How To Use Bounded In A Sentence

  • The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  • U.S. stocks rose as General Motors jolted higher on its visions of a battery-driven future and as financial stocks like J.P. Morgan Chase rebounded despite economic data that suggested a "stagflationary" environment. J.P. Morgan Chase,
  • It was a day for the children who were special in some way and also for their loving parents who showered them with constant attention and unbounded affection.
  • Their green rings, circular or ovoidal in form, abounded in all parts of the country, and it was in these circles they were said to dance through the livelong night. Welsh Folk-Lore a Collection of the Folk-Tales and Legends of North Wales
  • Settlers brought with them the idea of land as a partible, bounded commodity, owned by an individual (or self-selected partnership), transferable, and exclusive in perpetuity. Belongings: Property, Family, and Identity in Colonial South Africa
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  • With abundant rainfall and a temperate climate, crops were plentiful; citrus and olive groves abounded.
  • As I pressed through the thick underwood, I startled a strange-looking apparition in one of the open spaces beside the gulf, where, as shown by the profusion of plants of _vaccinium_, the blaeberries had greatly abounded in their season. The Cruise of the Betsey or, A Summer Ramble Among the Fossiliferous Deposits of the Hebrides. With Rambles of a Geologist or, Ten Thousand Miles Over the Fossiliferous Deposits of Scotland
  • The limits of your imagination are bounded only by your budgets, so think creative.
  • James then raced onto a long ball over the top of the defence, chipped the goalkeeper but could only look on in frustration as the ball rebounded off the post.
  • Despite predictions of almost unbounded mobility, most people in industrialised nations are less physically active than ever before.
  • Subsequent movement rifted these later lava fields, causing long, linear valleys bounded by parallel faults. Iceland as a model for Renewable energy
  • Round the body of the trees, planted some at their root, and some upon the different parts of the trunk, crept the withy, the snakeweed, the ivy, and the hop, and intermingled with them the jessamine and the honeysuckle, in the most unbounded profusion. Imogen A Pastoral Romance
  • Try relaxing the value of each bounded constraint one at a time, solve the modified problem, and see what happens to the optimal value of the objective function.
  • After a slow May in which he batted just .250 while being slowed by aftereffects from the injury, Burroughs rebounded to hit .355 in the month of June and .362 in the month of July. - Padres 2002 prospect report
  • This period ushered in the flowering of so-called grotesque ornamentation, where erotic hybrids abounded in uninhibited decorative fantasies.
  • He wasn't terribly popular in our part of the constituency and rumours, some of which have hardened into allegations, abounded.
  • The scheme rebounded on her in a way she had not expected.
  • That close to the gate, called the House of the Triclinium, derives its name from a large triclinium in the centre of the peristyle, which is spacious and handsome, and bounded by the city walls. Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
  • But while these weighty colloquia abounded, Saltz confided a bombshell. ARTINFO: "WORK OF ART" RECAP: The Next Great Artist Was Chosen on TV, as Since Time Immemorial
  • Pauli pointed out that a (self-adjoint) time operator is incompatible with a Hamiltonian spectrum bounded below. String Theory is Losing the Public Debate
  • Declining catches rebounded slightly following a six-month ban on fishing last year.
  • Though commentators and critics do not agree as to whether the later Wittgenstein is still a finitist and whether, if he is, his finitism is as radical as his intermediate rejection of unbounded mathematical quantification (Maddy 1986, 300-301, 310), the overwhelming evidence indicates that the later Wittgenstein still rejects the actual infinite Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics
  • He cut the ball so that it bounded almost backward.
  • Ceramics timber of low temperature is a kind of material which uses plant remainder and the phosphorus dreg of industry abolishes as main raw materials, uses chemically bounded ceramic as its binder.
  • He had been raised by humans since birth, so he wasn't trained in basic chimpanzee survival skills or accustomed to the wilds of Oklahoma, where water moccasins and copperheads abounded.
  • He added that the situation had also rebounded on residents of the estate who've been suffering rowdy student behaviour in the past.
  • Evidence of sibling spite abounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Criticism was in repute and flourished; commentaries, notes, and quibbles, abounded on the glorious works of genius that had been written aforetime. Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • “Rich classes inferable from positive data: length-bounded elementary formal systems”, Information and Computation, 108: 175-186. Innateness and Language
  • From the caves of Lascaux to the clay or stone figures made by primitives and modernists, animal likenesses or essences have abounded in humankind's representational practices.
  • The second sandwolf peered from the side of the quarasote, then turned, and bounded to a second clump of quarasote, before vanishing into a gully so small that Wendra could barely make it out. Darkness
  • The son of a tallow chandler, Collins was 14 when he arrived in Salisbury - a small town bounded by the river running alongside its High Street on its west side and Culver Street to the east.
  • Koaara extends from the westernmost point to the northern extremity of the island; the whole coast between them forming an extensive bay, called Toe - yah-yah, which is bounded to the north by two very conspicuous hills. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • Following a path without caring where it led as he pondered, he was brought up short when a doe and her young fawn scrambled quickly to their feet and bounded off.
  • Thus the "four-dimensional cube" receives a name, the "tesseract," and is said to be bounded by cubes. The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained
  • He threw down his empty snifter and bounded after her.
  • Just as they fought the war against the NLA in a way that rebounded against themselves, so they are still — at this writing — pigheadedly holding out against amendments to the constitution that most international observers regard as wholly reasonable. Is There a Good Terrorist?
  • The long back garden is bounded by walls, mature trees and hedging.
  • Or Bobo Balde crazily barging David Clarkson off the ball as the Motherwell man bounded into the box four minutes later to concede a penalty slotted away by Richie Forlan for an equaliser.
  • Such ambivalent cultures invariably breed an extraordinary sense of personal dignidad (deeg-nee-DAHD) or "dignity," and an unbounded need for this dignity to be respected, regardless of the cost to the individual, family members, friends or strangers. I would like to know about "The Culture"
  • She bounded around the place with an incredible energy. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • The tarsal tunnel, which is located on the medial aspect of the posterior heel, is bounded by the flexor retinaculum and the medial surfaces of the talus and calcaneus.
  • Thus the Coastal Ranges take on the appearance of an uplifted horst, bounded, particularly to the east, by normal faults.
  • Mining stocks also rebounded as metals prices were supported by power shortages in China cutting metal production. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since the distribution of values for genes whose expression decreased twofold or more were bounded between 0 and 0.5, we assumed that the variances were not equal for the comparison of these genes.
  • He battled hard and rebounded quickly from his mistakes.
  • As, by the public resolutions, and foresaid unbounded toleration, the bounds fixed by JEHOVAH, and homologated and sworn to, in our national attainments and constitution, were greatly altered, so the parliament of Act, Declaration, & Testimony for the Whole of our Covenanted Reformation, as Attained to, and Established in Britain and Ireland; Particularly Betwixt the Years 1638 and 1649, Inclusive
  • Another two points followed for the home side before Noel Kirby blasted in a great ball that ricocheted against the post and rebounded back into play.
  • He did not mention the Great Wall, the bounded lotus or lily feet of Chinese women and the tea houses in Yangzhou and Hangzhou.
  • The carving abounded in motifs from nature including swallows, hydrangeas, azaleas, geraniums, lilies, palmyras, and balloon vines.
  • The sweet-scented geranium abounded and so did the crowberry, which is a finer and sweeter kind than that which grows nearer the settlement. Three Years in Tristan da Cunha
  • In the shallows were many yellow egrets, while a _sarus_ crane stalked solemnly along the far bank, and everywhere bird-life, rare elsewhere in the State, abounded. The Jungle Girl
  • I pressed the ‘Door open’ button and a not unattractive older woman bounded in between me and my prize trolley.
  • Naturally, skepticism abounded about the whole thing being a snow job.
  • But they, not sure of the voice they heard, sprang up and peered all round; then once again his bidding came; and when the daughters of Cadmus knew it was the Bacchic god in very truth that called, swift as doves they dirted off in cager haste, his mother Agave and her sisters dear and all the Bacchanals; through torrent glen, o'er boulders huge they bounded on, inspired with madness by the god. The Bacchantes
  • The Bishop spoke with apparent vexation, but his heart had bounded in the upspring of a great relief. The White Ladies of Worcester A Romance of the Twelfth Century
  • On three sides the five-virgate field was bounded by a high wall, broken only at one spot by a heavy four-foot wooden gate. Sir Nigel
  • Sin abounded among the Jews; and, to those of them that were converted to the faith of Christ, did not grace much more abound in the remitting of so much guilt and the subduing of so much corruption? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Vast areas of land behind the casinos and hotels are vacant lots where once family and holiday houses abounded. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as the band bounded on stage, the crowd struggled to stifle their giggles. Times, Sunday Times
  • As soon as the band bounded on stage, the crowd struggled to stifle their giggles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Germany is bounded on the west by France and on the south by Switzerland.
  • The immediate grounds of the house are bounded by a wall and a gate, and then the ‘wilderness,’ a wooded and wilder area.
  • He unhanded Aminza and bounded across the cave, peering out and away at the hugely looming keep, yellow now with sharp sunlight. Hero Of Dreams
  • A little farther on he was startled by a sudden rush as something bounded away from close to his feet; and, as he stood breathing hard, he could hear it go on _pat, pat, pat, pat_, right away, till the sounds died out. The New Forest Spy
  • Moreover, institutions, along with concepts from the new microeconomics such as bounded rationality and imperfect information, are now in vogue, which is all to the good.
  • And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.
  • blacksnake," and, with a low whistle, urged his animals, that bounded forward, snorting with fear as a crack of thunder followed, booming down the gorges with deafening echoes. The Shagganappi
  • His continual demands for sympathy rebounded on him because his friends finally stopped listening.
  • Her mind recoiled from the images which bounded across it, images of Bettina in Johannes's arms, of lips not hers. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • I didn't glance up from my plate until a roll bounded off the side of my head.
  • Moreover, we must grant that although our ability to affect the environment is entropically grand, it is not unbounded, thus our optimism to uniquely steer the course of the natural history is incongruous with physics. Progressive Bloggers
  • Crushing was traditionally done by foot, by treading grapes thinly spread on a crushing floor slanted towards a drain and bounded by low walls to prevent the loss of juice.
  • They bounded over the desert—stone jackals and hackled lions and hulking hyenas. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • John Sweeney has attempted a sad little smear against his foe which rebounded in terrible fashion on him.
  • About ten, however, the mist was lifted away like a curtain, and we saw to the left a rich plain studded with palm-groves; to the right a broad margin of cultivated lands bounded by a bold range of limestone mountains; and on the farthest horizon another range, all grey and shadowy. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • She then entered into a detail of her way of life, told him how little suited to her taste was the unbounded dissipation of the Harrels, and feelingly expatiated upon the disappointment she had received from the alteration in the manners and conduct of her young friend. Cecilia
  • This paper deals with the boundedness of second-order functional differential equations, ar. d obtains sufficient criteria of the equation boundedness.
  • The rafters at Goodison were soon reverberating, as was one of Charlton's goalposts when Beattie's angled shot rebounded from the woodwork.
  • ’Tis the sure badge of a clown, not to mind what pleases or displeases those he is with; and yet one may often find a man in fashionable clothes give an unbounded swing to his own humour, and suffer it to justle or over-run any one that stands in its way, with a perfect indifferency how they take it. Some Thoughts Concerning Education. Sections 141-150
  • Rob '. - wyard Wright of sajd Boston marriner, A parcell of Edw: cartwright grouud in the sajd Boston wit' 'a dwelling house thereupon by the sajd Wyard newly erected, the sajd Ground bounded wit' 'the Land of Thomas Shetieild Eastward, wit* "the Land of Samuell Mayo South - ward, wit' ' Suffolk deeds
  • Once again facts show that a Republican preconception is not bounded in either science, methodology or facts. Think Progress » Protest Turnout: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Lies
  • Notice that the term " bounded above " has now been used in two ways.
  • I bounded at top speed down the hallway, whizzing past a few folks who were walking the other way.
  • Taking out his keys, he bounded up the two steps to the door. FINAL RESORT
  • This zone forms a narrow band that trends from Loch Eriboll south to the Isle of Skye, and is bounded on the east by the Moine thrust fault.
  • Nevertheless, each rebounded to win their division and secure first-round byes.
  • They were built on ground which abounded, doubtless, as all that region now does, in bitumen or naphtha, which is easily kindled, and which burns with great intensity. Barnes New Testament Notes
  • Ahead and to the right were rolling miles of a pahoehoe sea, bounded by the unseen Pacific 3,000 feet below, with countless craters, fissures emitting vapour, and all other concomitants of volcanic action; bounded to the north by the vast crater of The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • He had forgotten to tell Raven that the seven angelic souls were inevitably bounded to Talos Darkwind.
  • The forum plaza is bounded on its east by a wall constructed in segments of ashlars and rough stones.
  • Each bounded simple random variable f gives rise to a bounded self-adjoint operator A = Puppet X: 1
  • With unbounded flair, Tia couples opalescent shades of princess and oyster in the finest cotton with stiff denim to capture the edgy allure of modern London.
  • To say that a spacetime is singular then is to say that there is at least one maximally extended path that has a bounded (generalized affine) length. Singularities and Black Holes
  • A long colonnade of towers would line Atlantic Avenue, terracing down to a landscaped park bounded by low-rise residential buildings, scaled to the existing brownstone neighborhood just to the south.
  • On Charles Cotesworth Pinckney's two plantations on the South Carolina coast, as appears from his diary of 1818, a detail of four slaves was shifted from the field work each week for a useful holiday in angling for the huge drumfish which abounded in those waters; and their catches augmented the fare of the white and black families alike. [ American Negro Slavery A Survey of the Supply, Employment and Control of Negro Labor as Determined by the Plantation Regime
  • To the South-west the plain is bounded by ridges of scoriaceous basalt, and by a buttress of rock called Jabal Ayr, like Ohod, about three miles distant from the town. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • The only legitimate and productive political action must be bounded by the limits of the status quo and the Democrats who protect it.
  • Isn't it bad enough that everyday existence is bounded by laws and conventions, without art feeling that it has to follow suit?
  • Her instruments inspired the formation of the local senior citizens' gourd band, whose music testifies to the unbounded nature of autodidactic innovation.
  • But Taylor was relieved when a long range free-kick from Robert thudded against a post and rebounded to safety.
  • In front of him bounded another labradoodle. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Gulf of Lepanto is a long inlet of irregular shape, extending east and west, and bounded on the north by the shores of Albania, the ancient The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 10
  • His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post.
  • Bounded on the east by Lake Winnebago, the county is traversed by the Wolf and Fox rivers.
  • Altar-tombs with cumbent effigies were painted so as to correspond in tone with the colours displayed on the walls; the pavement of encaustic tiles, of different devices, was interspersed with sepulchral slabs and inlaid brasses; and screen-work, niches for statuary, mouldings, and sculpture of different degrees of excellence, abounded. The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture, Elucidated by Question and Answer, 4th ed.
  • The philtrum, on the upper lip, is bounded by ridges that run from under each nostril marking the fusion of the premaxilla and the lateral maxillary processes.
  • Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
  • The hot liquid splashed down on the concrete and rebounded.
  • The body is a part of the physical world, and diseases are bounded disorders that must be treated within this realm.
  • Tafrígh, which is bounded north by a hill of the same name; and south by the lesser “Shigd.” The Land of Midian
  • After laying and during the washing, we had problems getting rid of the water (all but one side of the house is bounded by walls).
  • There is a fair bit of literature regarding the demon, and from what I remember it explains why such a demon even it did exist, and was bounded by other laws like conservation of mass-energy would fail to avert the second law. A peer-reviewed article that supports ID . . . or something else - The Panda's Thumb
  • It is bounded by a prominent uneven rim, which is thick and strong above, and serves for the attachment of the glenoidal labrum (cotyloid ligament), which contracts its orifice, and deepens the surface for articulation. II. Osteology. 6c. The Bones of the Lower Extremity. 1. The Hip Bone
  • It was bounded by two rivers from seventeen to thirty metres wide, and navigable for boats three to five kilometres.
  • He picked his spot but the ball rebounded off the crossbar and was cleared to safety.
  • Rolling hills, rising away from the swampy ground that bounded L'Enfant; scattered trees, uncultivated fields. GALILEE
  • Long before spacecraft missions first explored the Moon, speculation on the origin of the lunar craters abounded.
  • The market has rebounded strongly this year, with new home sales up substantially.
  • Vatican City is bounded on the southeast by St. Peter's Square.
  • West African jongleur Gabin Dabiré is from Burkina Faso, which is bounded by the Sahara Desert and coastal rain forest. Phil Ramone and Danielle Evin: Dog Ears Music: Volume Sixty-Seven
  • His advice was always sensible and his energy unbounded.
  • Tanya bounded down the stairs, the slightest of smiles touching her lips as she recalled the previous night.
  • Cloaks were tossed to attendants, each footman received a red cape, the two _picadores_ took position one on either side of the bull pen gate, the band struck up a tune, the gate was opened and a great Utreran bull bounded into the arena, maddened with the pain of a short _banderilla_, with long streaming ribbons, stuck in his neck as he entered, by an attendant perched above the gate. The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
  • In the end, the Heat inbounded the ball with less than three seconds left, and the score tied.
  • The ball struck the wall and bounded back to me.
  • Anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally, it is bounded by the thoracolumbar fascia, and medially, by the spinous processes, interspinous ligaments, and attachments of the thoracolumbar fascia.
  • Page 33 bounded the pedimental space, above and below, and finally crowned the whole structure in the acroteria. The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1
  • Heidi jumped and bounded gaily by their side. Heidi
  • Now that demand has rebounded from the post-9/11 travel slump, hotels are willing to risk guest ire by slapping on a few odds and ends.
  • Meanwhile, the energy bounds (assuming bounded energy) now give so that there is now a logarithmically wide window of opportunity for nonlinear behaviour at high frequencies. from (9), but we can do a little bit better if we invoke the heuristic of equipartition of energy, which states that the kinetic portion of the energy is roughly in balance with the potential portion What's new
  • Elsewhere, outside bounded reserves, 3 Embera-Wounaan and Kuna communities work for legal control of their lands.
  • Secondary categories are not strictly bounded, and their limits are constantly redefined through practice.
  • The vast, the unbounded prospect lies before us. Bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail.
  • Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound (Rom.v. 20), and mercy rejoices against judgment, as having prevailed and carried the day, Jam. ii. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • In fact, the very same criteria - homogeneity, divisibility, replicability, and boundedness - apply in both cases.
  • Bounded on the north by the Ritter Range, the San Joaquin River drains a vast expanse of mountains south of Yosemite.
  • This time the winger's shot angled across Marshall's dive and rebounded off his left-hand post before being leathered behind.
  • Taking the trails at a healthy pace, I rounded the corner on a crop of autumn red sumac when two deer bounded out of their shelter beside me, tufts of snow flying in their wake.
  • The marketplace, full of unbounded sounds and sights, is opposed to the closed rooms of Romola's blind father.
  • Indeed, retail sales rebounded with surprising strength in October.
  • Jamie Lidell, an Englishman who has spent time on the Berlin electronica scene, bounded onstage wearing a gold-lamé jacket with a gold-tinsel wig. Pitchfork Music Festival: An Afternoon of Cross-dressing, Masks and Glitter - ArtsBeat Blog -
  • With unbounded flair, Tia couples opalescent shades of princess and oyster in the finest cotton with stiff denim to capture the edgy allure of modern London.
  • Our lives are bounded by work, family and television.
  • After a 3-0 shellacking at the hands of England earlier this year, Spain rebounded to become the first team to defeat France in almost two years.
  • The relationship between WTTPN and its underlying net is discussed, and it is proved that the WTTPN is equivalent to its underlying net about liveness, boundedness(safeness) and reversibility.
  • Commissioner, that it is the desire of Her Majesty to open up to settlement and immigration a tract of country bounded and described as hereinafter mentioned, and to obtain the consent thereto of her The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and Other Information Relating Thereto
  • This was the unbounded power of eloquence - of words - of burning noble words.
  • The problem is that it was not exercised because of inaptitude and an unbounded confidence that market participants could manage risk. Banking History Offers Lessons, but What Are They?
  • Sally bounded up to him when he walked into the building alone the next morning.
  • It can be obtained from the previous description by applying affine transformations to keep the polygon bounded as it degenerates.
  • His conversation was such as might have been expected from a man whose fancy was so creative, whose knowledge omnifarious, and whose recollection so unbounded. Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey
  • This desert is bounded by the Sierra Madre Occidental to the west and the Sierra Madre Oriental to the east, extending as far south as San Luis Potosi and to disjunct islands of the Chihuahuan vegetation in the states of Queretaro and Hidalgo. Chihuahuan desert
  • And yet these are also the people whose evasiveness and unscrupulousness makes them the least likely to be affected by a geographically bounded anti-spam law.
  • The ball rebounded from/off the wall into the pond.
  • She bounded around the place with an incredible energy. FRIENDS FOR LIFE
  • They were gone at last, the warm wind whipping her long brown locks as they bounded through the grass.
  • There was a shout, and suddenly Adrian bounded into the room.
  • It is bounded below by the crest of the pubis; on either side by the margins of the opening in the aponeurosis, which are called the crura of the ring; and above, by a series of curved intercrural fibers. IV. Myology. 6d. The Muscles and Fasciæ of the Abdomen
  • The time of meeting was appointed at six in the morning, beyond the gate of the outer barricade; and the chase was declared to be ended in the afternoon, when the _recheat_ should be blown beneath the great oak, known by the name of Sholto's Club, which stood a remarkable object, where Douglas Dale was bounded by several scattered trees, the outskirts of the forest and hill country. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • When he saw her out in the garden he bounded out, did the sideways approach, all huffed up and brave, and was all ready to challenge her to a bit of mayhem.
  • The moorland space which bore no visible definition, unbounded save by the sheep's implicit knowledge, answered something in her. MR GOLIGHTLY'S HOLIDAY
  • And Rodman, in a blonde-ambition mode, rebounded like there were no Lakers present, although aerial photographs confirmed there were.
  • Harsh, guttural phrases echoed and rebounded around the hall as the two yelled furiously at one another, both at a far remove from the calm, efficient people they had met the previous day.
  • One answer from an educators perspective: The classroom is now not bounded by the four walls and that in a real sense things that are the other side of the world, whether that be round a spere or in a straight line, are still brought in much closer, things are more accessible mobile and ubiquitous..... Archive 2006-12-01
  • All behavior would therefore be caused and bounded by the laws relating to chemistry and physics.
  • Fancy yourself in a car which you do not know how to steer and cannot stop, with an inexhaustible supply of petrol in the tank, rushing along at fifty miles an hour on an island strewn with rocks and bounded by cliff precipices!
  • The site is bounded by natural limestone walls.
  • He bounded into the club with a blue muscle chest and red cape. The Sun
  • Below this was a swamp surrounded by a luxuriant growth of asters of every hue, and white and pink spirea and golden rod, and blue iris, and the delicate, rose-colored arethusa, and the blue fringed gentian abounded on every hand; also shrubs of the bayberry, wild rose and sweet brier, with many beautiful ferns. Peak's Island A Romance of Buccaneer Days
  • Eventually the band bounded onstage - horns blaring, double bass pounding and trumpets proclaiming that yes indeed, the mighty Skatalites had arrived.
  • Her heart bounded and the blood flowed into her face, dyeing it like a thin wash of aquarelle. Burmese Days
  • Such legends abounded in the goldfields, and they were all so false as to be a joke to fool a tenderfoot. PAINT THE WIND
  • Pillars of society abounded at these latter-day Roman Circuses.
  • The crystals from Anglesey, which were formerly found abundantly on a matrix of dull limonite, are small in size and simple in form, being usually bounded by four faces of a prism and four faces of a dome; they are brownish-yellow in colour owing to a stain of limonite. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The orange ball rebounded off the backboard and gave a few half-hearted bounces on the cement floor before rolling away.
  • But this tale of commercial enterprise by academics has, ironically, rebounded on them.
  • Then the first stone crashed short against the curtain wall below the brattice, and rebounded without more damage than a few flying chips of masonry, and the siege engines were rolled out to the edge of cover, and began to batter insistently at the defences. A River So Long
  • His shot in the 21st minute of the game rebounded from a post.
  • In Tibetan iconography, physical nakedness symbolizes this naked unbounded state of mind.
  • Nick practically bounded ahead of me, the concept of pace eluding him.
  • After pausing to roar at her rescuers she bounded away and disappeared. Times, Sunday Times
  • Anteriorly, posteriorly, and laterally, it is bounded by the thoracolumbar fascia, and medially, by the spinous processes, interspinous ligaments, and attachments of the thoracolumbar fascia.
  • The United States is bounded in the south by Mexico and in the north by Canada.
  • The manicured lawns, which are dotted with a variety of flowerbeds and mature trees, are bounded by stud railings.
  • A benign interpretation is that financial markets now have unbounded faith in central bankers to keep inflation down in the longer term.
  • But here, the accordionist was shouting directions, and although kilts abounded on the dance floor, most of these participants had never heard of a ceilidh before they danced in this one. Lauren Marks: Notes From A Scottish-Lebanese Wedding
  • The paper by Martin et al. presents new structural, sedimentologic, and shallow seismic data that confirm that the mostly clastic King Lear Formation was deposited in a half-graben, not a thrust-bounded basin as previously interpreted. EurekAlert! - Breaking News
  • Contemporary Christian religious culture abounded in familial imagery, both biological and spiritual, as an expression of community, often focused on Mary as both mother of God and mother of all the faithful. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • They had been walking along a narrow lane, bounded by stone walls. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • Freedom in this context is bounded entirely by reference to the law.
  • In contrast to Attenborough, the boyishly eager Irwin bounded into the frame like Tigger, leaping after the crocs and bantering at full volume: “Crikey!” Unfair Dinkum
  • Old City, bounded by stone walls which once formed part of a fortress, is divided into four quarters, Armenian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim.
  • The great breadth of this zone of savannahs (from 100 to 120 leagues) renders the denomination of land-strait somewhat improper, at least if it be not geognostically applied to every communication of basins bounded by high Cordilleras. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • What must it be like, when you are among the wisest of animals, to discover that human beings are now so stupid that they believe paying money to a cloning company is somehow a token of their unbounded love?
  • But this tale of commercial enterprise by academics has, ironically, rebounded on them.
  • They emerged onto a street that was bounded on one side by a narrow strip of parkland and beyond that the River Ana.
  • In vino veritas," says the proverb which on this occasion lied most vilely; yet it was true in the only sense in which "veritas" is there used; for there was unbounded candor and frankness, under the inspiring hospitality of our host, aided by his skilful management of the conversation. The Eclipse of Faith Or, A Visit To A Religious Sceptic
  • Tales of lost caches of Spanish gold and silver abounded in the area as fishermen, who could have gathered a share of the sea's bounty and buried it, met death prematurely at sea without sharing their secret with relatives or friends.
  • The buck grazing nearby looked up and bounded toward the call.

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