How To Use Brainstorm In A Sentence

  • I must have had a brainstorm that afternoon.
  • The group then brainstormed new ideas and shared them.
  • If I weren't set up for that and were looking for outside hosting, I'd probably go for something like Meilin Miranda's latest brainstorm, which is a co-hosting site for authors doing crowdsourced fiction: DigitalNovelists. com. Ceciliatan: Web serial novel: how the experiment is going
  • She is respectful of individual†™ s personal timetables and idiosyncrasies and always seeks to bring the best out in everyone. acknowledges other†™ s gifts and talents. master brainstormer, always suggesting possible fundraisers and prospective corporate or community partners. adept at seeking out possible grants and competently applying for them with great success. First Book Blog
  • I collaborated with a music video director, brainstorming for storylines and visuals to go with songs.
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  • What broke the ice, he found, were small workshops where sharecroppers and domestics talked about practical issues that bothered them, brainstormed about what to do, and took steps to do it.
  • After each speaker's presentation, attendees broke into small groups to discuss the talk and brainstorm ways for school psychology to address the issues raised.
  • And now Rusty was in " brainstorm mode," in the operations room, staring at the chart. NIMITZ CLASS
  • Often we would go into brainstorms, giving new ideas to the designer of the game.
  • I'd think I can pull this off first by making a request of existing grantees, maybe bring a few to Bethesda (or wherever your local apparatus may meet) for a one-day brainstormer. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • I wanted to brainstorm with you, however, the closest you'll ever come to a brainstorm is a light drizzle. Home
  • A brainstorming session is devoted to creative thought.
  • Annabel Goldie had a brainstorm - or maybe she's on something - and started flirting with Jack at Question Time.
  • ‘I love the awkwardness of a brainstorm, the tenseness when different ideas come together,’ she says.
  • And now Rusty was in " brainstorm mode," in the operations room, staring at the chart. NIMITZ CLASS
  • A couple of years ago, the NME had one of its periodic brainstorms in which it tries to create completely new musical genres or re-invent existing ones.
  • You know, the ones where a bunch of people are told to sit down and talk about things on a blue-sky basis brainstorm (yes, people still use the word ‘brainstorm’ seriously).
  • The brainstorm is this: one could very easily use Meetup to arrange a local “Old School CD Share.” No Title
  • Anne went door-to-door, sharing her brainstorm.
  • We discussed the similarities and differences of the paintings, and brainstormed about why certain artists chose certain mediums with which to paint.
  • From brand image to brainstorming, and payback to point of sale the coverage is both comprehensive and up-to-date.
  • They are looking for support - through printed educational materials, public relations, events, buy-backs, discounts and any brainstorm that will drum up sales and attract new customers.
  • One night I had a brainstorm - why not use our propane burner for canning?
  • Inside, the atmosphere is like a shared brainstorm.
  • What we need in order to brainstorm is to jolt the system, force the brain to think in patterns and perceptions that it has no experience or former guidelines to use. Innovate on Purpose
  • People come together and you get more of a brainstorm than you do on your own.
  • If there is a problem with the illustration, help the student brainstorm how to solve the problem.
  • The women meet twice a month to brainstorm and set business goals for each other.
  • The different types of prewriting that we will explore here are freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, tagmemics, and journalistic technique.
  • A brainstorming session is devoted to creative thought.
  • As with most of my brainstorms, I then started to wonder about the next step.
  • Parents must be given the time they need to make decisions and brainstorm options, even if teachers themselves are pressed for time.
  • Well, I had a bit of a brainstorm which, er, resulted in me purchasing a LCD Projector!
  • Give yourself time to brainstorm great website title ideas, asking friends and family for inspiration, and using a thesaurus for some dazzling words.
  • Leonardo's best feat of brainstorming is the illustrated stream-of-consciousness notebook "Codex Leicester," which is on loan to the show from that billionaire brainstormer Bill Gates. The Real Leonardo
  • In other words, as everyone now recognizes, this work followed the brainstorm of Koltsov's problem of the molecular nature of genes.
  • I picture the ICC executives heading into their purpose-built decision-making room if it helps you, I always visualise this as the military bunker from Dr Strangelove and brainstorming for several hours until they emerged, dehydrated and bottom-sore, with the solution. England's cricketers will get a mace to go with their kingly crown | Emma John
  • Young skateboarders came up with ideas for the new facility during two brainstorming sessions the last one being held at the beginning of January.
  • I can't remember seeing a thread on this in The Magick… wanna brainstorm?
  • Now I'm off to our semi-annual local Earth Day cleanup and How To Save the Earth brainstorming and eating and drinking and playing in the woods gathering.
  • For example, when a congregation is now without a pastor, the cluster brainstorms on how to fill the pulpit or networks to find a pastor.
  • On the day we were to write the song, we began by brainstorming again.
  • The team got together to brainstorm .
  • The dietitians brainstormed and suggested important areas to discuss with the student during the first day together.
  • The idea of a brainstorming session is to look forward.
  • She was wondering about taking them back to the newsagent and telling him that the delivery girl had suffered a brainstorm when Astor turned to an inside page to show off the fruits of Tom Maddox's research.
  • Speaking of which, it seems the writer probably had a bit of a brainstorm during the creative process, and said to himself, You know what's really sidesplittingly funny? Archive 2006-10-01
  • Liverpool had equalised in the 54th minute when McEveley suffered a brainstorm and hit a free kick straight to Garcia, who immediately lobbed the ball through for Baros to score.
  • Later while we brainstormed about how you might act toward your customers, employees, vendors, and community if your intention were to be a responsible capitalist, I told the students that I had set things up so my employees owned 20 percent of Tweezerman. Dal LaMagna: Responsible Capitalists at Bishop Loughlin High School
  • And Jean Van de Velde's brainstorm at Carnoustie four years ago looms large in most memories.
  • Each girl in the program is given a journal in which to record impressions of the art seen, respond to presentations by guest speakers, and brainstorm ideas for their final projects.
  • And the answer is, yes, the research divisions generally cringe at the sight of such marketing brainstorms.
  • We're having a brainstorming session on Friday.
  • I find ‘brainstorming’ an effective way to create modifications to teaching styles and procedures.
  • Students brainstorm words they know that are related to their unit of study and that begin with the different letters of the alphabet.
  • My casual brainstorming on the meaning of the as-yet undeciphered term a-ra-tu-me is fundamentally no lesser nor greater than Miguel Valério's book-published hypothesis that du-pu3-re signifies 'master' based on its idle phonetic similarity to Hittite tabarna- which he must assume a priori to mean 'ruler' to make stick. Clay seals and goddesses
  • I did very little production on this, I supervised and project managed the design team and dealt with several staff issues but actually had minimal design input past the brainstorm.
  • If not specified by the customer, this is usually done by a brainstorm session wherein the project management staff express their opinions.
  • He believes that the Bulls are an executive brainstorm, a tribute to the managerial skills of himself and owner Jerry Reinsdorf.
  • I'd worry about the stability of any government that Cameron's chief brainstormer ever led - but I'd worry equally if this government lost its chief conscience. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Even when your analysis indicates that you face behavior-driven change, brainstorm possible alternative approaches.
  • After a few minutes of futile searching, I had a brainstorm.
  • When they returned to their headquarters in Welcome, N.C., Childress and the principals in his organization brainstormed.
  • As Doctoroff watched in wonder at the nationalistic passion, a brainstorm struck.
  • We brainstormed about what skills someone who wants to start a small business should have. Dal LaMagna: Responsible Capitalists at Bishop Loughlin High School
  • We meet monthly for brainstorming and long-range planning.
  • What you come up with in a brainstorm is a seed of an idea that needs to be cultivated to grow. Noah Brier on brainstorming
  • Afternoon brainstorms which try to force creativity are actually killing productivity, the study suggests.
  • Each student will write a theme on a topic chosen by the teacher or selected through a class activity such as brainstorming.
  • A bureaucrat had a brainstorm, and the three-letter system was born, giving a seemingly endless 17, 576 different combinations.
  • A lot of the staff comes from a long background in hotels, and we all kind of brainstormed and put together the color palette ourselves," Kaminski said. Fore, right!
  • Stead off, ‘Andrew’ Cole on, Radostin Kishishev has an inexplicable brainstorm in front of goal, weakly knocks it to Kiely, and Cole gets in and scores.
  • What follows is a brainstorm to work out new ways of tackling the problem for the parent to try.
  • Several correspondents called for a brainstorming session, largely of Third World scholars, to discuss how best to proceed.
  • The whodunit is well written with red herrings and plausible twists starting with brainstorming to identify who the victim is. The Black Path-Asa Larsson « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • The college is holding a brainstorming session to look at possible funding sources.
  • Once we get a brief from a client there is a research stage and a brainstorming session.
  • This brainstorm on the eve of October 30th at his home in London, Ontario would lead to Banting formulating a hypothesis.
  • He ponders the situation for a moment, then has a brainstorm: he sticks the small red ice-scraper in the snow to mark the spot.
  • Still…… then I had a brainstorm: what if, instead of my making the money, I made sure all of the profits went to a worthy not-for-profit organization?
  • Sighing, I took out a blank sheet of scrap paper and started brainstorming.
  • She had a brainstorm in the exam and didn't answer a single question.
  • The question of ‘what is to be done’ often regressed into a brainstorming session, as if politicians were PR managers trying to sell a new brand of toothpaste.
  • Dan leads them through a brainstorming session during which they list these on the board for further consideration.
  • You must brainstorm from the beginning of a project – before you even write a word of it – through the outlining, the writing, and the final edit and polish. NaNoWriMo Workshop – Find, and Flush Out, an Idea « Write Anything
  • Do the best ideas come at the beginning of a brainstorm or at the end?
  • The brainstorming process usually ends in the fabulous frustration of too many ideas. Christianity Today
  • Special thanks to my daughters: Tina Abeel who scaled the fly system with me to take my research photos, Ruth Aeschliman who stayed up all night with the doors locked reading my first draft, and Lisa Pearce, a worldclass brainstormer of story plots. The Flower Man
  • Are we expected to believe that Amazon had some kind of corporate brainstorm and just made up prices for XP?
  • It ended as a brainstorming session with tourism officials about a nonstop flight.
  • We brainstormed for most of the afternoon.
  • Sections and departments hold brainstorming sessions and posters are displayed to encourage the climate of innovation.
  • It is loosely defined as a multidisciplinary approach that applies tools often used by designers (user observations, brainstorming, rapid prototyping, storytelling, and scenario building), to identify problems and craft solutions. Michael Levine: Make Teaching Creativity More Than Just a Song and Dance (VIDEO)
  • I was in a brainstorm at my company a few months ago, a session of throwing ideas around.
  • Convene an instant training workshop aimed at brainstorming out ten profit-making opportunities.
  • We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company.
  • My Mother, either under pressure from these 2 rascals or more likely in the middle of some sort of brainstorm, decided to give them a goat instead of giving me my present.
  • we had an intense brainstorming session today
  • To work with staff, consider an informal brainstorm luncheon to seek new ideas for training sessions.
  • I mean we do group discussions and brainstorming sessions.
  • Unless, of course, Scotland takes a collective brainstorm and opts for the Green Trot Nat coalition which united last week around the separatist standard.
  • Get a group of friends together and spend one hour brainstorming for more ideas how you can help Israel.
  • Prep — a real novel, not the result of a sales-team brainstorm — derives much of its pathos from the fact that the main character is never sure whether the boy she loves so much, and has had so many sexual encounters with, might actually constitute that magical, bygone character: her “boyfriend.” What Girls Want
  • E's pumpkin poem (first they "brainstormed" the alliterative words, she told me) (she did not say alliterative) In Which I Unabashedly Show Off My Daughter
  • The team got together to brainstorm .
  • In it he wrote about his brainstorms and his ‘horrible feeling of stress’ which made his body twitch.
  • That is why it is very important to have brainstorming sessions to get better ideas.
  • The executive leadership symposium started out as a brainstorm for AORN and quickly became a success.
  • ‘The tween is much more sophisticated than people credit,’ Marcy George, US licensing director, says during a merchandising brainstorm session.
  • Look," she said, getting a brainstorm, "Why don't you invite them here?
  • As a forum for sharing ideas, we invite frequent users to participate in biyearly brainstorm sessions sponsored by the web site.
  • From brand image to brainstorming, and payback to point of sale the coverage is both comprehensive and up-to-date.
  • It was one of those fantastic brainstorming sessions, where one idea just leads naturally to the next.
  • We wrapped up and discussed successes and things that we could improve upon in regards to the last school year as well as brainstormed project ideas for the summer. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Now I'm off to our semi-annual local Earth Day cleanup and How To Save the Earth brainstorming and eating and drinking and playing in the woods gathering.
  • I would so loved to have been in the brainstorm for this.
  • Lament began as a personal and political brainstorm on feelings of loss sparked by the tumult of autumn 2001.
  • Um... are you brainstorming ideas for low-budget game shows? Times, Sunday Times
  • Whatever happened, I had a brainstorm, because I thought I had always understood the way it worked.
  • The search engine relies on its own brainstorming list to keep innovation at the top of the firm's agenda, its co-founders said.
  • We need to do some brainstorming before we get down to detailed planning.
  • The car pulled up outside Matt's father's house in Lake Washington where we'd be having our little meeting to hopefully brainstorm ideas for the video.
  • We recommend that the project hold a brainstorm session in the early phases to determine ‘What is to be risk-managed.’
  • Somebody came up with this at a brainstorming meeting and nobody else had the good sense to hoot it down then.
  • A good cup of coffee really sorts me out, I think David Lynch used to get high on caffeine before he brainstormed his films… anyway, it works for me as well, although I still can't remember what I was thinking about last night.
  • Probably best known as producer, creator, songwriter, manager and theorist for many of the most important bands and musical trends of the last 25 years: Blue Oyster Cult, Clash, Black Sabbath, Dictators, Pavlov's Dog, Dream Syndicate, he's also a relentless brainstormer of the ever-tightening embrace of Music by Technology and Technology by Music. Howie Klein: Rock Music Legend Sandy Pearlman On The Passing Of Feminine Culture Power Source, Ellie Greenwich
  • Marcia Patmos: Tina and I designed and brainstormed together, so now there is not the same collaboration, but I find inspiration everywhere I go, so I am happy to be able to draw on it all! Meredith Barnett: Knit Wit: Marcia Patmos Goes It Solo, Shares Her Spring Wardrobe Staples
  • It is loosely defined as a multidisciplinary approach that applies tools often used by designers user observations, brainstorming, rapid prototyping, storytelling, and scenario building, to identify problems and craft solutions. Michael Levine: Make Teaching Creativity More Than Just a Song and Dance (VIDEO)
  • What followed were long brainstorming sessions that finally yielded the Foxfire magazine in its original form as a school literary magazine.
  • One day, while I was planning my lessons with technology on my mind, a brainstorm hit: Why not use the disks and CDs as material for a lesson in sculpture?
  • Building reusable services require creative brainstorming, conflict resolution, design synthesis, and arriving at a logical point that will be used to deliver your iteration.
  • You could argue that by offloading data onto silicon, we free our own gray matter for more germanely "human" tasks like brainstorming and daydreaming. Your Outboard Brain Knows All
  • We need to do some brainstorming before we get down to detailed planning.
  • Even when your analysis indicates that you face behavior-driven change, brainstorm possible alternative approaches.
  • I think National must have had a brainstorm, because it just beggars belief.
  • Brainstorming sessions involved exploring symbolism from around the world and through the ages, mandalas, alchemy and assorted arcana.
  • From brand image to brainstorming, and payback to point of sale the coverage is both comprehensive and up-to-date.
  • We can brainstorm a list of the most influential individuals in the company.
  • But Harmison made ample amends for that brainstorm, although it was the former Yorkshire seamer Mitch Claydon who did the early damage, bowling Jacques Rudolph with a perfect inswinger. Michael Di Venuto stands firm for Durham while Ajmal Shahzad shines
  • The last story she would want circulating is one that makes her sound like Nazi film directrix Leni Riefenstahl brainstorming with Himmler and Goebbels over the specs for the Master Race's next generation. Jodie Foster's Eugenics Obsession
  • There was much scraping of chairs and muted discussions as the teachers huddled together in four groups and participated actively in brainstorming sessions.
  • Before Kawena had even unpacked, she and Midori began brainstorming plans for a weeklong seminar in the making of traditional kapa cloth by soaking and pounding the inner bark of the paper mulberry tree. The Aloha Quilt
  • And in a culminating brainstorm that assumed, boylike, that any passing impulse could be turned into reality: “Bring Joe along with you.” Mark Twain
  • Mensa has adopted the Manchester bee as its symbol for the weekend brainstorm, which runs until Sunday and includes the group's annual general meeting.
  • I keep hanging on to the fact that if he has had a bit of a brainstorm, we might get him back safe and well.
  • We put our heads together; brainstormed for that one novel idea that would persuade our fellow students into parting with their tingling pocket lunchtime coins.
  • By the fall of 1963, he was coaching his brainstorm - Canada's first national hockey team.
  • Your hunches are the world's greatest brainstorms! Skylark Three
  • I moved from whiteboarding to unruled paper to "autosave" my brainstorming. The Whiteboard Lover’s Lair | Lifehacker Australia
  • Replacement's brainstorm at line-out put Wallabies back in ascendancy and concession of late penalty sealed fate of Lions.
  • Sections and departments hold brainstorming sessions and posters are displayed to encourage the climate of innovation.
  • A scheduling meeting, followed by a brainstorming session about some ideas for a hot new series.
  • In fact, the father of brainstorming, advertising executive Alex Osborn, advocated using people to storm a corporate problem "in commando fashion. Boing Boing
  • Finding the right idea: During a mystical moment, Tom Ashbrook brainstorms with a friend about changing the way people live.
  • Just brainstorm, getting all your ideas on the table.
  • Students begin brainstorming ideas for a new rally to coincide with today's Commons vote. Times, Sunday Times
  • If I weren't set up for that and were looking for outside hosting, I'd probably go for something like Meilin Miranda's latest brainstorm, which is a co-hosting site for authors doing crowdsourced fiction: DigitalNovelists. com. Ceciliatan: Web serial novel: how the experiment is going
  • Group brainstorming appears to inhibit creativity, not stimulate it.
  • A survey by Business Link revealed that few rated brainstorms or discussions at work with colleagues.
  • As with brainstorming, do not reject anything at this stage.
  • And later, how to stop a brainstorm with more and more American kids on behavior-changing drugs.
  • Brainstorming on creative tasks has been a major activity in the advertising business where it began in the 1930s.
  • I must have had a brainstorm I couldn't remember my own telephone number for a moment.
  • In the next game, Rigel appears to have a brainstorm at - 30, unnecessarily playing a cross-court drive-volley and putting it well wide.
  • Once demand-management principles have been accepted, blue-sky thinking simply turns into a brainstorming exercise to fine-tune the practical implementation of restraint.
  • It is difficult to imagine what solutions are likely to come of such a brainstorming session.
  • While Ms. Welch is methodical about editing, spending hours or days "singing songs around in a circle," Mr. Rawlings is a brainstormer at ease with "global changes," she says. O Record, Where Art Thou?
  • The epitome of the multihyphenate, she is a polo player, an interior designer, a fashion designer and a brand brainstormer. Meredith Barnett: Sara Rotman, Accessories Entrepreneur and Branding Genius, Shares Her New Year's Resolutions
  • Sections and departments hold brainstorming sessions and posters are displayed to encourage the climate of innovation.
  • Schweitzer and his marketing team brainstormed 50 to 60 ideas for the auction, which took months to coordinate with staff from CBS shows.
  • A teacher volunteers and works the staff through a brainstorming session, listing all the issues that they feel should be discussed.
  • He used to always show up at this annual campus event we'd have during Pride Week, and one year a theatre major had a big brainstorm.
  • The Appeals Court should be deciding any time now whether or not to send the case back to the District Court with a new judge, and unless the judges have had some kind of collective brainstorm since the court last spoke, they'll send it back.
  • Armed with a regiment of recipes, which had been perfected over months, Burke had a last minute brainstorm and completely changed his menu the day of the competition.
  • Group brainstorming appears to inhibit creativity, not stimulate it.
  • Then came Bellamy's brainstorm in retaliation to a foul by Nikolai Ryndyuk on the half way line.
  • The tables in Flanagan 's were too small for brainstorming, I thought. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • Anyway, that's my brainstorm in the shower idea for today.
  • I brainstormed with the arborist and I think our plan will work. Thank you very mulch.
  • The college is holding a brainstorming session to look at possible funding sources.
  • A new chief executive set in motion a system of brainstorming meetings and other ways to empower people. Times, Sunday Times
  • They helped each other both as crew and in class discussions as they brainstormed their ideas and talked about techniques for expressing themselves.
  • I must have had a brainstorm I couldn't remember my own telephone number for a moment.
  • They helped each other both as crew and in class discussions as they brainstormed their ideas and talked about techniques for expressing themselves.
  • The modern workplace is all about teams, open-plan offices and collective brainstorming. Times, Sunday Times
  • I must have had a brainstorm I couldn't remember my own telephone number for a moment.
  • Lately Millie's been carsick quite a bit and my brainstorming on what I should pack in order to clean up any accidents while travelling has made me feel rather gloomy.
  • While they debated and brainstormed, they stumbled upon an idea - a single window transport system for the Business Process Outsourcing units across the city.
  • Even if your bike ride or speed walk produces no brainstorms, regular exercise reduces stress, increases energy, and makes you feel better in general - all of which can only improve your effectiveness.
  • Designing an organization for creative growth, to Mau, means unhitching it from a single ‘guru’ figure and allowing the entire group to help shape the work process - from brainstorming to final product.
  • I'd settled Ava at my place and returned to meet Harry for brainstorming and a bowl of gumbo. THE HUNDREDTH MAN
  • We had lots of brainstorms, loads of suggestions and ideas were written down; some will be available during 'ajar', some have been filed away for the future. IGN Complete
  • The researcher could share enthusiasms, be a shoulder to cry on and help brainstorm alternatives.
  • Dan leads them through a brainstorming session during which they list these on the board for further consideration.
  • Each Friday they have a brainstorm session, and realize they have a ton of features they'd love to commit to.
  • Match the purpose to the knowledge and background people might need: otherwise you'll spend your brainstorm meeting lecturing people on the basics of sales strategy.
  • The brainstorm happened at Mama's Royal Cafe, in Oakland, in the midst of a December 1998 breakfast with Anne French, a former Intuit marketing manager.
  • Say we're sitting around, having a brainstorming sesh to solve a problem.
  • The brainstorming sessions in adland are causing carnage. The Hard Sell: Sodastream
  • Employees get together and brainstorm ideas .

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