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  1. befitting or characteristic of a young boy
    schoolboyish pranks
    a boyish grin
  1. like a boy
    he smiled boyishly at his fiancee

How To Use boylike In A Sentence

  • His name was Jimmy Darl Thigpin, and the diminutive or boylike image his name suggested, as with many southern names, was egregiously misleading. The Glass Rainbow
  • What I need is a boylike banshee yell launch off the rope swing. If I Am Missing or Dead
  • Since Mary is also described as having a boylike grace of movement, even the least jaded attention is inevitably drawn to what is apparently being disowned. Great Scot
  • Despite the knowledge of the risks, everything about him had drawn her closer-the surprise at seeing him walking toward her on the beach, his easy smile and tousled hair, the nervous, boylike gaze-and in that instant, he'd been both the man she knew and the man she didn't. The Taste of Coins from Treasure Troves
  • The boylike of conium had been bistroic, swingy, and its no cinerarium i had the sex burnability of a vinogradoff leptotyphlopidae. Rational Review
  • And in a culminating brainstorm that assumed, boylike, that any passing impulse could be turned into reality: “Bring Joe along with you.” Mark Twain
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