How To Use Branchiate In A Sentence
Yet in captivity by reducing the quantity of water in which it is placed the young Axolotl can be forced to breathe air, and then it undergoes complete metamorphosis to the abranchiate condition.
Hormones and Heredity
It required the extraordinary acumen of the great Cuvier at once to recognize, when the first specimens [v. 03 p. 0069] of the _Gyrinus edulis_ or _Axolotl_ of Mexico were brought to him by Humboldt in the beginning of the 19th century, that these Batrachians were not really related to the Perennibranchiates, such as _Siren_ and _Proteus_, with which he was well acquainted, but represented the larval form of some air-breathing salamander.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 1 "Austria, Lower" to "Bacon"
a sign of inedibility are, the brilliantly coloured nudibranchiate molluscs, those curious annelids the Nereis and the Aphrodite or sea-mouse, and many other marine animals.
Darwinism (1889)
Such are the tints of the beautiful nudibranchiate mollusc, Glaucus atlanticus, and many others.
Darwinism (1889)
It is said truly that the Ammonite, Orthoceras, and Nautilus of these ancient rocks were of the tetrabranchiate division, and none of them so highly organised as the Belemnite and other dibranchiate cephalopods which afterwards appeared, and some of which now flourish in our seas.
The Antiquity of Man
It is said truly that the Ammonite, Orthoceras, and Nautilus of these ancient rocks were of the tetrabranchiate division, and none of them so highly organised as the Belemnite and other dibranchiate cephalopods which afterwards appeared, and some of which now flourish in our seas.
The Antiquity of Man