How To Use Bouquet In A Sentence
Bouquet: The nose is alive with aromas of Turkish delight, spice , cloves dried herbs.
At a recent function in the village's memorial hall, the residents presented her with a bouquet of flowers and £910 that had been collected in the community.
The bride wore a white satin backless gown scattered with crystals, and carried a bouquet of white roses.
The bouquet contains naranja roses, tiger lilies, carnations, alstromeria, solidago, berries and a selection of greenery and twigs.
As Valentine's Day approaches each year he stoutly proclaims his disdain for this "faux holiday, this commercial invention by some ad man or company created for the sake of making a few bucks, selling silly, heart-shaped cards, bouquets and chocolates.
Jamie Schler: Valentine's Day Flourless Chocolate Truffle Torte

The armchair's densely carved scallops and shellwork, rosebuds, floral bouquets, and cartouche-shaped back are loosely based on the rococo style as reinterpreted in French pattern books of the mid-nineteenth century.
Kathleen on Monday was presented with a bouquet of flowers, and treated to a meal and behind-the-scenes tour of the new-look supermarket.
Your London girls would give many a guinea for a bouquet like that — natural flowers, begad!
The History of Pendennis
When there is nothing in bloom, she can learn to use her imagination with boughs and branches and clippings from hedges, grasses, and even weeds, to make friendly little bouquets.
Learning to Be a Home Keeper
If money is tight and restricting you from having the flowers you dream of then why not consider making your own bouquet.
It has a freshly scented bouquet of pared Granny Smith apples, pears and ripe berries.
The brightest bloom in the bouquet of sound bites was ‘failure does not equate to a crime.’
‘You are a connoisseur in flowers, signor,’ said Beatrice, with a smile, alluding to the bouquet which he had flung her from the window.
One day she sat musing by a forest fountain, dressed in a robe of yellow silk, wantonly plucking the flowers which grew on the mossy parapet of the spring and binding them into a bouquet for the Clerk of Mezlean.
The bride's bouquet and 30 buttonholes for the guests failed to turn up at the couple's home.
There were six curtain calls and Rose Lipman came on stage to be presented with a bouquet.
The malt's bouquet slowly presents a range of dry, tantalizing aromas, including nuts, honey and grain.
The host of the dinner party sent my wife a wonderful bouquet of flowers and a card apologising for the grave discourtesy of a fellow guest.
I know catching the bouquet traditionally (and superstitiously) means the bachelorette will be the next to get married … but I wasn’t sure if the same tradition rings true for the dude who gets the garter.
Pink is the New Blog | Everybody's Business Is My Business » Blog Archive » There’s Something About Marry
More closely connected works explore elevated horizontal structures like that of "Bouquet of Concaves," while further variations—curves and polychromy that both enhances and defies three-dimensional form—are proposed by other, even more intimately related sculptures.
Works of Many Dimensions
It's a little bit like holding up a bouquet of flowers in a gunfight.
Times, Sunday Times
It was a bouquet of flowers, white carnations, with just the very edges of the petals dyed a bright cerulean blue.
She carried a bouquet of light yellow roses, large daisies, chrysanthemums and blue campanulas.
Moments earlier a bouquet of white roses and lilies were delivered to the house.
The Sun
Mom, I just thanked Newforest, too, but I suspect that you are back in this comments box ... sniffing around for more "misplaced" flowers to add to your bouquet (after several ended up in the mouchoir-pouchoir box).
Pot - French Word-A-Day
She carried a large teardrop bouquet of cream roses, lilac freesias, fern, silvered bear grass, variegated ivy, gypsophila and eucalyptus.
PCCW Teleservices enjoys a large number of customer bouquets and renewed contracts year by year, as well as a glittering array of awards and industry recognition from worldwide organizations.
Backyard bouquets, notes, and cryptic ex voto objects are left at the small outdoor shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
The bouquets for Ireland came from an unexpected quarter - England.
I really really liked that bouquet of gerberas you bought me, as well as that really cute teddy bear.
Michel Bouquet delivers a revelatory, award-worthy performance as the amiable and mysterious French president.
Delivery vans packed with bouquets also arrived to add to the floral carpet outside the church, on which adults and children alike also laid cuddly toys.
Called Raspberry Tart Ale, it introduces Oregon raspberries to the brew which is then fermented spontaneously in large oak vats, giving this liquid dessert incredible color and bouquet.
Days are drenched in the strong scent of cigarette smoke, all-purpose soap, cow manure, eucalyptus leaf, espresso coffee, and the bouquet of our toil and sweat.
Rivera carried a bouquet of white roses, and Ortiz wore a matching white rose boutonniere.
No Gay Marriage, But Domestic Partners Now Get Ceremonies In NYC
Instead of bouquets, I had each of them carry matching clutches adorned with calla lilies and peacock feathers—they were elegant, unique, and completely unexpected.
My Fair Wedding
As a precaution, I had scented toilet paper stuffed up my nose, but the bouquet still came on like a rotten gauntlet across the snout.
The boutonnières, corsages and bouquet were all yellow roses, just blooming, to match the bridesmaids' gowns.
Finally, the night was drawing to an end and I was dragged up the front along with all the other unmarried spinsters - against my protests - to try and catch the bouquet.
It features the new Bouquet Bunch stamp set from the Summer Mini and lining up the topiary was a cinch with the new clear mount stamps.
Summer Mini Catalog Sneak Peek - Day 2
Perhaps the bouquets' sweet scent hides the whiff of hypocrisy.
The Sun
The show featured a bouquet of oils, acrylics, watercolors and pastels and a mix of colorful springtime florals and landscapes.
The Green Room's bouquet was in a vermeil bamboo-motif container acquired by Jackie Kennedy.
The White House's new florist in chief is boldly creating blooms with a view
When he took up the zinnias to place them in the bouquet, he held his head to one side the way I had and squinted, then stuck one zinnia where I had wanted it and the other around in back.
Miz Pat Tackles The Duckling Killer « A Fly in Amber
So when Glenn came knocking on her door a year after she walked out of his, bearing a bouquet of out-of-season ranunculus, she welcomed him back with cautiously open arms, sick of hoping to meet him, ready to be an us again.
Georgia’s Kitchen
Having said that, the refined bouquet and taste of the finest and rarest red wines from the Old World, such as burgundy and claret, are not the bottles to choose either for hot days.
That is not to be sniffed at, unlike the bouquet of flowers he received.
The Sun
She lifted the bouquet from the ground, and then, as if inwardly ashamed at having stepped aside from her maidenly reserve to respond to a stranger's greeting, passed swiftly homeward through the garden.
As the train swayed it thrust the bouquet right into my eyes.
Bliss, and Other Stories
People were throwing flowers, flower bouquets and wrapped presents on stage including a red dog collar.
The bouquet forms at late leptotene and early zygotene and is coincident with chromosome pairing.
Last night we had a little party on the stage: some Gaelic Leaguers, who brought me a bouquet; some people from the Aran colony – including Synge's friend, McDonough whom I had also known in Aran; and from Kiltartan Mary R. and a cousin and Mrs. Hession's daughters, with the husband of one.
Our Irish Theatre: A Chapter of Autobiography
A few delphiniums or campanulas, for example, can turn a country bouquet into a work of art.
A carved plaque with an occasional bouquet of cut roses is hardly the memorial those early saints would have wanted.
And unlike a bouquet of roses that wilts in days, they might actually reflower.
Statesman - AP Sports
She carried a bouquet of light yellow roses, large daisies, chrysanthemums and blue campanulas.
He watched in silence as the aficionado sniffed the paprika bouquet and stirred the velvety stew with his spoon.
The malt's bouquet slowly presents a range of dry, tantalizing aromas, including nuts, honey and grain.
Make an herb wreath for the kitchen by wiring on fresh herbs to a grapevine wreath and adding chilies, bouquet garni, tiny terracotta pots and a big gingham bow.
Each carried a bouquet of flowers, many of them containing orange blooms as a mark of Dutch national identity, and every child stood before a grave with their head bowed.
He sent her a large bouquet of wild flowers.
The Civic Trust will submit its "Southbank Torrens" plan to the State Government and Adelaide City Council after launching the plan at its annual Brickbats and Bouquets awards for urban development yesterday. | Top Stories
Parish council chairman Chris Tennant presented Denese with a canteen of cutlery and a bouquet in recognition of her work over the years, which was often over and above what her contract required.
In a similar way, the size and shape of the bowl will enhance or detract from its bouquet.
Throughout the afternoon friends and well-wishers left bouquets and messages.
Times, Sunday Times
They wore antique gold off-the-shoulder dresses, and tiaras, and carried smaller versions of the bride's bouquet.
All three were presented with bouquets of flowers.
The intense colour and elegant bouquet give way to a rich, full-bodied wine with ripe fruit and polished tannins.
She's playing chic, statuesque Jacqueline, whose 25th anniversary as the doyenne of restaurateurs on the St Tropez waterfront is marked by the presentation of a bouquet: a case of Goodyear for the roses.
She was very pretty in an elegant gown, clutching a bouquet of pink tulips.
The bouquet itself was a nosegay of violets with a pink rose in the center.
Lady Tamara carried a bouquet of garden roses in white and pale cream, white jasmine stephanotis and lily of the valley with myrtle leaves.
The finely laciniated foliage of = A. plumosus = is greatly prized for bouquets, and the plant invariably commands attention as a decorative subject on the table or in the conservatory.
The Culture of Vegetables and Flowers From Seeds and Roots 16th Edition
Classical sculptures, chandeliers, great bouquets of red roses in crystal vases.
Times, Sunday Times
Both sides of the crossing were covered with flowers by mourners, who left bouquets and countless soft toys as a mark of respect.
The bride looked stunning in an ivory and gold raw silk dress of Irish design and carried a bouquet of delicate cream roses.
His wife, Essie, was presented with a bouquet of flowers.
To pollinate most plum trees, bees are released into a covering wood and plastic structure, along with pollen-bearing bouquets from other plum or apricot trees.
When Apricot Met Plum...
She carried a bouquet of light yellow roses, large daisies, chrysanthemums and blue campanulas.
As the hero stepped off the platform, he was surrounded by several children with bouquets.
Chris sent me a lovely bouquet when I was ill.
Single malts, as their name suggests, are made from malted barley dried in peat-fired kilns, hence their smoky bouquets, and distilled slowly in pot stills.
Times, Sunday Times
Bouquet: Intense, fruity , aromatic, with scents of wisteria . Taste: Extremely pleasant, with a lightly nutty finish.
For want of a better name they are called sentimentalists, and they are among men what the morbid females who bring bouquets and sympathy to fiendish murderers are among women.
Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Last week the students finished the course and thanked Rita for all her support by presenting her with a bouquet of flowers.
The air was warm with the scent of hot fish stock, bouquet garni.
With other scents, it might be barely detectable yet it gives the perfume bouquet an air of mystery.
We had to create a bouquet for the leading lady and a display for the theatre foyer and another using a huge piece of driftwood.
These rebloomers are wonderful in floral bouquets where they perfume an entire room.
The all-white bouquet was made up of orchids and lilies-of-the-valley from England, stephanotis from Scotland and carnations from Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, with additional orchids from Wales.
Many cooks assume that even a bottle of wine with the bouquet of paint-stripper will transform your lamb casserole into nectar.
Photos Associated Press "Her music was extraordinary," said local resident Tessa Crockett, 58, who bundled a bouquet of arum lillies to place outside a police cordon around Ms. Winehouse's flat.
Singer Amy Winehouse Found Dead
Rivals who had lately been quarreling over the knotty points of national frontiers now only vied for a twenty-franc rosebud from the bouquetiere.
Under Two Flags
The digestion of Saturday slop from the Take Away in a suspension of yeasty lagers generates quite a fruity bouquet of various volatile gases that need to be vented to the atmosphere.
These naturally dried flowers will outlast a bouquet of fresh blooms.
But it may be doubled and multipled in succession — that is to say, that in one act of deglutition we may experience successively a second and even a third sensation, each of which gradually becomes more weak, and which are described by the words after-taste, bouquet, or fragrance.
Sing for your supper
Spring began very early: even at the end of February the fields were green, parks hastened to bedeck themselves in their leafy wings, the blossoms hastened to bloom and fall; the opening days of May saw fruit on the apple-trees; and prematurely ripe cherries were "hawked" in the streets, beside bouquets of late blooming violets.
Debts of Honor
I did not dress up in flouncy white dresses and veils, did not own bride dolls swathed on poufy white satin, did not walk my Barbie and Ken up imaginary aisles lined in flowing tulle or carry hairbrushes as bouquets as I practised the measured steps a bride is taught to take on her way to the alter where she will be joined with her husband-to-be.
Archive 2007-05-01
Perhaps the bouquets' sweet scent hides the whiff of hypocrisy.
The Sun
It is this aromatic compound that gives wine a fruity bouquet.
-- The odophone shows that santal, geranium, orange flower and camphor, make a bouquet in the key of C.
Practical Mechanics for Boys
After he'd gone, I noticed Flora was still giving the bouquet adoring looks.
Take out a couple of the bottles, and fill the empty spots with bouquets of flowers and handfuls of candy.
A few delphiniums or campanulas, for example, can turn a country bouquet into a work of art.
What things you do say, granp," she protested, and clasping her bouquet in her other hand, she skipped along by the old man's side.
The Story of Jessie
Anything more wheedlesome than that touching appeal was seldom heard, but Jo quenched ` her boy 'by turning on him with a stern query, "How many bouquets have you sent Miss Randal this week?
Little Women
Time was getting on, but, fortunately, there was a flower seller's barrow at the end of the footbridge and I stopped and started to select flowers for a handsome bouquet.
She told him how much she had lost and two days later he arrived at her home carrying a bouquet of flowers and an envelope containing £60.
When she heard a knock, Jeannie grabbed a bouquet of white and light pink roses and opened the door.
There were two large bouquets and a bundle of letters tied with pale blue ribbon, presumably from stage-door admirers.
The aircraft's tail turret still had its two Brownings installed, their barrels adorned with a bouquet of yellow sponges.
Add the bouquet garni and apple juice.
Olivia wore an ivory satin and net dress and carried a hand-tied bouquet of burgundy calla lilies.
Fairtrade Rosy Glow bouquet £35; enjoy this array of blooms including tickled pink Sweet Unique and blush white spray roses, harmonised with the rich berry hues of Valentine alstroemeria and the fresh scent of eucalyptus.
Archive 2008-02-01
In terms of bouquet styles, you have several options: a round hand-tied bouquet (the most popular choice), a cascading bouquet (which “spills” over the base), a teardrop shape (which is a combination of the round and cascading types), and the nosegay (a small cluster of flowers made with one dominant flower or color).
My Fair Wedding
With its sumptuous bouquet of sunny neroli, ripe, nectarous rose and jasmine and sweet, powdery violet and iris, and a languid, expansive feel of the composition, Baghari stays true to the grand and insolent spirit of the rest of the Piguet collection.
Archive 2007-08-01
the florist made up an attractive bouquet
I often think of myself as a browser in the winter garden, picking frost-sweetened greens for the dinner table, cutting budding branches for forcing, and hunting around for rosebuds and berries to fashion into winter bouquets.
Use bouquets of pyracantha berries in small vases at place settings.
A Shrivenham florist made a wedding at Cricklade a happy event by stepping in after a Swindon firm failed to deliver the bride's bouquet and 30 buttonholes for guests.
Filled with a bouquet, a creamware pitcher injects life and warmth without detouring off the clean, white path.
Here a bouquet of dahlias, astilbe, and love-lies-bleeding is tucked into a wire basket embellished with supermarket rhubarb.
Katterfelto of wonders! exceeded expectation, went beyond belief, and soared above all the natural powers of description! she was nature itself! she was the most exquisite work of art! she was the very daisy, primrose, tube rose, sweet-briar, furze blossom, gilliflower, wall-flower, cauliflower and rosemary! in short she was a bouquet of
The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 3, February, 1851
You should grow grandifloras if you like lots of elegant flowers on the plant, or if you like to cut one stem that's a whole bouquet.
The bride wore an ivory silk empire line dress with lace and pearl detail, chiffon train and pearl tiara, and carried a bouquet of cream roses and calla lilies with green foliage.
Complex aroma of oak, dry nuts and balsamic, giving an elegant bouquet.
A sudden tragic bouquet of withered flowers beside a road.
Times, Sunday Times
They've filled their almost-claustrophobic room with towering flower bouquets and perhaps a few too many obsequious waiters.
It was empty yesterday, but one woman arrived with a bouquet of flowers.
Times, Sunday Times
With a faint pink colour and richly dry flavour, the wine has a light fruity bouquet.
Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
The summit anchor added to the wonderment: a sling around a statue of the Virgin, complete with a bouquet!
Its bouquet is floral and lightly fruity with dominant notes of mango, iris and ylang-ylang.
Never a night passed but the dreary stage-door was cinct with a circlet of fools bearing bright bouquets, of flaxen-headed fools who had feet like black needles, and graceful fools incumbent upon canes.
The Works of Max Beerbohm
Its centerpiece was a cracked glass vase brimming with fake Hawaiian leis and a bouquet of cheep plastic flowers.
Bouquet: Shows aromas of dried strawberry, vanilla bean and mocha.
The bride wore a full length fitted gown of white silk trimmed with white fur and carried a bouquet of white roses and freesia.
It is sexy and glamorous like a rose bouquet, and provocative and intense!
Aroma: Very aromatic and expressive bouquet with quince and citrus fruits ( lemon ) aromas.
She rifled through her lover's credit-card receipts and found charges for bouquets of flowers and dinners at romantic restaurants.
The intense colour and elegant bouquet give way to a rich, full-bodied wine with ripe fruit and polished tannins.
Men's Morris_, a title the Baron recommends to the notice of Mr. WILLIAM MORRIS, yclept "BILLY," when he is making another bouquet of poesies.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 101, December 5, 1891
Flowers such as, Cosmos 'Purity' and dill flowers for decor, table centres of potted acidanthera, and a bouquet of roses, alchemilla and sweet peas.
Thrifty Mommy
The floor was carpeted a deep maroon, small vases woven into the pattern, each vase with a bouquet of curling flowers.
She handed me my bouquet of calla lilies, freesias, and irises.
The woman carried a bouquet of dried violets.
A Sicilian wine having a light red colour with a bouquet of cloves and well rounded fruity flavour.
Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
Bouquet worked on differential geometry, writing on orthogonal surfaces.
But she recovered well and looked shocked and thrilled to receive a bouquet of flowers during the curtain call.
The Sun
They each carried bouquets of pale pink and blue to match the trimmings of the dresses.
December 29th, 2005 at 5: 54 pm tropical flower bouquets magnolia flower says: distresses? loggers wiring? quilting sailorly cliches
Think Progress » Harriet Miers: The Ultimate Loyalist
Mom, I just thanked Newforest, too, but I suspect that you are back in this comments box... sniffing around for more "misplaced" flowers to add to your bouquet after several ended up in the mouchoir-pouchoir box.
Pot - French Word-A-Day
The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.
A bright and steady colour, it charms by its bouquet which intermarries red fruit with a light acidulous taste.
I learned that a nosegay is a bouquet of showy flowers.
Planet Debian
Outside on the verge bordering The Mall bouquets and tributes from the public were laid out - many from children.
Complex aroma of oak, dry nuts and balsamic, giving an elegant bouquet.
Her stern was adorned with flowers, and in the arms of the figurehead was a large bouquet.
Christmas: Its Origin and Associations Together with Its Historical Events and Festive Celebrations During Nineteen Centuries
This is an aromatic wine with an inviting bouquet, quite full and fruity flavour.
Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
Blossoms are vibrant in bouquets too, especially when they're mixed in shades of deep orange-red, tangerine, and peach.
Five large dahlias and several clusters of roses, ageratum, and cranesbill geraniums are usually enough for one bouquet.
As I tossed my bouquet to all of the single gals, I also threw away the need to constantly suck in my stomach, wear make-up to bed, blow-dry my hair after every shower, and pretend like I never do “Number Two.”
Chicken Soup for the Soul: New Moms
As the hero stepped off the platform, he was surrounded by several children with bouquets.
Few songs failed to hammer home the message that life is rarely a bouquet of roses.
Times, Sunday Times
Her music was extraordinary," said local resident Tessa Crockett, 58, who bundled a bouquet of arum lilies to place outside a police cordon around Ms. Winehouse's flat.
Troubled Singer, Famous for Husky Voice, Dies at 27
A snorting sound, which, accompanied by a terrific clatter of old iron and the crunching of road-mendings, had been steadily growing from distant to near, and from loud to deafening, now reached a pitch of utter indescribability; and as a large splay-wheeled, tall-funneled, plowing engine rolled off the Bensley highroad and lumbered in upon the right-of-way, the powerful bouquet of hot lubricating oil nullified all other smells, and the atmosphere became opaque to the point of solidity.
Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
As a matter of fact, the husband-to-be is even allowed to steal a kiss as he presents his wife-to-be with a bouquet of roses.
Floral bouquets and messages have been placed at the site where the schoolgirl died.
Times, Sunday Times
The bridesmaids wore lilac strapless gowns with puddled trains, and carried smaller versions of the bride's bouquet.
I was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers, given a gift voucher to spend and someone took me round the store in a wheelchair.
On the larger, rectangular tables I used Lucite stands to place white pillar candles, votives, and bouquets of white roses, gerbera daisies, calla lilies, orchids, and beach grasses at varying heights for maximum visual impact.
My Fair Wedding
She handed me my bouquet of calla lilies, freesias, and irises.
I give you this bouquetof saxifrage sneezewortspurge ragged robinasphodel lords-and-ladies.''
Poems for a wedding
Flower stands are jam-packed with summer's best bouquets: dahlias, daisies, cockscombs and especially lilies of all sorts in mouth-watering colors.
They wore cornflower blue strapless fitted bodices with fishtail shaped skirts and carried hand-tied bouquets of white carnations and pale blue freesia.
Ten thousand bouquets, liberally admixed with teddy bears and poetic effusions, were laid around the church, often by people who had come hundreds of miles.
Similar style, light bouquet, rounded fruit and tannins.
Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
I'm not the kind of girl who inspires random bouquets and secret admirers.
On terminating our remarks relating to the simple preparations of the odors of plants, and before we speak of perfumes of an animal origin, or of those compound _odors_ sold as bouquets, nosegays, &c., it may probably be interesting to give a few facts and statistics, showing the consumption, in England, of the several substances previously named.
The Art of Perfumery And Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
With a faint pink colour and richly dry flavour, the wine has a light fruity bouquet.
Thorsons Organic Wine Guide
The publisher knew his public, so he gave a pound of book for every fifty cents, and crowded in plenty of wood-cuts and stamped the outside with golden bouquets and put in a steel engraving of the author, with a tissue paper veil over it, and "sicked" his multitude of broken-down clergymen, maiden ladies, grass widows, and college students on to the great American public.
Mark Twain and the Old Time Subscription Book
Here a bouquet of dahlias, astilbe, and love-lies-bleeding is tucked into a wire basket embellished with supermarket rhubarb.
A neat parlour-maid received him in a comfortably-furnished hall and took his hat and greatcoat and magnificent bouquet.
The Joyous Adventures of Aristide Pujol
Was not this woman one who would, geographically situated otherwise, have been yelling orgiastically in stadiums, supporting S.S. men in their ambitions, presenting bouquets to her Fuehrer? ...
Giddy & Malevolent
Disappointing; sweet, rubbery bouquet and a dominating, coarse, fiery spirit with a nasty aftertaste to it.
The very first thing my best friends did was buy me a bouquet of white roses and violets, my favorite combination, from the florist shop near the mall entrance.
I gave a gasp as Justin came over with a bouquet of yellow and white daisies and a huge smile on his face.
Charity walker Teresa Flaherty is putting her bouquet of flowers in the consecration chapel at Sligo Cathedral for the intentions of everyone in the county.
One of these, a M. Tiquet, a Councillor of the Parliament, sent her on her fete-day a bouquet, in which the calices of the roses were of large diamonds.
Diamonds and Pearls
She offered a full refund and a bouquet as an apology.
The Sun
She offered a full refund and a bouquet as an apology.
The Sun
A bouquet or two of the choicest blossoms fell on the unperturbed head of one Mr. Graves, a stony young assistant he usually carried about with him; with a second nosegay he gifted another young gentleman in his train - an interesting fac - simile of himself, being, indeed, his own son; but the full corbeille of blushing bloom fell to the lot of meddling womankind, en masse.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
The luscious perfumed bouquet dissipates any apprehensions, though, and prepares one for the waves of spicy yet refined flavors.
And more than this, the action of the alcohol on these acids develops those exquisitely delicate ethers — the oenanthic and other ethers — which constitute, in fact, the bouquet of the wine.
The Art of Living in Australia
Sipping her wine and letting the bouquet rest on her palate, Tash considered how much one could learn about people simply by getting drunk with them.
The body of the guglet is also scattered with floral bouquets and sprays and its pouring rim is banded with acanthus scrolls.
Remove the bouquet garni from the casserole, stir in the jelly and arrowroot.
They wore wine satin ballerina-length dresses with shoestring straps, and carried smaller versions of the bride's bouquet.
Thousands of people have turned out in this town, including sobbing family members, policemen, and other loved ones who have come here to show their respects with flower bouquets and, in fact, in front of the cortege is a cousin of the man who died, who is sobbing and caressing his picture.
CNN Transcript - Saturday Morning News: New Conflict May Arise in Kosovo - March 10, 2001
These asters make excellent backdrops for larger flowers in bouquets, but we also like letting them shine on their own - toward the fronts of borders or in small, densely planted beds.
Although it is dry, clean and relatively flavourless (it is brewed in part with sucrose, which ferments almost perfectly), it has a nice citric bouquet and a hint of lemon flavour that distinguishes it from other light lagers.