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  1. of or relating to or characteristic of a brahmin

How To Use brahminical In A Sentence

  • Ordinary rural women worship these non-Brahminical deities directly, unmediated by any priestly intervention.
  • Buddha's fault was he preached a casteless society which challanged brahminical Manu Smriti-the four tier Varna System (which placed the brahmins on top of the ladder-Brahamin, Kshtriya, Vaisya and Shudra) -- As somebody said here brahmins made an attempt during British Rule to call themselves Aryans-brahmo samaj-Arya samaj were organanizations estbalished for this purpose-the British rejected this-so began India's freedom struggle-led (to give the devil its due, by brahmins). Why are South Indians so smart?
  • On one hand, he counters the Brahminical scholars who negate Marxism on ceratin issues and also by differing with the certain principles of Marxism in general and the mechanical interpretation of Marxism by Indian Marxists in particular. Archive 2009-02-01
  • On every hillside, and in every valley, stood countless asters, coreopses, tansies, golden-rods, and the whole race of yellow flowers, like Brahminical devotees, turning steadily with their luminary from morning till night. A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
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