consecutive week, a heated KingCo 4A game was suspended, this time when a brawl erupted, which ended the matchup between No. 4 Garfield and Redmond on Friday night. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • It sparked a mass brawl with a dozen players becoming involved. The Sun
  • But the goal sparked a mass brawl. The Sun
  • First they drink the chicha, then they kill the cows and goats, and then the brawling and stone throwing - and sometimes the killing - begins.
  • The book brawl started fifteen years ago when megabookstore chains deeply discounted bestsellers, as well as other hardbacks and paperbacks.
  • Then, taking their obvious cue, they began to brawl.
  • From her vantage point, however, Em was only given a view of the drunken brawl, which had deteriorated into a hissy fight.
  • Singleton recalled a slaver, the crew of which had been brawling at the Ship tavern a few nights before. Richard Carvel
  • Then the whole tacky and demoralised affair will descend into brawling as each union fights for its own factional interests, including grabbing a greater share of the rapidly dwindling dues base.
  • A FOOTIE star has been charged with grievous bodily harm over an alleged pub brawl. The Sun
  • In some ways it's a mess of a film, in which the dramatic face-offs alternate with TV sitcom brawling.
  • His father was a brawling shipyard-pipe fitter, “built like a Birmingham brickbat, but lacking all the wit and modesty God gave a cobblestone.” In The Shadow of The Cypress
  • So while it's cool to see a tough-as-nails woman effectively throttle the criminal element, Rothrock gets the short end of the sai for on-screen brawl-time.
  • It did not conduce to my equanimity to see my name catalogued with persons arrested for sneak thievery, pocket-picking, drunkenness, brawling, and mayhem. The House An Episode in the Lives of Reuben Baker, Astronomer, and of His Wife, Alice
  • We were stationed in Henley-on-Thames, a beautiful riverside town best known for its annual Regatta and the huge brawls between toffs, tourists and anarchists on Henley Bridge which marked the start of the boat racing.
  • Weel, minister," said Saunders, penitently, "I ken brawly I'm i 'the wrang; but ye ken yersel', gin ye had gotten a dinnle i 'the elbuck that garred ye loup like a troot i' Luckie Mowatt's pool, or gin ye had cuttit yersel 'wi' yer ain razor, wad 'Effectual The Lilac Sunbonnet
  • Washington is starting to write off the Democrats 'chances in Hawaii's 1st because of a hopelessly fluked and flawed special election, in which the party had brawled over which candidate to support as voters, for the first time, cast mail-in ballots in an all-party election. Cook: GOP chances up in Hawaii's 1st, down in Pennsylvania's 12th
  • The opening shot of the film plays out to voicemail messages he failed to return because he was locked up for brawling. Times, Sunday Times
  • It might be likened to a 90-pound weakling inciting a barroom brawl, between two drunkgiants, which was none of his business to begin with, and then jumping in and trying to stop their fight-to-the-death by rassling them both to the ground and holding them down until they sober up, calm down and regain their rational senses, none of which they have ever done in their lives. Snatching Defeat From the Jaws of Victory
  • As 17 players engaged in a minor brawl in the York half, Huddersfield ran away unopposed to score.
  • A FOOTIE star has been charged with grievous bodily harm over an alleged pub brawl. The Sun
  • Since medieval times their annual fair was famous not only for its heights of bacchanalian revelry but also for the ferocious brawls that would inevitably break out.
  • The man with the key was involved in the brawl! The Sun
  • Sometimes the brawls erupted in public; the future candidate often found himself in the back of a patrol car.
  • This altered Romeo strikes us as oddly passive after Juliet is exiled for killing his cousin Tybalt in a street brawl.
  • We won the game but right after the final whistle, a mass brawl erupted. Times, Sunday Times
  • The brawl erupted over a long-standing feud between the two. The Sun
  • Tribal loyalties were paramount; other than that, nothing served to mitigate the blood feuds, drunken brawls and orgies that the harsh life of the desert gave sway to.
  • I'll lay my lugs that's the true reason, and brawly does he ken his corn's a 'caff, or he wadna keep the sack mouth tied, and try to put us aff wi' bletheration. The Proverbs of Scotland
  • Oh yes, there were brawls, and shoot-outs every day at noon, except for Sunday.
  • Me suggesting a brawl is meerly suggesting that some people need to have some sense knocked into them. Think Progress » VIDEO: Maliki Speech Interrupted By War Protestor
  • In what was a physical, bad-tempered affair, scenes that could be associated with a Saturday night brawl in Dodge City erupted midway in the second half.
  • The shoplifter and the late-night brawler go to court, whilst the tax-evader and the industrial polluter go to their club.
  • His murder in a tavern brawl at the age of 29 cut short a glittering literary career. Times, Sunday Times
  • Take the example of an employee who works in the accounts department and has been in a brawl outside a pub. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Brawlers scowled viciously at the stationary pair as they sped forward, their serpents lashing their tails and hissing.
  • Anthony had no wish to be caught up in the absurdity of a Freddie Barnett brawl. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • Our hero is concussed in a nightclub brawl the night before a big game and wakes up to find he's been transported back to the 70s. The Sun
  • I got the impression that McMissile's debate strategy was to very deliberately try to get under Obama's skin using the blatancy of his lies as bait, in order to draw Obama into a street brawl. McCain Seems To Have Upper Hand, But No Real Game Changers
  • While their regiment marches back and forth across India, they spend their time boozing, brawling and scrimshanking.
  • Championship - Newcastle investigate sex-text brawl Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • Fifteen minutes later the gig descended into a scrum with Ryder and Bez brawling on the floor.
  • Moreover, most murders are committed during the heat of the moment, whilst having blazing arguments with a spouse or during drunken brawls in the pub.
  • We felt that it was important to use Benner Run because it is high-quality trout water and is a beautiful area, with its rhododendron cover along the brawling stream.
  • You'll see more brawls on a British high street in one night than you will in the whole of Italy in an entire year.
  • The news media are increasingly inclined to engage in, or report on, the verbal brawl.
  • The heavyweights came to blows in a brawl that drew widespread condemnation in February, yet neither holds a licence. Times, Sunday Times

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