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  1. having a short broad head with a cephalic index of over 80
  1. an adult with a short broad head

How To Use brachycephalic In A Sentence

  • In sthenurines the basioccipital plane is above the palatal plane, more markedly so in the brachycephalic species.
  • The DOT says about 60% of dog deaths aboard airlines are brachycephalic dogs. Ruff Flight? Logan Airport Staff Can Be Furry Travelers' Best Friend
  • Short-nosed breeds - known as "brachycephalic" in the dog world - have a skull formation that affects their airways, said Dan Bandy of Shawnee, Okla., chairman of the Bulldog Club of WTVM - 1- WTVM Home
  • Ten are dolichocephalic, 71 to 74.6; twenty-nine are mesaticephalic, 75.2 to 79.7; twelve are brachycephalic, 80.4 to 84.8, and two are hyperbrachycephalic, 85 and 96.3. The Negrito and Allied Types in the Philippines and The Ilongot or Ibilao of Luzon
  • However, we have fossil records that tell us the brachycephalic (short-skulled, short-nosed, flat-faced) dog breeds, which include the Shih Tzu, Pug, and Pekingese originated in Central Asia.
  • This distinction had formed the foundation for a more scientific classification into brachycephalic, dolichocephalic, and mesocephalic skulls. Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
  • I wouldn't breed a pug with an English bulldog," he says, because both breeds are brachycephalic, or have pushed-in snouts, which means a tendency for breathing disorders. When a Pug and a Beagle Fall in Love, It's a Puggle
  • The former is called brachycephalic (short-headed), and the latter dolichocephalic Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders
  • Since the olfactory bulb has moved in brachycephalic dogs, you'd expect to see a change in the course of the RMS, or it may be disregulated" and dysfunctional, he added.
  • These flat-facers or nearly so are known officially as brachycephalic dogs, says Ann Hohenhaus, veterinarian and staff oncologist at the Animal Medical Center. Pet Talk: Pets need protection from the heat too
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