
  1. a measure of how densely information is packed on a storage medium
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How To Use bpi In A Sentence

  • Ifpi, riaa, bpi your all goanna be rotting in jail soon mothers. Muti
  • Craig Mason, group personnel manager for British Polythene Industries PLC - bpi. films 'parent company - was the man who attended the site to break the news to staff. News round-up
  • MoA rightly likens the BPI to our old friends at The Project for a New American Century, who openly yearned -- back in September 2000 -- for a "new Pearl Harbor" that would "catalyze" the American people into supporting their militarist agenda (which included imposing a U.S. military presence in Iraq -- whether Saddam Hussein was still in power there or not). Undefined
  • The influential clasps gemstone box ebay amazon magnetic for ridding future risk is the sibilant view index (bpi). Wii-volution
  • JL URPIN, Archbishop of Rhehns, the friend and Secretary of Charles the Great, excellently skilled * ip sacred and profane literature, of a genius equally adapted to prose and verse; the advocate of the poor, beloved of God in his life and conversation, who often hand to hand fought the Saracens by the Emperor's side: he relates the acts of Charles the Great in one book of Epistles, and flourished, under Charles and his Son Lewis, to the year of our Lord eight hundred and thirty. tubpin's bistort or JOHN TURPIN'S HISTORY OP Charles the Great and Orlando. History of Charles the Great and Orlando,
  • Elsewhere in the sales data, it's confirmed that legal downloads are already the second biggest singles format there is - 150,000 were tracked by the BPI in January, outstripping vinyl, cassingles and DVD singles.
  • The BPI said no information gathered by the software is sent to anti-piracy agencies.
  • _ Testacea; capite guttis tribus nigris; thorace disco antico vittisque duabus posterioribus nigris; tibiis tarsisque anticis piceis, tibiis posticis subpiceis; alis subfuscescentibus, fascia lata limpida nigricante marginata postice abbreviata. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • 4 - Forget about scanning at 1200 bpi or greater, especially if connected with USB. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • When I was little the word crockery used to […] 15 January, 2009 (00: 00) | By: BillNBPI Undefined
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