How To Use Braced In A Sentence

  • Rose of Sharon braced her body against the movements of the car in an effort to protect her fetus.
  • McCoy had fully embraced the idea of belated fatherhood his declarations to the contrary notwithstanding. The Better Man
  • Hazel wore a medieval-styled dress with a gold-braced bodice, gold chiffon sleeves and a gold train.
  • As she embraced him, she felt his shrunken arms and shuddered; the muscular vibrance that had always been the essence of his personality was completely absent. Empire of Dreams
  • After eight years of a presidency that valued cronyism over brains (or even competence) and embraced an anti-intellectualism apotheosized by Sarah Palin, it's a godsend to have a president who puts a premium on merit. Steven G. Brant: Progressives Deserve to Be Worried About the Obama Administration
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  • He embraced a model known as vehicular cycling, which involves training cyclists to operate their bicycles as vehicles. The Texas Observer: In the Current Issue
  • She embraced her new life and this picture shows how well she has adjusted a year after her arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • Apple itself has never embraced the kind of all-you-can-eat monthly subscription service at the core of Rhapsody, and the truth is subscription services have never really caught on a big way. Real's Rhapsody music app arrives on iPhone
  • The road meanders high above the waters of lakes and rivers, embraced by the meringue summits of the mountains.
  • Traditional Chinese philosophy embraced these as yin and yang, each of which contain the seed of the other.
  • It was also the introduction of distrust, a sentiment that had only before been embraced by radicals and beatniks, and the realization that all was not well.
  • They embraced and wept and promised to keep in touch.
  • And, as do many manifestos, ultraism embraced many other writers prior to the naming of this movement.
  • He went to the table and braced himself, palms flat against the rough wood.
  • The side wall of the old house was braced with a wooden support.
  • He braced his back against the wall.
  • A great many (not all) liberals adopted embryonic stem cells as a cause for the same reason that they have embraced Global Warming: because they like the policy implications and automatically oppose the Bush Administration, the “neocons” and the “Religious Right”, not because they are willing to follow science whithersoever it leadeth. Stromata Blog:
  • America quickly embraced Pluto and Tombaugh as icons worthy of scientific superstardom, and the rest of the world quickly followed suit.
  • In the few seconds available, he dashed to the starboard side and braced himself for the impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
  • The natives so embraced the pageantry and the promise of the new faith; and centuries later, testament to that Christian hegemony is the ubiquity of an iconolatry, none as dispersed into the bowels of urban and rural religious life as the icon of the Santo Nino.
  • From the 1870s through World War I, most European and Latin American nations as well as Japan and the United States abandoned bimetallic standards, which based currencies on both gold and silver, and embraced the gold standard.
  • Not many leading business thinkers have embraced new technology with your enthusiasm.
  • We braced ourselves for a bumpy landing.
  • We braced ourselves for the sound of artillery shells being rained into the compound. The Sun
  • The device was quickly embraced by the medical community and its use expanded beyond acutely ill cardiac patients, before its benefits were actually proven.
  • A deer was said to be broken, a cony unlaced, a pheasant, partridge, or quail winged, a pigeon or a woodcock thighed, a plover minced, a mallard unbraced. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • The original plan embraced by Tribune Co., Oaktree and Angelo, Gordon proposed settling claims related to the larger, first step of the Zell transaction by giving junior bondholders, such as Aurelius, $300 million in cash. - News
  • Angled legs prevent the arch from flattening and the structure is further braced by four cross frames which also accommodate cross walls.
  • This transition was loathed and resisted long before it was grudgingly accepted and finally embraced by Hollywood interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • She embraced her new life and this picture shows how well she has adjusted a year after her arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • I even used celery - normally something I can't stand, but I braced myself and figured it would help bring the flavors together.
  • He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.
  • Ends of the shell are stiffened with laminated timber arches braced by a diagrid of tension cables from which hang enclosing cardboard honeycomb panels.
  • As soon as someone tells us how invocations of the supernatural will help us solve a problem, they will be embraced immediately.
  • The exercise to rehabilitate the street kids should be embraced by everyone as Zambia stands to benefit greatly from the initiative.
  • Since their inception in 1977, the name of the game for The Mekons has been experimentation and excursion, and they have even happily embraced the 'folkies'. Tourdates Unsigned Chart
  • Traditional Chinese philosophy embraced these as yin and yang, each of which contain the seed of the other.
  • Elaine braced herself against the dresser and looked in the mirror.
  • Europeans loved it and embraced its message. Times, Sunday Times
  • They embraced her fondly before drawing her to the warmth of the fire. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • I admire the strength of my kinswomen who stayed at home and who later on embraced arranged marriages.
  • Europeans loved it and embraced its message. Times, Sunday Times
  • Except to a certain antiquated ideology embraced in biology, which apparently has to be protected in academia by an 'orthodox' priesthood and imposed on society by force of law. An Interview with Elisabet Sahtouris
  • The "dovish" Biden position called for relying primarily on assassination, while the "hawkish" McChrystal stance embraced both assassination and more troops. Fred Branfman: Petraeus Must Go: Mass Assassination of Muslims Threatens Us All
  • So effective is cacao as a pick-me-up that it is being embraced in the party crowd as a healthy alternative to synthetic dance drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The book has been embraced by various cultures and intellectual societies in innumerable lands across the globe.
  • Gaugin: The painter who invented his own brand of artistic licence life and work for which he can be reverentially remembered: his extensive travels, his experimentalism and his "primitivist" painting style honed in Tahiti - a bold reaction against the Impressionism embraced by most of his - Articles related to Keira Knightley takes on performance art
  • Morgan braced himself as the process began; the whole room shook as the generators began churning out an unearthly hum.
  • Although she was a foreigner, the Jordanian people 25 embraced her as their queen.
  • People in this region embraced Christianity the turn of the century.
  • The status of oxygen facials - embraced by a growing number of doctors, spas and beauty therapists - is typical of many cosmetic treatments that do not claim to alter the skin.
  • Lenders are braced for some tough talking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite incontrovertible and growing evidence that there were distinct eras of different creatures, the scientific community embraced the idea of gradualism.
  • Having artfully solved a thorny problem a week ago, the government has now embraced a deal whose terms reek of the bailout it was at such pains to avoid. The Real Cost
  • With a strong determination, she braced herself and headed out of the dim alley and into the morning sun.
  • The moollah armed them, the companions embraced, and they set out on their journey amid the acclamations of the whole crowd. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 53, No. 330, April 1843
  • Cumbrian gamekeepers and stalkers have embraced Government plans to scrap archaic laws stopping the sale of game all year round.
  • Can the furniture be used in the fight (and if so, must it be braced or reinforced?)
  • Since the 1980s, debates among progressives have increasingly embraced the concept of multiculturalism.
  • This transition was loathed and resisted long before it was grudgingly accepted and finally embraced by Hollywood interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then two or three men together seized hold of him and embraced him, until gradually he became calm.
  • And therewithall I embraced my friend Socrates and kissed him: but hee smelling the stinke of the pisse wherewith those Hagges had embrued me, thrust me away and sayd, Clense thy selfe from this filthy odour, and then he began gently to enquire, how that noysome sent hapned unto mee. The Golden Asse
  • She embraced her new life and this picture shows how well she has adjusted a year after her arrival. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could cap off an immense performance that has embraced all types of offensive records and included the development of a dynamic defense.
  • It would be inquiring too curiously to ask whether Camilla, when she embraced him, discerned that he had fortified his courage that morning with a glass of curacoa. He Knew He Was Right
  • He told me he had some bad news for me and I braced myself for a shock.
  • The Guard braced their riot shields and checked their equipment.
  • Francona, who could have taken a conservative stance against his players' scraggly hair and scruffy beards, instead embraced his team's approach.
  • We braced ourselves for the sound of artillery shells being rained into the compound. The Sun
  • This transition was loathed and resisted long before it was grudgingly accepted and finally embraced by Hollywood interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Before the boy could answer, she embraced him and said, "You're champion bull-dogger, aren't you? Centennial
  • And why should such broad, self-evidently adaptable phrases be interpreted solely according to what any ratifier thought, particularly when it appears that: (a) at least some chose those phrases precisely to accommodate changes they could not foresee and (b) many rejected the notion, necessarily embraced by originalists, that legal texts like the Constitution ought to be interpreted by reference to extrinsic historical materials? Nan Aron: Justice Scalia Pulls Out the Old "I'm With Stupid" T-Shirt
  • The two embraced as the applause grew to a crescendo.
  • Absurd were the number and variety of offices embraced by the Test Ac:; non-commissioned officers as well as officers - excisemen, tidewaiters, and even pedlars.
  • We arrived at Glory's classroom and braced ourselves as we pushed through the arched doors.
  • Sensing the electorate's rightward shift, he embraced welfare reform.
  • These, braced by a series of steel tendons, taper towards the apex of the roof.
  • Bangkok - Thousands of defiant demonstrators braced for a possible police crackdown Sunday after camping overnight in one of Bangkok's main CHILDREN 'ADVENTURES WITH DORA AND DIEGO' (Friday through Thursday) The young television series "Dora the Explorer" and "Go, Diego, ... - Business News
  • Authorities had braced for large - scale protests marking the culmination Sunday of an important Shiite Muslim commemoration.
  • Much credit must go to the local community for the way they have embraced the ethos of community cohesion.
  • Britain was braced for more snow and bitter winds today as the cold weather kept its icy grip on the country.
  • Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Britain braced for more snow: It's not unusual at these times for people in northern Britain to complain that southerners whinge about their bad weather when the north of the country suffers far worse conditions on a regular basis. Archive 2005-03-01
  • With a sob of joy she embraced Christin, holding him tightly, cheek to cheek.
  • Britons have shed their stiff upper lip reputation and have embraced hugging, a new study suggests. Times, Sunday Times
  • Corporate America has embraced the Web as a new vehicle for advertising.
  • However, a new generation of young officers embraced the idea of a fast moving war based on armoured vehicles supported by air power.
  • It shared the distaste of postmodernism for totalizing theory and it embraced the counterculture of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
  • Australia's Next Top Model, Ms Rochester said she hoped her daughter embraced the "bogan" nickname the show's mentor Jonathan Pease gave her. | Top Stories
  • Law, diplomacy and politics were his profession, but his activities embraced virtually all the liberal arts and sciences: from mathematics and philosophy to economics, archaeology, ornithology, ichthyology, horticulture, architecture, art and music. Thomas Jefferson, Musician
  • He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.
  • It has embraced certain extensions of democratism in fits and starts, but maintains its true nature as a republic. Barbara Forrest Speaks Out
  • Why City have not embraced this competition is one of football's great unanswerable questions. The Sun
  • Over the years he invested thousands of pounds in his collection, which also embraced every other aspect of Avon, from catalogues to the special dinner services given to agents for meeting sales targets.
  • Now the yards of the mizzen mast are braced around and the sheets of the staysails are eased.
  • He offers a handclasp that Fiedler can scarcely feel: ‘I stood there baffled, a little ashamed of how I had braced myself involuntarily for a bone-crushing grip, how I must have yearned for some wordless preliminary test of strength.’
  • With a tired sigh, I braced myself for the cousinly scolding I was about to receive…
  • The embrace of ethnic origin presupposes a source culture eager to be embraced, or one that is malleable enough for the author's fancy.
  • Maximilian embraced his friend and swallowed the pastil. The Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume I
  • Next time you hear the ominous music, you see the calculatedly irritating grainy video, you are embraced by the seductive, syrupy voice (a voice actor I met called this the "pukey" voice), try to picture the person at that microphone. Davis Sweet: One Voter's Meat is the Same Voter's Poison
  • It restored my confidence and my optimism, and I felt embraced by these many wonderful enlightened spirits.
  • The story is no prettier in states where the death penalty is even more enthusiastically embraced.
  • Interestingly, this view is increasingly embraced by theories of dynamical systems and chaos.
  • Lara kissed the earth as he had done in 1994 when first achieving such glory and embraced his faithful disciple Ridley Jacobs who, like Simon of Cyrene, had stayed with him and the air was filled with jollification.
  • The leopard braced for the charge, tail twitching, snarling, head low, outstretched forepaws, hindquarters arched.
  • Thereafter England also enthusiastically embraced the craze for Egyptian antiquities.
  • Her last word braced the lad as nothing else could. The Man from Glengarry; a tale of the Ottawa
  • This is rather a celebration of the dawn of a new age that Turner embraced. Times, Sunday Times
  • His youthful studies, which I have said before were pursued with unconquerable energy, embraced grammar, poetry, rhetoric, history, and the exposition of the Holy Scriptures; the Bible, indeed, he read unceasingly, and drew from it much of the vital truth with which it is inspired; but he perhaps too much tainted it with traditional interpretation and patristical logic. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • I'm a maverick, he's a maverick, wouldn't you like to be a maverick, too?" offered Michael Burke of Silver Spring, Md., in his entry for the label embraced by unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate John McCain. IBN Top Headlines
  • It adds: "But even more impressive was the way the nation's capital embraced the megastorm -- owned it -- by branding it. Name Chicago's snowstorm
  • The long arm of Puritan persecution continued to harass those who embraced dissenting views causing a Baptist migration to New Jersey.
  • The Sun is depicted as a male deity, being embraced by the female moon goddess during an eclipse.
  • The country is braced for a wave of abductions as workers fight layoffs by taking direct action. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they burned in so great charity that they cast and threw away their arms and harness, and kneeling on their knees received sufferably with a joyous heart the swords of them that martyred them, among whom Maurice, embraced in the love and faith of Jesu Christ, received the crown of martyrdom. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
  • We've escaped from our kitchens and sofas and embraced breezy brunches and breakfast working meetings. How Britain fell in love with breakfast
  • While he has broadly embraced change, one area remains off limits. Times, Sunday Times
  • Low clouds embraced the hilltops around the valley, tendrils of mist wending down into the frost-rimed trees along the slopes.
  • Rain pattered against the windows of the castle as its inhabitants braced for the true storm that was coming.
  • He stepped off the high-heeled cothurnus, and came down into common life; he held out his great hearty arms, and embraced us all; he had a bow for all women; a kiss for all children; a shake of the hand for all men, high or low; he showed us Heaven’s sun shining every day on quiet homes; not gilded palace roofs only, or court processions, or heroic warriors fighting for princesses and pitched battles. On Charity and Humor
  • But Brown has always been so focused on the party leadership 'selectorate' of the unions, the lay membership and the PLP that he has never embraced this. Brown vs Blair - a decade ago
  • This gloomy forecast will bring zero comfort to the thousands of flood victims braced for yet more rain. The Sun
  • He resisted all the temptations embraced by most modern travelers and explorers to carry elaborate equipment, study the area in detail and learn the language.
  • It embraced the themes of freedom and individuality and transposed them onto an urban, man-made context.
  • Despite incontrovertible and growing evidence that there were distinct eras of different creatures, the scientific community embraced the idea of gradualism.
  • Reuters reported that Chinese officials are upset by reports April 10 that Tibet protesters attempted to attack Jin Jing, a Paralympics fencer and Olympics torch bearer who uses a wheelchair, but China has embraced her as a hero for protecting the torch. Disabled Olympic torch bearer attacked in Paris becomes hero in China
  • The house has a wooden frame which is braced with brick.
  • Standing firmly on the side of the poor (if only because he himself lived in abject poverty), Bloy embraced the Beatitudes ' inversions, rewriting abjection as election.
  • He stepped forward and embraced his son, lifting him clear off the ground.
  • He caught a feeling of chumminess, though at the same time he was bitingly aware that it was very much of a woman who embraced him in that comradely smile. THE STAMPEDE TO SQUAW CREEK
  • It braced itself quickly, spun around, and bit Clayton square in the throat.
  • Most of you have embraced the Web and are looking forward to becoming master surfers.
  • He always embraced new trends in art and digital technology. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they went home and played the accursed thing, and second-hand shops nationwide braced themselves for the deluge.
  • In later life he was sensitive to the resemblance between the Thomistic scholasticism in which he was trained and the Marxist scholasticism that he embraced as an adult.
  • At the same time, it is NOT to say that they are not capable of Socialism ... although the "S" word equate with Joe McCarthy reds-under-the-bed paranoia in many North American minds forgetful of the fact that their anglophonic soul mates across "The Pond" in Olde England have embraced the "S" word without throwing themselves in sheer desperation into the River Thames because of it. Like the American Revolution, Venezuela's in the name of Liberator Simon Bolivar is NOT going to be a walk-over!
  • However I have never been much of a 'joiner' - I'm not the follower kinda gal and have never embraced socialism or facism or even religion without some kind of balance. The Nazi In Me
  • These laws are often stated thus: the ratio of the octave to the fundamental is as two is to one; that of the major third as five is to four; that of the perfect fifth as three is to two, and so on through the entire series of pitches embraced within the octave, the _ratio_ being of course the same for all octaves. Music Notation and Terminology
  • Berlitz heard two rifle shots at his back and braced himself for the pain.
  • Whether this were not making too much of death, as tending to assuefaction, some reason there is to doubt; but certain it is that such practices would hardly be embraced by our modern gourmands, who like not to look on faces of _mortua_, or be elbowed by mummies. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • But the 33-year-old swingman is still a key contributor for the Heat, who lead the Washington Wizards 2-0 in their best-of-seven Eastern Conference semifinal series, which resumes tonight in Washington, and he has embraced his role as the third scoring option and No. 1 perimeter defender. - Heat's Eddie Jones happy to do whatever it takes
  • Weak corner joints may be braced with angle irons, and triangles of wood.
  • The anti-bourgeois, anti-war and anarchistic Dada movement in the early 1900's is the groundwork to abstract art and sound poetry, a starting point for performance art, a prelude to postmodernism, an influence on pop art, a celebration of antiart to be later embraced for anarcho-political uses in the 1960s and the movement that lay the foundation for Surrealism. Carmen Zella: Soundcrash : The Art Movement of Hip Hop
  • Yet he embraced the congenial atmosphere once the match slipped beyond his grasp. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is rather a celebration of the dawn of a new age that Turner embraced. Times, Sunday Times
  • Singh and Kasuri warmly embraced each other and exchanged pleasantries before the large group of international and local media were ushered out of the ornate dining room.
  • It was not long before the wind swept across the waves with almost resistless force, when it was found necessary to strip the brig of all canvas, excepting a storm main-staysail and close-reefed fore-topsail; the yards were braced up, the helm lashed a-lee, and the brig was laid to. Jack in the Forecastle or, Incidents in the Early Life of Hawser Martingale
  • The party is braced for skirmishes, not least from local party male dignitaries enraged that they have been barred from fighting in their local seat. Times, Sunday Times
  • This transition was loathed and resisted long before it was grudgingly accepted and finally embraced by Hollywood interests. Times, Sunday Times
  • And he has been embraced again by the UK garage and grime scene, which has had a proper resurgence in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many young men (who were suspected of ‘effeminacy’ as a result) joyfully embraced its use of beautiful vestments and accoutrements.
  • Barry Goldwater even embraced the title extremist ( "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice"), George McGovern's anti-war crusade offered an unapologetically leftist platform, and Walter Mondale proudly promised in his convention speech that he would raise the nation's taxes. Dissecting Leftism
  • Since the advent of the twin-tub washing machine, we have embraced domestic appliances with passion. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was the European bourgeoisie who embraced romanticism, depoliticised the liberal social order, and transformed political debate into an endless conversation.
  • The leopard braced for the charge, tail twitching, snarling, head low, outstretched forepaws, hindquarters arched.
  • He stood with his legs and shoulders braced, ready to lift the weights.
  • Thick wooden supports braced the wall every few yards, and even the gaps in between the logs were filled with a mesh of sticks and branches interlaced like a rough basket weave.
  • Among the religious orders, only the friars had a vocation that by its very nature embraced the seriously poor and, indeed, the utterly destitute in the regular course of events.
  • But there are also parts of the legislation, such as the disaggregation of performance data, which were long overdue and need to be embraced.
  • The center pole began to twist, and Odie and Tanya braced against it with all their weight to shove it across the grass berm so that it would fall under its own weight.
  • The logic, born in college dining halls and now embraced by people well into adulthood, that holds that donning a colored plastic bracelet or a kaffiyeh is an act of personal and political self-definition can and does attach the same significance to snowboarding and to selecting one’s iPod playlist. Intolerant Chic
  • They embraced a sort of enthusiastic fatalism, a sort of ebullient morosity. March 31st, 2009
  • Why City have not embraced this competition is one of football's great unanswerable questions. The Sun
  • In contrast to British music's narrow mindset, Jamaica has always embraced the most outlandish musical idiosyncrasies imaginable.
  • They have framed the problems in such a way that their proposed way of solving becomes accepted / embraced.
  • Last night survivor Orhan Koc embraced his brother, who had driven all the way from Germany to pick up the family after hearing the news. "I came directly, " said Yurdaer Koc.
  • In the process, she lost her beloved as well as her freedom, and embraced Buddhism.
  • The branchial basket was braced against the body wall and unjointed, as in lampreys.
  • His jurisdiction under that sheriffship embraced not only that county, but also the counties of Ross and Caithness, and he was empowered to appoint deputies for certain divisions of his sheriffdom.
  • I also knew, that by birth the sultana was a Hindu, although on being wed to her lord as a little girl, she had of course embraced the true faith of Islam, in so far as it matters for a woman to have any religion at all. Tales of Destiny
  • AS the Pound feels the pinch, shoppers are braced for rising food prices. The Sun
  • They are also braced for at least two more years of austerity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Intelligence agencies are braced for another display of political muscle. Times, Sunday Times
  • We explored alternative frameworks that embraced holism and body-mind-spirit unity.
  • In Los Angeles and Beverly Hills where many other very wealthy Iranian-Americans were quick to forget their heritage, Bijan and his name embraced it. Shirin Sadeghi: Iranian-American Fashion Icon Bijan Pakzad Passes Away
  • The name clung for many years to a country embraced within the present limits of New England, and sometimes included Nova Scotia. Canada
  • Just as its kindred discipline yoga has been embraced by buttoned-down lawyers and accountants, tai chi is no longer limited to hemp-clad New Agers who impose vegan diets on their pets.
  • Above him was the strong willow's branch, he braced his feet against the trunk behind him, and pushed.
  • After seven preparatory years and legions of cautionary tales, you'd have to say we were braced for it.
  • She faced the risk of inconsolable pain and heartbreak and embraced it with open arms.
  • Among the instrument trainers and gliders, Rearwin Airplanes debuted the Rearwin Cloudster in 1939; featuring strut-braced high-wings, the aircraft included an enclosed cabin and fixed, tailskid undercarriage. Aero-News Network
  • Snarling, he raised a hand to backhand me, and I brought up an arm and braced myself for the blow.
  • Why we as a nation, have been titrated, which is the gradual increasing of dosage, pressure, and propaganda, till the desired effect – an inured and compliant society – have willingly bequeathed away our autonomy of self-government, embraced the genesis of tyranny, and begin our seemingly inexorable march towards dictatorship. Democracy Interrupted
  • Within the compass of faith the whole of life - indeed the whole of the universe - is embraced.
  • This painting style was critically embraced as representing quintessential French qualities.
  • Since then, supply-side economics, as it was called - first with derision but then as a label embraced by its supporters - has become a central tenet of Republican political and economic thinking in the country. Terrance Heath: Concentrating the Wealth, Pt. 1
  • I edit a newspaper that has embraced new media with creative, prizewinning gusto.
  • To the chagrin of her secular parents, she embraced Orthodox Judaism.
  • Doctors may have embraced the beeper before the rest of the world, but their technophilic tendencies seem to have ended there.
  • Retrospective condemnation is easy — this was a largely anti-Semitic population that had embraced the psychological and material benefits bestowed by a homicidal regime, and that remained inert in the face of what we now call genocide. Hitler's Co-Conspirators
  • Intellectuals do manage to innovate and their innovations are oftentimes not always recombinations of what they have embraced in their education.
  • They have written meaty roles with levels upon levels of emotional response, and the cast embraced the challenge.
  • Europeans loved it and embraced its message. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was baptized into the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, which faith she embraced to the end.
  • And he has been embraced again by the UK garage and grime scene, which has had a proper resurgence in recent years. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he might not agree with my use of the term "Crackpot Christians," Kevin Phillips is certainly correct when he claims that "the radical side of U.S. religion has embraced cultural antimodernism, war hawkishness, Armageddon prophecy, and in the case of conservative fundamentalists, a demand for government by literal biblical interpretation. Crackpot Christianity and America's Current Moral Degeneration
  • I have embraced my new role as a single parent, and to all who may be in similar circumstances, I encourage you to stay strong, proud and unshaken.
  • The post and lintel were just frames for a set of double door gates wrought of thick lumber and braced with iron.
  • Gold has always had a naughtier reputation than silver, which is probably why the fashion crowd has embraced the look. Times, Sunday Times
  • And then Starfleet formality between Klingon and Ferengi broke down as Nog spread his arms again and Worf embraced the diminutive officer in a bearhug that Jake knew could fell a sehlat. MILLENNIUM

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