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How To Use Brand-new In A Sentence

  • Having caught on to the London-based trend of hip hop dance classes, Da Angelo productions offers up a brand-new course for all aspiring b-boys and b-girls in Montreal.
  • We found that we could get a brand-new home with a mountain view and large rooms for the boys for the same price as a fixer-upper.
  • Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
  • I give you endless brand-new good wishes.Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.
  • About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.
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Master English with Ease
  • Have you got a brand-new way to dowse for the dead? Silver Zombie
  • She clasped her hands over a brand-new blowse, with something under it that jumped and fluttered orful. The Dop Doctor
  • This year the event will be held in the brand-new Kodak Theater.
  • Imagine a slew of developable land parcels facing a brand-new, landscaped thoroughfare, right in the heart of one of the nation's most expensive cities.
  • Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
  • Fancy a brand-new, ecofriendly grand design? Times, Sunday Times
  • As if to celebrate the move into their brand-new all-seater stadium, St Johnstone have advanced to the leadership of the division.
  • Grace was too distracted by the thought of getting dirt in her brand-new white shoes.
  • When the spanking, brand-new Scottish Parliament building opened last week the occasion was correctly marked by quiet Scottish dignity.
  • The amount of community-strain staph that possessed inducible clindamycin resistance was still low, however, and there were still plenty of other drug options for outpatient treatment: the tetracyclines; the fluoroquinolones; the sulfa drugs; and linezolid or Zyvox, a brand-new and therefore much more expensive drug that could also be taken orally. SUPERBUG
  • It's been a wonderful week; I've dined on five-star nosh in a brand-new old-style luxury chalet; I've ligged around Val D' Isere like a bone fide, rich-bint ‘It’ person and frothed around in the same jacuzzi recently occupied by Bono.
  • No show can afford that kind of scandal, particularly a brand-new one, hungry for the ratings.sentence dictionary
  • Why would anyone throw that kind of money away just to drive a brand-new car? Times, Sunday Times
  • Some wells were putting out more than 3,000 barrels of oil per day, and coopers were producing large numbers of brand-new containers just for oil.
  • What reason was it, O rose of seventeen, adorning thyself with cloudy films of lace and sparks of jewelry before the mirror that reflects youth and beauty, that made Miss Lucinda array herself in a brand-new dress of yellow muslin-de-laine strewed with round green spots, and displace her customary hand-kerchief for a huge tamboured collar, on this eventful occasion? The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 08, No. 46, August, 1861
  • The brand-new Midfield Terminal, opening this month, features the OraOxygen Spa where the jet-lagged can get a massage or belly up to the oxygen bar for a rejuvenating whiff.
  • Aircraft factories broke production records, and a brand-new air defence system was improvised by a mixture of eccentric boffins and a bright young staff of mostly female technicians.
  • In a brand-new interview revealed today, Michael ` s father, Joe, said he believes that there was what he calls foul play in his son ` s death. CNN Transcript Jul 13, 2009
  • Now, folks, here's a brand-new sleeve of balls, and if you'll just take the time to examine it carefully, you'll find a little tab at both ends.
  • A man left a brand-new bicycle unattended at the marketplace while he went about his shopping.
  • The company to which I finally conveyed my freehold was a brand-new one, registered for the occasion and soon, no doubt, doomed to lose its identity in the kaleidoscopic changes of small finance. The Complete Stories
  • The crashed dragster was a backup car from last season, which the team replaced with a brand-new car that was in the trailer.
  • You can work literally right next to a brand-new building and dig a trench with the mini-excavators and trenchers that are out there today.
  • Although he managed to freshen up this look a bit by pairing a fitted ivory jacket with a delightfully swingy chiffon skirt, grand and brand-new statements are not his forte.
  • The hospices have been donated a brand-new car to give away as the star prize of the raffle but they need more help selling the raffle tickets.
  • The phone has a brand-new look and ships with a new voice-activated personal assistant.
  • So even as NASA and its international partners build their brand-new space station Alpha, there is a detailed plan to safely deep-six the outpost when its days are over.
  • The flexible management taking one kind of brand-new management pattern will follow the knowledge economy to arise. It is representing the future knowledge organization's tidal current and the trend.
  • Each home is brand-new and the luxury options include the latest in sound-and-vision technology and hidden electronic gizmos.
  • shiny brand-new shoes
  • Once clear of the city, the route wound through brand-new housing developments amid palm and cypress trees, live oaks thick with moss, and the pine scrub native to north Florida and southern Georgia.
  • Whether they were struck with awe by the unaccustomed majesty of my appearance in brand-new wig, bands, &c., in which I am fresh as a daisy, and fine as a carrot fresh scraped, or whether they simply did not recognise me in the disguisement of such toggeries, I am not to decide -- but they passed by without responding visibly to my salutations. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Also not a brand-new offering, this company offers herbal alternatives in the form of sunblock, bug repellent, muscle pain alleviator, and poison oak and ivy soap.
  • Brand-new flats, while solidly built and with good energy ratings, sell at a premium for all that shininess. Times, Sunday Times
  • Green mine is a brand-new mine development mode and has been considered as the optimal solution for mine sustainable development.
  • There is absolutely no point in owning a brand-new car. Times, Sunday Times
  • The metal doesn't look brand-new when you're finished, but it's a good first step for small refinishing jobs.
  • FROM MTV. COM: Well before a rebooted "Spider-Man" hits theaters in 2012, we'll get a chance to meet a brand-new Peter Parker †some lucky actor plucked to replace Tobey Maguire now that the 34-year-old and director Sam Raimi have been jettisoned from the franchise. Vintage ‘Spider-Man’ Interviews With Tobey Maguire And Kirsten Dunst » MTV Movies Blog
  • The flexible management taking one kind of brand-new management pattern will follow the knowledge economy to arise. It is representing the future knowledge organization's tidal current and the trend.
  • Mind you, the loaner car I had during that time was very nice (a brand-new A3 hatchback), but the difference in driving was noticable: the A4 is just still a better car. Not a Rant[tm}
  • CAPRICORN Who makes home life feel brand-new? The Sun
  • On another occasion, she was in a coffee shop when a square-jawed navy captain sauntered over to her table with studied ease and offered to give her a lift to Tijuana in his huge, brand-new Buick. A Covert Affair
  • They were all kitted out in brand-new ski outfits.
  • As if to celebrate the move into their brand-new all-seater stadium, St Johnstone have advanced to the leadership of the division.
  • Put briefly, there was a kind of allergic reaction between On Location and the brand-new edition of Microsoft Word.
  • Hardscrabble Pimas still live in scattered, remote shacks, but in town there are brand-new pickups and ATVs, and mansions going up with three-car garages and crenelated castle motifs. Brother-in-arms
  • It had shunting yards, coking ovens, a brand-new railway station, its own brewery and brickworks.
  • Their successes were rewarded with the arrival of six brand-new Mark I Hawker Hurricanes, a single-engined, highly maneuverable fighter, whose fuselage, though still covered with doped linen, was constructed from modern high-tensile steel rather than the wood of the Gladiators. Storyteller
  • As well as the title of most eligible bachelor, he's taking home a brand-new quad bike and some flash new swannies.
  • About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.
  • When i visit, the final touches are being put to a brand-new kitchen and giant new oven. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've made several trips to San Diego… the most recent of which was to meet my brand-new granddaughter!
  • No show can afford that kind of scandal, particularly a brand-new one, hungry for the ratings.
  • It turns out that the U.S. has a particularly large number of people who are willing to do something like hand over their precious data to a brand-new startup-the kind of people the economist Amar Bhidé calls "venturesome consumers. The New Yorker
  • A Reuters reviewer of the new Oxford Compact English Dictionary had a bright lead: So there you are, all decked out in chuddies, carpenters and a shrug with a brand-new buzz cut, and for some reason your best friend refuses to talk to you. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • To take a term consecrated by centuries of usage and to attach a brand-new meaning to it, of which those who through the ages had it constantly on their lips never dreamed, is to say the least extremely misleading. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • On top of it, they had placed a silver inkwell and pen tray, which was also brand-new from Liberty's.
  • Initiation in China, brand-new environmental protection material, delicate design and veriest three dimensional mimic jigsaw puzzles!
  • When they got to a brand-new racetrack, surprisingly everybody adapted to the track.
  • • Donna Karan just launched her brand-new bag line, which already boasts some bold-faced fans. Fashion Forward: Blanchett is bright in Armani's Black Lace makeup
  • The amount of community-strain staph that possessed inducible clindamycin resistance was still low, however, and there were still plenty of other drug options for outpatient treatment: the tetracyclines; the fluoroquinolones; the sulfa drugs; and linezolid or Zyvox, a brand-new and therefore much more expensive drug that could also be taken orally. SUPERBUG
  • Mr. Scully had a brand-new blue coat and brass buttons, buff waistcoat, white kerseymere tights, pumps with large rosettes, and pink silk stockings. The Bedford-Row Conspiracy
  • He told me he'd been on a film with an ill-behaved star who - to lighten the mood, or in a transport of jollity - took to dancing, in combat boots, on the roof of the propmaster's brand-new Mercedes.
  • Every day they flood in, albums full of talent, hard work and innovation: avant-garde hustlers, master musicians, rule breakers, inventors and brand-new-sound-makers.
  • Engineers working at the nano scale have a brand-new tool kit that's full of wonder and brimming with potential riches.
  • It is run by some very experienced guides with a large fleet of brand-new skiffs.
  • This two bedroom sub-penthouse offers panoramic views all across the top of Greenwich view and is brand-new, untouched and unlived in.
  • After waiting for about half an hour, my translator and I are ushered down a long corridor, past a security door, and through a windowless conference room filled with brand-new imported office furniture still encapsulated in amniotic plastic sacs. In a Ruined Country
  • A brand-new ATM card from Chemical.
  • He pulled a brand-new glove with his name embroidered on it, and he gave it to me. WILLIE MAYS
  • What you can do, though, is fool your brain into thinking your longtime lover is actually a brand-new bedmate with the ability to spread your genetic code over a whole different part of the world.
  • Another strategic find is a pair of brand-new ice skates, someone's Christmas gift via FedEx; he uses the blades as his ax, cutting tool and mirror.
  • So when my brand-new Mac mini abruptly ceased to function on Tuesday morning, I was a bit alarmed to hear from Apple that I’d need to take it to the closest authorized repair shop … in Rappahannock County. Waldo Jaquith - BlueRidgeMac.
  • He's written a constitution, set up an interim government, created a brand-new currency, instated law and order, and recorded a national anthem.
  • In Chipping Norton it's the smartest superstore in town, part of a brand-new shopping mall.
  • I give you endless brand-new good wishes.Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.
  • What Monet did was to encourage a new type of audacity and a brand-new type in truth, when no one had up to then attempted to see nature as prismatical under the direct influence of the solar rays. Adventures in the Arts Informal Chapters on Painters, Vaudeville, and Poets
  • Yet Fabrice's ebullient remark to a different correspondent that ‘a fine seraglio is being prepared at Adrianople, or in its neighborhood, for the King’ could also suggest a brand-new construction.
  • Two years later, in the autumn of 23 BC, while the forty-year-old Augustus struggled to recover from a near-fatal illness, Marcellus himself died suddenly of a mysterious sickness at the age of twenty, widowing Julia and unexpectedly becoming the first occupant of the brand-new family mausoleum, now looming over the city like a 130-foot-high wedding cake. Caesars’ Wives
  • I give you endless brand-new good wishes.Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship.
  • Expect the unexpected in this brand-new chat show. The Sun
  • As if to celebrate the move into their brand-new all-seater stadium, St Johnstone have advanced to the leadership of the division.
  • She picked out a brand-new, unworn dark denim miniskirt and held it up against her, checking it out in the mirror.
  • Instead, he goes after specific bucks aggressively from a brand-new perch every day. What You Need to Hunt Early-Season Bucks
  • Even if they had shown a pristine 35 print on 40-foot-high silver using a brand-new bulb, it wouldn't have looked "supernal" in the least. In The Company Of Glenn
  • Heikki Kovalainen is delighted with the way the brand-new Lotus team has performed in the first four, non-European 'flyaway' races of the 2010 season.
  • And it's made easier for this farmer with the addition of a brand-new rototiller. Mekong Flows Along Troubled Myanmar's East
  • Not coincidentally, this rift is deepening even as Gujarat booms economically, with brand-new malls, multi plexes, highways, and private ports transforming it into a pulsing region-state athwart Indian Ocean trade routes. India’s New Face
  • Fancy being part of a brand-new flower show? Times, Sunday Times
  • PISCES What makes a home feel brand-new? The Sun
  • You know, there is this brand-new technology you might have heard of called a doorbell. What Would Emma Do?
  • About every third property boasted a brand-new chain link fence, erected to corral Cod knows what kind of beast.
  • No one I knew lived in a brand-new home. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its arrangements included ten inviting bunks, a kitchener, and a table; the latter, moreover, had a brand-new American-cloth cover. The South Pole~ On the Way to the South
  • She turned heads this week debuting a super-short, cropped pixie cut - a brand-new look for the typically long-haired lady.
  • I was, I recall, wearing a brand-new linen suit in a rather dashing hound's-tooth check.
  • Once you've had your fill of boozy friskiness, cool down with a visit to Aros, the city's brand-new museum of modern art.
  • She set the platter on the altar, on top of a brand-new yellow lace doily.
  • It just might become a brand-new fourplex giving you eight more cars parked on your street. Sound Politics: Nickels' Push For White Center Annexation = Power Politics
  • The price that acceptance of in good health store offers authoritative information, minimum and convenient shopping way, to content new experience buys on sb's behalf when you make brand-new E!
  • The chief problem (to bring new readers up to date) is that, in the early part of last year, Penguin opened a brand-new warehouse and distribution centre.
  • Adair, surveying his brand-new kitchen, runs a hand over a gleaming worktop.
  • Therefore, drawing upon his ability to win people over, the first thing he did was to present Fonseca with a brand-new Toyota Corolla. HAVANA BEST FRIENDS
  • This done, the brand-new C&O dynamometer car was coupled on, and the tests began in May 1929.
  • Zooba offers brand-new, mostly hardcover editions of today's best-sellers and tomorrow's discoveries.
  • Vision . Technology . Innovation, ETD Drives dedicates to Initiate Brand-new Value ForCustomer.
  • Two men were discussing a brand-new opera in which the ladies of the chorus all wore wellington boots.
  • In truth, the eight-foot white marble sarcophagus that Vatican archaelogists uncovered beneath the basilica St. Paul Outside the Walls is more a question of lost-and-found than a brand-new find.
  • Soldiers look longingly at brand-new Range Rovers and compare them to their beaten-up "old" vehicles.
  • Seven years of Daf Yomi lectures-every shiur on every daf of every Mesechta - are pre-loaded onto a brand-new Apple iPod 40GB! Boing Boing: April 17, 2005 - April 23, 2005 Archives
  • Not coincidentally, this rift is deepening even as Gujarat booms economically, with brand-new malls, multi plexes, highways, and private ports transforming it into a pulsing region-state athwart Indian Ocean trade routes. India’s New Face
  • Brought into Barack Obama's inner circle as his "czarina" for energy and climate issues — a brand-new White House post — she is now mainly a back-room coordinator. The Lioness In Spring
  • Distinctive, decorous grade and brand-new life interest.
  • Surely his brand-new team would want to derive the confidence to be gained by a few hard-won results before launching themselves?
  • So, Captain Corona, high as a July sun, breezes through a red and plows right into your brand-new $50,000 BMW in his $800 hooptie. Blog Articles » Print » “Drive without insurance? We used to…”
  • You can take some basics from your wardrobe and kind of freshen it up, and it's $10," she said, "rather than spending 40 or 50 on a whole brand-new outfit. ABC News: Top Stories
  • The heroes in a half shell are back with a brand-new series. The Sun
  • Soon it dawned on a few insightful souls, Gödel foremost among them, that this way of looking at things opened up a brand-new branch of mathematics — namely, metamathematics. Incompatible Arrows, III: Lewis Carroll
  • Fiscal revenue behavior is a brand-new domain in the research of fiscal law as well as an important component in fiscal law theoretical system.
  • This brand-new comedy series is all about what happens to a couple after one of them has an affair. The Sun
  • This brand-new comedy series is all about what happens to a couple after one of them has an affair. The Sun

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