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How To Use Boxing ring In A Sentence

  • A throng of supporters, packed around the boxing ring, pushes forward straining to see the fight.
  • The sand was abruptly gone, and he faced the Hulk across a boxing ring, in the gym where a kid with a zip gun once tried to kill Jack McGee.
  • What they know of fighting they've learned from watching highly-trained athletes duke it out in the boxing ring, and from movies.
  • Perhaps another tragedy but created not in the flashpoint of the boxing ring but over a phenomenal career was that of Muhammad Ali.
  • I felt as if we were in a boxing ring, facing off my opponent.
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  • As Lola works to keep Manny out of the boxing ring and out of trouble, complications quickly arise.
  • The final bout in the boxing ring is genuinely exciting, although the evening seems to tail off, lacking a real ending.
  • Against all odds, this blue-collar youth will make it in the boxing ring.
  • These events are intercut and cross over each other until the moment that Ali first explodes into the boxing ring.
  • After numerous defeats in the boxing ring the conquered finally became the conqueror.
  • The final bout in the boxing ring is genuinely exciting, although the evening seems to tail off, lacking a real ending.
  • Kelly Holmes has been out of the army for six years now but still she bemoans the fact that her sex precluded her from getting into the boxing ring and pummelling a few people.
  • Mind you, it's my Grandparents 60th Anniversary today and I'm having lunch with them on Friday; I could see if they're up for a bout in the boxing ring!
  • George Foreman talks about his success in business, and the fact that he may go back into the boxing ring.
  • His dotty malapropisms often misrepresent him as a man closer to senility than sense but, at 69, he is still sharp enough to be able to match Fergie in the mental boxing ring.
  • The place where she's landed could be the canvas of a boxing ring, that's how happy she is to be home.
  • More immediately dangerous was batrachian squeak Gaunt's promise to "give Galloway a good slapping" (repeated thrice) in the boxing ring for charity. Archive 2008-02-01
  • It also has an Olympic-size swimming pool and indoor gyms with wrestling and judo mats, fencing strips and a boxing ring.
  • He belongs on a psychiatrist's couch, not inside a boxing ring.
  • The film is about a young girl who isn't the easiest going gal at high school and ends up finding a certain peace in the boxing ring.
  • But over the years, this former heavyweight champion went from mauling other fighters to brutalizing people far removed from the boxing ring.
  • It also has an Olympic-size swimming pool and indoor gyms with wrestling and judo mats, fencing strips and a boxing ring.
  • There are jerks on both side of the gender gap and Diana doesn't seem to fit in anywhere except in the boxing ring.
  • That fighter is really an animal when he steps in the boxing ring.
  • And, besides, Danny is more interested in going out dancing with new lover Bella than he is on being light on his feet in the boxing ring.
  • He wrote his stories, answered correspondence, rode the ranch, greeted and entertained guests — a good many of them complete strangers, old hobos, sailors, down-and-out pugs from the boxing ring, seeking a handshake, a handout and a meal from the notorious soft-touch, Jack London. Wolf Dying: Page I
  • I'm sitting with the heavyweight champion of the world on the apron of a boxing ring, our legs dangling over its edge.
  • A low fence of split bamboo marked off an inside area the width of a boxing ring and twice as long.
  • Why don't these two cats just rent out a boxing ring, invite the press, hire a ref, get regulation gloves and quit jooking’ each other, as they say north of 125th street in Manhattan.
  • Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring
  • Since the 1960s, the gridiron, baseball field, basketball court, and boxing ring have spawned legions of entrepreneurs who sought to compete in the business arena.
  • Similarly, an analysis of Raging Bull needs to consider the kitchen qua boxing ring, and vice-versa.
  • Muhammad Ali attributed some of his victories in the boxing ring to a prior course of treatment with B15.
  • After numerous defeats in the boxing ring the conquered finally became the conqueror.
  • It's the tune to listen to before running into the boxing ring; far smarter and ultimately more cool than Simply the Best.

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