How To Use Boy scout In A Sentence

  • Knowing this neighbourhood as I do, I have sent out boy scouts armed with catapults and homing pigeons to locate and succour your undoubtedly acned messenger, who has, I suspect, been lured into a den serving potent drinks and fevered women who have taken his mind off his job and transferred it to his own gratification. Archive 2007-02-01
  • (The term jamboree, according to the official Boy Scout etymology, was coined by Boy Scouts founder Lord Robert Baden-Powell to mean a gathering of Scouts.) Thousands head to Va. for Boy Scout jamboree
  • We had a Boy Scout troop offer their meeting place and the building was fantastic, but where you parked the trucks was right where they have the septics.
  • Boy Scouts in Dundee will be able to pledge allegiance to ‘Allah’ and drop the traditional oath to God and Queen, says the Scout Association in Scotland. RNB Roundup: a compendium of religion news stories
  • And in another victory for Iraqi civil society, the Boy Scout movement is slowly reviving too, with some essential help from their American counterparts.
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  • I first recall the line in 1959 when as a young boy scout I was taken to camp at Pont-y-Pant.
  • I first recall the line in 1959 when as a young boy scout I was taken to camp at Pont-y-Pant.
  • A challenge to the Boy Scouts 'ban on gay troop leaders was dismissed, allowing the organization to continue that ban. CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: Supreme Court Ends Landmark Session - July 1, 2000
  • On May 15, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5872, an act “To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America, and for other purposes.” Congress’s $3.5 million ”Bake Sale” for the Boy Scouts : Coin Collecting News
  • Lighting a stove or pitching a storm-worthy tent required new skills, but these skills did not promote the same hands-on knowledge of nature celebrated in the woodcraft handbooks or the early Boy Scout manuals.
  • (7/30/2005) A fifth-generation Boy Scout, 11-year-old Brad Corr is steeped in all the lore and tradition: the Scout Oath and Scout Law, campcraft and community service, the daily doing of good deeds. Chicago news, weather, traffic - CBS 2 - WBBM
  • The boys have gone on a long hike with the Boy Scouts.
  • It's a nonsense verse used by everyone from boy scouts to football hooligans, including, presumably the Swansea massive.
  • Even a slight anecdote of her as a sixteen-year-old girl guide being seduced in a tent by a boy scout is illustrated.
  • Boy Scouts wear the patch on the right chest pocket of their uniform, while Girl Scouts wear the patch on the back of their sash.
  • I also volunteered with the Boy Scout troop that I had been affiliated with while I was in my teens.
  • Shortly afterward, during a Boy Scout summer camp, I participated in riflery at their shooting range.
  • -- A fifth-generation Boy Scout, 11-year-old Brad Corr is steeped in all the lore and tradition: the Scout Oath and Scout Law, campcraft and community service, the daily doing of good deeds. Homepage
  • For example, a Boy Scout recently collected 125 bikes in a drive hosted by a local retailer as part of his community service project for becoming an Eagle Scout.
  • Boy Scouts must pass all the requirements to earn a merit badge.
  • He joined an Indonesian Boy Scout troop and played soccer, which would not become popular in the United States until years later.
  • We'd found it when I'd first got the Boy Scout handaxe I'd sent away for; it had cost twelve bucks, which was half a summer's worth of lemonade stands, lawn-mowing for Nick (under my guidance), and dog-walking. Asimov's Science Fiction
  • Low and behold I find an old style camping jack-knife from my Boy Scout days with a ring on it collecting dust in my sock drawer. My Favorite Flashlight
  • Bailey says men often make up heroic war stories to impress women, to puff up their job credentials or because they think it will inspire youngsters such as Boy Scouts and military recruits.
  • This influence on me, of course, was meliorated by my father's vigorous activities as founder of one of the first Boy Scout troops in America, down in the slums of Philadelphia, among the children of European immigrants.
  • Boy Scouts entirely built the tower with pasta and the drug Kwai, a precise copy of Buckminster Fuller's tetrahedral.A dodge ball will be able to destroy it immediately.
  • Recently, our local council of Boy Scouts of America honored veterans as part of their centennial camporee and National Military Appreciation Month. Latest stories
  • Many churches of all denominations and local organizations-from Girl and Boy Scouts to college student service groups-became involved.
  • The boys have gone on a long hike with the Boy Scouts.
  • He had slit his wrist with a boy scout knife he had kept since childhood.
  • This was a good excuse to combine engineering with some Boy Scout pyromania," he said. Melons Bursting in Air
  • The boys have gone on a long hike with the Boy Scouts.
  • My first personal experience of this was when I worked as a camp counselor for two months in 2000 ins Summer Camp run by the Boy Scouts of America, as part of an international leader exchange scheme.
  • On January 24 th , 1908, the first Boy Scout troop was organized in England by Robert Baden - Powell.
  • Four of the boys in Boy Scout Troop 611 reached the rank of Eagle Scout.
  • We need to have two battle-ready battalions in Australia at all times - and soon this may comprise of boy scouts armed with shanghais at the rate that the government is sending our troops to other countries.
  • Actually, the Boy Scouts of America was incorporated to provide a program for community organizations that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness training for youth.
  • And that he bequeathed his carp pond to the local Boy Scouts?
  • Increasingly desperate to procure himself a place in history, last week he managed a new trophy to set beside the Boy Scout woggle, which sits proudly on his desk.
  • This was a friend from New York, a boy scout no less, who I never saw with a stitch of clothing on the entire time.
  • A Boy Scout, of course, needs no reminding of the Seven Deadly Sins - he probably has them branded on his woggle.
  • Yeah, he was not exactly a boy scout. Is that what you want me to say?
  • David Kammerer in the chest with a Boy Scout knife, dropped the knife into a sewer, the body in the river, and buried the dead man's glasses in the park. The Knitting Needle
  • He's going to a Boy Scout summer camp for two weeks in August.
  • In some cases, an American 18-year-old boy scout is more capable than the Afghans, and 30 percent of the Afghan recruits do not pass or quit once they reach their unit in the combat zone Jake Diliberto: Afghan Army: The Few, the Proud, the Unprepared
  • I pass a rabble of rampant orange-clad Dutch fans dressed as boy scouts wearing huge cartoon clogs, larging it up, singing and laughing.
  • Because his kids head to bed long before he tiptoes in, Takashi fills his rare days off with their school concerts, hiking trips and Boy Scout meetings.
  • Front seats were reserved for the Ladybirds, Girl Guides, Cubs, Beavers and Boy Scouts, all of whom had paraded from the Bandroom in glorious sunshine.
  • There's a state-of-the art tripod burner (made somewhere like Norway, where they know about these things) and an armoury of long-handled implements for the boy scout in your life and – and I'm my mother's daughter on this – there's everything the fussiest glamper could demand: a wood-burning outdoor shower (it takes 45 minutes to heat up – but, hey, what's the rush?); organic products; and compost loo cabins with chirpy (and possibly unnecessary) instructions. My romantic break… in a horsebox
  • Talk to the Boy Scouts (although, you might note, the Supreme Court upheld their right to be choosey). Think Progress » GOP Rep. John Fleming On Doctor Saying He Will Refuse Care To Obama Voters: ‘I Applaud What He Said And Did’
  • It's a nonsense verse used by everyone from boy scouts to football hooligans.
  • A., 4-H, even Boy Scouts sidle up to a few doors and whisper a carol or two.
  • This, coming after that crusade resulted in a showcase for his inarticulation and inability to win an argument with even a complete idiot who equated not welcoming girls to the Boy Scouts with not allowing gays to marry. Fourfour:
  • - A fifth-generation Boy Scout, 11-year-old Brad Corr is steeped in all the lore and tradition: the Scout Oath and Scout Law, campcraft and community service, the daily doing of good deeds. Latest Headlines - ABC 7 News
  • The Boy Scouts of America and its supporters contend that these policies are essential in its mission to "instill in young people lifetime values and develop in them ethical character".
  • _Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories_ present companions for the mind of this hardy sort, and hopes, whether boys read or are told these stories, they will prove to be such as exalt and inspire while they thrill and entertain. The Boy Scouts Book of Campfire Stories
  • Webelos Scout dens are encouraged to visit Boy Scout district camporees and Klondike derbies.
  • The Reverend William Spooner used to produce spoonerisms such as 'a scoop of boy trouts', instead of what he had meant to say - 'a troop of boy scouts'.
  • This sad, “if I’d only known” reaction from both Alito and former Boy Scouts suggests that organization members can be victims of a kind of associational fraud when they are induced to join a group without being fully informed of the group’s discriminatory policies. Balkinization
  • My introduction to showbiz came through the boy scouts.
  • In 2000 it was reported the Boy Scouts national office revoked the title afforded to Bill Clinton after thousands of complaints. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Daniel also typesets the newsletter put out on a fort-nightly basis by the local boy scouts organisation.
  • This is a serious problem for the boy scouts and even the girl scouts have very strict rules about children ever *ever* being alone with only one adult and they have a right to enforce as best they can an environment where it is *very* clear that sexual activity between boys or between scout leaders and boys is not in any way acceptable. "I've been fascinated... with the attention paid to me by people who really have not undertaken to understand how I succeed, how I define my success."
  • We can begin a concentrated effort to persuade United Way campaigns to exclude local Boy Scout troops as funding recipients.
  • Church collections, school outings, Boy Scout subscriptions and so on came out of the family purse: subscriptions to the Beano, the purchase of liquorice bootlaces and suchlike fripperies were our own affair.
  • True, they ruled in favor of the Boy Scouts, and thus appeared to be acting with sensible restraint; but this sensible restraint is purely illusionary - and a simple example will show you what I mean by this.
  • A group of young, inexperienced Boy Scouts wanted to go CAMPING!
  • The Explorers program, a coeducational affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America that began 60 years ago, is training thousands of young people in skills used to confront terrorism, illegal immigration and escalating border violence -- an intense ratcheting up of one of the group's longtime missions to prepare youths for more traditional jobs as police officers and firefighters ... Boing Boing
  • When I was a young Boy Scout at summer camp, my troop gathered at twilight each day to lower the colors for the night.
  • He'd been sitting at home when the doorbell rang and when he answered it there stood before him a young boy scout, resplendent in his uniform with neckerchief and woggle, who asked him ‘Bob-a-job, sir?’
  • It would be better to say that the Boy Scouts prevailed with a good constitutional argument, supported by weak evidence, craven apprehensions and unthinking hostility.
  • Superman in Man of Snow, written by Arie Kaplan, Penciled by Nick Runge: You know, The Big Blue Boy Scout catches a lot of flack for being so wholesome but I like him. Comically Challenged: DC Universe Holiday Special ‘09 « Giant Killer Squid - Film, Comics, News, Reviews and more
  • The Boy Scout volunteer knew something was wrong when he saw that 20 youngsters on the list for a scouting program all had the same last name: Doe.
  • These would include junior Leagues, sororities, fraternities, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and countless others.
  • As Boy Scout marksmanship programs disappear, and marksmanship training withers in our schools due to withering budgets and increasing pressure of potential liability, that spiral will continue among the young who would otherwise be exposed to proper training and familiarization with basic marksmanship. Obama Administration Looks To Reinstate Assault-Weapons Ban
  • A Washington state Supreme Court decision in 2006 forced the Boy Scouts of America to open up its entire collection of perversion files, formally known as the "ineligible volunteer list," to a legal team representing two brothers abused by their scout leader. CBC | Top Stories News
  • With the help of my newly trained 3rd Toronto Boy Scout Murder-Assassin Troop (link) and a few dozen butane torches I will lead an assault up the face of this wretched Mount Zugspitze. Archive 2007-05-01
  • WHEELING -- Troop 6 Boy Scouts carried on their Veteran's Day tradition by hosting a dinner at Vance Church on Nov. 11 in Wheeling. 7 Top Stories, Sports and Weather
  • As best I can tell, the Boy Scouts are open to anyone who says they're religious, regardless of the religion, and regardless of the degree of devoutness.
  • To the ACLU's secular Jewish policy-makers, Christianity is a tool of majority opression of "victimized minorities" which has to be warred on along with other high agenda bugaboos like firearms ownership, bigots who won't let courts impose gay marriage, and "heteronormative" institutions like the Boy Scouts. Protesting minarets.
  • His attitude had taken a turn for the worse when he had been possessed by evil spirits, but he was hardly a boy scout beforehand.
  • On President Clinton’s so-called left-wing politics: “I find my blood pressure rising when Clinton’s cultural shock troops participate in homosexual-rights fund raisers but boycott gun-rights fund raisers—and then claim it is time to place homosexual men in tents with Boy Scouts and suggest that sperm donor babies born into lesbian relationships are somehow better served.” Outgunned
  • He retired from the army in 1910 to devote his energies to the Boy Scout movement he had founded several years earlier.
  • My gout is killing me today, so I'm stuck here at my computer to do my boy scout duties. More question about traveling from laredo to mazatlan
  • At the time my favorite magazine was Boys Life, some publication affiliated with the Boy Scouts Organization.
  • A troop of Boy Scouts was camping by the river.
  • Steve won a photography badge in the Boy Scouts.
  • The Reverend William Spooner used to produce spoonerisms such as 'a scoop of boy trouts', instead of what he had meant to say - 'a troop of boy scouts'.
  • Well, President Bush will try again on Sunday to talk to the Boy Scouts that gathered in Virginia for their national jamboree.
  • There's also long been a clubbiness among men in general, from Boy Scouts on up.

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