How To Use Bragging In A Sentence
He's a politician now, which means that bragging and whoring his story is the job description.
Every year around this time, college admissions officers can be heard humblebragging about how painful it was to reject so many qualified applicants.
An Arab village in Israel now holds the world's record for the largest plate of hummus, and bragging rights over Lebanon in what is known -- or what has become known as the hummus wars.
CNN Transcript Jan 8, 2010
This may be a first for international diplomacy: a world leader bragging about the prowess of his nation's hookers.
Times, Sunday Times
While homophobia isn't new to pop, why would the Grammys celebrate someone who as recently as October used a slur in bragging to The Jamaica Observer about his war against gays?
Grammys goofed up nominees in a few award categories

It was always a great laugh listening to all the young single men on a Monday morning bragging about their weekend exploits with the usual embellishment on one or two stories!
Finally it came down to Jason and my sister, and I'm more than ecstatic to report that my sister creamed him, taking home the trophy and bragging rights, which she just happened to use on me for the rest of the week.
The clip showed him spitting vile lyrics bragging about murder.
The Sun
Grandparents were happily bragging about their grandkids.
But to find he is openly bragging about it rubs salt in the wound.
The Sun
They go back to their big houses in their big cars, they do not have to worry much about local pride or bragging rights.
The Sun
What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?
The Sun
And within the field, status comes from puffing up racial bragging points.
It is all about local bragging rights.
Times, Sunday Times
Now has bragging rights over his dad.
The Sun
At still other times, the two sounds fight for bragging rights, slugging it out between our ears.
A nightwatchman later overheard him bragging about his duplicity and arrested him.
Even so, it's almost always Tommy who gets home first, outsprinting the others up the hill, and then bragging about it the rest of the night.
In the past two weeks no fewer than five countries have been bragging about their nuclear weapons.
The Sun
But as far as technophile bragging rights go, it's pretty unbeatable - for now.
Times, Sunday Times
That doesn't mean bragging about the tough 10-kilometre run you managed to squeeze in during the lunch hour or how much weight you can bench press.
New entrants have a shrinking sales pool to swim in – and News International can't launch a bragging, soaraway Sun on Sunday without looking crass and cynical.
News of the World scandal: God's newspaper executive less than visionary
Indeed the wide diffusion of letters in the States, that favourite theme for boasting and bragging over the unenlightened and analphabetic Old World, has tended only to exaggerate the defective and disagreeable side of a national character lacking geniality and bristling with prickly individuality.
Arabian nights. English
By saying what I do is great – isn†™ t that bragging and don†™ t people dislike braggers?
How to Sell with a Clear Conscience
The weakness of productivity is not just a statistical curiosity or a matter of international bragging rights.
Times, Sunday Times
If McCain hated war, with all the experience he is bragging about, he should have known to clearly read the intelligence report before voting to send our troops off to Iraq.
McCain releases debut general election ad
Multipliers are the biggy for linking tricks, and after combing through a course a few times, players can locate and nail these for bragging rights.
Its slopes are relatively untrodden, making it ideal for hikers who'd rather earn seclusion than bragging rights.
So I would also much rather see someone "poach" a few small trout from private waters, that see someone legally kill a top spawner for bragging rights.
Does Catch and Release Reduce Trespassing Offense?
This may be a first for international diplomacy: a world leader bragging about the prowess of his nation's hookers.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps the establishment of the Sydney Opera House clinched its victory for bragging rights.
I keep the trim moving and the power up to try to cushion the actual touchdown, and most of my landings are acceptable, if not always worth bragging about.
At my small town college the off-campus housing was very limited, which meant the go-getters got bragging rights on all the great apartments while the ambitious-yet-lazy people, like myself, were saddled with the dregs.
I was buzzing after it and we got the local bragging rights.
The Sun
So who will have bragging rights in the shortest form of the game?
Times, Sunday Times
Time for maneuvering and backstabbing, that is, if Dork Vader ever stops bragging about his victory.
Tallulah Morehead: Survivor Tocantins: Lies and Whispers
Camden council, where I live, never tires of bragging of how it evicts people with rent arrears.
John says: orca: We would have been better off keeping our drone use a secret instead of bragging to the press aboutthem.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Drone Warfare in House Subcommittee Hearing
When talking about the Beanpot, the term bragging rights'' comes up a lot because the four schools that compete in the annual tournament are all located in Boston and three are Hockey East rivals. Top Stories
It's easier to sell a new handset on its features, especially where those features might aid bragging rights.
Some researchers suggest that boys seem to have higher self-esteem because they hide their insecurities behind bragging.
At about the same time, I will be in another plane, bragging about you to my poor seatmates, who will soon put on their headsets, having had enough of a mother's gushing pride.
It soon became apparent that his "confessional" tweets were less about being humble and more about humblebragging.
He was caught hiding in an airing cupboard after bragging that 'incompetent' counterterror cops would never nail him.
The Sun
Or maybe some emails bragging about how ACA is going to skin these dummies over at Paulson and that IKB is going to hop on the bus and take Paulson to the cleaners?
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Goldman Fraud Suit
It is all about local bragging rights.
Times, Sunday Times
Now has bragging rights over his dad.
The Sun
That should guarantee bragging rights for a while.
The Sun
Most of the mercenaries were dispersing, slowly walking, although for some it was more of a stagger, down the streets bragging to one another.
There definitely is some virtue in keeping the affair low-key, in not raising the level of expectation, for in case of failure, nobody accuses you of bragging.
The Briton, who trained in Thai kickboxing, or Muay Thai, was known for "getting drunk and picking fights and bragging that he's invincible," Anukul told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
After all my bragging about beads, Jim sent me a nice e-mail and asked me if I'd be willing to take a commission to bead him a bracelet.
I learned this from classmates bragging about their amorous conquests of the night before.
Louis was listening to the man's bragging, his manner growing increasingly frosty, and Beth appeared excruciatingly uncomfortable.
They go back to their big houses in their big cars, they do not have to worry much about local pride or bragging rights.
The Sun
Three points - and a whole lot of brotherly bragging rights.
The Sun
Perhaps the establishment of the Sydney Opera House clinched its victory for bragging rights.
So who will have bragging rights in the shortest form of the game?
Times, Sunday Times
He was also recorded bragging about plans to vandalise court buildings.
The Sun
We would have been better off keeping our drone use a secret instead of bragging to the press aboutthem.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Drone Warfare in House Subcommittee Hearing
Wednesday are destined for a comfortable mid-table finish and their fans were thrilled to have the local bragging rights.
The Sun
What no science fiction writer before the moonshot anticipated was that the Space Race would start out as a contest between two military powers for ascendancy in the 'high ground' of outer space, which then devolved into a prestige project, whose prohibitive costs were bourn for such imponderable goals such as national bragging rights.
MIND MELD: Is Science Fiction Responsible for the Lack of Public Interest in Space Exploration?
What is more important to today's deer hunters, killing the biggest buck in the woods, to get bragging rights, having an adventu | Field & Stream
What is more important to today's deer hunters, killing the biggest buck in the woods, to get bragging rights, having an adventu
I feel like there's a lot of humblebragging that goes on with anyone affiliated with this show.
If the other side had won the boasting and bragging would have been unbearable.
What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?
The Sun
I am not one for a bragging dad.
The Sun
And if they cannot topple the Mancunian giants, London bragging rights are not a bad consolation prize.
Norwich City 0-2 Tottenham Hotspur | Premier League match report
But it's funny how here in America, even being honest about yourself seems to solicit accusals of bragging in some way.
The politicians of both political parties are bragging that they've "reformed" welfare by kicking the most egregious moochers off the dole.
And he added, both were only interested in winning what he called bragging rights.
CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2003
Why do we keep doing all this humblebragging about how busy we are?
Tomorrow they meet for bragging rights.
Times, Sunday Times
The Englishman's proverbial lack of bragging is a subtler form of brag after all.
Chapter 15
Later she overheard her supervisor bragging about this humiliating order to others.
As to what magic is all about, I was always given to the believe that magic was mostly just about bragging and pretending.
American war talk is this utterly weird mixture of anger and self-pity and bragging and fear and whining and brutishness.
Matthew Yglesias » For Better Thinking
This past Monday brought out a good field of competitors to vie for the bragging rights.
Talk about bragging rights in the classroom.
Times, Sunday Times
A workbench is a testament to your building prowess and can also be a source of bragging rights.
Tool Collecting
Self-reference - not to speak of bluster or bragging - was at the zero level, as were all other forms of showmanship.
You can just picture a little boy bragging to his friends about how "my daddy is the strongest man in the world," or "my daddy fights fires," or "my daddy cures people's illnesses" right?
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
Tomorrow they meet for bragging rights.
Times, Sunday Times
It's the type of precision rifle you can shoot all day over a prairie dog town or snuggle down solidly in some sandbags and produce those little, bragging groups that warm the heart of any rifleman.
“Go whack the foozle” is the jist of many quests, combat proficiency is very much required to make it through some of the higher level areas, and bragging rights often center around how much damage you can do in a single strike.
MMOG Nation » The Beat of a Different Swordsman
Traditionally, sailors are entitled to the bragging rights of a gold earring in their left ear and a tattoo of a full-rigged ship.
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It should not surprise the astute reader that certain individuals at Brilliant University want to boost their image by bragging about their Big Papers, even though bragging is typically unnecessary (not to mention counterproductive).
You Are what you Publish
A synthetic gemstone, even though it is a more perfect crystal than its natural counterpart, is worth less because the bragging rights associated with owning it are lower.
After bragging about being at Ozzy's crib I asked Blag why he was walking around Hollywood.
But as far as technophile bragging rights go, it's pretty unbeatable - for now.
Times, Sunday Times
Tennessee Republican Sen. Bill Frist, a physician and friend who ran for office last year bragging about his Washington outsiderhood, demonstrated a mastery of the D.C. duck-and-cover.
Foster Follies
Hamlet was a swashbuckler, a mass-murderer, bragging about killing Poles, killing a minister behind a cloak, without even knowing quite who was there.
And in their descriptions of themselves, instead of detailing their likes and dislikes, most do more bragging.
The Sun
This week the bragging rights were won by one of the lower handicappers, Big Dennis Willett, past PSC golf chairman.
When undertaking something like this, without the benefits of companionship and its appendant pleasures - bragging, ribbing and storytelling - it can be difficult to isolate individual holes, key moments, incredible shots.
Wednesday are destined for a comfortable mid-table finish and their fans were thrilled to have the local bragging rights.
The Sun
They go back to their big houses in their big cars, they do not have to worry much about local pride or bragging rights.
The Sun
What do you call a bunch of chess players bragging about their games in a hotel lobby?
The Sun
In the past two weeks no fewer than five countries have been bragging about their nuclear weapons.
The Sun
This kind of rhodomontade is very finely expressed in English by the word puff, which in its literal sense, signifies a blowing, or violent gust of wind, and in the metaphorical sense, a boasting or bragging.
Travels in England in 1782
After a few beers and a bit more bragging, the golfers left for destinations unknown.
If she starts bragging about her new purse, say " You are a dork.
You have seen the sort of man I mean: to-day generous to his last plack, to-morrow the widow's oppressor; Sunday a soul humble at the throne of grace, and writhing with remorse for some child's sin, Monday riding vain-gloriously in the glaur on the road to hell, bragging of filthy amours, and inwardly gloating upon a crime anticipated.
John Splendid The Tale of a Poor Gentleman, and the Little Wars of Lorn
The authors propose that bragging conveys information about an actor's good deeds, leading to an attribution of generosity.
Camden council, where I live, never tires of bragging of how it evicts people with rent arrears.
I am not one for a bragging dad.
The Sun
“It’s kind of like that same guy not wanting his name splashed all over the newspaper the next day bragging to everybody what he did,” Hunter continued.
Hell’s Gate
I know I was not alone in hesitating, in having to fight very hard against those qualifications, the dreaded "even thoughs" of "I am great BUT NOT THAT GREAT please don't think I am bragging I am sure most other people in the world are way greater than me please don't hate me for being such a boastful wench.
The Awesome Movement and the Dreaded Even Thoughs
Or you might be a keen yachtsman eager for the bragging rights of commanding such a big boat.
Times, Sunday Times
You can celebrate by entering the Accessorize Your Life contest to win bragging rights plus a $100, $75, or $50 gift certificate.
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I hear these girls in the ladies room who must be all of 16, bragging about their blog job techniques and I'm thinking "Oh yeah, right. You've got to be really good at that.
But I'm willing to wager that it's not Tinsel Town's glyptography they're bragging about, but those of long dead dignitaries.
They are not a big bragging size fish and I seem at least to find them in singles, so you don't have fond memories as a kid of pulling in a rockbass on cast after cast.
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And within the field, status comes from puffing up racial bragging points.
Ditch the shining rhetoric that lets politicians, with tongues of boughten silver, give Tiffany settings to rhinestone notions, decorate nonsense with bells of ringing phrases and frame their sorry bragging in glittering rodomontade.
In Vino Veritas
They go back to their big houses in their big cars, they do not have to worry much about local pride or bragging rights.
The Sun
Marty explained his strategy for telling everyone he had the idol, which sounded even dopier spoken aloud, and Jeff and Brenda both went right to the genuine I'm bragging essence under the I'm showing you how honest and trustworthy I am crap Marty was blathering.
Tallulah Morehead: Survivor 21: Infants vs. Senior Citizens : Spinning Marty
Fierce brutes though they be, the closest attachments often spring up between them and their masters, and when a man possesses a good dog or team he is not slow in bragging of it.
Husky — The Wolf Dog of the North
I was buzzing after it and we got the local bragging rights.
The Sun
That should guarantee bragging rights for a while.
The Sun
Whats the point in bragging about the numbers if you cann't deliver them to every house.
5th Lib Dem leaflet in Norwich North
Or you might be a keen yachtsman eager for the bragging rights of commanding such a big boat.
Times, Sunday Times
What is new is that Olmert was so brazen in bragging about his actions.
Matthew Yglesias » Olmert Claims to Control US Foreign Policy
Let me put it this way: after seeing the first part of the San Bernardino ACORN video - the one where the ACORN stooge is bragging about her husband’s death, the former running of her own brothel, and the way that she knows Senator Barbara Boxer - GayPatriot called up Boxer’s office*.
*How* much trouble is ACORN in right now? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
Talk about bragging rights in the classroom.
Times, Sunday Times
I remember the farmer coming back from a hunt with his daughter, bragging that she had been blooded for witnessing her first fox being ripped apart, blood all over her face.
Part of the draw is the novelty, of course: The 57-year-old is the only coach in major-college football who teaches an academic class during the season, and many simply sign up for bragging rights or to bask in the presence of a national celebrity.
This Professor Looks Familiar
Three points - and a whole lot of brotherly bragging rights.
The Sun
There was something schoolboyish, almost bragging about the tale.
The weakness of productivity is not just a statistical curiosity or a matter of international bragging rights.
Times, Sunday Times
He'll probably go around bragging to his friends.
South Carolina's governor is not confessing his "sins"; he's simply indulging himself in sophomoric, locker room bragging about his sexual exploits.
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And I don't mean in your joking, loafin', bragging, hog-gobbling, clumber-hugging, change-my-blogger-handle way--which is all in character & all that + fabulous, & I'm OK with it--but still, dude, seriously: Is there any example?
An Althouse blog fund-raiser.
In his opening statement he pledged not to be 'braggadocious' before bragging of his 'billions and billions'.
The Sun
It occurred to me soon after Sam got home, in fact-when I felt lighter, happier, and had exercised my bragging rights insufferably about his adaptation to college-that the term empty nest is a misnomer.
Slate Magazine