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How To Use Bow down In A Sentence

  • He said he's had fans bow down before him, and shrugged off the hardships of playing the physically demanding part.
  • So with all the angels and saints, with the cherubim and seraphim, let's all bow down in worship before the Lamb of God, who has ransomed us from death and brought us into his eternal kingdom!
  • Belike thou wilt now have good will to bow down Fafnir's crest according to thy word plighted, since thou hast thus revenged thy father and the others of thy kin. The Story of the Volsungs
  • O come , let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
  • He refused to bow down before the king.
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  • As Westerners bow down before multiculturalism, we anesthetize ourselves into believing that anything goes.
  • Americans can make any graven image they wish to make, and bow down to whatever god or idol they wish.
  • Some one in Manhattan they would bow down and adore.
  • We refuse to just bow down and let the government do whatever it wants.
  • We shall never bow down to our enemies.
  • Then everyone left in your family line will come and bow down before him for a piece of silver and a crust of bread and plead, "Appoint me to some priestly office so I can have food to eat.
  • And life bow down for judgment of his awless eyes. A Midsummer Holiday and Other Poems
  • When the sun sets, its inhabitants bow down in unison amid their baobab and thorn trees toward Mecca to pray.
  • He urged his followers to bow down before him, in Persian fashion.
  • When the sun sets, its inhabitants bow down in unison amid their baobab and thorn trees toward Mecca to pray.
  • The smallest of the palace dogs, Sleeve Pekingese, were carried in the sleeves of the rulers' silk robes, while "commoners" were expected to bow down to the dogs.
  • He expects me to bow down to him and do everything he tells me.
  • These 'charitable' people went into the wretched homes of the poor and -- in effect -- said: 'Abandon every particle of self-respect: cringe and fawn: come to church: bow down and grovel to us, and in return we'll give you a ticket that you can take to a certain shop and exchange for a shillingsworth of groceries. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists
  • But still, because he does not bow down before his own popularity, he retains a certain distance.
  • When the sun sets, its inhabitants bow down in unison amid their baobab and thorn trees toward Mecca to pray.
  • The whole point of devolution is to stand up for the people of Wales and not bow down to the first challenge from a group of MPs more interested in their cosy London jobs, than the needs of this nation. Too Blue
  • O come , let us worship and bow down : let us kneel before the LORD our maker.
  • But still, because he does not bow down before his own popularity, he retains a certain distance.
  • Isaac's blessing prophesied that Esau would bow down before Jacob; but no, here is Jacob, bowing down before Esau.
  • I bow down before it and pray fervently that I never come face to face with it.
  • She expects me to bow down to her and do everything she tells me.
  • Then everyone left in your family line will come and bow down before him for a piece of silver and a crust of bread and plead, "Appoint me to some priestly office so I can have food to eat.
  • If it comes to me having to totally sell out and bow down, I don't think I'll do it.
  • So with all the angels and saints, with the cherubim and seraphim, let's all bow down in worship before the Lamb of God, who has ransomed us from death and brought us into his eternal kingdom!
  • From a field, the horses observe the Statue of Liberty, and, indeed, they bow down before it.
  • I fear that yes consumerism has become the new religion and that we are now obliged to bow down before the almighty market.
  • Let peoples serve you, and nations bow down to you.
  • Come, let us bow down in worship .
  • We should not have to bow down to anyone.
  • This is where all the stars bow down.
  • We are expected to bow down before the divinely written Word, even when that Word famously, ludicrously contradicts itself over and over and over again.
  • He refused to bow down before the king.
  • We refuse to just bow down and let the government do whatever it wants.
  • He could not bow down to such wrong opinions.
  • Haman was furious with Mordecai, because Mordecai refused to bow down before him to show his respect.
  • There would be a fleeting glimpse of the three men flinging water in frantic haste, when she would topple over and fall into the yawning valley, bow down and showing her full inside length to the stern upreared almost directly above the bow. Chapter 17
  • If I can't get it out of you, by God, I will take off my hat and bow down and kiss the feet of the one that can do it better.
  • Isaac's blessing prophesied that Esau would bow down before Jacob; but no, here is Jacob, bowing down before Esau.
  • We will all bow down and proclaim him Lord to the glory of God the Father.
  • Thou hast made a graven image and Jeroboam-like wouldst have everyone else bow down before thy calf.
  • Let's forget what makes Greenwich special and just bow down to whatever the property developers want.
  • A nihilist is a man who does not bow down before any authority, who does not take any principle on faith, whatever reverence that principle may be enshrined in. Chapter V
  • Soon I would control legions and all would bow down before me.
  • The smallest of the palace dogs, Sleeve Pekingese, were carried in the sleeves of the rulers' silk robes, while "commoners" were expected to bow down to the dogs.

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