How To Use Boysenberry In A Sentence
Ollalieberries are slightly longer and more slender than the boysenberry and are a cross between black, logan and youngberries.
Probably boysenberry next, because noone really knows who boysen is and why they have a berry named after them.
EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - Catching up…
It gives a full range of fruit flavors, in this case, black cherry, cassis and boysenberry, as well as tannins that are round while retaining their power.
George Miliotes: Buy a Bottle of Wine, Help End Childhood Hunger
Any type of berry pie, strawberry, boysenberry are on the top of the list
Apples & Leaves Pie Top Cutter and a Giveaway! | Baking Bites
For example, many of the ciders we've sampled have a waft of boysenberry and the distinct spicy aroma of cumin.

In the 1920s, Walter Knott and his wife, Cordelia, began selling chicken dinners and delicious pies made from a new variety of fruit that Knott helped popularize: the boysenberry.
He still has 30ha in boysenberries, and sees the future in Asian markets with new products being launched in Japan such as boysenberry and vinegar breakfast drinks, boysenberry biscuits and boysenberry sweets. - Stuff
What other courthouse in America sold candy apples and homemade boysenberry tarts?
Three-Minute Fiction: Sneak Peak
Making a large plant, the boysenberry is hardy and extremely resistant to drought.
A Cabernet like this - full of simple but delicious boysenberry and cassis flavors - makes a Sunday night roast memorable.
The vintage conditions also were difficult enough to produce a lot of wines with overt signs of overripeness - which not only produces undesirable aromatic and flavor combinations such as prunes, kirsch and boysenberry syrup, but also takes away from any expression of terroir and really muddies focus and precision on the palate.
Bordeaux 2009: all over but the pricing | Dr Vino's wine blog
The vintage conditions also were difficult enough to produce a lot of wines with overt signs of overripeness - which not only produces undesirable aromatic and flavor combinations such as prunes, kirsch and boysenberry syrup, but also takes away from any expression of terroir and really muddies focus and precision on the palate.
Bordeaux 2009: all over but the pricing | Dr Vino's wine blog
At the top, the reward for both athletes and mere mortals is a piece of one of Sue King's pies-especially her fruit ones: rhubarb, peach, boysenberry, pear with cheddar streusel, and Dutch apple.
The ‘pie-eyed’ order slices of rhubarb, strawberry, peach, apple, banana cream, fresh nectarine, Cheddar pear or boysenberry in summer; cranberry walnut, maple pecan and pumpkin are fall favorites.
I made some boysenberry and fennel-infused chamomile tea and stepped outside on the fire escape.
Instead they had this strawberry/raspberry / boysenberry flavour… and it was just as good!
The boysenberry gelato was a bit sweet for my taste, but showed some real magic in that it was served with a huge sprig of fresh mint, a sign of someone who cares about scent as well as taste.
I shall be Autumn this Halloween, with leaf draped skirt, and folds of boysenberry velvet wine flowing to the ground.
Autumn Offering
There's boysenberry ice-cream in the freezer.
The boysenberry canes are bursting with bright green leaves and overflowing the square of low trellises behind the old flagstone barbecue.
Floyd stacked two pies on top of the boysenberry, then shuffled away toward the meat section of the Last Stop.
The vintage conditions also were difficult enough to produce a lot of wines with overt signs of overripeness - which not only produces undesirable aromatic and flavor combinations such as prunes, kirsch and boysenberry syrup, but also takes away from any expression of terroir and really muddies focus and precision on the palate.
Bordeaux 2009: all over but the pricing | Dr Vino's wine blog
For example, many of the ciders we've sampled have a waft of boysenberry and the distinct spicy aroma of cumin.