How To Use Boyishly In A Sentence
A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
Boyishly reared by an emancipated mother and a suicidal father, she is the victim of heredity, environment and her own anachronistic position as an outsider in the new socialist England.
He is still boyishly handsome at the age of 45.
I'm a masculine bio female, boyishly butch, transmasculine - some might call me a FTM [female to male], but I'm not totally transitioned, though I'm on a moderate dose of T [testosterone], and I'm comfortable with my body as is.
Victoria Rosner: A Walk on the Wilde Side
In contrast to Attenborough, the boyishly eager Irwin bounded into the frame like Tigger, leaping after the crocs and bantering at full volume: “Crikey!”
Unfair Dinkum

His skin was still so pale as to be painful to her eyes, and clashed dramatically with his beautiful dark hair, long and luxuriant in the sunlight, and boyishly disheveled.
And there emerged from the inner room a trim, lithe, almost boyishly slim figure attired in a bewitchingly skittish-looking garment consisting of knickerbockers and snug brassiere of king's blue satin messaline.
Roast Beef, Medium
From the waist up he is boyishly taut and lifted, yet stretchy and surprisingly double-jointed in the limbs.
he smiled boyishly at his fiancee
‘Nothing…’ Nero lied, ignoring the use of his praenomen as a playful, boyishly immature slur.