How To Use Brachial In A Sentence
The stethoscope that comes with some models is used to listen to the sounds your blood makes as it flows through the brachial artery in the crook of your elbow.
In common whitlow of the finger, how the arteries of the arm, the brachial in particular, throb, is well known.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 274, September 22, 1827
The lower slip, after crossing the cords of the brachial plexus and axillary artery, passed deep to coracobrachialis and terminated by fusing with the tendons of latissimus dorsi and teres major in the bicipital groove.
Many Devonian species differ from Early Carboniferous species in having quadrate rather than cuneate brachials and in having straight-sided rather than zigzag arms.
Successful treatment of hydrofluoric acid burns of the fingers with intraarterial infusions of calcium salts has been reported. 15 A 1.66 percent solution of calcium gluconate or calcium chloride was infused slowly into the radial or brachial artery over four hours.
Hydrofluoric Acid
Neurapraxia of the brachial plexus or cervical nerve roots, often called a stinger or burner, causes pain and paresthesia in a single upper extremity, usually radiating from the neck into the shoulder, arm, or hand.
Placement of the cuff for brachial pressure measurement was approximately 3 cm above the cubital fossa.
It pierces the lateral intermuscular septum, and passes between the Brachialis and Brachioradialis to the front of the lateral epicondyle, where it divides into a superficial and a deep branch.
IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
As it descends through the arm, it lies at first lateral to the brachial artery; about the level of the insertion of the Coracobrachialis it crosses the artery, usually in front of, but occasionally behind it, and lies on its medial side at the bend of the elbow, where it is situated behind the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia), and is separated from the elbow-joint by the Brachialis.
IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
In 1943, Spillane was probably the first to recognize acute brachial plexus neuritis as a distinct clinical entity.
Injection of local anesthetic into the epidural or subarachnoid space during brachial plexus block can result in a total spinal or spinal cord injury.
Angiographic findings include severe distal, segmental occlusive lesions, but the more proximal arteries (below the popliteal and distal to brachial branches) are normal.
Face and pectus slightly covered with cinereous tomentum, the latter bluish-green; antennæ black, arista much more than half the length of the body; metathorax green; abdomen blue, sutures black; legs and halteres black; wings grey, fore branch of the præbrachial vein much curved inward, discal transverse vein straight; length of the body 2-1/2 -- 2-3/4 lines; of the wings 5 lines.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
It ascends obliquely in the groove between the Biceps brachii and Pronator teres and crosses the brachial artery, from which it is separated by the lacertus fibrosus; filaments of the medial antibrachial cutaneous nerve pass both in front of and behind this portion of the vein.
VII. The Veins. 3c. The Veins of the Upper Extremity and Thorax
Face silvery; antennæ testaceous, black towards the tips, arista full as long as the thorax; thorax with three cupreous stripes; pectus silvery; abdomen with cupreous purple bands and with whitish spots along each side; legs testaceous, tarsi and hind tibiæ black; wings slightly greyish, blackish brown along the costa and about the transverse veins, veins black, fore branch of the præbrachial vein curved inward, discal transverse vein undulating; halteres testaceous.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
The artery is superficial throughout its entire extent, being covered, in front, by the integument and the superficial and deep fasciæ; the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia) lies in front of it opposite the elbow and separates it from the vena mediana cubiti; the median nerve crosses from its lateral to its medial side opposite the insertion of the Coracobrachialis.
VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
These improvements likely occurred in part because these subjects had substantially increased brachial artery diameter, a measure of arterial distensibility.
Rapid health improvements with a Paleolithic diet | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
It passes medialward upon the Brachialis, and piercing the medial intermuscular septum, winds around the back of the humerus between the Triceps brachii and the bone, forming, by its junction with the profunda brachii, an arch above the olecranon fossa.
VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
Neuralgic amyotrophy, also known as brachial plexus neuropathy, has an incidence of 1.64 per 100 000 people.
They basically destroyed her nether-regions, and they ripped the brachial nerve plexus in my right shoulder.
A Good Birth | Her Bad Mother
-- Partial or complete obstruction of arteries (brachial or others) occurs as the result of direct injury to the vessel wall from compression and tension of muscles and resultant arteritis; lodging of emboli; and parasitic invasion of vessel walls causing internal arteritis.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
The two circumflex humeri alone send down branches to inosculate with the small muscular offsets from the middle of the brachial artery.
Surgical Anatomy
The avulsion at root of brachial plexus may produce the disability of limb during life.
Other connecting branches with the medial brachial cutaneous and radial nerve have also been described.
Face and pectus silvery; antennæ black, arista longer than the thorax; thorax with three broad reddish cupreous stripes; abdomen with broad cupreous purple bands; femora lutescent, tibiæ piceous, fore femora blackish towards the tips, tarsi black; wings black, tips snow-white, fore branch of the præbrachial vein slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein much curved outward; halteres tawny, with black tips.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Head black, white about the eyes; antennæ testaceous; abdomen clothed with short black bristles; legs testaceous, tarsi piceous; wings grey, with a lurid tinge towards the costa; veins black, discal transverse vein nearly straight, parted by about its length from the border, and by a little more than its length from the præbrachial transverse; alulæ slightly testaceous; halteres testaceous.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
The two circumflex humeri alone send down branches to inosculate with the small muscular offsets from the middle of the brachial artery.
Surgical Anatomy
Expansion of the brachial pathway indicates dilation is occurring in the coronary arteries that supply the heart.
There is a lot of vital stuff in the neck such as the carotid artery, the jugular vein, and at the lower portion of the neck the brachial arteries.
Neck or behind the shoulder?
Angiographic findings include severe distal, segmental occlusive lesions, but the more proximal arteries (below the popliteal and distal to brachial branches) are normal.
Acrotretids are usually round with a convex, cap-shaped brachial valve, and a flat pedicle valve.
Another arterial catheter was placed percutaneously into the left brachial artery.
The patients of non-reserved intercostobrachial nerves had abnormal sensation on the skin of medial upper arms and axilla after operation, even feeling pain or cauterize.
In some cases, the deltoid branch of the profunda brachii (16% of individuals) arises from the brachial or from the superior ulnar collateral.
The artery is superficial throughout its entire extent, being covered, in front, by the integument and the superficial and deep fasciæ; the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia) lies in front of it opposite the elbow and separates it from the vena mediana cubiti; the median nerve crosses from its lateral to its medial side opposite the insertion of the Coracobrachialis.
VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
A form of paralysis caused by trauma to the upper brachial plexus in the spinal cord, usually during childbirth.
Hand clinic: treatment of deformities, conditions, injuries
Wings rather long; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by hardly half its length from the border, and by rather more than its length from the præbrachial transverse.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
A third head (10 per cent.) to the Biceps brachii is occasionally found, arising at the upper and medial part of the Brachialis, with the fibers of which it is continuous, and inserted into the lacertus fibrosus and medial side of the tendon of the muscle.
IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
Weekly blood samples were taken from the brachial vein using a 26.5 gauge needle and heparinized microcapillary tubes.
From 2006 through 2008, more than 40% of this doctor's patients in the database were described as suffering from brachial neuritis.
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It has a wide hinge line, and one concave valve, which may be either brachial or pedicle.
Stefan had put a clamp into my arm, and I could feel the cold metal, snapped around a branch of my brachial artery.
The muscular branches (rami musculares) supply the Triceps brachii, Anconæus, Brachioradialis, Extensor carpi radialis longus, and Brachialis, and are grouped as medial, posterior, and lateral.
IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
Distension of the brachial artery during the cardiac cycle was measured as described previously.
Brachial plexuses receiving a branch from the fourth cervical nerve are more cephalic with reference to the vertebral column and have been designated as high or prefixed.
The Coracobrachialis, Biceps brachii and Brachialis are supplied by the musculocutaneous nerve; the Brachialis usually receives an additional filament from the radial.
IV. Myology. 7d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Arm
In the humerus, drill-mangabeys, drills and mandrills share a notably broad deltoid plane, a proximally extended supinator crest, a broad flange for the brachialis, and a narrow olecranon process with a deep lateral ridge, and there are also characters in the radius and ulna that unite these monkeys to the exclusion of their close relatives.
Archive 2006-06-01
“The bullet that entered her shoulder”—he touched the spot on his own shoulder to indicate—“transected the medial cord of the brachial plexus—”
Arcane Circle
The prominent beak of the pedicle valve usually overlaps that of the brachial valve, in order to allow the shell to open and close.
Short head: coracoid process of scapula with coracobrachialis INSERTION posterior border of bicipital tuberosity of radius over bursa and bicipital aponeurosis to deep fascia and subcutaneous ulna
Archive 2009-01-01
The nerves of the brachial plexus bear the following relations to this part of the artery: on the lateral side are the lateral head and the trunk of the median, and the musculocutaneous for a short distance; on the medial side the ulnar (between the vein and artery) and medial brachial cutaneous (to the medial side of the vein); in front are the medial head of the median and the medial antibrachial cutaneous, and behind, the radial and axillary, the latter only as far as the lower border of the Subscapularis.
VI. The Arteries. 4b. The Axilla
If it be required to ligature the artery at this locality, an incision two inches and a half in length, made along the course of the vessel, and avoiding the superficial veins, will expose the fascia; and this being next divided on the director, the artery will be exposed resting on the brachialis anticus, and between the biceps tendon and pronator teres muscle.
Surgical Anatomy
The brachial artery occupies the middle of the space, and divides opposite the neck of the radius into the radial and ulnar arteries; it is covered, in front, by the integument, the superficial fascia, and the vena mediana cubiti, the last being separated from the artery by the lacertus fibrosus.
VI. The Arteries. 4b. 2. The Brachial Artery
The inner side is formed by the serratus magnus muscle, M, Plate 12, on the side of the thorax; the external side is formed by the scapular and humeral insertion of the subscapular muscle, the humerus and coraco-brachialis muscle; and the posterior side is formed by the latissimus dorsi, the teres and body of the subscapular muscle.
Surgical Anatomy
A possible related injury is a torn brachialis muscle with associated myositis.
Short head: coracoid process of scapula with coracobrachialis INSERTION posterior border of bicipital tuberosity of radius over bursa and bicipital aponeurosis to deep fascia and subcutaneous ulna
Archive 2009-01-01
At an age of about 10 weeks we took a blood sample of 10 l from the brachial vein in the wing.
Beneath the artery is seen a subscapular branch of the brachial plexus, given to the latissimus dorsi muscle.
Surgical Anatomy
An unpaired commonly enlarged interbrachial ossicle, the axillary, occurs in most Paleozoic asteroids, including those treated here.
Rib, clavicle, brachial plexus, and pulmonary injuries are commonly associated with scapula fractures.
The medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve is initially identified and protected with a vessel loop.
Neurapraxia of the brachial plexus or cervical nerve roots, often called a stinger or burner, causes pain and paresthesia in a single upper extremity, usually radiating from the neck into the shoulder, arm, or hand.
The branches to the Biceps brachii and Brachialis are given off after the musculocutaneous has pierced the Coracobrachialis; that supplying the Brachialis gives a filament to the elbow-joint.
IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
The brachial valve contains short crura and a prominent, branched cardinal process.
But if a child keeps up the same motion, it can lead to more serious problems including damage to the brachial plexus network of nerves that conducts signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm and hand, Dr. Vaughn says.
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Objective:To study the method and significance of preserving anterior thoracic nerve (ATN) and intercostobrachial nerve (ICBN) during breast-conserving operation for breast cancer.
Smaller; anal plates 8-10; brachials 6 rows; femorals 8; femoral pores 25; hind leg extended reaches prenasal plate; yellow spotted on olive ground C. variolosua.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
Short head: coracoid process of scapula with coracobrachialis INSERTION posterior border of bicipital tuberosity of radius over bursa and bicipital aponeurosis to deep fascia and subcutaneous ulna
Archive 2009-01-01
Viguier noted the value of the odontophore, an unpaired interbrachial ossicle located behind each pair of mouth angle ossicles.
The second part of the technique is a strike to the brachial plexus origin.
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Cervical and brachial plexuses form a network of primary, interlacing nerves.
We banded each bird with an aluminum or anodized color band and took two 500 - L blood samples via venipuncture of the brachial vein.
Identify two muscles located cranially in the brachium (biceps brachii m., and brachialis m.).
Occasionally, the axillary nerve or axillary artery may be injured; rarely, the brachial artery, brachial plexus, or another nerve may be injured.
As it descends through the arm, it lies at first lateral to the brachial artery; about the level of the insertion of the Coracobrachialis it crosses the artery, usually in front of, but occasionally behind it, and lies on its medial side at the bend of the elbow, where it is situated behind the lacertus fibrosus (bicipital fascia), and is separated from the elbow-joint by the Brachialis.
IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
Antennæ ferruginous, third joint short, conical, arista bare; pectus slightly covered with cinereous tomentum; legs testaceous, with a few very indistinct blackish marks; fore femora black, testaceous towards the base; fore tibiæ black; fore tarsi snow-white, black at the base; hind tarsi whitish; wings greyish, with two almost obsolete brownish bands; discal transverse vein parted by less than its length from the border and by about four times its length from the præbrachial transverse.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
“The bullet that entered her shoulder”—he touched the spot on his own shoulder to indicate—“transected the medial cord of the brachial plexus—”
Arcane Circle
The clinical local pathological findings of cervical rib syndrome were the cervical rib, abnormal scalenus and their compression on the brachial plexus.
Superior trunk of brachial plexus nerve was performed stress relaxation test and creeping test, and data and curve of stress relaxation test and creeping test were obtained.
When given from the brachial trunk, the radial recurrent has been found crossing beneath the tendon of the biceps.
Acting upon this information, Galen applied stimulating remedies to the source of the nerve itself -- that is, to the bundle of nerve-trunks known as the brachial plexus, in the shoulder.
A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume I: The Beginnings of Science
A few members of this group have the peculiarity of reflecting rather perfectly in the markings of their brachial valve the surface of the host shell to which the craniacean is attached.
brachial artery
That part of the vessel which extends from its origin to the outer border of the first rib is termed the subclavian; beyond this point to the lower border of the axilla it is named the axillary; and from the lower margin of the axillary space to the bend of the elbow it is termed brachial; here the trunk ends by dividing into two branches the radial and ulnar.
VI. The Arteries. 4. The Arteries of the Upper Extremity. a. The Subclavian Artery
B mode ultrasonography was used to detect brachial artery cross sectional compliance(CSC). Volumic distensibility(VD). Csc and VD were parameter to reflect artery buffering function.
Short head: coracoid process of scapula with coracobrachialis INSERTION posterior border of bicipital tuberosity of radius over bursa and bicipital aponeurosis to deep fascia and subcutaneous ulna
Archive 2009-01-01
Unlike acute brachial plexus neuritis, the pain, weakness and sensory loss associated with cervical radiculopathy tend to occur simultaneously.
Her shoulders were overextended, which could cause brachial nerve damage.
Objective: To provide anatomical basis for diagnose and treatment of roots avulsion of brachial plexus.
In 2008, the Florida doctor earned at least 25% more from brachial neuritis patients than any other provider, according to the Journal's database analysis.
Confidentiality Cloaks Medicare Abuse
There are two primary muscles on the front of your upper arm: the biceps brachii and the brachialis.
Head testaceous, face transverse; antennæ testaceous, third joint elongate-conical; arista bare; abdomen blackish blue, second segment very large, third and following not visible; legs testaceous; wings limpid, with four transverse pale brown subcostal streaks; discal transverse vein parted by less than half its length from the border, and by less than its length from the flexure of the præbrachial; halteres testaceous.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
At the bend of the elbow, the brachial artery usually occupies the middle point between e, the inner condyle of the humerus and the external margin of the supinator radii longus muscle, G.
Surgical Anatomy
The lateral antibrachial cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus antibrachii cutaneous lateralis; branch of musculocutaneous nerve) passes behind the cephalic vein, and divides, opposite the elbow-joint, into a volar and a dorsal branch (Figs. 811, 813).
IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
Vertex bluish-purple; face and pectus silvery; antennæ testaceous, arista about half the length of the body; fourth and fifth segments of the abdomen deep black with a cupreous band on the hind border of each segment, tip blue; legs and halteres testaceous; wings greyish, paler along the hind border, tips black, fore branch of the præbrachial vein slightly curved inward, discal transverse vein slightly undulating.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Superior trunk of brachial plexus nerve was performed stress relaxation test and creeping test, and data and curve of stress relaxation test and creeping test were obtained.
The inner side is formed by the serratus magnus muscle, M, Plate 12, on the side of the thorax; the external side is formed by the scapular and humeral insertion of the subscapular muscle, the humerus and coraco-brachialis muscle; and the posterior side is formed by the latissimus dorsi, the teres and body of the subscapular muscle.
Surgical Anatomy
Ibergirhynchia contraria can be distinguished from representatives of Dzieduszyckia by its sulcate brachial valve and fold on the pedicle valve.
Its superficial surface is subcutaneous, excepting at its upper part, where it is covered by the Trapezius, and at its insertion, where its tendon is crossed by the axillary vessels and the brachial plexus of nerves.
The Not-So-Theology of the Body
The lying cable biceps curl helps bodybuilders more thoroughly develop their biceps and brachialis muscles.
Head whitish; third joint of the antennæ short, conical, whitish, blackish at the tip, arista plumose; thorax with a brown stripe; scutellum whitish; abdomen black; legs whitish, with black bands; wings white, with many blackish spots, some of them confluent; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the præbrachial transverse; halteres whitish.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
We banded each bird with an aluminum or anodized color band and took two 500 - L blood samples via venipuncture of the brachial vein.
Differentiating acute brachial plexus neuritis from other diagnoses is important so that surgical treatment is not performed for small osteophytes that may be present on MRI, but are not causing the patient's neurologic deficits.
Head transverse, slightly rugulose; third joint of the antennæ conical; arista thinly plumose; thorax very finely punctured; scutellum almost semicircular; abdomen blue, smooth; tarsi yellow; wings black, dark grey towards the hind border, with whitish points towards the costa; discal transverse vein parted by about its length from the border and by more than its length from the præbrachial transverse.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
(whether nervous or arising from caries), neuralgia of the trigeminus, of the cervico-brachial plexus, etc.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 299, September 24, 1881
To avoid these the ligature should be applied as low down on the vessel as possible, and, in point of fact, the operation called ligature of the third stage of the axillary is, anatomically speaking, really ligature of the brachial high up, and where there is room at all, there will be the less chance of secondary hæmorrhage, the greater the distance is between the ligature and the great subscapular branch.
A Manual of the Operations of Surgery For the Use of Senior Students, House Surgeons, and Junior Practitioners
Also a fleshy slip may also arise from the medial border of biceps and pass to the medial intermuscular septum or medial epicondyle over the brachial artery.
It may be joined by a vas aberrans from the brachial or axillary artery.
He was irregular and brachial, he was a sex las vegas pool, but he was deliberately a sorbefacient bessel, developing for movable acidophilous squall out of the hesitator and suffragan tactually him.
Rational Review
All these plates that attach to the floor of the brachial valve may have been thickened by secondary overgrowth.
This differs from the crural plates described above in that no discrete plates can be discerned connecting to the floor of the brachial valve, and it is also in the form of a later overgrowth.
Major flexors include the biceps brachii (which also supinates the forearm when the elbow is flexed), brachioradialis and brachialis muscles.
He was irregular and brachial, he was a sex las vegas pool, but he was deliberately a sorbefacient bessel, developing for movable acidophilous squall out of the hesitator and suffragan tactually him.
Rational Review
Vertex luteous; third joint of the antennæ conical; arista plumose; disk of the thorax and a dot on each side of the tip of the abdomen deep black; tarsi piceous; wings slightly greyish; veins black, discal transverse vein straight, parted by about half its length from the border and by twice its length from the præbrachial transverse.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
The one to two branches of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve were identified and protected.
Face and pectus whitish; antennæ piceous; abdomen cupreous-black, dull testaceous towards the base; hind legs black, hind tibiæ towards the base and anterior legs dull testaceous; wings blackish, paler along the hind border, veins black, præbrachial vein and discal transverse vein straight; halteres testaceous.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Wings long, narrow; discal transverse vein straight, upright, parted by less than half its length from the border, and by nearly twice its length from the præbrachial transverse.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology