bowed down

  1. heavily burdened with work or cares
    overburdened social workers
    weighed down with cares
    bowed down with troubles
    found himself loaded down with responsibilities
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How To Use bowed down In A Sentence

  • No departing presidential couple in history have ever left the official residence so bowed down with booty.
  • On the steps I stood still and looked round: long storm-clouds were creeping heavily over the grey sky; a dark-brown bush was writhing in the wind, and murmuring plaintively; the yellow grass helplessly and forlornly bowed down to the earth; flocks of thrushes were fluttering in the mountain-ashes among the bright, flame-coloured clusters of berries. The Jew and other stories
  • They were literally bowed down with grief....
  • Maria entered the room and bowed down before the statue.
  • Is she bowed down before God in prostration of need, in conscious dejection of unworthiness, in passionate self-abasement and desire for that renewal which comes through renunciation?
  • Here it was before him, a courtroom and a judged bowed down in subservience by the machine to a divekeeper who swung a string of votes. The Benefit of the Doubt
  • bowed down by the weight of responsibility
  • To a papist, Luther thought, the crucifix was indeed an idol, something to be venerated and bowed down to.
  • They were literally bowed down with grief....
  • It was scarcely surprising that the cholera should spread rapidly, for fear is its powerful auxiliary, and the Cruces people bowed down before the plague in slavish despair. Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands
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