
How To Use Boyish In A Sentence

  • This twenty-something Wood-elf is not what you would call devilishly handsome yet is never-the-less attractive in a somewhat boyish way. Undefined
  • But, despite my boyish good looks, I'm probably unlikely to be engaged for either role.
  • He was tall with a shock of dark brown hair, flushed schoolboyish cheeks, and a dashing, dimpled smile. Kiss & Break Up
  • His face in repose possessed a boyish charm that disarmed her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • A film version of the Carson McCullers play. Frankie Addams, a very boyish articulate 12-year-old girl, is going through an unhappy stage of her life, having been spurned by the neighborhood girls.
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  • March 11, 2006, 5: 04 pm credit counseling says: credit counseling scraping accruing, Habib! boyish: possessional contrasting The Volokh Conspiracy » WASHINGTON TIMES AND WINE WARS:
  • A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
  • Rigg leapt to his feet and let out a boyish, privick, unprincely hoot of happiness. Pathfinder
  • Currado, began to consider Giannotto and some remembrance of the boyish lineaments of her son's countenance being by occult virtue awakened in her, without awaiting farther explanation, she ran, open-armed, to cast herself upon his neck, nor did overabounding emotion and maternal joy suffer her to say a word; nay, they so locked up all her senses that she fell into her son's arms, as if dead. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • He's got a thatch of floppy brown hair that gives him a certain boyish look, but he's gray at the temples, and there are little fans of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.
  • He has a surprisingly boyish voice, with a comical, girlish giggle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kahle, like Brand, is boyish, open-faced, and perky beyond his years.
  • ‘Indeed my Lady, it was taken from a French musketeer just minutes after I had killed him,’ he swung it in the air several times, watching with a boyish smile as the nuns cringed.
  • This sense of boyish innocence and hope helps define The Devil's Backbone as something more than just your average trip to the boneyard.
  • A boyish, boxy top complements its flippy femininity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brendan Gill, writing in The New Yorker, referred to some of his work as "boyish prankishness. A Maverick Master
  • With her long features and battered trilby, she also makes a plausibly boyish Ganymede.
  • Dick remained the same frank merry fellow as ever; and even when there was a thick crop growing on his cheeks and chin, which he called brown mustard and cress, he was as full of boyish fun as ever. Menhardoc
  • His innocent boyish face suggests a young, vivid child, a likeable person.
  • Focused on the game, Mortlock wondered what his rival was about and seeing nothing but an expression of boyish anticipation, he smiled knowingly.
  • Still very boyish, smooth and neat; no imbalance yet, he caught a wonderful perfection.
  • His face was clean of any pimples, and his smile was boyish, but held the promise of maturity.
  • Far from keeping him in his place they encouraged his boyish enthusiasms for mapping the moon and putting together artless plans for creating the rockets that would take adventurers to its hidden heart.
  • Boyishly reared by an emancipated mother and a suicidal father, she is the victim of heredity, environment and her own anachronistic position as an outsider in the new socialist England.
  • He seems more boyish and youthful than the rather circumspect Sandler.
  • Into his strong young fingers Ulka took a smooth, flat stone; his handsome eyes were lowered in boyish modesty, his thoughts were worshipping her. Legends of Vancouver
  • His face in repose possessed a boyish charm that disarmed her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • He that says that the doctor's skill is wanted in the case of a slight skin-eruption or whitlow, but is not needed in the case of pleurisy, fever, or lunacy, in what respect does he differ from the man that says that schools and teaching and precepts are only for small and boyish duties, while great and important matters are to be left to mere routine and accident? Plutarch's Morals
  • a simplex word has no affixes and is not part of a compound--like `boy' compared with `boyish' or `house' compared with `houseboat'
  • And just as in olden times God called His chief servants from the farmstead and the sheep-run, so even still the men of might have been those whose natures were made strong by youthful hardship and boyish battles. The Story of Garfield Farm-boy, Soldier, and President
  • Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll Scrawled over on some boyish holiday With idle songs for pipe and virelay, Which do but mar the secret of the whole.
  • He sported the same boyish dress sense in wearing a blue t-shirt atop of a pair of semi-fitted jeans.
  • Nero's boyish pride by taunting him with what she called his degrading and unmanly subjection to his mother. Nero Makers of History Series
  • He is still boyishly handsome at the age of 45.
  • Team with a ruffle blouse and boyish loafers. The Sun
  • Bravely and unselfconsciously, this generous actress looks middle-aged, yet with that gangly tomboyish essence that allows her to play young without resorting to cosmetic artifice or girly-girl coyness.
  • She is just a perfectly beautiful woman, but at the same time quite boyish. Times, Sunday Times
  • The coldest-blooded amongst us, Mr. Massingham of _The Nation_ for example, must confess that it was a moment rich in the emotion which bestows immortality on incident when this son of a village schoolmaster, who grew up in a shoemaker's shop, and whose boyish games were played in the street of a Welsh hamlet remote from all the refinements of civilization and all the clangours of industrialism, announced to a breathless Europe without any pomposity of phrase and with but a brief and contemptuous gesture of dismissal the passing away from the world's stage of the Hapsburgs and Hohenzollerns -- those ancient, long glorious, and most puissant houses whose history for an æon was the history of The Mirrors of Downing Street Some Political Reflections by a Gentleman with a Duster
  • The vigour is evident again now, along with the humour in that still boyish face. Times, Sunday Times
  • The girl sniffed at them and swept off to find someone less boyish to play with.
  • He was smiling, even white teeth, sun wrinkles around his eyes, his hair flopping over his eyebrows, tan, boyish despite his age. CORMORANT
  • He has a boyish habit of blowing his fringe out of his eyes when he gets a bit flustered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Feisty and suitably boyish, Toyah's exuberance would have shamed performers half her age.
  • _not_ chew gum, but she whistled, and the teachers who reproved her most for what they called a boyish trick, always listened intently, when the clear, musical notes, now soft and low, now loud and shrill, were heard outside, or in the building. Tracy Park
  • a boyish grin
  • She confesses to wearing an occasional daub of men's cologne so as to seem tomboyish and to using masking tape at night to flatten her bouncy curls. The Scary Future, the Embarrassing Past
  • Yet, each time we encounter sharks, I see his face light up again in a boyish grin.
  • From the reputation which he had previously acquired for gallantries, and the sort of reckless and boyish levity to which -- often in very "bitterness of soul" -- he gave way, it was not difficult to bring suspicion upon some of those acquaintances which his frequent intercourse with the green-room induced him to form, or even (as, in one instance, was the case,) to connect with his name injuriously that of a person to whom he had scarcely ever addressed a single word. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 3 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • The courier and the young banker carried loaded revolvers, and Muscari (with much boyish gratification) buckled on a kind of cutlass under his black cloak. The Wisdom of Father Brown
  • Then he spread his trademark trouty lips and tombstone teeth into the boyish grin that defined one of the cult comedies of the 90s. After 10 years 'Larry Sanders' is back
  • Her manner was boyish, hoydenish at times, and although convent-trained, she was inclined to balk at restraint in any form. The Financier
  • A myriad of emotions plays over his boyish face - wry amusement, disbelief, disgust, and smugness.
  • I'm a masculine bio female, boyishly butch, transmasculine - some might call me a FTM [female to male], but I'm not totally transitioned, though I'm on a moderate dose of T [testosterone], and I'm comfortable with my body as is. Victoria Rosner: A Walk on the Wilde Side
  • His face in repose possessed a boyish charm that disarmed her. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • He sounds surprisingly young and eager, almost boyish in his speech patterns. Times, Sunday Times
  • His striking blue eyes sparkled with boyish mischief.
  • Romero asks Brett to marry him, but he wants her to grow out her boyish hair and behave in a more ladylike manner.
  • Yet still it was hard to tear your eyes away from his boyish body and hollow cheeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Miss Drexel, seized by inspiration or desperation, with a quick movement stripped off her short, corduroy tramping-skirt, and, looking very lithe and boyish in slender-cut pongee bloomers, ran along the sand and dropped the skirt for a foothold for the slowly revolving wheels. WHOSE BUSINESS IS TO LIVE
  • Muscari (with much boyish gratification) buckled on a kind of cutlass under his black cloak. The Complete Father Brown
  • One night in May — it was her birthnight, and twenty years since she had left her home — Hugh Graham sat in the room she had hallowed in his boyish days. Master Humphrey's Clock
  • His godly upbringing gave young Baxter a troubled conscience whenever he indulged in the usual boyish sins.
  • But only one expression beamed on the five sunburnt and shining faces -- a look of unaffected boyish gratification and unrestricted welcome. Devil's Ford
  • He has a surprisingly boyish voice, with a comical, girlish giggle. Times, Sunday Times
  • I need three criteria to make a film," she said with a full smile, behind her sunglasses, her hair coiffed in blondish boyish spikes, as we sat poolside on the roofside terrace of the Marriott Hotel, the morning very bright and fresh. Karin Badt: Cecile De France on Clint Eastwood and the Dardenne Brothers
  • He saw Magdaléna alone for a moment before the others came downstairs, and his delight at meeting her again was so boyish that she could hardly have recalled his eventful forty years had she tried. The Californians
  • As founding Peas, me, Apl, and Will had been tight since way back, and in walked this stranger from Hacienda Heights who fit in like some long-lost relative, and she was sexy without being catty, confident without being arrogant, strong without being over-domineering, and tomboyish without losing her femininity. Fallin’ Up
  • His skin was smooth, he was on the small side, and his features were still boyish as he looked down over the worn end of the broomstick. RUNNING FROM THE LAW
  • Women no longer tried to look boyish, but emphasized their difference from men by using cosmetics and enamelling their nails.
  • He no longer relies on his boyish charm and smile to win us over. Times, Sunday Times
  • She showed no sign of caring that her slim boyish legs, encased in her elder brothers khaki shorts, were being scratched by the thorns of the roses that she skedaddled past.
  • He has a boyish enthusiasm for his meteoric trajectory. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe balmorals should have a gap of ¼ " and bluchers about ¾ "; otherwise it looks so school-boyish.
  • Pills keep him functioning and a professional partnership with boyish protégé Frank allows him to earn a tidy living.
  • He also kept his boyish good looks and fitness. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Samarcand to cedared Lebanon, show that Keats had not got over his boyish taste for sweet things, and reached the maturity and gravity of appetite which dictated the Miltonian description. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 101, March, 1866
  • At last my boyish figure had acquired some status and a more attractive description: gamine.
  • He seems more boyish and youthful than the rather circumspect Sandler.
  • His friends found his clarity a priceless exchange, and his warmth, expressed in a smile you could call boyish, completely trustworthy. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Tse's boyish look, bolstered by his trademark floppy forelocks, is a crucial signpost from the very beginning.
  • In the motorized wheelchair, boyish face dimly illuminated by a glowing computer screed attached to the left armrest.
  • Destined to remain boyish in looks for his whole life, he gives his best shot at a bumfluff beard and an Irish accent and he hangs in there.
  • This ‘boyish’ and youthful ideal reigned during the 1920s, succeeded by a sensual and voluptuous ideal in the 1930s.
  • She recognized the shaggy brown locks that fell in waves around his boyish face, belying the fact that he was her senior by a handful of years.
  • But then you could see the doubt flit across those boyish features. Times, Sunday Times
  • It goes a long way to explain why men who are not in the least sexist feel discomfitted by the presence of women around them, because they do not allow them to be at their most boyish. "We, in former times, constantly made jokes about different races."
  • Brooke lifts a hand to his chest, a pained expression on his boyish face.
  • But now we see the resemblance to his own son: friendly, open-faced, boyish, none too bright, but eager to please.
  • As there was nothing really new in it, well apart from saying Bill had boyish looks usually people jump on the 'androgynous' band wagon. The Ugly Truth About Tokio Hotel: Vanity Fair
  • From the reputation which he had previously acquired for gallantries, and the sort of reckless and boyish levity to which -- often in very bitterness of soul -- he gave way, it was not difficult to bring suspicion upon some of those acquaintances which his frequent intercourse with the green-room induced him to form, or even (as in one instance was the case) to connect with his name injuriously that of a person to whom he had scarcely ever addressed a single word. Lord Byron jugé par les témoins de sa vie. English
  • In contrast to Attenborough, the boyishly eager Irwin bounded into the frame like Tigger, leaping after the crocs and bantering at full volume: “Crikey!” Unfair Dinkum
  • His hair is thinning but he has a boyish smile that makes his age impossible to guess.
  • These strike me as slightly schoolboyish--"Well, you say yes, but your friends say no, nyah, nyah"--perhaps reflecting the growing desperation of a government increasingly anxious to extricate itself from what is, in fact, clear involvement in a war crime. Harper's last stand
  • Brit rolled her eyes, never quite understanding her sister's tomboyish streak.
  • By the time he was fourteen he was a full fledged docker staggering under the crates his boyish frame hauled from the ships unloading at Algeciras.
  • Looking dapper in a suit and tie, he showed off the boyish good looks that won him the role. The Sun
  • So you must try to be contented with making your name boyish, and playing brother to us girls, "said Beth, stroking the rough head with a hand that all the dish washing and dusting in the world could not make ungentle in its touch. Little Women
  • He was smiling -- a self-conscious boyish grin. Seminary Boy
  • Others preferred the gamine look with a short boyish haircut.
  • This girl likes to have her hair cut in a boyish style.
  • It was his loud argyle socks that revealed the boyish sense of humour behind the staid visage.
  • Were one asked what aspects of Hamlet does Forbes-Robertson specially embody, I should say, in the first place, his princeliness, his ghostliness, then his cynical and occasionally madcap humour, as where, at the end of the play-scene, he capers behind the throne in a terrible boyish glee. Vanishing Roads and Other Essays
  • But he often greets strangers with self-deprecating humor and a boyish enthusiasm that is not without charm.
  • For more than a decade, reviewers have been wearied by Raine's schoolboyish anal-fixation, which continues unimpeded, supplying a rush of anaphrodisiac prose. Heartbreak by Craig Raine
  • He lived on the sub-continent until the age of five, when his boyish larks led his parents to send him to live with his grandparents in Devon.
  • Through the shallow wavelets he ran, stepping high and delicately splashing merry drops against the morning sunlight, leaped over one or two that would have "tilled" him to the knee (to use an old boyish phrase learnt at Carwithiel where he had learnt to swim), and came to the shelf beyond which the first tall comber boomed towards him, more than head high, hissing along its ridge. Lady Good-for-Nothing
  • Wherever have you taken yourself off to? "shouted a boyish voice, as its owner, jumping an obstructing gooseberry bush, tore around the corner of the house from the kitchen garden on to the strip of rough lawn that faced the windows. A Popular Schoolgirl
  • Cameron was charming, boyish and trying to outcharm the charmer. Boris: Will He or Won't He?
  • He's got a bit more beef on his bones now, but he's lost none of his cheerful, boyish looks.
  • He was a handsome young man of about three and twenty, but his shaggy mop of dark brown hair attributed to him a certain adorable boyish quality.
  • Her figure is boyish and she has brown teeth but he still prefers her to me. The Sun
  • I'm with Jane -- we can only hope that some little white power girl reads _The Bungalow Mystery_ and sees herself in boyish cousin George! Reading for Young Sheep
  • With their floppy haircuts and boyish good looks, they were billed as America's Beatles.
  • Newton, he left tokens of his boyish handiwork as a dialler. The Book of Sun-Dials
  • She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin.
  • Still, although Pi certainly has a voice, the literary cost of his boyish naivety is that he is somewhat empty as a character.
  • The young Shanavans also united their boyish voices in a cheering hurra, which was echoed by two mounted policemen that rode beside them. Ralph Rashleigh
  • I did boyish things with him such as biking and go-karting. Times, Sunday Times
  • Looking dapper in a suit and tie, he showed off the boyish good looks that won him the role. The Sun
  • He's got a pretty, boyish face, great hair and a bumfluff beard. Culture |
  • She's petite, button-nosed, doe-eyed, with a boyish thatching of short hair flopped over her forehead. Oscars: Inside the Vanity Fair party after the awards
  • Hair by Scissors Boyish cuts retain their charm.
  • At 41 years old, Mr. Refn has a schoolboyish air, neatly dressed in a white shirt, khakis and black glasses. Refn Revs Into High Gear With 'Drive'
  • No, at 24, he was rather a green New York state assemblyman who was still recovering from a childhood plagued by cholera morbus, and he'd come out to the Dakota Territory with boyish notions of shooting a buffalo.
  • Stripes create curves on boyish shapes and flatter chunkier arms. The Sun
  • She wears a sparkly top, not a boyish vest, with her jeans.
  • Wolfe's cast brings a buoyant freshness to the play: Preston's innocent, tomboyish Miranda; Ellis's balletically beautiful Ariel, Bougere's feral poignancy. Such Stuff As Dreams Are Made On
  • She had no right to anyone, in a world so full of slight creatures with delicate bones and neat boyish faces.
  • He looked very rosy and boyish. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • Why, in losing his leg and the few horses in his charge, he had lost his boyish good humor.
  • His firm handshake, welcoming smile and boyish charm were a winning combination.
  • I criticize you!") he trilled in his boyish soprano.
  • Chuck has blond hair and a smooth boyish face.
  • Gray's green eyes still dance with boyish excitement as he points out the lagoons' wonders.
  • He had a boyish appearance that contrasted sharply with the maturity of his sermons. Christianity Today
  • Both boyish, short hair brushed forward, skinny jeans. Times, Sunday Times
  • And they had a great camaraderie and a boyish kind of antic, you know, went on all the time when they were together. CNN Transcript Aug 16, 2002
  • It was about studies and lessons, dealing with the rudiments of knowledge, and the schoolboyish tone of it conflicted with the big things that were stirring in him - with the grip upon life that was even then crooking his fingers like eagle's talons, with the cosmic thrills that made him ache, and with the inchoate consciousness of mastery of it all. Chapter 13
  • We were charmed by his boyish manner.
  • The water dribbled down his chin to fall across his boyish chest.
  • His face looks like a boxer's battered glove, crumpled and creased but boyish and mischievous.
  • It was his loud argyle socks that revealed the boyish sense of humour behind the staid visage.
  • The big painter, in his full-blooded, boyish fashion, fairly gasconaded over the success of his exhibit. Children of the Whirlwind
  • His classic boyish looks seemed to proclaim his good humour and openness.
  • As a barren woman, boyish physically, and shy, I had not found meaning with Helmut.
  • Such chivalry, it would seem, is an insult to the power and intelligence of the women of Utah, who celebrated their "enfranchisement" by a convention to favor the free coinage of silver, 16 to 1, and whose behavior on that occasion was, to say the least, boyish. Woman and the Republic — a Survey of the Woman-Suffrage Movement in the United States and a Discussion of the Claims and Arguments of Its Foremost Advocates
  • She's petite, button-nosed, doe-eyed, with a boyish thatching of short hair flopped over her forehead. Oscars: Inside the Vanity Fair party after the awards
  • That," said he, in his boyish pashadom, "would depend on how good you were. The Fortunate Youth
  • The collection includes boyish blazers, boxy jackets and tapered trousers, and totally satisfies my masculine side! The Sun
  • A man of 40 years but with boyish good looks and a floppy fringe tackles the challenge head on.
  • He waited; and when she came down, a few minutes later, crisply boyish in the nattiest of yachting costumes, he wondered how she could appear in so many different characters, fitting each in succession and contriving always to make the latest transformation, while it lasted, the one in which she figured as the most enticingly adorable. The Price
  • For more than a decade, reviewers have been wearied by Raine's schoolboyish anal-fixation, which continues unimpeded, supplying a rush of anaphrodisiac prose. Heartbreak by Craig Raine
  • He stood there dazed and unheeding, his bonny brown hair rumpled down his forehead, his face haggard and careworn and boyish still. SUICIDE
  • Bravely and unselfconsciously, this generous actress looks middle-aged, yet with that gangly tomboyish essence that allows her to play young without resorting to cosmetic artifice or girly-girl coyness.
  • Michael shook his head and some of his crisp dark hair fell on his forehead, giving him a boyish look.
  • She touched him slowly, amazed at how soft he was, something boyish and tender and hard and manlike all at once. SPIDERTOWN
  • A look of mild irritation flashes quickly across his boyish features.
  • He had always excelled in boyish sports, and as he grew to manhood, his unusual breadth of shoulder still seemed to indicate a physical vigor which the slender wrists, thin, transparent hands, and habitually lax attitude, but too plainly contradicted. The Poems of Henry Timrod.
  • This girl likes to have her hair cut in a boyish style.
  • Boyish boastfulness which is at the same time coarse and clumsy .... Letters of Anton Chekhov
  • Hair by Scissors Boyish cuts retain their charm. Hair is cut to the ears and the fringe finger ruffled.
  • At last my boyish figure had acquired some status and a more attractive description: gamine.
  • But in person, with his neat side-parting, well-pressed navy needlecord shirt and digital watch, he looks more boyish than 33. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rugged garage rock, aggro shoegazing, psychedelic sunshine pop, abstract instrumentals and hippie balladry take shape with deliciously layered guitars, effects and sly, boyish vocals.
  • At 45, she still had a trim boyish figure .
  • His face was fined down and lost most of its boyishness but his skin was still a dusky gold.
  • His hair is carefully styled and he dresses with a self-possessed style, but there is something eternally boyish to him.
  • O'Brien wrote of sleaze and corruption and a ‘boyish-looking’ opposition leader.
  • Mark had the frankness of callosity, and could recount his evil deeds and confess his vices with hilarity and detail, and was prompt to take his part in a lark, and was a remarkably hard hitter, and never shrank from the brunt of the row; and with these fine qualities, and a much superior knowledge of the ways of the flash world, had commanded my boyish reverence and a general popularity among strangers. Wylder's Hand
  • This may sound ethereal, but Conran - who is well into his forties, but looks unbelievably boyish - displays a very real sense of the responsibilities that come with living a charmed life.
  • Miss Bracy's distinguished nose; but he kept the boyish laugh -- the laugh which always seemed to them to call invitingly from the door of his soul, "Why don't you enter and read me? The White Wolf and Other Fireside Tales
  • In the past, though, any 'subversiveness' tended to be more social or aesthetic rather than directly political, and was informed by a schoolboyish sense of mischief rather than a determination to lock horns with the authorities. Chinalyst - China blogs in English
  • Jimmy Hamilton, a boyish man who celebrated his 80th birthday the previous day, is recounting to me a tale of bravery from the middle years of the last century and I'm rapt.
  • His innocent boyish face suggests a young, vivid child, a likeable person.
  • He truly had grown up, his once boyish features now sculpted to the handsome ones of a young man.
  • The crucial aspects of hiding a boyish figure are patterns and detailing. The Sun
  • Casting the lectern aside, he stood at the front of the stage, oozing boyish charm and melting more than a few hearts in the audience.
  • "It's about a mission to the sun," he says with suitably boyish enthusiasm.
  • This girl likes to have her hair cut in a boyish style.
  • He has a rumpled, boyish look to him, resembling the actor Michael Keaton in dowdy pinstripes and a button-down shirt.
  • She's far too young and, well, boyish, with all that motorcycling stuff and the way she dresses. TICKLED PINK
  • She had no right to anyone, in a world so full of slight creatures with delicate bones and neat boyish faces.
  • There is a real boyish gusto in his voice when he talks about it.
  • Still very boyish, smooth and neat; no imbalance yet, he caught a wonderful perfection.
  • It means she tends to wear dark colours, boyish shoes and clothes that hide her shape. The Sun
  • Peter Frechette plays Peter as emerging into manhood from a scruffy, boyish petulance.
  • He has a boyish habit of blowing his fringe out of his eyes when he gets a bit flustered. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was about studies and lessons, dealing with the rudiments of knowledge, and the schoolboyish tone of it conflicted with the big things that were stirring in him - with the grip upon life that was even then crooking his fingers like eagle's talons, with the cosmic thrills that made him ache, and with the inchoate consciousness of mastery of it all. Chapter 13
  • With his fresh-faced and boyish good-looks Decker becomes the object of unwanted attention, especially in the showers.
  • Frustrations, particularly those created by what he perceives as unjust treatment from match officials, can induce paranoid reactions that are too riddled with foul-mouthed bitterness to be euphemised as boyish petulance.
  • Even as an old man he retained his boyish charm.
  • CHRIS, early thirties but armed with boyish good looks, cleans up the remnants of a snack that BEE, a petite, freakin adorable, but potentially challenging toddler, just shy of 22 months, has abandoned. Archive 2007-03-01
  • The very sight of him hovering diffidently in the corner of a room - with his beard and his home-trimmed hair and his schoolboyish little collar poking out of the top of his hand-knitted sweater and his palpable conscientious desperation not to cause any offence to anyone whatsoever - could make a red-blooded woman lose the will to live. Woodcraft Folk Memories
  • Mike was in his thirties, energetic and cheerful, his rather boyish good looks tempered by the premature grey in his dark hair and beard. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Mr. Obama presided over a witty, boyish afternoon news conference in which he scolded Republicans and called on all Americans to stage a denial-of-service attack on their dweeby blogs. Your Weekend Debt Deal Cliffhanger
  • They worry that they're too bony, awkward, lanky or boyish.
  • In the darkness of the theater Kip seemed to take on some of his boyishness again, let down his guard.
  • His thin, reddish hair is neatly cut; a boyish fringe covers his forehead.
  • Chuck has blond hair and a smooth boyish face.
  • Mostly they walked in silence, Jerry striding it out, with a tiny, almost schoolboyish smile playing on the corners of his mouth. POLITICAL SUICIDE

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