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How To Use Brackish In A Sentence

  • Its route will pass mainly through soft rock and above deep-lying, brackish ground water.
  • Estuaries (where fresh river water meets salty ocean water) are examples of brackish waters.
  • They hunt for camel meat by putting land mines around the region's brackish waterholes.
  • A continuing supply of freshwater from streams entering the lake would have stimulated the growth of algae and other freshwater organisms, resulting in a mix of brackish and freshwater species.
  • I have certainly run into references to growing them in brackish setups, but I have ever seen any pictures or real descriptions and wonder if these might just be based on biotope records. Brackish tank project
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  • The brown water, grass-sheeted at the sides, conceals the bright yellow sand of the bed; when placed in a tumbler it looks clear and colourless, and the taste is perfectly sweet — brackishness does not extend far above Porto da Lenha. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
  • Members of the Monodactylidae family are marine fish that spend a portion of their lives in fresh or brackish water.
  • Brackish and ocean waters may contain large quantities of sodium chloride as well as many other soluble compounds leached from the crust of the earth.
  • THE SUN'S SUNK behind the row of trees and clapboard cottages on the shore, past the reef and its traffic — fishermen and jetskiers heading back to houses and bars — past where the Connecticut River dumps its brackish load into Long Island Sound. Monkeytown prologue/chapter first
  • Its route will pass mainly through soft rock and above deep-lying, brackish ground water.
  • All the other competitors were paired up in boats, while I struggled against a howling head wind, wading the brackish water from the bank.
  • Even insects may visit locally concentrated sources of ions like brackish seeps or the urine and dung of larger animals.
  • Influxes of saltwater can ‘burn’ and destroy aquatic vegetation such as pondweed, najas and other freshwater and brackish water plants that serve as prime duck fodder.
  • But German malariologist Erich Martini had studied the habits of the local malaria vector, Anopheles labranchiae, in depth, and he knew that inundating the region with the Mediterranean's salty waters would allow A. labranchiae, which can thrive in brackish water, to flourish. Gizmodo
  • The black goby is a coastal fish inhabiting sandy environments and frequently entering brackish lagoons and estuaries.
  • Brackish spray flew over his face as fins and scales and gnashing teeth tore at the air.
  • Surrounding the pans on a larger scale (on less brackish soil) are grasslands dominated by Odyssea paucinervis and Cynodon dactylon with Cenchrus ciliaris and Eriochloa meyeriana dominating the crests of calcrete escarpments. Zambezian halophytics
  • You snake your way through mangroves where trees stand tiptoe on their roots to avoid sucking up much brackish water.
  • Of the former disease my own corps, I am informed, had in hospital at one time 200 cases above the usual amount of sickness; this arises from the brackish water, the want of vegetables, and lastly the cachexy induced by an utter absence of change, diversion, and excitement. First footsteps in East Africa
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • Apparently any terrain is suitable as long as it is washed regularly by salty or brackish water.
  • They also suggest that even if some Barrow's Goldeneyes molt on freshwater lakes near the littoral zone, most males frequent the brackish waters of estuaries similar to their wintering habitat.
  • A few ophiuroid species can even tolerate brackish water, an ability otherwise almost unknown among echinoderms.
  • Diverse phocine seals – some apparently resembling the extant Pusa** seals – are known to have inhabited Paratethys during the Miocene (Paratethys was a brackish inland sea that covered much of south-east Europe and south-west Asia during the Miocene) and, according to the Paratethyan hypothesis, it is phocines from this region that managed to invade the Caspian Sea, later getting as far east as Lake Baikal. The most inconvenient seal
  • The Porpus is common on this coast and as far up the river as the water is brackish. the Indians sometimes gig them and always eat the flesh of this fish when they can precure it; to me the flavour is disagreeable. the Skaite is also common to the salt water, I have seen several of them that had perished and were thrown out on the beach by the tide. Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806
  • a brackish lagoon
  • Many parts of the world have available brackish water resources that could be tapped and purified to augment limited freshwater supplies, but traditional desalination processes such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis consume significant amounts of energy. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
  • Algae can grow in brackish (semi-salty) water and probably could even help reclaim some sewage. TRANSPORTATION TUESDAY: World’s First Biodiesel Jet! | Inhabitat
  • He has no mastery of the Brackish language, but he knows a challenge when he hears one.
  • The two others are of a type found in fresh or brackish (slightly salty) water.
  • Eurypterid associations can often be distinguished and related to environmental conditions, such as marine, lagoonal or estuarine, or brackish to freshwater faunas.
  • Cypresses, with their tolerance for brackish water, thrive in these ecosystems.
  • Hunter frequently employed his sense of taste in dissection, and encouraged his pupils to do likewise, as he recorded matter-of-factly: ‘The gastric juice is a fluid somewhat transparent, and a little saltish or brackish to the taste.’
  • With each seasonal death of the marsh, some of the carp, crabs, and crayfish succeed in escaping to the brackishness of Sonoma Creek, from which they migrated.
  • Rather than trying to remove the salt from seawater, the plant would use brackish waters from the Thames ebb tide.
  • The Erie Brackish Water desalination plant shall be overseen by the Department of the Interior, both during its constitution and following its completion.
  • If I drink ground water from the well in my house, it tastes brackish and salty, while the tap water is always unclean and unhealthy.
  • When used at the table it imparts a slight saltiness without the brackishness or lip cringing effect of other salts.
  • Members of the Monodactylidae family are marine fish that spend a portion of their lives in fresh or brackish water.
  • Forming in brackish seawater, layer after layer of mats have left behind clusters of small, sedimentary columns.
  • Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
  • Arius are brackish water to marine fish, which means a tank especially for them.
  • A layer of photosynthetic bacteria lives permanently on the boundary between brackish and highly saline water.
  • If the rains continue, however, the cholera will probably die out, as it is no doubt connected in most cases with the fact that the water in the river and the klongs has been somewhat brackish for a number of days past.
  • Iraq depends on importing specialised equipment, and some chemicals, to purify its water supply, most of which is heavily mineralised, and frequently brackish to saline.
  • Away from the pan, the soils are shallow, brackish and alkaline and are associated with calcrete. Etosha Pan halophytics
  • As you explore the tidal marshes and brackish ponds, remember to look upward from time to time: for osprey and terns diving in the sky and bald eagles on top of the tallest pines.
  • The brown water, grass-sheeted at the sides, conceals the bright yellow sand of the bed; when placed in a tumbler it looks clear and colourless, and the taste is perfectly sweet -- brackishness does not extend far above Porto da Lenha. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo Volume 2
  • A layer of photosynthetic bacteria lives permanently on the boundary between brackish and highly saline water.
  • a thin brackish gruel
  • Depending on the species, they may be found in freshwater, brackish, or marine areas including estuaries, swamps, marshes, and tidepools.
  • Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
  • It should be added, though, that monoculture, especially of molluscs in brackish water and of predatory fish such as trout, salmon, or groupers, can furnish high annual yields that are commercially attractive in spite of substantial inputs: for these species, the food is extraneously supplied. Chapter 14
  • These lovely little drum continued to be rather common this summer, possibly due to the increased brackishness in the Tappan Zee.
  • The big snow finally did in the wonky bracket and the horizontal pipe is currently filled with brackish water and dead leaves, while the vertical one leans against the house.
  • I just put up a new project page to document some work on a brackish water Southeast Asian mangrove biotope-ish aquarium. Mangrove setup pictures
  • After six hours the pump had done its job, and there was a slushy sodden mass of tree-seeds and brackish water, and the pump was making a sound like a Jarvik heart filled with oatmeal.
  • Wading in a pool of brackish water, a man pans for rubies, sapphires and other gems using a basket at one of Sri Lanka's many pit mines.
  • Near a remote salina, a brackish water hole, the tracks of ocelots and lesser anteaters dimpled the shoreline.
  • Atholville, New Brunswick, lay underwater in a coastal estuary, a brackish fresh and salt water environment teeming with life.
  • Several species of garpike occur in marine waters, but these tend to be the giant species, and the small spotted garpike is normally only found in either fresh or slightly brackish water.
  • Schram considered Paulocaris to be a brackish to freshwater organism and Mamayocaris to be nearshore marine.
  • Throughout this whole region, the rocky strata are in many places so impregnated with salt, that the springs which rise out of them cannot be used by reason of the brackishness of their waters. Statistics, Facts, and Dates, for the Sunday Recitations of the Junior Class in the University. 15 p.
  • During our visit we came across evidence of the brackishness of many of the coastal water supplies, and noticed the lack of locally produced fruit and vegetables.
  • The development of electrodialysis provided a cost-effective way to desalt brackish water and spurred considerable interest in this area.
  • We have seen it in brackish water near the mouths of several rivers and creeks that empty into Great South Bay.
  • Fed by upland streams, its brackish waters supported a wide variety of life.
  • American paddlefish are mainly freshwater fish but can survive in brackish water.
  • My brackish water tank is built into a wall.
  • But the brackish consensus also seems to leave students cold.
  • The course has been replanted with saline-tolerant varieties of paspalum grass that thrive on brackish water. Loreto Bay: The greenest place in Baja, and quite possibly in all of Mexico!
  • In general, development rate is 1.5 to 2 times slower in freshwater calanoid copepods relative to their brackish or marine counterparts.
  • In Tuvalu, farmers once dug pits in the sandy soil, filled them with compost and planted taro, but now in low-lying areas, increasingly brackish water is poisoning these root crops.
  • The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in brackish rivers and coastal waters.
  • Estuaries (where fresh river water meets salty ocean water) are examples of brackish waters.
  • Brackish waters generally support only a small range of faunas.
  • On the other hand, a single specimen will usually mix well with small, sturdy, low-salinity brackish water fish including bumblebee gobies, orange chromides, and glassfish.
  • From the latitude of Ward Hunt Island south, an older “basement” of interdigitating sea and brackish ice Lyons et al 1971 lies with angular unconformity beneath the interstratified iced firn and lake ice. Ward Hunt Ice Shelf Stratigraphy « Climate Audit
  • This subspecies migrates from the nearshore ocean to brackish estuaries and to freshwater streams and rivers to spawn.
  • Until the drought of the 1960s and 1970s which accentuated brackishness in the river, it was most suitable for rice cultivation all year round.
  • And thus, in thy Word, it was not the depth of the sea but "the earth," [611] separated from the brackishness of the water, that brought forth, not "the creeping and the flying creature that has life," but "the living soul" itself! Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • These were put in brackish water near Martinez, from which point they began a coastwise migration.
  • Some very small gasteropods, probably Hydrobia, were present at Rosalie Stream and several other sites with brackish connections.
  • In arid areas, this can result in the formation of salt lakes or in brackish groundwater, salinized soil, or salt deposits. 1. Lost crops of the incas.
  • The water used by nearly 100 families living along the eastern wall of the factory rapidly turned brackish and milky white in colour.
  • Within the bodies of brackish or salt water, an ephemeral microflora and fauna (indicated by rare acritarchs and microforam linings) developed.
  • Thus, for decades, corporations and individuals have bored deep into fossil water, which is not replenishable - a pell-mell water mining that has left what remains as brackish as the sea.
  • Some occur in the brackish water of estuaries and protected bays, commonly along steep parts of rocky reefs.
  • If the earthquake had already been, Nelson must have observed the brackishness of the spring and he would then have preferred to take his water from the usual fresh source which supplied the inhabitants of his day, and, in speaking of "having watered at the fountain of Arethusa," he would be trusting to Lady Hamilton's familiarity with that figure which permits the part to be put for the whole. Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions
  • The cholera bacterium may also live in the environment in brackish rivers and coastal waters.
  • So long that we had thirty at a time sick of this _calenture_, which attacked our men, either by reason of the sudden change from cold to heat, or by reason of brackish water which had been taken in by our pinnace, through the sloth of their men in the mouth of the river, not rowing further in where the water was good. Sir Francis Drake Revived
  • The water had a suspiciously transparent colour and a slight trace of brackishness, but the latter was scarcely perceptible. Successful Exploration Through the Interior of Australia
  • How beest thou on this summer day, with thy eyes sparkling like brackish moat water? Over the Moon
  • The otherwise brackish groundwater had become safe for consumption.
  • I like to fish in brackish waters mainly I live on the east coast of florida where the downpours have been coming down for 4 day | Field & Stream I like to fish in brackish waters mainly I live on the east coast of florida where the downpours have been coming down for 4 day
  • Her students snicker at the bold smears coloring her teeth and at her pronunciation of “Rastafarian” (Ra-sti-fay-rien), roll their eyes when she uses words like “stichomythia” and “brackish” for their ugliness. Becoming an Oates Girl
  • They are known to spend time in brackish water and even rivers.
  • Rather than trying to remove the salt from seawater, the plant would use brackish waters from the Thames ebb tide.
  • Apparently, folks from the local dirt farms are disappearing, and the brackish burg has already seen its quota of alien abductions for the year.
  • It also has a slight preference for brackish water.
  • Wading in a pool of brackish water, a man pans for rubies, sapphires and other gems using a basket at one of Sri Lanka's many pit mines.
  • They inhabit swift streams, the backwaters of large rivers, brackish lagoons, and potholes.
  • Small fossil trees in growth position are described from micro-tidal deposits, a sedimentary association inferred to have formed on the margins of a brackish epicontinental sea.
  • The Sanctuary is in the basin of the brackish Djoudj bayou (distributary or marigot) between the main river channel to the north and the Gorom bayou to the south. Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary, Senegal
  • Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
  • Expand shrimp and crab farming in brackish water" ... Archive 2009-05-01
  • Preferring calm conditions, seahorses are often found near brackish water where salt and fresh water mix.
  • Brackish marsh species include giant cordgrass (Spartina cynosuroides), salt marsh bulrush, common three-square, soft-stem bulrush, broadleaf cattail, arrowhead, spider-lily, salt reedgrass, reed and arrow arum. North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, South Carolina
  • They inhabit swift streams, the backwaters of large rivers, brackish lagoons, and potholes.
  • The sequence represents deposition in a range of environments from brackish estuarine, through shallow evaporitic and sabkha settings, to near-normal marine lagoonal and subtidal conditions.
  • Only endless acres of cordgrass and brackish water. Unspeakable
  • In south-west districts, where underground water is brackish, salts have surfaced and are cause of concern, as these will burn crops and make cattle fodder injurious to their health.
  • All are clad crisply in pre-oxidized copper panels, which are brawn, more than green, though this will change somewhat after winter gales spray the tower with the brackish water of the estuary.
  • During the winter a portion of the population will stack up in brackish creeks making them more susceptible to "cold stun" as the small bodies of water cool more quickly. Florida's Cold Weather Fish Kill
  • The Charales, commonly known as stoneworts or brittleworts, flourish in fresh and brackish water habitats throughout the world.
  • There are signs that the water was not fresh, as typical of most lakes, but marine or brackish.
  • The undertaking of the Qatarra depression plan to provide an area for the development in this region by the cutting of a canal from the Mediterranean to the depression using pen-stocks to provide power to desalt the plentiful brackish water in the aquifer beneath the depression and provide power and irrigation for a sizable area. Long-Term Aid to the Middle East
  • Now, as every drop of sea-water retains the brackishness and saltness of the whole; so every staggering doubt that is an issue of this unbelief hath in it the unsavouriness and distastefulness unto God that is in the whole. The Sermons of John Owen
  • Between the two horizons, occasional bands of brackish corbiculids intercalate with sediments containing freshwater gastropods and charophytes.
  • It won't take constant salt water, but it will take brackish water and it will take salt water if you flush it once the salts builds up in the root zone and the soil.
  • As a rule of thumb, phosphorus tends to be a problem in upstream and freshwaters, whereas nitrogen is a larger problem in downstream, brackish, and salty waters.
  • The soil too is often gypsiferous, and its salt and nitrous exudations destroy vegetation; while at the same time the streams and springs are from the same cause for the most part brackish and unpalatable. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • He takes a gulp from a flask of brackish water and strains in the saddle as his horse slips and rights itself, sending stones bouncing down a steep, dry slope. Excerpt: The Impressionist by Hari Kunzru
  • Most live in fresh or brackish (slightly salty) water and a few are found in marine habitats.
  • By 9500 BC the outward flow stopped and the sea began to transgress into the enlarged Great Belt, turning it brackish very slowly.
  • At the back of ponds, just inside the enclosure of woods, angles of corn-fields, old quarries, that is where to find grasses, or by the sea in the brackish marsh. Field and Hedgerow Being the Last Essays of Richard Jefferies
  • This allows the tree to use the brackish water by filtering out the salt.
  • The brown trout, which feed on a rich diet of crustaceans in the brackish water, are plump and pink-fleshed.
  • They are respectively turbidity fan, brackish lake, shore and shallow lake-beach, delta, alluvial fan and river-alluviation depositional systems.
  • I use them in brackish water with shrimp and they do a great job of lip hooking. Circle Hook Debate Revisited
  • If I drink ground water from the well in my house, it tastes brackish and salty, while the tap water is always unclean and unhealthy.
  • Beds representing marine invasions may contain marine shells or brackish water shells, thus giving an indication of local conditions.
  • They inhabit swift streams, the backwaters of large rivers, brackish lagoons, and potholes.
  • Indigenous to every continent except Antarctica, palms grow in arid deserts and brackish or fresh water swamps, in dry mountainous regions and tropical rain forests.
  • Do they dare range this far north, leaving south Florida's brackish mangrove swamps, to court some distant cousin?
  • Microalgae have garnered considerable attention, since acre-by-acre microalgae can produce 30-100 times the oil yield of soybeans on marginal land and in brackish water. First Algae Biodiesel Plant Goes Online « Isegoria
  • Beds representing marine invasions may contain marine shells or brackish water shells, thus giving an indication of local conditions.
  • _Canua_ is a small country town, eighteen c. from Agra, W. by S. around which very good indigo is made, owing to the strength of the soil and brackishness of the water. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08
  • Although the water was slightly brackish he soon had some excellent results.
  • What makes seashore paspalum so special is that it can survive and thrive in high-salt environments. So brackish water or partially salty water can be used to irrigate this grass.
  • What makes seashore paspalum so special is that it can survive and thrive in high-salt environments. So brackish water or partially salty water can be used to irrigate this grass.
  • In New York, it grows around coastal brackish ponds and interdunal swales on Long Island and around inland salt ponds in the Finger Lakes region.
  • In the limestone and ichthyolites there are more than 20 species of lagoonal fish, fish of freshwater, of brackish and open sea water, all marvelously preserved with well-evident scales and fishbones.
  • Forget about humping a heavy pack, cooking over a campfire, drinking brackish water from a stream.
  • Putative evidence for weak tidal influence within the Joggins Formation is consistent with the partially enclosed epicontinental context inferred for the brackish sea deposits.
  • The Salmon is accounted the King of freshwater fish; and is ever bred in rivers relating to the sea, yet so high. or far from it, as admits of no tincture of salt, or brackishness. The Compleat Angler : or, The Contemplative Man`s Recreation
  • Although most species of stickleback can adapt to salt, brackish, or fresh water, unarmored threespine sticklebacks appear to be limited to fresh water.
  • My predecessor declares that the brackishness of its produce has stood in the way of its reputation for holiness. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • These shoaling fish, found in temperate and tropical waters around the world, willingly enter brackish waters, caring little how salty these are.
  • It had to depend on importing specialised equipment and purification chemicals, since water is ‘heavily mineralised and frequently brackish’.
  • All these tropical areas have their own brackish flora and fauna, but few if any are known in the trade.
  • I like to fish in brackish waters mainly I live on the east coast of florida where the downpours have been coming down for 4 days I have been advised this type of weather messes up the fishing??? I like to fish in brackish waters mainly I live on the east coast of florida where the downpours have been coming down for 4 day
  • In south-west districts, where underground water is brackish, salts have surfaced and are cause of concern, as these will burn crops and make cattle fodder injurious to their health.
  • In south-west districts, where underground water is brackish, salts have surfaced and are cause of concern, as these will burn crops and make cattle fodder injurious to their health.
  • Arius are brackish water to marine fish, which means a tank especially for them.
  • Nodules of Pennsylvanian age are marine, having likely formed in the quiet, brackish, oxygenated waters of lagoons.
  • Topminnows that remain are found mainly in the region's brackish water in cordgrass marsh. Susan Buchanan: The Gulf's Ocean and Inland Fish Face Multiple Threats
  • They reported that stinkpot turtles are not tolerant of brackish waters.
  • Most of where I live also happens to be beach, or at least bordered by some kind of salt or brackish water, so that's a plus from my perspective.

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