How To Use Bowels In A Sentence

  • The starchy food created gas, and the bowels, not having their natural tone, gave way to the gas until there was _ "Meteorism," _ not tympanites but meteorism which means to blow up or distend all that is possible. Appendicitis
  • In this form of indigestion the bowels are often much constipated, which is usually only a more marked symptom of chronic constipation. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • At that time, she was eating a solid diabetic diet, moving her bowels, and ambulating.
  • He has a good appetite, and his bowels are open.
  • The natives so embraced the pageantry and the promise of the new faith; and centuries later, testament to that Christian hegemony is the ubiquity of an iconolatry, none as dispersed into the bowels of urban and rural religious life as the icon of the Santo Nino.
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  • He telegraphs a curious expression across the curious pseudo - restaurant that serves as the canteen in the bowels of Television Centre.
  • Some people find that certain types of food upset their bowels and they may need to adjust their diet accordingly.
  • He became incontinent and lost control of his bowels.
  • Do you think there's a whole ward somewhere in the bowels of the building where they spend long hours doing nothing but boiling cabbage?
  • Adhesions can involve the uterus, tubes, ovaries, and bowels and can attach any of these structures to each other or to the floor of the pelvic area.
  • Salts is a medicine that causes movements of the bowels.
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • To my horror, Tulsi Pipe Road was now shamefully dug up, its bowels exposed and the entrails left lying on one side for the world to see.
  • Ten times ghastlier than if it had been real, the chorus wailed and ululated back and forth along immeasurable distances -- became one yell again -- and went howling down into earth's bowels as if the last of a phantom pack were left behind and yelling to be waited for. In The Time Of Light
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • He feels his way through the bowels of the city, conscious of the weight of civilisation above him.
  • Lewis learned that Clark's bowels had not moved for several days and that he felt ‘somewhat bilious.’
  • But if the bowels are loose, with bilious discharges, tormina, vomitings, a feeling of suffocation, and gnawing pains, it is best to enjoin repose, and to drink hydromel, and avoid vomiting. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • In battle, he is a clinical fighter who bisects and decapitates his opponents, lops off their limbs and disembowels them with surgical precision.
  • If someone looks like a man and has a man's build, that person may just have to evacuate his/her bladder and bowels in the men's room.
  • This last feature occurs near Caldas de los Reyes, the side of the mountain which overhangs it in the direction of the south being covered with immense granite stones, apparently at some ancient period eructed from the bowels of the earth. The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
  • I felt my bowels twist and a cold arm of horror shoot up my spine and grab my neck.
  • When the hypochondriac region is affected with meteorism and borborygmi, should pain of the loins supervene, the bowels get into Aphorisms
  • Imagine an existence in the bowels of the earth where, for up to eight months at a time, there is no fresh air. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gentle purging of the bowels agrees with most ulcers, and in wounds of the head, belly, or joints, where there is danger of gangrene, in such as require sutures, in phagedaenic, spreading and in otherwise inveterate ulcers. On Ulcers
  • She was lucky we where there, because office phones are usually connected to a centrex, especially if there's multiple lines, which of course there are, since all calls into the office are routed through the phone at the front desk, through the centrex and back into the bowels of the building. A day without rain.. .
  • The state also of the stomach and bowels and the diet of the nurse materially and constantly influence the nature of the lacteal secretion. Remarks on the Subject of Lactation
  • Previously it has been due to cancer, however, this time it was because I had developed a very large hernia, which was causing great problems underneath my stoma (the opening created to replace my bowels).
  • Its seat was tilted up on hinges to reveal a narrow passage down into the bowels of the ship. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • Nothing too wrong with that you may say, but he insists on stopping outside my house to allow his dog to evacuate its bowels.
  • With a twist she disembowels it, its rancid intestines spilling out onto the floor, and yanks her sword back out of its belly. Session 1: Every New Beginning « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • _partial_ impaction, that is, an incomplete or partially successful evacuation of the contents of the bowels: the incompleteness is due to disease of the anal and rectal canals. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • baths can help the laxness of the bowels
  • He elbowed a lever into position, and a loud clang sounded from the bowels of the ship.
  • Nor does he always locate his case studies fully within the history of ideas; he does not quite explain, for example, why the seat of "hypochondria" moved from the bowels to the brain.
  • Its seat was tilted up on hinges to reveal a narrow passage down into the bowels of the ship. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • If, in addition to the above symptoms, he pass a large quantity of watery fluid from his bowels, the case becomes one of _watery gripes_, and requires the immediate attention of a doctor. Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • We were high-tech seasick in a bad way, cranky and touchy, and nobody could tell us what we would find in the bowels of the floating city. VITALS
  • As you may know, Rocky's MOH has been in bowels of the bureaucracy since February, 2000. Versace, Humberto R.
  • After a spine-crushing three hour journey from the small city of Coca in an open-air ranchero, a motorized canoe transported us 150 miles from civilization into the remotest bowels of the jungle. Suzan Crane: Finding my Soul and Losing my Heart in the Equadorian Amazon: A Spiritual Journey With the Remote Huaorani Tribe
  • He would have to take it deep into the bowels of the earth, for the glorious Garland Battle was about to begin.
  • It's been three full days since I moved my bowels. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Spartan boy who let a beast gnaw out his bowels till he died without expressing a groan, is a faint bodily image of this dilaceration of the spirit and exenteration of the inmost mind, which Calantha with English literary criticism
  • KWANGCHOW, China - The She-tsan Kuan restaurant was located somewhere within the chaotic bowels of Kwangchow, a city of 3.5 million Chinese and 1 million bicycles in 1976. Undefined
  • Once she was sure the rope was secure she lowered the bucket into the deep bowels of the well.
  • disembowels" government would result from the enactment of ballot measures to eliminate state and local government debt, according to John Knezovich's column in the Aug. 16 - Local News
  • This repulsive figure is eternally farting; his stinking bowels suffering from his apparently endless consumption of discount horseflesh and champagne.
  • The bowels were cleaned with calomel or blue-pill, which causes gastric irritation, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.
  • When, I thought, had he had time to learn the geography and ethnology of these dismal black habitats in the bowels of Camelot? DOWNTOWN
  • We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • When we arrived on the dock some of the cargo was still being loaded - some sad-looking cattle were being urged through a large hatchway into the bowels of the ship, lowing miserably as they went.
  • When, I thought, had he had time to learn the geography and ethnology of these dismal black habitats in the bowels of Camelot? DOWNTOWN
  • In a stuffy room deep in the bowels of the Stade de France, the 100m and 200m champion was seated in front of 250 journalists, trying to convince them that she deserved to hang on to her gold medals.
  • It is a form of infection which is generally from the food passing through the bowels and can be bacterial or even viral.
  • Alone and friendless in the bowels of one of his many palatial hideouts he must still, surely, nurse his grandiose ambitions.
  • I never more lively beheld the starved characters of Dante [III. j] in any living face; an aruspex might have read a lecture upon him without exenteration, his flesh being so consumed, that he might, in a manner, have discerned his bowels without opening of him; so that to be carried, sexta cervice [III. k] to the grave, was but a civil unnecessity; and the complements of the coffin might outweigh the subject of it. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • This breeze reeked of the incense cast upon the brazier of such sulfurous content to seem as though spewed from the bowels of perdition.
  • Its main geographical features are three low hills formed from superheated mud that spews periodically from the earth's bowels.
  • Dante+ in any living face; an aruspex might have read a lecture upon him without exenteration, his flesh being so consumed, that he might, in a manner, have discerned his bowels without opening of him; so that to be carried, sexta cervice+ to the grave, was but a civil unnecessity; and the complements of the coffin might outweigh the subject of it. Letter to a Friend
  • Babies undergoing omphalocele treatment receive initial feedings intravenously while the bowels recover. Omphalocele
  • The patient affected with phrenitis, having taken to bed on the first day, vomited largely of verdigris-green and thin matters; fever, accompanied with rigors, copious and continued sweats all over; heaviness of the head and neck, with pain; urine thin, substances floating in the urine small, scattered, did not subside; had copious dejections from the bowels; very delirious; no sleep. Of The Epidemics
  • Needham has rigged a plywood makeshift helipad over the logs stacked 20m high from the very bowels of the ship to the topside decks.
  • At the very instant that the body is exposed naked to the cold air, an unusual movement is felt in the bowels; as is experienced by boys going into the cold bath: this could not occur from an obstruction of the perspirable matter, since there is not time, for that to be returned to the bowels by the course of the circulation. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • • It is also extensively used in the treatment of Cervical spondylosis (It is a special type of arthritis which affects the cervical vertebrae, i.e. the vertebrae of the neck region) • It facilitates the movement of the bowels and keeps the digestive system clean Benefits of Guggul - Natural Way to Lower Cholesterol
  • When the flatus is offensive, either a suppository or clyster is to be administered; but otherwise the oxymel is to be discontinued, until the matters descend to the lower part of the bowels, and then they are to be evacuated by a clyster. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • High doses of vitamin C may loosen the bowels, though this effect invariably abates once the dose is suitably reduced.
  • As well as taking a crack at the "pale, flabby" people he assumes are food bloggers with their "wankerish little digicameras", he continues, in trademark fashion, "I think photographing one's food in a restaurant is easily as rude, disrespectful and brutish as … dropping one's trousers in the middle of the room and taking a massive dump". getting his bowels in such a twist. Life and style |
  • loose bowels
  • The earliest symptom is often bleeding of fresh, red blood from the anal passage when the bowels are opened.
  • Besides taking part in this composition, the bran, being in a great measure insoluble, passes in bulk through the bowels, assisting daily laxation -- a most important consideration. Dr. Allinson's cookery book Comprising many valuable vegetarian recipes
  • It can affect the bowels and the liver perihepatitis syndrome. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • One cuvée the burglars left behind was Loose Bowels, Steadman's own wine, produced from 100 vines situated in a walled garden behind his studio.
  • Mrs Wilson has had an inflammation in her bowels, is recovered, and gaining strength. New Letters from Charles Brown to Joseph Severn
  • One of the monkeys starts screeching, voids his bowels and flings his excrement at another monkey.
  • It relieves stomach irritation, gradually checking the frequency of the bowels, restores tone and functional activity.
  • Things are bigger in Texas: A larger than average bird decided to evacuate its bowels above me today, deep in the heart of Texas.
  • Behold, 0 Lord, for I am in distress, my bowels are troubled: my heart is turned within me, for I am full of bitterness: abroad the sword destroyeth and at home there is death alike. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 29: Lamentations of Jeremias The Challoner Revision
  • But I'm clean and sober, and the only ting that swept through me was an uncontrollable urge to evacuate my bowels upon hearing that pap.
  • It constipates and run up all in you and locks your bowels up. The Truth About "Nut Brackets" by Alexyss K. Tylor
  • Of course, I am doing most of my work in a windowless meeting room deep in the bowels of the structure.
  • Her body shook as it stood, her bowels and bladder voiding. EVERVILLE
  • The pain may be mild or severe, and may be made either better or worse by opening the bowels, passing wind or eating.
  • Cut into one of the cross planks was a large hole over which you sat and performed the daily evacuation of one's bowels.
  • Thus, in the bowels of the flush toilet we see the archetype for all autonomous mechanical creatures.
  • Cecil barely had time to open his mouth to scream as his astral body impacted on the ground, slipping right through it and down into the bowels of the Earth.
  • Fastened to the sides of the winding tunnels, the tubes gave new visual meaning to the phrase "bowels of the Earth. Space Odyssey: Scientists go to the extremes of the earth to divine the secrets of extraterrestrial life.
  • These pains are typically sharp and knife-like due to the fissure opening up each time your bowels are opened.
  • He took the company from the bowels of serious worthiness to wowing the London literati with dynamic, subversive, well-produced books that echoed the counterculture bubbling under the historical granite of Edinburgh.
  • The chyle, which is seen among the materials thrown up by violent vomiting, or in purging stools, can only come thither by its having been poured into the bowels by the inverted motions of the lacteals: for our aliment is not converted into chyle in the stomach or intestines by a chemical process, but is made in the very mouths of the lacteals; or in the mesenteric glands; in the same manner as other secreted fluids are made by an animal process in their adapted glands. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • “grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical,” in “navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships,” in “anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;” but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and Greek, Poetry and Philosophy, Italian and Hebrew, moral magnanimity and spiritual elevation, the History of Nations, and the ways of God to men. The Life of John Milton
  • On the sixth, in the morning, in a quiet state; in the evening the pains greater; had a paroxysm; in the evening the bowels properly opened by a small clyster; slept at night. Of The Epidemics
  • -- Take a yard of flannel, fold it in three widths, then dip it in very hot water, wring it out tolerably dry, and apply it evenly and neatly round and round the bowels; over this, and to keep it in its place, and to keep in the moisture, put on a _dry_ flannel bandage, four yards long and four inches wide. Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • Sad was the man that word to hear that him so heavied in bowels ruthful. Ulysses
  • Accordingly, the expedition's medical kit contains substances to induce vomiting (ipecac, white vitriol, tartar emetic) and to loosen the bowels (jalap, rhubarb, cream of tartar, Glauber's salts, calomel, magnesia, assafoetida).
  • This is the film where Chaplin gets sucked into the bowels of a machine, tightening screws as he get squeezed through a series of cogwheels.
  • If you are a Dad be prepared to spend most holidays assembling intricate, highly complex toys that require the use of specialty screwdriver tips dug out the bowels of your toolbox.
  • Miserable men commiserate not themselves, bowelless unto themselves, and merciless unto their own bowels. Letter to a Friend
  • Whether you first hear the scream of racing engines as you get off the train from Nice and emerge from the modern station hidden away in the bowels of the earth, or you encounter it while entering the harbour on a boat, with the whole widescreen panorama of a chocolate-box palace and brutalist high-rise apartment blocks laid out in front of you, the effect is infallibly magical. Monaco grand prix: The race where heroes are made
  • For instance, during the commencement of suckling, the milk is thick and creamy, similar to the biestings of a cow, which, if given to a babe of a few months old, would cause derangement of the stomach and bowels. Advice to a Mother on the Management of Her Children
  • I fear will be no long liver; for I am told she has sometimes the gout in her bowels (I hate the word bowels). The Journal to Stella
  • It is no doubt of volcanic origin, belched out of the bowels, and on to the surface, of the earth, by the sulphurous upheavings of subterraneous and subaqueous fires, and cooled and solidified into monstrous masses by the gelid currents of the deepmost waves of the most ancient of former oceans. Australia Twice Traversed, Illustrated,
  • Often, the surging of hormones before and during the menstrual cycle can cause your bowels to loosen.
  • : Marked "Allegro appassionato," a tremendous discharge of despairing passion, concluding with three foreboding D's from the bowels of the piano. Chopin's Small Miracles
  • But if the pain be below the chest, and if very intense, purge the bowels gently in such an attack of pleurisy, and during the act of purging give nothing; but after the purging give oxymel. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • When fever seizes a person who has lately taken food, and whose bowels are loaded with faces which have been long retained, whether it be attended with pain of the side or not, he ought to lie quiet until the food descend to the lower region of the bowels, and use oxymel for drink; but when the load descends to the loins, On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • I remember seeing a gentleman who had the preceding day travelled two stages in a chaise with what he termed a bearable pain in his bowels; which when I saw him had ceased rather suddenly, and without a passage through him; his pulse was then weak, though not very quick; but as nothing which he swallowed would continue in his stomach many minutes, I concluded that the bowel was mortified; he died on the next day. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • The nursing record indicates that her bowels were open.
  • The vet told us that the cat would probably convulse, loose her bowels or pee on the blanket, and make one last breath-like movement but that she wouldn't be aware of it, because she was just going to fall asleep. Dante Requiem
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • I fear lung disease, heart disease, cancer, losing control of my bladder and bowels, paralysis and crabs in my underpants.
  • Nearly every one of Soutine's paintings signals the end of the world; and he flays and eviscerates his subjects—as if unleashing the writhing bowels of hell. Constructivist Criticism Laid Bare
  • Behold, O Lord, for I am in distress, my bowels are troubled: my heart is turned within me, for I am full of bitterness: abroad the sword destroyeth, and at home there is death alike. The Holy Bible: Douay-Rheims
  • It's been three full days since I moved my bowels. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Salvadorean gangster prisoners hide cellphones in bowels - Boing Boing
  • It acts slowly and mildly on the secreting organs, such as kidneys, skin and bowels.
  • Personally, I believe that the only possible way to prevent loose bowels is to take your nourishment intravenously, and that is far from safe! Is there a doctor in the house?
  • You are to be made expert in "graving, etching, carving, embossing, and moulding in sundry matters," in "grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical," in "navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships," in "anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;" but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and The Life of John Milton Volume 3 1643-1649
  • I expect he thought my bowels were griping, which is a common trouble with actors just going on; he did not keep me, and I got away in time. The Mask of Apollo
  • As he steps away, the pilot hears a deep and powerful burble, which immediately repeats itself and seems to emanate from somewhere in the bowels of the plane.
  • These were to help her restore control of her bladder and bowels. The Sun
  • The smell of cooking flesh mingles wretchedly with the reek of voided bowels and bladder.
  • I saw yellow-white explosions in my gut, and it seemed as if magma seeped through my bowels.
  • Chronic stress can cause chronic loose bowels and may be a major problem. Coping with Angina
  • After a while her bladder and bowels began to work again. Times, Sunday Times
  • In particular, the bass soloist had a voice which seemed to rumble from the very bowels of the earth.
  • Madge was a good companion and Folly loved her, but she was obsessed with bowels, particularly Folly's.
  • If he ate flour in any form or however combined, in the smallest quantity, in two minutes or less he would have painful itching over the whole body, accompanied by severe colic and tormina in the bowels, great sickness in the stomach, and continued vomiting, which he declared was ten times as distressing as the symptoms caused by the ingestion of tartar emetic. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • As it putrefies and decays, your breath smells bad, your sweat smells bad, and your bowels smell bad.
  • Muhammad took over Lee's life in every way, feeding him with as many as 70 pills a day, food supplements of various kinds, including something called Great Plains Bentonite Detox, which uses an active ingredient of cat litter to "detoxify" one's bowels. Father, Where Art Thou?
  • And of fleshes, those of the goat, the stag, the sow, and the dog: for these are the kinds of flesh which are aptest to disorder the bowels. On The Sacred Disease
  • This description does not only comprehend the bowels, bones, tendons, veins, nerves, and arteries, but every muscle and every ligature, which is a composition of fibres, that are so many imperceptible tubes or pipes interwoven on all sides with invisible glands or strainers. The Coverley Papers
  • The bowels were not open, and in the evening she had more pain.
  • He deprecates paring and burning as exhaustive of the vegetable juices, advises winter fallowing and marling, and affirms that "there is no superficies of earth, how poor soever it may be, but has in its own bowels something or other for its own improvement. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 77, March, 1864
  • Our hero passes out while getting his bowels cleansed before the operation.
  • [ "Now was come about Holy-Cross Day, and now must my lord preach his first sermon to the Jews: as it was of old cared for in the merciful bowels of the Church, that, so to speak, a crumb at least from her conspicuous table here in Rome should be, though but once yearly, cast to the famishing dogs, under-trampled and bespitten-upon beneath the feet of the guests. Dramatic Romances
  • Side-effects of antacids can include looseness of the bowels and constipation.
  • In fact nobody truly understood what was happening in the bowels of the house. COLDHEART CANYON
  • When the flatus is offensive, either a suppository or clyster is to be administered; but otherwise the oxymel is to be discontinued, until the matters descend to the lower part of the bowels, and then they are to be evacuated by a clyster. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Deep in bowels of the mansion was the epicentre of communication technology and field command.
  • We English even, fastidious as we are, employ the term bowels as a natural symbolization for the affections of pity, mercy, or parental and brotherly affection. Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 1
  • As the canal passing into the mountain runs over the beds of coals, and under the reservoir of petroleum, it appears that a _natural distillation_ of this fossil in the bowels of the earth must have taken place at some early period of the world, similar to the artificial distillation of coal, which has many years been carried on in this place on a smaller scale above ground. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • Coleridge's life and Blake's mythologization of the psychosomatics of Milton moving at once inspirationally and with painful apocalyptic dread through Blake's bowels Notes on 'Introduction'
  • And by "hydrothermal vents," Amara is referring to ginormous magma chimneys that belch smoke from the bowels of the earth, forming lead-melting plumes of boiling black firewater at the ocean floor, which hordes of see-thru shrimp teem around, fearlessly basking in chemical-rich spew. Boing Boing: January 16, 2005 - January 22, 2005 Archives
  • He prescribes purgative medicines to act as eccoprotics, to excite but not to stimulate the bowels.
  • It might work for its greater popularity if I argued the other way, making out that the subjects I have chosen were monsters of brutality, with arms up to the shoulders in blood, that they were prodigies of iniquity and cunning, without bowels, steeped in hypocrisy, facinorous to a degree never surpassed or even equalled by evil men. She Stands Accused
  • Down he went, into the depths of his palace and beyond, to chambers with walls that glowed with a faint pearlescence as though glazed by the hand of a master, chambers hewn from the bowels of the earth by his powers. Conan The Victorious
  • Whenever sickness, vomiting, and obstinate costiveness give reason to suspect an obstruction of the bowels, all those places where ruptures usually happen ought carefully to be examined.
  • Then, with a chill of understanding which turned my bowels to ice, I realized that I was not smelling cigarette smoke. A CONVICTION OF GUILT
  • These were to help her restore control of her bladder and bowels. The Sun
  • It might be said that he divined the course of seams in the depths of the coal mine as a hydroscope reveals springs in the bowels of the earth. The Underground City
  • He chose to live in the dark and dank bowels and basements of buildings, rejected by family and society.
  • This book disembowels many of the premises and data used to justify the high-stakes accountability rhetoric and school reform strategies currently being advanced. Gary Stager: Wanna be a School Reformer? You Better do Your Homework!
  • Still, many people, obsessed with their bowels, continue to swell the profits of pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies by consuming purgatives regularly.
  • I had drawn a division of "snipes" for my temporary brothers, boilermen and machinists who dwelt in the bowels of our ancient aircraft carrier, firing oil-burning furnaces and patching 1100-pound pressure leaks along the steam lines to keep the ship afloat and operational. The Draft
  • Pliny recorded the fact that "the use of clysters or enemata was first taught by the stork, which may be observed to inject water into its bowels by means of its long beak. Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
  • _ -- Burning pain and constriction in throat and gullet, pain and tenderness of stomach and bowels, intense thirst, nausea, vomiting, purging and tenesmus, with bloody stools, dysuria, cold skin, and feeble and irregular pulse. Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
  • And behold what I would have applied to the tongue of the evil-speaker, had I undertaken to give you a just and natural idea of all the enormity of this vice: I would have said that the tongue of the slanderer is a devouring fire which tarnishes whatever it touches; which exercises its fury on the good grain, equally as on the chaff; on the profane, as on the sacred; which, wherever it passes, leaves only desolation and ruin; digs even into the bowels of the earth, and fixes itself on things the most hidden; turns into vile ashes what only a moment before had appeared to us so precious and brilliant; acts with more violence and danger than ever in the time when it was apparently smothered up and almost extinct; which blackens what it can not consume, and sometimes sparkles and delights before it destroys. Of a Malignant Tongue
  • This was satisfactory until the officer was obliged to empty his bowels. The Bullet Catchers
  • O you butlers, creators of new forms, make me of no drinker a drinker, a perennity and everlastingness of sprinkling and bedewing me through these my parched and sinewy bowels. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Apply the juice of the fig inwardly to the vein; or having moulded biestings into a tent, introduce up the nostril, or push up some chalcitis with the finger, and press the cartilages of the nostrils together; and open the bowels with the boiled milk of asses: or having shaved the head apply cold things to it if in the summer season. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Put a pair of bellows end into a clyster pipe, and applying it into the fundament, open the bowels, so draw forth the wind, natura non admittit vacuum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Dr. Tully also says it is a deobstruent or alterative, an acrid narcotic, an emetic, an epispastic, and an errhine; found very useful in gout, rheumatism, diseases of lungs, and some complaints of the bowels. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • It can also occur in the bowels, kidneys, bones and joints and can cause meningitis.
  • I hadn't eaten or moved my bowels for a week and a half, so I decided to go and see my GP.
  • No wonder there's an air of trepidation deep in the bowels of the new Mound complex as they look forward to seeing the entries.
  • A doctor looks at a patient's tongue, sees it coated, and says the stomach is foul; his head full of the old saburral notion which the extreme inflammation-doctrine of Broussais did so much to root out, but which still leads, probably, to much needless and injurious wrong of the stomach and bowels by evacuants, when all they want is to be let alone. Medical Essays, 1842-1882
  • Many will be offended by what's in this book; Klassnik doesn't just gore sacred cows, he disembowels them and devours their entrails. Seth Abramson: February 2012 Contemporary Poetry Reviews
  • The treatment consisted in keeping the bowels perfectly free and the skin moist, and this was generally obtained by calomel and antimonial powder combined, in the proportion of two grains, and three every third hour, and an occasional purge of neutral salts. The Trial of Charles Random de Berenger, Sir Thomas Cochrane, commonly called Lord Cochrane, the Hon. Andrew Cochrane Johnstone, Richard Gathorne Butt, Ralph Sandom, Alexander M'Rae, John Peter Holloway, and Henry Lyte for A Conspiracy In the Court of
  • I still have irritable bowels though and sometimes the pain keeps me up at night.
  • I fought my way forward and on deck from of the bowels of the salon.
  • The bowels are to be kept soluble by enemata or appropriate medicines, and the diet should be selected so as to avoid constipation and flatulence. Gilbertus Anglicus Medicine of the Thirteenth Century
  • Thirdly, when rheumatic inflammation affects the bowels, it produces a disease very different from enteritis, or common inflammation of the bowels, and should be termed enteralgia rheumatica. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • It can cause sharp pain, especially when opening the bowels.
  • For it is not sweeter than the unboiled, provided the honey be fine, and it is weaker, and occasions less copious evacuations of the bowels, neither of which effects is required from the hydromel. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Its seat was tilted up on hinges to reveal a narrow passage down into the bowels of the ship. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • In a highly wrought, almost hallucinatory flashback, Peter remembers an adolescent holiday at a lakeside house and a visionary experience he had there, "a sea-swell of feeling, utterly unexpected, a sensation that starts in his bowels and fluoresces through his body, dizzying, giddying. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham: The New York Review Of Books
  • I reached down behind the cushion into the cookie-crumbed and spidery bowels of the couch until I got hold of the remote. The Nervous Breakdown
  • See you in the bowels of an undead Kodiac who thinks you should split your hard-earned cash with a wellfare mom. Carol Hartsell: It's Only a Matter of Time (We're Already Out of Time)
  • My bowels, recognising the significance of this moment, conspired to produce some ordure so foul smelling, that even I, its originator, was uncomfortable being in its presence.
  • Toddlers in nappies are accustomed to urinating and moving their bowels whenever they feel the urge to do so.
  • About the hundredth day, disorder of the bowels, with copious and bilious evacuations, and these continued for a considerable time, and again assumed the dysenteric form with pain; but relief of all the other complaints. Of The Epidemics
  • Its seat was tilted up on hinges to reveal a narrow passage down into the bowels of the ship. BLACKWATER SOUND
  • In this place a group of rocky hills almost surround a large bason, which is the general receptacle of the water, draining from every part of the vast savanna, by lateral conduits, winding about, and one after another joining the main creek or general conductor, which at length delivers them into this sink; where they descend by slow degrees, through rocky caverns, into the bowels of the earth, whence they are carried by secret subterraneous channels into other receptacles and basons. Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • The urine was small in quantity, of a bluish colour, and coagulable, irritability of stomach, and the bowels were obstinate and difficult to move, even with drastic purgatives. An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
  • The clerk practically jumped from his chair and scurried off, deep into the bowels of the office.
  • Yes, yes, the thought of my country being ruled by a reactionary dimwit who symbolically disembowels everything I stand for is also too much to bear, but maybe not as bad as the trauma of having to copy everybody in my address book. James Napoli: If Donald Trump Becomes President, I'm Going to Talk About Moving to Europe But Not Really Do It
  • Down you go, and down, and further down, spiralling into the seismically unstable bowels of the Los Angeles earth in circles of looming darkness, questing for a parking space of your own, further and further down.
  • Within the bowels of the merc vessel we meet Junner, a chic-looking commander of the mercs, serving an unknown leader.
  • His legs had turned to stone, his bowels to water; it was all he could do not to befoul his pants. GALILEE
  • Do not acquire the idea that the bowels must move at a certain time each day with unintermitted regularity, for they are subject to the same extent as the appetite to what might be termed idiosyncrasies, according to environment and other influences. Vitality Supreme
  • “grinding of glasses dioptrical and catoptrical,” in “navarchy and making models for building and rigging of ships,” in “anatomy, making skeletons, and excarnating bowels;” but you miss all that Milton would have taught you of Latin and Greek, Poetry and Philosophy, Italian and Hebrew, moral magnanimity and spiritual elevation, the History of Nations, and the ways of God to men. The Life of John Milton
  • He gets a whiff of weed farted from the bowels of the bleachers. HOMECOMING 2007 • by Rebecca Nazar
  • It is of great importance to relax the bowels every day.
  • And moreover if, while the pain of the side persists, and does not yield to warm fomentations, and the sputa are not brought up, but are viscid and unconcocted, unless one get the pain resolved, either by loosening the bowels, or opening a vein, whichever of these may be proper; — if to persons so circumstanced ptisan be administered, their speedy death will be the result. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Joel slummed inside the insidious bowels of some Chinese gadget sweatshops, scheduled a voyage on the world's largest cruise liner and looked at some faux skylights capable of programmable lighting. Boing Boing
  • We are ignorant of the extent of the cavities which subterranean fires and volcanic agitations may have produced in the bowels of the earth in those primitive rocks, which, containing considerable quantities of amphibole, mica, garnet, magnetic iron-stone, and red schorl (titanite), appear to be anterior to granite. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Dark things were happening last week, deep in the bowels of Scottish Labour, as rival factions settled accounts.
  • These were to help her restore control of her bladder and bowels. The Sun
  • The Pleasure arising to a few Philosophers, from seeing, a few Times in their Life, the Threads of Light untwisted, and separated by the Newtonian Prism into seven Colours, can it be compared with the Ease and Comfort every Man living might feel seven times a Day, by discharging freely the Wind from his Bowels? Chris Rodda: To the United States Marine Corps -- re: Farting in Afghanistan
  • Madden waited for several minutes and watched the coil of rope slowly play out as the two children descended deeper into the bowels of Morecook's cabinet fastness.

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