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How To Use Branch In A Sentence

  • She has certainly branched out into more interesting work in recent years.
  • The opposite change occurs in what are termed fastigiate varieties, where the branches, in place of assuming more or less of a horizontal direction, become erect and nearly parallel with the main stem as in the Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • A section of a branch of birch or willow from the north only a couple of inches in diameter will show one or two hundred annual rings. Factors Affecting Development of Canada's North
  • I must give one instance; he throws doubts and sneers at my saying that the ovigerous frena of cirripedes have been converted into branchiae, because I have not found them to be branchiae; whereas he himself admits, before I wrote on cirripedes, without the least hesitation, that their organs are branchiae. Alfred Russel Wallace Letters and Reminiscences
  • It is an Extended Family Tree - showing all the collateral branches of a family, i.e. all the descendants.
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  • They seemed to be in a serious mood, perhaps brooding on the deteriorating human behaviour that cannot see that he is cutting the same very branch that he is sitting on.
  • Moray eels, nudibranchs, stingrays, shellfish, sea urchins and sea stars were out and about, while the polyps of black corals and other gorgonians were feeding.
  • The breaking of a branch under my foot alarmed the deer.
  • Labor economics has become virtually a branch of applied econometrics, with the usual large data sets and headless horsemen running around looking for patterns.
  • The nerves are the terminal branches of the right and left vagi, the former being distributed upon the back, and the latter upon the front part of the organ. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Stomach
  • This is a composite image of the 1st pair of pleopods and the outer branch (exopodite) of the right (animal's left) pair that came apart during the removal operation (each pleopod has an outer and an inner branch). Archive 2007-12-01
  • The greatest difficulty which presents itself in entering the southern mouth arises from what in America are termed snags, that is, large trees, the roots of which are firmly planted in the bed of the river, whilst the branches project up the stream, and are likely to pierce any boat in its passage down. Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and Western Australia, Volume 2
  • The president, who heads the executive branch, serves for a single six-year term.
  • Because each monosaccharide can link to more than one other monosaccharide, oligosaccharides can be branched.
  • Overvåg de personer, virksomheder og brancher du ønsker RSS feed
  • Virgo has been depicted as a winged maiden holding a palm branch in her left hand and an ear of corn in her right.
  • _Phyllocactus_ in having the branches dilated into the form of fleshy leaves, but differ in haying them divided into short truncate leaf-like portions, which are articulated, that is to say, provided with a joint by which they separate spontaneously; the margins are crenate or dentate, and the flowers, which are large and showy, magenta or crimson, appear at the apex of the terminal joints. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • As seeds ripened during the course of the experiment, the inflorescences were harvested by clipping the main stalk of each flowering culm just below the lowermost panicle branch.
  • You have to spend at least £5 when dining in at a branch of the chain to get a free quarter chicken meal or starter.
  • Late in the day, just after we had feasted on the fruits of a wild cacao, we came upon a three-toed sloth climbing slowly through the upper branches of a cecropia tree. One River
  • Group theory is one of a number of branches of mathematics that have proven useful to chemists and physicists in their work.
  • He was thus involved in extensive travelling throughout the District, addressing meetings of branches, trade unions and co-operative societies.
  • The legislative branch consists of a bicameral legislation in which all people and ethnicities can be represented.
  • She could walk without ever slipping on railroad tracks, across the tops offences, on swaying tree branches.
  • Our oldest pensioner, Ralph was formerly Branch Manager in Aberdeen.
  • The researchers have used supercritical CO 2 as medium for the conversion of alcohols to linear and branched ethers, to cyclic ethers, to aryl ethers and to acetals and ketals in good yields and, all-importantly, with high selectivities.
  • Branching out: A northern store chain is helping to open branches of a different kind.
  • Further subdivision of the second category is based on the width of the primary branches, which decreases distally only slightly in C. arboreus, but markedly in C. concentricus.
  • The judge was also shown sharpened branches and wood used to torment the youngsters. The Sun
  • Much of this branch of your argument proceeds from unstated assumptions about the content of the ‘once and for all’ rule.
  • Small birds flitted in the shade of the branches and bees were crawling over the red and white clover.
  • At the lower bridge the river bifurcates into two similar size branches.
  • Since the lateral axes have more or less the same pattern of arrangement of sympodia as the main axis, the number of branch bundles is related to the number of bundles within the leaf vascular supply characteristic for that species.
  • Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics.
  • Meanwhile, I'll continue to grow it as a background shrub and cut its aromatic mauve branches for flower arrangements.
  • The branches made a roof
  • There too, one May, I had identified a garden warbler singing hidden within a huge candled horse chestnut that spread its great branches across the road as if it were holding its own skirt. A Year on the Wing
  • Sphagnum samples were taken from the medium-long or outer branches of the capitulum.
  • Then I had to bring a branch of candles near it before I could make out the crabbed and faded handwriting. THE GOLDEN FOOL: BOOK TWO OF THE TAWNY MAN
  • Neither in World War II nor in the Cold War did US administrations go so far in restricting civil liberties or arrogating unlimited power to the executive branch.
  • They were interspersed with rows of vines, whose high branches must have made the harvest very hard work.
  • A new branch has been opened to serve clients in East London.
  • -- The scientific remedies for poverty and pauperism, that is, the scientific methods of dealing with the various dependent classes and of preventing their existence, now form the subject-matter of a great independent science, the science of philanthropy, which, as we have already seen, may be considered a branch of applied sociology. Sociology and Modern Social Problems
  • Ethics is a branch of philosophy.
  • I looked up at dark branches silhouetted against a leaden sky.
  • At Ingolstadt, the branchlike ribs are disjunctively representational, carved with protruding nubs or twigs signaling their botanical nature.
  • This designer has recently branched out into children's wear.
  • Shiites of this branch believed that the Prophet Muhammad's successors or vicars were his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, and the eleven lineal descendants of Ali and the Prophet's daughter, Fatima.
  • Problem is, they're too busy raising money for charity or building an electric bike to care that their dad is holding out an olive branch. The Sun
  • The external iliac vein is the main venous trunk of the pelvic limb and its branches are the medial circumflex femoral...
  • Rare species of bird inhabit the higher branches of the trees.
  • Leah then re-entered again bipedally and grabbed the straight branch in front of her with her right hand. 2009 January | Netflow Developments
  • Jan 24 2008 Whoops, Eyak isn't quite an Athabaskan language but rather a coordinate subbranch of the Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit family, according to the Alaska Native Language Center. Archive 2008-01-01
  • His tribe has both Turkmen and Arab branches (which demonstrates once again that a ‘tribe’ is often based on fictive kinship and is a little like a political party, which can be joined or left over time).
  • They burrow into the rock and support shafts with branches and twigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • A commercial Christmas tree starts out like any other conifer, but the tips of both its leader and lateral branches are clipped off.
  • Ishrat was seated next to Javed who was driving the car when the crime branch team fired and punctured the rear left tyre.
  • Careful! I'm not sure that branch will hold you.
  • _Ophthalmia lymphatica_ is a kind of anasarca of the tunica adnata; in this the vessels over the sclerotica, or white part of the eye, rise considerably above the cornea, which they surround, are less red than in the ophthalmia superficialis, and appear to be swelled by an accumulation of lymph rather than of blood; it is probably owing to the temporary obstruction of a branch of the lymphatic system. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Under this head, too, may be included those cases wherein an ordinarily spicate inflorescence becomes paniculate owing to the branching of the axis and the formation of an unwonted number of secondary buds. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • At the same time, branch-cutting was encouraged to get the tree to grow a single, main trunk.
  • But now with the internet and e-books, and the slowdown of the high street in general, it's come to the point where we can no longer cover our overheads," he continues, referring to the Formby branch. BBC News - Home
  • Ford stood next to a willow tree, the thin branches falling around him like a curtain.
  • They probably developed leaves both by enations and by planation of a branching system.
  • They compete for the savings of the general public through a network of high street branches.
  • The genus Prionospio Malmgren 1867 includes species with smooth, non-pinnate and pinnate branchiae arranged in various combinations.
  • In one case the iliolumbar was a branch of the obturator, itself a branch of the internal iliac.
  • After counting the each of the subbranch and collecting the results in dictionaries, the dictionaries were merged together.clojure. core/merge-with Planet Python
  • It was a cavern in the side of a mountain, overshadowed with palm trees, at such a distance from the cataract that nothing more was heard than a gentle uniform murmur, such as composes the mind to pensive meditation, especially when it was assisted by the wind whistling among the branches. Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia
  • Lizards scurry in the leaf litter at my feet, monkeys feed noisily in the branches above nay head, a vine snake makes its sinuous way toward an unsuspecting small bird.
  • The war for market share will not be fought on the traditional battlegrounds of the retail branch networks, but in cyberworld.
  • 'Coffin's Island,' which is usually of the highest grade.] [Footnote D: The palmetto is a straight, tall tree, with a tuft of branches and palm leaves at its top. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 4, April, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.
  • Finding joint tenants is one alternative to closing even more branches.
  • The quarters of a small animal were wrapped in a leather sack and tied to a tree's branch.
  • The most important differential characteristics of the section Trionychon are branched stems, bracteolate flowers, an entire and campanulated calyx, a blue or purple corolla, white anthers, and the stigma usually white.
  • Bob Hoffman, the endangered species branch chief for NOAA's Southeast regional office, told the Huffington Post on Wednesday that the burns had been temporarily curtailed because of high seas, and that when they resume, NOAA will now make sure each "burn team" -- made up of two shrimp boats hauling booms and an "igniter" boat -- includes a trained observer who will be able to rescue turtles before they are incinerated. Gulf Oil Spill: The Plight of the Sea Turtles
  • These species do not share other mutations, so taurine cattle, zebu, banteng, and gayal all occupy separate branches in the network.
  • Each branch has one terminal bud at the very end, and many lateral branches along the sides.
  • -- A tree, with leaves bunched at the extremities of the branches, oblong, oval, acuminate, odd-pinnate, 3-4 pairs of opposite leaflets. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Spanish moss, hanging from low branches, occasionally scraped the top of the car.
  • Recent reported cheetah deaths suggest that some of the cats had their stomachs ripped open by hidden branches.
  • Some prison practices are in need of root and branch reform.
  • Women trek along, carrying huge loads of eucalyptus branches on their backs for firewood.
  • On Earth at that time, chimpanzees were splitting from gorillas to form a branch of the ape family tree that led to the evolution of humans. Times, Sunday Times
  • The store's Japanese branches are capitalized at 2.8 million yen.
  • Once each clump grew to about 500 metal atoms, the platinum catalyzed its own growth and formed large, branching sheets that spread over the surface of the liposomes.
  • Tuleh's ruffled wrap dress has little circle prints, and Emanuel Ungaro's cherry blossom branches print shirt is very fashionable.
  • When mixed in among boundary plants it may even enhance security as the branches bear hooked prickles which reduce its tactility.
  • They rumbled through dry brush, the Comet an ocher dust storm lashed by branches and spiky shoots.
  • Antilocapridae, are native to North America, but are not true antelopes because they annually shed the outer sheath of their branched horns unlike other antelope species. Undefined
  • His companion was unhandily trimming branches from a pine bole, using an ivory-handled poniard.
  • The lingual artery may provide the following unusual branches: the superior laryngeal, the submental, and the ascending palatine arteries.
  • Each individual was assigned a case officer from a specialist section within the counter-espionage branch to monitor every aspect of the agents' handling.
  • In medieval terms, the Platonic approach locates music in the quadrivium, as a branch of mathematics, while the Aristotelian locates it with the practical arts of the trivium, grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
  • In some circumstances, security is not required for a loan - written requirements regarding security are available from your local branch.
  • A little in this way -- but these similes are very imperfect, and will not bear close application -- the sap rises in a tree, stealing up branch by branch; and it is then called _ascending sap_. The History of a Mouthful of Bread And its effect on the organization of men and animals
  • The building of branch lines could transform a previously struggling region.
  • The main room was a rectangle with various antechambers and vestibules branching off down its length.
  • The aortal trunk, G, of the arterial system is disposed along the median line, as well for its own safety as for the fitting distribution of those branches which spring symmetrically from either side of it to supply the lateral regions of the body. Surgical Anatomy
  • If the full number of members of either branch of the city council shall fail to be elected, or a vacancy shall occur in either branch, such branch shali declare a vacancy or vacancies to exist, and thereupon the board of aldern/en shall cause a new election to be held to fill the same. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • I examined closely where the squirrel had bitten the branches, and found the bite marks in the thin bark.
  • We visit the branch across the road from the Louvre. Times, Sunday Times
  • The branches were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
  • It first branched out into cosmetics and perfumes in 1990 and in 1994 moved its headquarters for those businesses to New York.
  • A young boy climbed into the apple tree and shook the branches so that the fruit fell down.
  • Others relish their greens when hung creatively over branches and perches so they may work at nibbling the tasty offering.
  • Their name, which he had long avoided mentioning, was incessantly on his lips: but always the same, always inclined naturally and systematically, to have more strings than one to his bow, he appeared to incline alternately _for the younger branch, and for the reigning branch_. Memoirs of the Private Life, Return, and Reign of Napoleon in 1815, Vol. II
  • We see, now that Christianity has interpreted it for us, the significance of the cross – that monogram of Christ and cote-armure of pity, built up somewhere in the branches of almost every tree, stamped in the centre of almost every flower. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Ocado operates out of one centralised distribution centre in Hertfordshire, whereas others tend to "store pack" at the closest branch to your home.
  • The trees send forth many branches when spring comes.
  • Fine pleasant weather - contd our journey at an early hour, and arrived at the new scow at the lower branch of the John Work's Journal: March 21 - May 14, 1825
  • Computational mathematics is a branch of mathematics.
  • Gene trees in which the observed substitutions were apportioned to the various branches of the tree by phylogenetic algorithms provided the inferred substitutions on each green or nongreen branch.
  • There are some other branches of Norse paganism though where there is more study and includes an autotheist element the Odhianism of the Rune Gild is a good example. The Volokh Conspiracy » Considering a Candidate’s Religion:
  • The dry branch snapped in the wind.
  • They reached a spot where a mulberry tree spread its branches over the parterre; he drew her into their shade. ON A WILD NIGHT
  • Robertson RT, Gallardo KA, Claytor KJ, Ha DH, Ku KH, et al. (1998) Neonatal treatment with 192 IgG-saporin produces long-term forebrain cholinergic deficits and reduces dendritic branching and spine density of neocortical pyramidal neurons. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A meeting to commence a branch of the Legion of Mary in the area took place in the sacristy in Kilglass Church on Wednesday night last.
  • Your overseas customer will need to provide the bank which is sending the payment with details of your branch and account number.
  • The wheels needed to be discs - spoked wheels just got jammed with sticks and branches.
  • It's an olive branch sheathed like a blade, but it draws the largest applause of the night.
  • He watches the child climb the low branches of an apple tree, sees the insects inside the fruit and watches the bird perch upon the topmost cluster of leaves.
  • The simplest model assumes the same ratio for all branches in a phylogeny.
  • She couldn't identify the tall tree but sunlit filtering down through the spiderwork of twigs and branches was wonderful. Time Scout
  • An avenue of pleached limes has the lowest branches springing out from the main stem a good 2m from the ground, allowing a clear view through the young trunks.
  • Another important branch of philosophy relevant here is metaphysics, which tries to discover the basic structure of reality.
  • Staff dressed in period costume, and a photographic display recording the Branch's history was unveiled in the banking hall.
  • a tree with an unbranched trunk
  • Yet this seems a good example of sawing off the branch one is sitting on. The Times Literary Supplement
  • When there is nothing in bloom, she can learn to use her imagination with boughs and branches and clippings from hedges, grasses, and even weeds, to make friendly little bouquets. Learning to Be a Home Keeper
  • This branch of thermodynamics applies the laws of statistics to component microscopic particles.
  • It comes out in spots like those which often appear spontaneously on the green young branches of peach trees that have the gum disease; and in these spots it is usual to find Coryneum stromata or mycelium filaments. Scientific American Supplement, No. 441, June 14, 1884.
  • Staff dressed in period costume, and a photographic display recording the Branch's history was unveiled in the banking hall.
  • The plan has raised concerns among librarians about their jobs and among library patrons, who fear that creating a circulating library in the main branch, now a noncirculating research library, would result in fewer books being available. NYT > Home Page
  • At the same time, the ANC needs to improve the capacity of its communications cadres, including the resuscitation of the 51st National Conference resolution on establishing media organising committees (along the lines of the previous DIP within the ANC) at both national level and in each REC and committees at sub-branch level to coordinate and disseminate information to the people and engage in the battle of ideas; ANC 52ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007 - RESOLUTIONS
  • The branch he was sitting on began to give.
  • Campaigners insist all banks must offer branch services. The Sun
  • Gnarled and veined like branches of an old olive tree, her hands rested in her lap.
  • Under the pale blue sky the trees seemed visibly to burgeon: yesterday's bare branches swelled into bud and would be in leaf by tomorrow. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • In many libraries in North America, librarians in charge of the website aren't just "webmasters" anymore but "branch managers. OLA 2007: Top Trends
  • These branches will afford the unbanked population with affordable minimum bank balance accounts that currently are unobtainable from most commercial banks.
  • The branchia is translucent white with brown spots and white-tipped brown pinnules.
  • Since then the Docklands Light Railway has branched off the network to serve the redeemed areas of London's east river.
  • It will at once be seen that E_z_ is less than D_x_, and that since the normal at P is vertical and infinite, the evolute of DPE will consist of two branches _x_N, _z_M, to which the vertical normal PL is a common asymptote. Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887
  • A short distance up the cañon of the west branch of Clear Creek, a new kind of flycatcher was first heard, and presently seen with my glass. Birds of the Rockies
  • It has oval leaves and reddish-orange berries on long branches that have until recently been rigidly tied in against the wall.
  • If a branch grafted into a stock never grows, it is a plain evidence of its not having knit with the stock.
  • The boy had a small branch of a tree in his hand.
  • The intermediate and ulnar sets of muscles are supplied by branches from the deep ramus of the radial nerve after it has passed through the supinator muscle.
  • Other financial apprentices end up working in banks as branch or business commercial relationship managers, or as broking or underwriting supervisors at insurance companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here ingenuity led to more advanced ways of growing food, by covering rafts of branches and roots with earth to create chinampas or floating gardens.
  • The tree seemed to dribble out of its branches like candlewax, and solidify into the spreading trunk and gorged roots. Wildwood
  • Both men saw the rabbit race from the branches with his little puffy tail ablaze.
  • Its somewhat old - fashioned profile, with branches in far - flung parts of China, plays to the new zeitgeist.
  • The shoots grow off of longer horizontal or drooping branchlets.
  • Secondly, it assumes coat armour to be hereditary in the male lines of a family, with differences to distinguish cadet branches.
  • Mr Oglesby-Wellings fell on to a tree, through its branches and came to rest at the foot of the cliff face.
  • It averaged 45.1 cm in diameter, showed little taper and was mostly free of branches or knots along its length.
  • Branches of the banks are told to get defaulting farmers to use the wavier to repay the loan. Leading bank stops Issuing loans for Farm equipments
  • The Swindon Branch operates a lost and found register to assist those who are concerned about a stray or whose cat has disappeared.
  • We chose to sit beneath a willow tree with its branches shielding us from view.
  • From the vein that passes through the liver two branches separate off, of which one terminates in the diaphragm or so-called midriff, and the other runs up again through the armpit into the right arm and unites with the other veins at the inside of the bend of the arm; and it is in consequence of this local connexion that, when the surgeon opens this vein in the forearm, the patient is relieved of certain pains in the liver; and from the left-hand side of it there extends a short but thick vein to the spleen and the little veins branching off it disappear in that organ. The History of Animals
  • The officer may consult Deputy Manager, or Branch Manager to arrive at a suitable solution.
  • The branch gave under the weight of the heavy snow.
  • Reproduction and dispersion are doubtless accomplished by the caducous branchlets.
  • Immunology is a branch of biological science.
  • However, when lorries trundled past the snakes would be shaken off the branches and often smashed through the windscreens of cars because of their hard heads.
  • Drafts bearing the clause Drawn under documentary credit No.19181117 of Bank of China, Dubai Branch.
  • Perhaps some kind of refresher course is in order, for the purpose of the Court is precisely to "check and balance" the power of "the sword" and "the purse" independent from "contrary interpretation of the democratically elected branches. Balkinization
  • My mother, who was as haughty as Lucifer with her descent from the Stuarts, and her right line from the _old Gordons, not the Seyton Gordons_, as she disdainfully termed the ducal branch, told me the story, always reminding me how superior _her_ Gordons were to the southern Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 4 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • Troy is certainly heir to the throne of alpha male, so there's going to be that natural organic energy of conflict that happens between the silverbacks and the branch crashers as we say in primatology. Is Community Really Going to Be "Less Weird" This Year?
  • They look more like giant marble arms than sinuous branches.
  • The legislative branch dominates this distributive type of policy, especially the standing committees with programmatic jurisdiction.
  • Some of the smaller trees and shrubs had survived the destruction, and their branches were budding. GALILEE
  • I mean, the trees are stripped of their leaves and branches, but also the storm surge has had the most devastating result.
  • Accordingly I directed my researches to the first steps on the ladder, the branch and workshop.
  • I choose never cease hold the olive branch to war's state.
  • Thankfully, you no longer have to be a business to get a hold of their superior goods - just this past year, VOFC branched out into the retail hand-knitting yarn world. Yearn-Worthy Yarns: O-Wool from Vermont Organic Fiber Co
  • This occurs when woody structures, known as burls grow down from underneath large branches.
  • Furthermore, a priori assumptions in phylogenetic analyses, such as long-branch attraction can bias phylogenetic tree analysis. A critique on the endosymbiotic theory for the origin of mitochondria
  • To undertake such intervention, governments needed a degree of independence or autonomy from any particular branch or fraction of capital.
  • If predatory birds expect their prey to fall to the ground, Schmitz and Auliya's argument runs, they would be unlikely to notice a lizard still hanging from a branch.
  • In the Shiite branch of Islam, a high-ranking religious authority regarded by his followers as the most learned person of his age.
  • Cut and come again, 444. beard of formal, 69. him out in little stars, 107. is the branch, 41. loaf, to steal a shive of a, 104. most unkindest, of all, 113. take the short, 753. Familiar Quotations A Collection of Passages, Phrases, and Proverbs Traced to Their Sources in Ancient and Modern Literature
  • We piled the branches into heaps for burning.
  • Post Office bosses say there are too many branches chasing too little business.
  • The pair split up, Det Supt Higgins heading into Brandsby wood across the spongy forest floor strewn with pine needles and fallen branches.
  • Ecology actually includes synecology as well as two other of its branches- outecology, and democology.
  • We can saw off any dead branches and chop them for firewood.
  • Argentina offered the olive branch amid fears its aggressive behaviour over the islands will get it kicked out of the G20 group of leading nations. The Sun
  • These branches grow out from orthotropic epicormic buds that apparently originate from the axillary meristems in the main stem.
  • Be prepared instead for some rather more unusual ways of adorning nature such as spikes for hedges and fences, and decorative chokers and collars for branches or you could even crown the bean poles with a conical finial pot.
  • … reminds me of an image Deirdre Bair sketches in her biography of the game young Samuel used to play diving fearlessly from the tops of tall trees, crashing through branches to the ground. 2009 May 05 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS
  • Also drinks, and food here are served on glassware, which is different from the plastic/paper ware in the Library Way branch. Anime Nano!
  • The zoospore encysted and within 24 hrs branched rhizoids formed and the cyst began to enlarge to form a zoosporangium.
  • This branch, under ordinary precedent, simply threw the case out of court; but in addition, the decision, proceeding with what lawyers call obiter dictum, went on to declare that under the Constitution of the United States neither Congress nor a territorial legislature possessed power to prohibit slavery in Federal Territories. A Short Life of Abraham Lincoln
  • Because not all plants we buy in nurseries are sun hardened, it's nice to shade your new plants with some camphor laurel branches.
  • Above-ground symptoms include chlorosis and reddening of the leaves, small leaves, defoliation, branch dieback, death of entire canes, stunting, and death of the entire bush.
  • The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.

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