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  1. produce buds, branches, or germinate
    the potatoes sprouted

How To Use bourgeon In A Sentence

  • As the bromance bourgeons, Peter's relationship with Zooey suffers.
  • With every advance of money, he looked upon her with a more possessive eye, and felt bourgeoning within him ancient fires. The Wit of Porportuk
  • In the war of ancient bourgeon shape, there is no justice and injustice moral judgment. The war hero's act is not only the standard of social rational value judgment but also the norm of ethic moral.
  • Beyond this function, the future of capitalism is threaten by bourgeon power of an assertive and interventionist government. Emerging economies must reject handouts and bailouts capitalism
  • It would be nice to get a photo of the whole tree while still “bourgeonnant” (in bud). Sarcler - French Word-A-Day
  • There is a touch of humanity in it, and always some germ of sympathy will bourgeon and bloom around the once populous abodes of men, whether they were tenanted by the pure or by the impure. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • Long the bane of the NYPD, a Bronx jury spoke last week, raising the bourgeoning Ticketgate police scandal to a new level. Len Levitt: Bronx Juries: More Woe for the NYPD
  • Just four years ago, Google was urging Internet-users to call their lawmakers to support the bourgeoning fight for Net Neutrality. Megan Tady: What Google Still Isn't Saying
  • Their problems began to bourgeon immediately after they left New We Can't Have Everything
  • Shall bourgeon with fresh leaves, or spread a shadowing bough, The Aeneid of Virgil Translated into English Verse by E. Fairfax Taylor
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