How To Use Bowerbird In A Sentence

  • When male spotted bowerbirds collect sticks and other doodads to wow females, these natural interior decorators don't search for the rare showpiece, according to a new study.
  • Elsewhere in the valley you might see other birds as fantastic as their names: gang-gangs, king parrots, satin bowerbirds, laughing kookaburras, and lyre-birds that dance in clearings with tails fanned out like peacocks.
  • A human bowerbird, who or what could he invite with the display? Beautifully Arranged
  • Say it with bowers: if male bowerbirds build it, females will come.
  • Found only on the large island of New Guinea and in Australia, bowerbirds comprise nineteen species.
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  • Elsewhere in the valley you might see other birds as fantastic as their names: gang-gangs, king parrots, satin bowerbirds, laughing kookaburras, and lyre-birds that dance in clearings with tails fanned out like peacocks.
  • Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • Our findings support the multiple messages hypothesis of multicomponent signals: Female satin bowerbirds should assess both male and bower features to choose the highest quality mates.
  • Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • All adds up to less for more $, and attracting more bowerbird-types to Portland. Portland's fake New York quest continues (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Male bowerbirds famously woo females by fashioning elaborate bowers - not nests but U-shaped showplaces with parallel walls of twigs.
  • The bird spends hours carefully sorting and arranging his collection, with each object in a specific place; if an object is moved while the bowerbird is away he will put it back in its place. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Once acquired they must be guarded against other jealous male bowerbirds anxious to steal them for their own bowers.
  • As in other bowerbirds, the male builds an elaborate bower of twigs and ferns and therein tries to seduce females.
  • The Scandinavian test may have documented an underwater version of the bowerbird strategy, in which females go for the glitter to find the best guy.
  • Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • Some bowerbirds are bright and showy, but others are drab and excite their females with elaborate shelters instead.
  • This louse is the only common parasite on satin bowerbirds, and it is found mainly around the head and eyes where birds cannot easily preen.
  • When Mr. Nag and I were first mating I likened his behaviour to that of the bowerbird. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Female bowerbirds, for example, choose mates based on the aesthetics of their mating dance.
  • Whistling bowerbirds and whip-cracking riflebirds complement parrots and honeyeaters.
  • The regent bowerbird is enjoying his morning shower 50 metres up in the top of the quandong, meticulously grooming each gleaming feather. Australian floods: Why were we so surprised?
  • Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated bowers (which are not nests, but courtship arenas) and females prefer builders of higher quality bowers as mates.
  • For one thing, her grandmother was an antiques dealer, a collector, a bowerbird of the human species. The Forgotten Garden
  • Some classic examples are Egyptian vultures, New Caledonian crows and bowerbirds.
  • Donald, a Macgregor's bowerbird, lives in the dark woods of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea. Here, atop a mossy platform and around a young sapling, he has woven his spire of sticks and twigs.
  • The discussion of the evolution of bowers and bower decorations deserves special attention, because these are the signature traits of the bowerbirds.
  • Fortunately for the young female bowerbirds, good decorating skills correlate with high energy - so both young and old females tend to mate with the same group of top males.
  • In the present study, we measure infection of the ectoparasitic louse, Myrsidea ptilonorhynchi, in individual male satin bowerbirds both as juveniles and nine or more years later as adults.
  • For example, several species of birds such as bowerbirds, widowbirds, cock-of-the-rocks, birds of paradise, peacock-pheasants, and manakins build or clear courts used as arenas during elaborate courtship displays to females.
  • These include northern logrunner or chowchilla Orthonyx spaldingii, little treecreeper Climacteris minor, Atherton scrubwren Sericornis keri, Australian fernwren Crateroscelis gutturalis, mountain thornbill Acanthiza katherina, bridled honeyeater Lichenostomus frenatus, Bower's shrike-thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha, tooth-billed catbird Ailuroedus dentirostris and golden bowerbird Prionodura newtoniana. Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site, Australia
  • Male bowerbirds famously woo females by fashioning elaborate bowers - not nests but U-shaped showplaces with parallel walls of twigs.
  • Startled female bowerbirds often hop out of the bower away from the male.
  • Birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae) and bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae): regional levels of biodiversity and terrane tectonics in New Guinea. Archive 2006-03-01
  • The male bowerbirds courted the robotic female much as they would a real bird.
  • Studies by a scientist at the University of Maryland show that male bowerbirds modify their courtship rituals based on the females' body language.
  • The bowerbirds represent one of the high points of avian evolution and as such they deserve a book that fully captures the wonder of their fantastic natural history.
  • Whistling bowerbirds and whip-cracking riflebirds complement parrots and honeyeaters.
  • For the new study, he considered the region's 65 endemic rain forest species, including ring-tail possums, the golden bowerbird, and microhylid frogs, which skip the tadpole stage.
  • Satin bowerbird courtship involves behavioral displays by males, which may be both beneficial and costly for females, and may favor female signaling.
  • A new study finds that a young, inexperienced, female bowerbird judges a male by the manner in which he decorates his bachelor pad.
  • A male satin bowerbird stands proudly in front of his avenue-style bower - basically a bachelor pad built to impress visiting females.
  • Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus. Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
  • The bowerbird, for example, the female stands around and watches the male build this fabulous nest that's completely useless. Can't Get A Date? Maybe It's Your Dance Moves

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