How To Use Bozo In A Sentence

  • Comments azize delam dargozashte pedar bozorget ro behet tasliat migam. omidvaram ke baghaye omr dashte bashi va too tamame marahele zendegit movafagh bashi aslan narahat nabash alan jaye baba bozorg tooye oon donya khoobe. afarin ke ba in sen kamet veblog dari man shahret 2 bar oadam va onja ro doos daram makhsoosan sheikh safi Iranian doxdo (
  • I wish I had, because my dread about being trapped with cruise-ship bozos would have been replaced by a more accurate dread of being trapped with ocean-liner snobs.
  • Unfortunately, the America's-always-to-blame bozos get all the publicity - and you're giving them more by implying that their moral blindness characterizes the academy as a whole.
  • A "rebozo" - style bag, made out of reflective mylar that use natural or artificial light to encode messages into morse code. Eyebeam RSS Feed
  • Don't expect these bozos to know that, however.
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  • They were moored, stem and stern, in a grog-shop, making a great noise, with a crowd of Indians and hungry half-breeds about them, and with a fair prospect of being stripped and dirked, or left to pass the night in the calabozo. Chapter XXVII. The Sunday Wash-Up-On Shore-A Set-To-A Grandee-“Sail Ho!”-A Fandango
  • Three days before the fiesta is the Rebozo Fair, from the 18th to the 25th of September, a week of total happiness and rejoicing. The Meseta Purepecha
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: leave mitch alone. lipless lesbians can get violent is pressed too hard. Think Progress » McConnell Tries To Dodge Repeated Questions About His Wall Street Fundraising
  • Who's that bozo in the purple shirt?
  • The journalists will look like bozos if they don't push this.
  • Some bozo who asked in guild chat, in which we are only permitted to speak ic, So what the! "Other hands than it should pass through..."
  • Let me take a wild guess and say that this bozo is a Republican. Wonk Room » Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Refuses To Cooperate With DOJ
  • Examples include onium and carboxonium ions, acyl cations, halonium, azonium, carbozonium ions, even certain substituted carbocations and the like. George A. Olah - Autobiography
  • Jellyfish (medusae, which may be hydrozoan, scyphozoan or cubozoan) are important both as predators and prey in pelagic ecosystems.
  • This bozo is a perfect example of the dubm-butt's who led us through that nighmare. Heckler Wilson 'a decent guy' with lock on district, observers say
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: right now boo-hoo glenda becky is wringing his poontang in anguish over whether to demonize this whack-a-zoid or dedicate the show to his hatred of the IRS Think Progress » Anti-Union CPAC Being Serviced By ‘Terrific’ Union Employees
  • As mentioned above, a few tetraradial ‘medusoids’ could be scyphozoan jellyfish, but tetraradial symmetry is also typical of the Hydrozoa and Cubozoa.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: billdo the dildo is like that cheap asses relative everyone has, the one who refuses to pitch in for a group gift but still wants their name on the card. Think Progress » O’Reilly Gripes That Haiti Benefit Organizers Are Ignoring Him — After His Network Refused To Air The Event
  • Professor Kubozono said picene is the first example of a hydrocarbon superconductor, although scientists have been able to create superconductors of the carbon compound fullerene (C60) doped with potassium. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Yet when some bozo on a talk show confesses to an addiction or a perversion in front of millions of viewers, he's lionized as ‘courageous’ for speaking out.
  • He'd probably tell a number of important senators that they were bozos.
  • This is what happened to Benjamin, my bozo of a baboon, who during his brief ascendancy became a jerk.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: ten to one says eric cantor is the next cancervaturd legislator embroiled in a scandal involving a male prostitute and meth. he has that look. Think Progress » Cantor backtracks on his bluff, says he’ll show up to health care meeting with Obama.
  • Everyone called her that, too: Mamaan Kuchooloo - a play on the Persian word for grandmother, mamaan bozorg, meaning big mother.
  • Eddie "Bozo" Miller was once listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the "world's greatest trencherman. 'World's Greatest Trencherman' Ate His Way
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: sirturdwig michelle malkin makes me want to be a bad, bad boy Think Progress » Limbaugh: Volcanic eruption in Iceland is God’s reaction to health care’s passage.
  • The escalation that ensued is captured in Bradley Glenn's documentary Battle of the Bozos, which has its New York premier at the Williamsburg International Film Festival this Saturday. Adam Morganstern: Battle of the Bozos
  • However, from your blogging persona I've gotten the sense that you're aesthetically repulsed by the usual sex-and-shopping ditzfests and self-help bozothons that most agents use to meet their profit margins. Love or money?
  • You've got to love the bozo from the Heritage Foundation who's worried that the Chinese might get national security secrets by buying Hummer -- like Hummers haven't been available overseas for the past fifteen years. Where the Hummer came from (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: linzloo08@161, my new plaything darnel is so uninspired he had to rehash a “yo mama” posting he used against me for you. p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c Think Progress » Boeing Complains About Losing Health Care Tax Break Despite Being One Of Least Taxed Big Corporations
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: so, lemmie get this straight. maybe one percent of the population of this country tunes in pox news and cancervatards crow this is a stunning success? Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 12, 2010
  • So this bozo is head of the Republican governors of the South? Barbour: Obama, Congress 'the most liberal' ever
  • I suppose you're going to go and fall in love with this bozo aren't you? THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • There are three subgroups within the cnidarians that have medusae, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and scyphozoans.
  • This bozo later got a prime spot on the roster, encouraging all his fans to register to vote.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: hey pattycakes, other than the poofter drudge, you have any concrete proof? Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 16, 2010
  • If every single pilot in America shows up for work with a nine-millimeter on his belt, are the security bozos really going to shut down the country again?
  • Gramm’s a bozo; is this what a Phd in Economics gets you? McCain: Send Gramm to Minsk - The Caucus Blog -
  • With profits down and teleconferencing getting ever more sophisticated, those business travelers are staying put or buying restricted tickets like the rest of us bozos.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: my new plaything supports “opening up oil exploration in the atlantic” to give the concession to Shell and BP. right, darnel? Think Progress » Drilling Is Not The Solution To Create Jobs And Reduce Reliance On Foreign Oil
  • I look at the face of Tawakkol Karman wrapped in what we in the Spanish-speaking tropics would call a rebozo, and I see a riff on the face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, she who adorned the banners of the Mexican Revolution 200 years ago. Susan J. Cobb: The Inner Virgin Comes Out In Revolution
  • Schlafly is the best evidence that teh stupid bozon is in fact massless. Pharyngula
  • Whereas in life, we strive not to be considered clowns, by having my red hair cut in a Bozo-coiffe and donning that polka-dotted suit and huge shoes, there was no more dignity yet to loose. Buzzine » Killer Clown Attacks Hollywood!
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: ooohhhhh, dunce power, still waiting for you to answer my questions. spin ballerina, spin all around! Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 16, 2010
  • E-mail is a cold and barren medium, but it's efficient, and we don't have to wait for the bozo on the other end to hang up - we just hit escape.
  • What a total bunch of selfish bozos we are in the West.
  • How about restoring confidence in the House of Representatives by calling for the resignation of these bozos?
  • That's not even counting all the virus emails I've been receiving from these bozos who don't understand the concept of not opening attached files from people they don't know.
  • This bozo is just grasping for straws right now, and it is obvious. karen Obama: Jobs news 'modestly encouraging'
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: then give back the billions texas takes in yearly from the fed for education, beyotch. other states can use the dough. Think Progress » Gov. Perry Bemoans ‘Federal Takeover’ Of Education, But His State’s Takeover Of Textbooks Is Totally Fine
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: so, jdummy. what if it were barney frank who shouted to old ginny foxx “shut the hell up, you old foghorn leghorn sounding beyotch”? Think Progress » Neugebauer Won’t Apologize To House For Outburst That His GOP Colleague Calls ‘More Wrong’ Than Joe Wilson’s
  • Once I identify a bozo, I actively suspend certain habits of driving courtesy. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » I Thought I Was The Only Curmudgeon Who Obsessed Over This
  • Boy! obozo the clown is the best thing to happen to Republicans in years. RNC reports nearly $9 million cash haul last month
  • All the Republicans are asking is to end bank bailouts, of course you have to remember Obozo got a $1 million in campaign contributions from current libertard whipping boy, demon Goldman Sachs. New DNC ad accuses GOP of siding with Wall Street
  • Although he is a selfless caregiver and provider, our children think of him more as a combination of a jungle gym and bozo and clown.
  • This is a very healthy situation to be in, not with regard to the bankrupt bunch of bozos who sit over there.
  • But with the invasion by Saddam Hussein's Iraq in 1980 all this changed, and he and other leaders adopted the Iranian version of the term used by French revolutionaries in the 1790s, la grande nation - in Persian, millat i bozorg. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • George Musser missed the obvious, when millions of people make the same mistake, the only word that suffices to explain them is bozon. The wrongness singularity
  • Also, the many of the moderators have tried to "outshine" the candidates or to make the news, like russert and this bozo, which is really pathetic. Obama Defends Biden After Moderator Smacks Him On Race
  • Judicial decorum prevented his commenting, That's what I thought you said, bozo. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • Anyway, Mr. B. pays these bozos $75 for failing to figure out what's wrong with the machine and takes it home with a promise to call if the problem recurs.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: the teabagging tards are sheep puppets of their lobbyist masters. notice how they held their little circle jerk on governement owned land, the boston common. if they hate the governement so much the cheap fcuks should have ponied up and rented a space. Think Progress » Tea Partiers Get Their News From Fox And Are More Likely To Justify Violence Against The Government
  • And honestly, there may be some powerful bozon emitters in the halls of the RIAA companies, but does anyone really believe that the record industry will just take its ball and go home at this point? Boing Boing: October 24, 2004 - October 30, 2004 Archives
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: apparently, these tards know about as much about religion as they do how to govern properly. according to the bible the sabbath is from friday sundown to saturday Think Progress » Rep. Steve King and Glenn Beck agree: Voting for health reform on Sunday is ‘an affront to God.’
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: last weekend which was the first nice weekend weatherwise in boston drew five thousand people to the common for a sunday afternoon stroll. Think Progress » Focus On The Family Returns To Its Homophobia: We’re No Longer Open To A Gay SCOTUS Justice
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: so, jdummy. what if it were barney frank who shouted to old ginny foxx “shut the hell up, you old foghorn leghorn sounding beyotch”? Think Progress » Neugebauer Won’t Apologize To House For Outburst That His GOP Colleague Calls ‘More Wrong’ Than Joe Wilson’s
  • This has nothing to do with fiscal responsibility, as these bozos masturbated during the irresponsible looting of the Treasury to pay for the Iraq catastrophe. Think Progress » Only One Republican Federal Lawmaker Has Spoken Out Against Arizona’s Draconian Immigration Law
  • That same night, some bozo called him, asking whether he wanted the job. CORMORANT
  • CALABOZO, Venezuela -- The foremen bark out instructions in broken Spanish, saying "aqui" and "mas" as they direct crews to lay water pipes and smooth out cement. Homepage
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: pattycakes, sonny bono turned himself into a smoothy after he slammed into a tree while skiing. not the best reference for competency Think Progress » Limbaugh Now Says He Won’t Move To Costa Rica — Will Just Go There To Use Its Public Health System
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: one again pox is wrong. bill clinton has government run health care insurance thanks to his stint as president. much like the geriatrics who watch pox all day, also covered by government run medicare. Think Progress » Fox Politicizes Clinton’s Heart Surgery, Suggests He Wouldn’t Have Received Treatment Under Health Reform
  • The last thing anyone wants is for some bozo scientist to accidentally open a gateway to the netherworld, subsequently causing our reality to be overrun by demonic monstrosities.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: people like big john make me proud to live in new england and not the podunk-assed state he does. Think Progress » Rep. Deal says he’s not questioning Obama’s ‘legitimacy’ while asking for his birth certificate.
  • Data were collected between 1988 and 2001 from a banded population of green-rumped parrotlets, breeding at two sites within the Hato Masaguaral cattle ranch in the llanos of Venezuela, 45 km south of Calabozo.
  • So you see women on the streets in the hot sun wearing Vietnamese straw-brimmed hats, and moms in rebozos cuddling their kids, and so on.
  • It's frying my eyeballs out and that bozo 's not going anywhere. CORMORANT
  • The olive - skinned townspeople, less than one thousand in 1844, clung to their Spanish language and Mexican culture and dressed in serapes, sombreros, rebozos, and other garb characteristic of communities south of the Rio Grande.
  • Many rural women wear a shawl, called a rebozo, and a simple dress or a skirt and blouse.
  • And admittedly once you have to pull out the public policy dictionary on these bozos they've pretty much fought you to a draw in political terms.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: bobby swindle is soooooooo last year’s news …. after the shining start of the repugnantscum party crashed, burned and fell to the earth after that atrocious rebuttal to obama’s speech. Think Progress » Did Jindal Bribe Louisiana’s Attorney General To Force Him To Join Frivolous Health Care Lawsuit? (UPDATED)
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: ten bucks says pattycakes would fellate saint ronnie if we were to exhume to corpse. Think Progress » Obama: I’d rather be a ‘really good one-term president’ than ‘mediocre two-term president.’
  • But indigenous Oaxacan mothers traditionally breast feed their babies for a year and rarely use bassinets, carrying their infants instead in a rebozo, a type of sling.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: timmeh, would you have been as supportive if someone shouted at ginny fox “foghorm leghorn sounding beyotch”? Think Progress » Kit Bond: Democrats ‘put red bandanas on their head’ for a ‘Kamikaze mission’ to provide health reform.
  • On Thursday, at a campaign rally in suburban Michigan, he referred to Al Gore and me as bozos, a comparison to the clown Bozo, who probably found the reference more unflattering than we did.
  • ‘We're just going to have a bunch of bozos who will do nothing for us at Westminster,’ said one women's campaigner.
  • As for the Bozo, their name for Sirius A is sima kayne, which translates literally as 'sitting trouser. Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
  • Coakley of course in Mass was a "weak" candidate, while who ever this bozo is in Florida (realize NO ONE even knew there was an election) who lost, was of course some strong candidate I suppose? Are Florida-19's results a good political indicator?
  • The clowns are neither the bewigged bozos who gave you nightmares as a child nor the bemasked Italian Harlequins that gave you nightmares as a college student, but instead red-nosed, wordless caricatures that embody certain Metro tropes like Guy From Baltimore Who Hits on All the Ladies (Jon Reynolds) or Uptight Intern With a Laugh Like a Fire Alarm (Micael Bogar) or Tourist Who Apparently Has Never Before Seen a Map (Lenore Sack). Theater review of 'Separated at Birth' at Mead Theatre Lab
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: the “point” darnel made on the other thread was 1 million is less than 23,000 in repugnanscum math Think Progress » Drilling Is Not The Solution To Create Jobs And Reduce Reliance On Foreign Oil
  • We've called him and his ilk everything from thickheaded bozos, to donkeys and pious do-gooders.
  • Zooey breaks up with bozo cheat durr-brain boyfriend, needs new room, moves in rather unaccountably with three ungrown males – what's happening to us men? Rewind TV: Sherlock; Endeavour; Public Enemies; New Girl – review
  • Someone needs to remind this bozo that the "up-and-down" economy that we don't deserve is the direct result of the last republican president's inability to deal with the looming financial crisis of 2008. Cantor gets in quickest response on jobs
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: big john, is english your first language? Think Progress » Palin says she’s fine with Limbaugh’s use of the ‘r-word.’
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: ten bucks says pattycakes would fellate saint ronnie if we were to exhume to corpse. Think Progress » Obama: I’d rather be a ‘really good one-term president’ than ‘mediocre two-term president.’
  • I re-member the night that big Texas oil bozo gave Jack lip.
  • Since this bozo is a fan of the former co-president (hillary). .who was fully informed on intell along with the serial groper. .all had agreed that Saddam was a threat ... its just that bill was more interested in bj's and campaign mooey from communist china than in protecting our country. Sound Politics: "Only Fools Support Bush's Escalation"
  • Bozo, I ask republicans all the time why Bush and the republicans never over turned roe v. wade and their excuse is always “well it should be a State by State decision” Think Progress » Rick Perry to Bush: ‘There is no way to tell how many lives were protected by your fearless pro-life efforts.’
  • The second event is dialogue spoken by the character Bozo, who says, "Freeze, turkey.
  • No doubt the gov't and Republicans will find new fears, but it will take another 40 years to brainwash this generation about the new unfound fears. bozo the obama Poll: Dodd on the rebound?
  • His father frowned on it as a fancy lacking respectability, but eventually sent his son off to San Diego, Calif., where famed craftsman Bozo Podunavac ran a school of lutherie. The Real Guitar Hero of Rock 'n' Roll
  • If the egg is not enough, top your hash with melting cheese such as Muenster, jack, pepper jack, brie, smoked gouda, provalone, cambozola, and havarti. The Full Feed from
  • Since this bozo is a fan of the former co-president (hillary). .who was fully informed on intell along with the serial groper. .all had agreed that Saddam was a threat ... its just that bill was more interested in bj's and campaign mooey from communist china than in protecting our country. Sound Politics: "Only Fools Support Bush's Escalation"
  • The best thing to do with these bozos is not to get into back and forth chants with them, but to participate in the festivities themselves and outnumber them.
  • First of all This style in japan is called bozo zuko style. Crazy Tattoos That Seems Awfully Wrong
  • Voting for these Bozos ain't gonna change diddly-squat - it's all more of the same.
  • CALABOZO, Venezuela - The foremen bark out instructions in broken Spanish, saying "aqui" and "mas" as they direct crews to lay water pipes and smooth out cement. Latest Articles
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: timmeh defines “obstructionism” as telling the repukeliscums “no” while they try to sit activist judges in appellate courts Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 12, 2010
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: hey pattycakes, you do realize the boston herald is owned by the dreaded new york times. right, shitstain? Think Progress » ThinkFast: February 16, 2010
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: perhaps as a “half-time show” they can exhume the remains of charlie heston and pry the gun from his “cold, dead hands” on the stairs of the capitol? Think Progress » Gun Advocates Plan DC March On 15th Anniversary Of Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Someday these bozos are going to figure out that it doesn't pay to try to set the CIA up as the fall guys.
  • Although they share traits with the scyphozoans and hydrozoans, cubozoans also possess traits found in neither of the two other medusoid classes.
  • CNBC reports on their website that Bozo's posse is going to "recalculate" the "saved or created" job numbers. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: so, jdummy. what if it were barney frank who shouted to old ginny foxx “shut the hell up, you old foghorn leghorn sounding beyotch”? Think Progress » Neugebauer Won’t Apologize To House For Outburst That His GOP Colleague Calls ‘More Wrong’ Than Joe Wilson’s
  • Standing outside, his wife crossed herself as they passed and pulled her rebozo tight around her grey hair.
  • Men and women wear the poncho, and women wear shawls called rebozos.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: president obama really expects the teabagging tards to be thankful when this wench is their leader? Think Progress » Obama on Tea Partiers: “You would think they would be saying, ‘Thank you’” for my tax cuts.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: fuzzy nipples, the topic if the twinkie-gulping-skank liz cheney and if she’s guilty of giving “aid and comfort to the enemy” in time of war”? what’s the matter, are you afraid to engage in the topic at hand since the fat sow is indefensable? Think Progress » Liz Cheney Airs Hypocritical Attack Ad On Obama For Waiting ‘100 Hours’ To Respond To Terror Plot
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: the terrorists in michigan need to be tried, convicted and incarcerated very publically to show these clowns like batshit shelley we mean business. Think Progress » Kristol: The Russians ‘in some ways have brought’ suicide bombings ‘on themselves.’
  • Rather than using colorful cloth rebozos to carry infants on their backs, they now use baby carriages.
  • The girls came out of the cottage doors to look at him, as he made the fiery little beast curvet and prance along the road; and he was evidently not insensible to the looks of admiration of these young ladies, as they muffled up their faces in their blue rebozos and looked at him through the narrow opening. Anahuac : or, Mexico and the Mexicans, Ancient and Modern
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: looks like a hit a nerve with the teabagging tards. tough tittie teabagging filth Think Progress » National Tea Party Convention falls apart: Bachmann and Blackburn announce they are pulling out.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: in five years angry trannie annie coulter will be an old, dried up, barren spinster who gives the neighborhood children shitty homemade popcorn balls at halloween and feeds all the stray cats from a shopping crats she pushes through the streets Think Progress » Coulter Cancels Speech In Canada After 2,000 Students Show Up To Protest Her Appearance
  • Now the bozo is trying to plead guilty, probably thinking he will have the 70 virgins waiting for him upon execution. Sound Politics: It's in the P-I
  • The built in assumption is that market forces and normal human nature can regulate the behaviours of individuals, companies and nations so that peace and prosperity will reign without those pesky elected bozos ruining everything. Going somewhere I don’t usually | Diane Duane's weblog: "Out of Ambit"
  • I pray they hit us with the fingerprints results as late as possible … put bozo's work all in the sewar at the last minute … where he and his cozy klunt belong. .togther … Blogger News Network
  • There are three subgroups within the cnidarians that have medusae, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and scyphozoans.
  • She could fool the other two bozos anytime, anywhere, but it was this guy who made her wary.
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: would it be “censorship” to cut off the presidential address to the repugnantscum “retreat” 20 minutes early since he had erica cantor southern belle bent over a mint julep and spanking the talking point out of him? Think Progress » Forgetting His Attacks On The Netroots, O’Reilly Says Media Are Using ‘Nuts’ To ‘Brand’ Tea Party As ‘Racists
  • I know Republicans think Americans in general are stupid as their average constituent is dumber than a box of rocks, but it is becoming very apparent to the majority of Americans that the Empress hath no clothes (or brains for that matter) and once again to the Republicans undoing, a thinking America sees they have no leadership nor direction and any Bozo from the local circus can take the lead spot at any time. Poll: Majority don't approve of Palin
  • Bozo The Neoclown says: porky pig rove is a punk condemned to the bowels of irrelevancy … pox news. Think Progress » Even Though Bush Used False WMD Claims To Justify Iraq War, Rove Claims They Dealt With ‘Reality’
  • The Ron Paul bozos keep yakking about onerous government and restrictions on freedom, yet they are always down with the holy roller theocrats. Think Progress » TIMELINE: From Promoting Acid Rain To Climate Denial, Over 20 Years Of David Koch’s Polluter Front Groups
  • Bozo Baird should know a JATO [rocket-assisted] takeoff is not kind to the environment - what a maroon! Brian Baird led junket to South Pole on taxpayers' dime (Jack Bog's Blog)

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