How To Use Bower In A Sentence
In the bower with his Welsh wife, Mortimer fumes impotently: ‘This is the deadly spite that angers me - / My wife can speak no English, and I no Welsh.’
We passed ancient cottages embowered with climbing roses that Edward Elgar must have known as he cycled here on what he called his "trusty steed".
Country diary: Malvern Hills
mrstg87 {@ symbol} yahoo {dot} com or bowermaster {@symbol} gmail {dot} com
The Speculist: Carnival of Tomorrow 12
Mr Boffin having been several times in communication with this clerkly essence, both on its own ground and at the Bower, had no difficulty in identifying it when he saw it up in its dusty eyrie.
Our Mutual Friend
He made friends, had adventures, found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.

'The Bower,' far outbye on the moorland beside the Blackburn Lynn.
Border Ghost Stories
Amy had a bower in hers, rather small and earwiggy, but very pretty to look at, with honeysuckle and morning-glories hanging their colored horns and bells in graceful wreaths all over it, tall white lilies, delicate ferns, and as many brilliant, picturesque plants as would consent to blossom there.
Little Women
The bulk of the rest of the block between Second Avenue and Bowery is occupied by the Avalon at Bowery Place apartment complex.
Diving Into Downtown Culture
Birds of paradise (Paradisaeidae) and bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchidae): regional levels of biodiversity and terrane tectonics in New Guinea.
Archive 2006-03-01
Julian's Bower, at Alkborough, Lincolnshire, is altogether more elaborate, having twelve concentric circles.
Canadian bareback rider Kyle Bowers swept the event, winning both the slalom and Stampede races.
Each from his voiceless grave: they have in visioned bowers
2006 » December
For one thing, her grandmother was an antiques dealer, a collector, a bowerbird of the human species.
The Forgotten Garden
When it has paid its tribute to the royal pile, and visited its gardens and pastures, it flows down the long avenue leading to the city, trinkling in rills, gushing in fountains, and maintaining a perpetual verdure in those groves that embower and beautify the whole hill of the Alhambra.
Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 8
He made friends, had adventures, found ways to fight the boredom with his cluster of rat-eyed Latin Bowery Boys.
Some classic examples are Egyptian vultures, New Caledonian crows and bowerbirds.
The evocation of a mythic landscape recalls elements of a child's tree house and the bower in Milton's Paradise Lost.
2 One of the most suggestive formulations is Elizabeth Fay's: "If William's picturesque belongs to the valley and bower, the sacred grove is where he situates the meeting of the picturesque and the beautiful with the sublime, a meeting that transmutes the feminine into the transcendent and brings the masculine sublimity of mountains home to pasture" (184). close window
David Wetherall and Mark Bower were always on top of old warhorse Wayne Allison, who on Saturday's evidence looks past his sell-by date.
Donald, a Macgregor's bowerbird, lives in the dark woods of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea. Here, atop a mossy platform and around a young sapling, he has woven his spire of sticks and twigs.
As Sheyrena had gradually come to understand, the distinction between the bower and the harem was that the bower was a harem of one.
The sand here is stabilised by conifers but the suntrap path was illuminated by heavy bowers of broom and numerous orchids white to deepest purple.
Near this scrub we saw also many pigeons and parrots; which strengthened our hopes of finding water, which hopes however were disappointed, and we at length tied our horses 'heads to the trees in a bit of scrub, and I lay down on a few boughs for the night under the cover of a gunya or bower which, on such occasions, was set up by Woods in a very short time.
Three Expeditions into the Interior of Eastern Australia, Volume 2
City looked well set to make it ten games undefeated after Mark Bower's goal on 34 minutes handed City a deserved lead.
By 18, Fellig was living alone among the flophouses of the Bowery and worked a succession of jobs - as a labourer and taking passport photographs - until 1924, when he found employment in the darkrooms of Acme Newspictures.
Like the gardens and bowers from which it borrows its imagery, it is a place of ‘arrest,’ cut off from the world but paradoxically containing all the world in its ‘essentials,’ purified by the imagination.
Ah!" said she, "thy question, Joyce, and the children's answers, send me back a weary way, nigh sixty years gone, to the time when I dwelt bowerwoman with my Lady of Surrey, when one even the Lady of Richmond willed us all to tell our desires after this manner.
It Might Have Been The Story of the Gunpowder Plot
She could see every shell which crawled on the white sand at her feet, every rock-fish which played in and out of the crannies, and stared at her with its broad bright eyes; while the great palmate oarweeds which waved along the chasm, half-seen in the glimmering water, seemed to beckon her down with long brown hands to a grave amid their chilly bowers.
Westward Ho!
You'll find it painted pink, like a rare orchid embowered by its own green leaves.
As the Bowery fete ably proves, Superdrag's back catalog is loaded with power-pop bullets-such as the cheerfully bitter post-major-label plaint "Keep It Close to Me
Village Voice - The most recent 10 stories
Now the few ancestral mansions embower themselves in an aristocratic seclusion of trees and vines that shut them in with their birds and flowers and sunshine, and the Van Ness
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 33, December, 1873
However choice examples of their kind, too, these plants were of a kind peculiarly adapted to the embowerment of Mrs Pipchin.
Dombey and Son
Barrier Reef; made several attempts to get the schooner off, got the bower anchors out astern, but in spite of all our efforts the vessel forged further on the reef, and bilged.
Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
The fat old drunkard was found asleep in a bower of roses by some of the servants of the palace.
The discussion of the evolution of bowers and bower decorations deserves special attention, because these are the signature traits of the bowerbirds.
He is sometimes affected, unmeaning, and obscure; but he also catches rich glimpses of the bower of paradise.
The Times Literary Supplement
The Llangollen couple were famous for their gardens, and Dorothy creates here likewise a "garden stored with fruits and flowers/And sunny seats and shady bowers," supporting a life whose completeness is emphasized through the repetition of
'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
A fopling poet though thou wert, dainty and perfumed, yet still a poet, sweet in a lady's bower, where all is fashioned as befits the place and time: a poet indeed! and, what is more, never wert thou turned from thy chosen path of duty by praise or purse -- although a poet and poor all the days of thy most checkered life.
The Buccaneer A Tale
a symbol of rampant female sexuality, the bower is a ubiquitous image throughout the eighteenth-century, appearing in texts ranging from Thompson's The
'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
Former commando George Bower, 82, of Southampton, would have liked to have seen a service at the cenotaph to remember the war dead.
He is sometimes affected, unmeaning, and obscure; but he also catches rich glimpses of the bower of paradise.
The Times Literary Supplement
The Bower is biggit on the verra march line, 'she explained,' an 'the ben is ower on the Scots side whaur we intercommune,' and Meg, with her arms akimbo and her mouth on the grin, contemplated her enemy in scornful triumph.
Border Ghost Stories
After a short walk from the train station, the mayor greeted his entourage in the ballroom of the Mayflower Hotel, ‘where he sat enthroned in a bower of flowers and banners.’
That illusion was quickly dispelled, and Bella had retreated into her own bower, leaving Elanor to grow up along separate lines.
That Baillie does not endorse the affinity between women and nature assumed in the approaches Bowerbank studies as well as in the ecofeminism of our own time is consistent with the rejection of gender essentialism stated in her Introductory Discourse and demonstrated in her plays.
Notes on 'Joanna Baillies Ecotopian Comedies'
In the movie "Bowery to Broadway" (1944), it is the members of the Murray Hill Society for Social Reform — a perfect bluenose name — who call in the police to halt a performance by the song-and-dance protagonist.
Visiting Cagney's Neighborhood
This is not the headline a Times subeditor might have chosen, nor any fair-minded one, because it made Mr Bower's argument even sillier than it was in the first place.
Fortunately for the young female bowerbirds, good decorating skills correlate with high energy - so both young and old females tend to mate with the same group of top males.
The Bowery is just a New York street, but in those days it was also a community with a culture and rituals and an argot all its own.
Tales from the Bowery
In the present study, we measure infection of the ectoparasitic louse, Myrsidea ptilonorhynchi, in individual male satin bowerbirds both as juveniles and nine or more years later as adults.
By the light of the Queen Moon, now at her full in heaven, he saw that the orchard grass was clipped, and patterned with small clover, but against the hedges rose wild banks of meadowsweet and yarrow and the jolly ragwort, and briony with its heart-shaped leaf and berry as red as heart's-blood made a bower above them all.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
But too often, Bowering chooses to write at a loping gait about prosaic, ordinary things, which can be uneventful and boring for the reader on the outside looking in.
They stood beside her, large, serene people, murmuring graciously and gently inclining their handsome heads as they gave their hands to the guests; and even the youngest and most ebullient of these took on a hushed mannerliness with a closer approach to the bower.
Alice Adams
Something happened to the "bower" -- an unromantic workman mowed it down -- but by this time there was a little house there which Mrs. Clemens had built, just for the children.
The Boys' Life of Mark Twain
The remaining four were bower anchors mounted on bulwarks in the bow for use.
Thus, the Conservatory Garden was pressed into service to evoke the bower—orchids, ivy, Virginia creeper, insectivorous plants and, of course, those primroses—at Down House, Darwin's home in Kent.
Evolution of a Garden
A bower of stone was constructed around a thick linden tree.
Ayamu had been tempted to remove it, but for had decided to spare the tree, for it would serve as a bower for the vine he had brought with him from his farm in the Nile Delta.
It's sad to see more students having to borrow more money to support the tenure professors who work less than 20 hours per week, earn six figures, and will enjoy taxpaid retirement plans. bowersjm wrote: RE: Illegal immigrants getting subsidized
Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
This is implicit when, in the Restoration Scene, he spies the young lovers playing chess in their bower, working out - in seclusion since their love is private - their own destinies as well, or as ill, as they are able.
When I say my own circle, I mean by it my three plantations, viz., my castle, my country seat, which I called my bower, and my enclosure in the woods.
Robinson Crusoe
Liz Christy took to petitioning the city's Housing and Preservation Department to make their newly-created garden - which they called the Bowery Garden - an official community garden.
Energy Bulletin -
A knife to his belly had brought him to the Bowery Mission, where he continues as a lay preacher.
He seems to favor the man's man… and this is clear in the male-oriented subject matter of his earliest works, which were more appropriate to a Bowery barroom than a European movie parlor.
When the robot stood in the bower, the male exercised a cautious, rather subdued display - wooing carefully to avoid flustering the prospective mate.
Left is Scyros afar, and Phthia's bowery Tempe,
Poems and Fragments
For example, several species of birds such as bowerbirds, widowbirds, cock-of-the-rocks, birds of paradise, peacock-pheasants, and manakins build or clear courts used as arenas during elaborate courtship displays to females.
I can close my eyes and hear them tinkling yet, sixty years after, and feel the pine-needles under my knees, and smell the wood smoke mingling with the musky perfume of her hair and the scent of the wild flowers outside her bower ... the soft lips teasing my ear, murmuring "Make my bells ring again, pinda-lickoyee* (* Literally," white-eye "; a white man ....)
Vast tombs, embowered beneath the weeping willow and the fir tree, told of the antiquities of the Lloyd family, as well as of their wealth.
These include northern logrunner or chowchilla Orthonyx spaldingii, little treecreeper Climacteris minor, Atherton scrubwren Sericornis keri, Australian fernwren Crateroscelis gutturalis, mountain thornbill Acanthiza katherina, bridled honeyeater Lichenostomus frenatus, Bower's shrike-thrush Colluricincla megarhyncha, tooth-billed catbird Ailuroedus dentirostris and golden bowerbird Prionodura newtoniana.
Wet Tropics of Queensland World Heritage Site, Australia
The Australian Bower Bird decorates his nest with colorful pebbles, bits of glass, and insect wings.
Beneath the leafy bowers the golden subjects of the Everqueen dance and sing.
The bower becomes significant, then, as the externalization of this internal, unreachable environment where any kind of reverie is possible; for Kitty, under constant surveillance, the bower represents a winsome retreat that "possessed such a charm over her senses, as constantly to tranquillize her mind and quiet her spirits," a place which she believed "alone could restore her to herself" (193).
'Pleasure is now, and ought to be, your business': Stealing Sexuality in Jane Austen's _Juvenilia_
Campari is turning 150, and they celebrated the momentous birthday Sunday night at the Bowery Hotel in a an artistic celebration replete with James Franco singing, pastie-filled performances, and of course specialty cocktails prepared by notable bartenders, all benefiting the United States Bartending Guild.
Campari's 150th Birthday Party: Pastie-Filled Performances & James Franco Sings (PHOTOS)
I can't see why I should kotow to him, or what further harm he can do," said the candidate, but he deferred to Bowers's judgment.
The Henchman
On Saturday, Fourth Arts Block, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting the East Fourth Street Cultural District between Second Avenue and the Bowery, is hosting East Village Eats, a tour of some of the area's restaurants.
East Village: Counterculture, Luxury Condos
They are framed by a bower of leafy trees, a placid lake and a glorious orange sunset.
An ivory Aphrodite is celebrated by her hierodules in myrtle bowers.
The "puller-in" and the "barker" of Baxter Street and the Bowery are mere sucking doves compared with the vendors of Jerusalem: they will get in front of you and pull you into their shops, and the only way you can prevent an assault is to jump to the other side of the street or dive into an alley.
A Fantasy of Mediterranean Travel
The action threat follows an incident on Saturday night when a Stagecoach service was bricked as it travelled down Bowerham Road towards Lancaster city centre.
They had built huts in uninhabited places, or made a twisted bower of strong green creepers, and lived their primitive paradisal life wanting nothing but each other; sometimes, through accidents and illness, they had nursed each other, with such unwearied tenderness that death himself had to withdraw, defeated by love.
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
Male bowerbirds famously woo females by fashioning elaborate bowers - not nests but U-shaped showplaces with parallel walls of twigs.
Startled female bowerbirds often hop out of the bower away from the male.
Male bowerbirds construct elaborately decorated bowers (which are not nests, but courtship arenas) and females prefer builders of higher quality bowers as mates.
Thy languid pools where nymphs do bathe; thy bowery banks where naiads bask; thy sweet waters where at dusk the unicorn and aurochs sup.
Here she was tended with all the duteous service of ancient times by the shepherd's wife, Tibb Tacket, who in better days had been her own bowerwoman.
The Monastery
The male bowerbirds courted the robotic female much as they would a real bird.
Studies by a scientist at the University of Maryland show that male bowerbirds modify their courtship rituals based on the females' body language.
Her bowerwoman told Helga, and when I met Helga --
The Thrall of Leif the Lucky
Fresh off the heels of opening his second Bowery canteen, Peels, Mr. Somer plans to decamp to Brooklyn where he will whittle his own line of salvaged wood furniture.
21st-Century Man
The bowerbirds represent one of the high points of avian evolution and as such they deserve a book that fully captures the wonder of their fantastic natural history.
And it begins there, in part, because the people we wed or gave birth to while angels sang ‘Peace on earth’ above our bowers are free to grow beyond their roles and beyond our expectations.
The sweetest-scented grasses lined her bower where other soft, furry pelts made hers the downiest couch in all the jungle.
The Son of Tarzan
Bowering's hackles rise and then just as quickly fall again.
As he approached the city, all that festive and gallant scene he had quitted seemed to him like a dream; a vision of the gardens and bowers of an enchantress, from which he woke abruptly as a criminal may wake on the morning of his doom to see the scaffold and the deathsman; -- so much did each silent and lonely step into the funeral city bring back his bewildered thoughts at once to life and to death.
Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
By decade's end, what had been a haphazard collection of Bowery flophouses ballooned to a geographically dispersed network of some 20 facilities lodging 5,000 men nightly.
He stands by a roofless tower, where "the howlet mourns in her dewy bower," and "sets the wild echoes flying," and adds to a perfect picture of the scene his famous vision of "Libertie.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
Contemporary photos show a nondescript, unkempt home, not a “big, rambling, orchard-embowered house” with a dooryard neat enough to eat off.
Land of Green Gables
America's Best Christian, Mrs. Betty Bowers, calls out Mormons and schools all Americans on the unconstitutional craze of doling out civil rights by popular vote: Hark! From sea to rising sea, crafty Christians are busy putting the "tut" -- and "con" -- back in - Business News
Banks of black-eyed Susans with outdoor ferns, bowers of snowy dogwood in season and the fluffy wild pink azalea are very decorative, and so are the spring and early summer shrubs: syringa, deutzia, flowering almond and Japanese snowball.
Entertaining Made Easy
Maude continued to be bowerwoman to her mistress; but some of the more menial functions usually discharged by one who filled that office, were now given to a younger girl, who bore the name of Eva de Scanteby.
The White Rose of Langley A Story of the Olden Time
A few steps further northward, partly hidden from the road by intervening buildings, was the old house called Rosamund's Bower.
Hammersmith, Fulham and Putney The Fascination of London
They had their mutthering ivies and their murdhering idies and their mouldhering iries in that muskat grove but there’ll be bright plinnyflowers in Calo-mella’s cool bowers when the magpyre’s babble towers scorching and screeching from the ravenindove.
Finnegans Wake
In 2005, the Avalon supplanted two parking lots, as well as the Church of All Nations (which used to look out over pre-Whole Foods Houston Street) and a tenement building that was the former site of McGurk 's Suicide Hall, perhaps the most infamous dive bar in Bowery history.
Diving Into Downtown Culture
The daytime temperature reached ninety degrees, and the feverish Clark was moved from the stifling leather lodge to a more comfortable shaded bower the crew made for him.
The additional trees and shrubs in flower are the tamarisk, altheas, Venetian sumach, pomegranates, the beautiful passion-flower, the trumpet flower, and the virgin's bower or clematis, which is such a quick and handsome climber.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 267, August 4, 1827
As the last embers in the pipe slowly died out, the trapper looked momentarily beyond his bower and saw the drifting snow covering the entrance.
However choice examples of their kind, too, these plants were of a kind peculiarly adapted to the embowerment of Mrs. Pipchin.
Highways & Byways in Sussex
Whistling bowerbirds and whip-cracking riflebirds complement parrots and honeyeaters.
For the new study, he considered the region's 65 endemic rain forest species, including ring-tail possums, the golden bowerbird, and microhylid frogs, which skip the tadpole stage.
Yea, thou queen of Golgi, of Idaly leaf-embower'd,
Poems and Fragments
'Double Blue' is a rare variety of Achimenes, a delightful, long-flowering plant also known as Cupid's Bower.
While the Bowery Lane Bicycle seems useful enough and is not as outlandishly priced as other Dutch-inspired bikes sold to Americans, I can't help thinking that if Mr. Bernard wants to "replicate" Amsterdam here he might be better off opening a Van Gogh museum and digging a series of canals.
Appealing Package: What's New Is Old Again
He paid as much attention to the floorboards or the tangle of buddleia in the yard below as he would to a woman's belly, Leigh Bowery's feminine bulk, Bruce Bernard's stoic drunkard's poise, Lord Goodman's vanity, Sue the Benefits Supervisor's affected boredom.
Lucian Freud's perverse depictions of magnificent muck
Satin bowerbird courtship involves behavioral displays by males, which may be both beneficial and costly for females, and may favor female signaling.
A new study finds that a young, inexperienced, female bowerbird judges a male by the manner in which he decorates his bachelor pad.
My ash bower is a kind of folly, an Aboriginal wiltja that stands at the top of my long meadow in Suffolk.
In later years, she encouraged a succession of admirers to scramble after her over barbed wire and through hedge bottoms to find picnic places and hidden bowers and dells and burrows.
Margaret Drabble | Trespassing
A male satin bowerbird stands proudly in front of his avenue-style bower - basically a bachelor pad built to impress visiting females.
He and I slept together-virtuously; and one bitter winter's night a cousin Mary-she's married now and gone-gave what they call a candy-pulling in those days in the West, and they took the saucers of hot candy outside of the house into the snow, under a sort of old bower that came from the eaves-it was a sort of an ell then, all covered with vines-to cool this hot candy in the snow, and they were all sitting there.
Mark Twain`s speeches; with an introduction by William Dean Howells.
In the hushes of the Bowery Ballroom, expect to capture every nuance.
A Little Older, but No Less Noisy
“The Banks of Cree,” the words written by Mr. Burns, beginning — “Here is the glen, and here the bower;” and had just finished the first line of — “Wilt thou be my dearie?” by the same charming poet, when a second stop was put to “the woodnote wild,” equally unexpected as the former.
Stella of the North, or the Foundling of the Ship
The fast growing willow can be fashioned into a wide variety of garden features, such as bowers, arches and screens, and the technique is simple and easy to learn.
The cameras were triggered automatically by any movement in the vicinity of the bower, where all courtship and mating take place.
Oh, no, Dorry, you mustn't be hungry till the bower is ready!" cried the little girls, alarmed, for Dorry was apt to be disconsolate if he was kept waiting for his meals.
What Katy Did: A Story
Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus.
Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
According to one theory G.W. Bowersock’s, in particular Julian’s Paganism was highly eccentric and atypical because it was heavily influenced by an esoteric approach to Platonic philosophy sometimes identified as theurgy and also neoplatonism.
Julian 1st…Caesar of Rome! Past life experience… « Julian Ayrs & Pop Culture
One of the beauties of Sintra, though, is that you can escape the crowds, literally within a minute, by veering off on one of the bowered paths leading up the Serra.
The bowerbird, for example, the female stands around and watches the male build this fabulous nest that's completely useless.
Can't Get A Date? Maybe It's Your Dance Moves
Daniel Bower shows that Google's system for determining which 10 businesses to show can be "gamed" easily.
Internet News: Google's Local OneBox
There are a great many mountains, valleys, streams, villages, caves, residences, grottos, bowers, fields, high roads, low roads, and along them the Hobbits and their larger companions travel while paying great attention to mealtimes.
The bird spends hours carefully sorting and arranging his collection, with each object in a specific place; if an object is moved while the bowerbird is away he will put it back in its place.
Archive 2008-08-01
It was almost like standing in the shade and bower of a great tree; his superior size and strength did not terrify her, as had so many things of late.
Males with poorly decorated or unsymmetrical bowers are less desirable mates.
A bridge over a stream leads beneath a bower of pink roses into a frothy maze of flower-strewn pathways and rose-covered arbours.
Elsewhere in the valley you might see other birds as fantastic as their names: gang-gangs, king parrots, satin bowerbirds, laughing kookaburras, and lyre-birds that dance in clearings with tails fanned out like peacocks.
A human bowerbird, who or what could he invite with the display?
Beautifully Arranged
Contemporary photos show a nondescript, unkempt home, not a “big, rambling, orchard-embowered house” with a dooryard neat enough to eat off.
Land of Green Gables
The spring appeared in a bower of roadside greenery.
A bridge over a stream leads beneath a bower of pink roses into a frothy maze of flower-strewn pathways and rose-covered arbours.
Say it with bowers: if male bowerbirds build it, females will come.
Yet I entertained such an abhorrence of the savage wretches that I have been speaking of, and of the wretched, inhuman custom of their devouring and eating one another up, that I continued pensive and sad, and kept close within my own circle for almost two years after this: when I say my own circle, I mean by it my three plantations - viz. my castle, my country seat (which I called my bower), and my enclosure in the woods: nor did I look after this for any other use than an enclosure for my goats; for the aversion which nature gave me to these hellish wretches was such, that I was as fearful of seeing them as of seeing the devil himself.
Robinson Crusoe
Found only on the large island of New Guinea and in Australia, bowerbirds comprise nineteen species.
The windows were open, and the orioles were singing in the great elm-tree, and the laburnum was a bower of gold.
Margaret Montfort
55It is worth noting that, in overruling Bowers, the Court does not stop at the formulation of same-sex rights.
'Trivial Complaints:' The Role of Privacy in Domestic Violence Law and Activism in the U.S.
Hark, what noise is that sounding in our bower of delight?
Alas, the taverns reputation declined over the years and by 1775 Garrick was referring to the frowsty bowers of the Dog and Duck as peopled with half-drunk fauns and dryads breaking lamps.
The gardens are still evolving as volunteers continue work on a nature pond and willow bower.
She started well as a figurante in a comic opera company up-town, but from that she dropped to a female minstrel troupe in the Bowery, and now, Lewy Tusch told Cordelia, she was "tooing ter skirt-tance in ter pickernic parks for ter sick-baby fund, ant passin 'ter hat arount afterwarts.
Different Girls
Vast tombs, embowered beneath the weeping willow and the fir tree, told of the antiquities of the Lloyd family, as well as of their wealth.
Resolved, that a committee of three be appointed by the president of this association to look after the welfare of the pines, to study their diseases and remedies, and to investigate how such trees may be increased, planted and transplanted, in order that our borough may in years to come be more than ever embowered among them and achieve enduring fame as Beachwood among the Pines.
2008 December 18 « Beachwood Historical Alliance
And of that, about 5 percent to 7 percent go unredeemed and unclaimed each year, said Bruce Bower, the CEO of Plastic Jungle.
Elsewhere in the valley you might see other birds as fantastic as their names: gang-gangs, king parrots, satin bowerbirds, laughing kookaburras, and lyre-birds that dance in clearings with tails fanned out like peacocks.
Not in pleasant groves, nor in sport or song, nor in fragrant bowers, nor in magnificent banquetings, nor in the pleasures of the bed or the couch; not even in books or poetry did it find rest.
Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
Neither of the final two vocalists -- 24-year-old musician Crystal Bowersox of Toledo, Ohio, and 24-year-old paint sales clerk Lee DeWyze of Mount Prospect, Ill. -- have the personality draw of, say, an Adam Lambert.
The Top-Earning 'Idols'
Julian's Bower, at Alkborough, Lincolnshire, is altogether more elaborate, having twelve concentric circles.
According to Wolf and Bowers, they may also show problems in reading comprehension.
Dropping down through the pungent pines, they passed woods-embowered cottages, quaint and rustic, of artists and writers, and went on across wind-blown rolling sandhills held to place by sturdy lupine and nodding with pale
Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus.
Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
She picked up the cabbage leaf with the fruit and flung them over the railings into a flower bed, where the butcher-birds and the bower-birds quarrelled over them, and the big, grey bird in the gum tree on the other side of the fence cachinnated in derisive chorus to Bridget's burst of hysterical laughter.
Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
That could potentially make the difference between a sell-out gig at Madison Square Garden and a half-filled room at the Bowery Ballroom.
Amy Edelman: Indie Authors: How to Build a Bieber-Size Audience
Phil Bowermaster endeavors to "straighten" the public out on two issues on which it is "desperately misinformed.
The Speculist: The Tiresome Argument
A bower builder can leave his behind. 72 More direct evidence of this pattern comes from fish.
But still come the budding spring and the blooming summer to embower those quiet streets and to fill the morning hour with birds 'sweet singing.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
Then, as I reclined in my bower, the fairies sang to me, and Oberon entered slowly, playing a soft rounded melody that interwove with their song, unnoticed by my eager guards.
The Bowery is well on its way to gentrification.
Here are the cottage and the bungalow for the cobbeler and the brandnewburgher: 2 but Izolde, her chaplet gardens, an litlee plads af liefest pose, arride the winnerful wonders off, the winner-ful wonnerful wanders off, 3 with hedges of ivy and hollywood and bower of mistletoe, are, tho if it theem tho and yeth if you pleathes, 4 for the blithehaired daughter of
Finnegans Wake
The gate was arched like a great hall and over walls and roof ramped vines with grapes of many colours; the red like rubies and the black like ebonies; and beyond it lay a bower of trelliced boughs growing fruits single and composite, and small birds on branches sang with melodious recite, and the thousand-noted nightingale shrilled with her varied shright; the turtle with her cooing filled the site; the blackbird whistled like human wight [FN#47] and the ring-dove moaned like a drinker in grievous plight.
Arabian nights. English
As the good mare pressed on unweariedly bridegroom and bride rode up to the 'yett' of 'the Bower' in the late twilight.
Border Ghost Stories
She was seated in a summerhouse, the green trees creating a leafy bower overhead.
Our findings support the multiple messages hypothesis of multicomponent signals: Female satin bowerbirds should assess both male and bower features to choose the highest quality mates.
Then came the best bower and the small bower (so called from being carried on the bows).
And Surf Avenue wuz full, and what they called the Bowery of
Samantha at Coney Island and a Thousand Other Islands
Charles Bowermcen, the team's leader was equally stupefied at the infrastructure around but saddened about the housing shortages.
There haven't been too many successful male alumni from the notorious fame academy unless you count him from the Kooks and Dane Bowers, perhaps because we like our boy pop stars authentic and real – maybe this is why grime artist Bashy, another Brit kid, has yet to break through.
Rizzle Kicks (No 890)
Technically, a bower is a depression in the earth similar to, but smaller than a valley.
William Blake and the Study of Virtual Space: Adapting 'The Crystal Cabinet' to a New Medium
Other species include the well-known gang-gang cockatoo Callocephalon fimbriatum, glossy black cockatoo Calyptorhynchus lathami, superb lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae, crimson rosella Platycercus elegans, kookaburra Dacelo gigas, and satin bowerbird Ptilonorhynchus violaceus.
Greater Blue Mountains Area, Australia
Bowers has participated in nine geophysical research cruises on which she has collected and processed a variety of information, including magnetic, seismic, bathymetric, and gravity data.
We passed ancient cottages embowered with climbing roses that Edward Elgar must have known as he cycled here on what he called his "trusty steed".
Country diary: Malvern Hills
The valleys are green, the brooks are frequent, the rivers are tortuous, the mountains are high, and luxuriant walnut-trees embower the roads.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 12, No. 70, August, 1863
Mitch Moran, another attorney for Pastor Edgar Ray Killen, claimed that another klavern or chapter “put the orders out” to kill the three and that Sam Bowers “approved it.”
Archive 2005-06-01
Before she unlocked the door to our soon-to-be bower of bliss, we embraced and kissed.
The Bowery, a street in lower Manhattan, runs north for about a mile from Chatham Square to Cooper Square.
Bower produced some gymnastics to keep the ball in play with an overhead kick across the goal-mouth.
Jensen grounded out to 2b, RBI (0-0); Arcure advanced to second; Forsten advanced to third; Bower scored, unearned.
It was a hot mid-August afternoon two weeks into the trip and one of my three NOLS instructors, Bean Bowers -- bad-ass, wise-cracking and always over-caffeinated -- chose me to belay him while he climbed.
Adrian Margaret Brune: Patagonia Climber Bean Bowers: 1973-2011, He Always Picked Himself -- And Others -- Up Again
Fyffe said she liked the idea of reconnecting with a former teammate (Bower) in deciding on Mercyhurst.
All adds up to less for more $, and attracting more bowerbird-types to Portland.
Portland's fake New York quest continues (Jack Bog's Blog)
Bower, who played a dark wizard in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II and Caius in Twilight: New Moon, was recently in the studios promoting his Starz series Camelot.
Harry Potter's Jamie Campbell Bower and Bonnie Wright Are Engaged
On these occasions, his beloved was left behind, embowered in his apartment, perhaps because he feared someone would steal her away from him.
The Mirror of Venus
Male bowerbirds famously woo females by fashioning elaborate bowers - not nests but U-shaped showplaces with parallel walls of twigs.
It was a very delightful room, with fine wide outlook -- over towards the church in its dark embowerment of evergreen oaks, which some of the folk would not pass by night; over the long sweep of the land towards Little Sark; then, over to the left, a glimpse of the sea and
Pearl of Pearl Island
When male spotted bowerbirds collect sticks and other doodads to wow females, these natural interior decorators don't search for the rare showpiece, according to a new study.
I also reported that Tom Bower, biographer of Robert Maxwell, had a new biography deal.
In response, he created Bowery Derelicts - a group of drunken bums, inspired by people he saw every day across from his apartment.
Nature offers to her children pleasures without end; Rosy dawns and golden sunsets, fields and forest bowers; Hills, mountains, streams and meadows, gardens, birds and flowers.
We directed our steps to that part of the town where the better class seemed to reside, in cool, shady lanes, the houses embowered in large-leaved tropical trees, cocoa-nut, banana, bread-fruit, calabash, and other palms, with cycas and tree-ferns with stems some fifteen feet high.
A Boy's Voyage Round the World
With considerable relish, Asbury chronicles the history of the multitude of gangs who fought to control the streets of the Bowery, Hell's Kitchen and the Five Points.
Once acquired they must be guarded against other jealous male bowerbirds anxious to steal them for their own bowers.
The gate was arched like a great hall and over walls and roof ramped vines with grapes of many colours; the red like rubies and the black like ebonies; and beyond it lay a bower of trelliced boughs growing fruits single and composite, and small birds on branches sang with melodious recite, and the thousand-noted nightingale shrilled with her varied shright; the turtle with her cooing filled the site; the blackbird whistled like human wight47 and the ring-dove moaned like a drinker in grievous plight.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night