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How To Use Bouillon In A Sentence

  • Mushroom and vegetable bouillon cubes can be substituted for chicken.
  • A first-class first-course from Daniel Humm (11 Madison Park) of "wheels" of perfectly poached and lightly pickled beets with chevre frais and caraway and John Besh's extraordinary Redfish Courtbouillon with Gulf Shrimp and Blue Crab Pearls, made from little tapioca orbs soaked in crab liquor (from restaurant August in Louisiana.) Rozanne Gold: Fast Track: Cars and Food
  • Add the water, the bouillon cubes, the lentils, the herbs, a bit of salt and a bit of pepper.
  • En premier tu trempes le pain dans du lait que tu ajouteras à la farce avec un oeuf, un bouillon cube que tu fais fondre dans un peu d'eau chaude. Facultatif - French Word-A-Day
  • For example, marinating chicken in chicken-flavored bouillon may increase the palatability of the meat.
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  • Meanwhile, you've been putting together six garlic cloves and parsley and a couple of bouillon-concentrate cubes, a lot of fish and saffron.
  • Describe the characteristics and quality indicators for brown stock, white stock, fumets, essences, and court bouillon
  • Put the salmon into the fish kettle, cover it with the court bouillon or fumet and bring to the boil.
  • Bring to a boil, add the shallots and the cube of bouillon, stir, and let simmer for 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Let simmer 1 kg of codfish filets in this bouillon for 10 minutes.
  • Bouillon soup, a thin vegetable-based broth, is also a good source of vitamins and minerals (including salt and potassium), to top up the body's depleted resources.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • Spoon your pierogi into a big saucepan of simmering vegetable bouillon (2 tsp per pint of water) with the oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The turbot is cooked in a braise, which is a rich mixture of veal, bacon, root vegetables, and a bouquet garni, then thickened with a roux, and moistened with a bottle of white wine and some bouillon. Savoring The Past
  • Now, listen: first, caviare on toast; then, clam bouillon; and creamed lobster; and tinned lamb chops with French peas -- you know, the peas that melt in one's mouth; and California asparagus with mayonnaise; and -- oh, I forgot to mention fried potatoes and cold pork and beans; and peach pie; and coffee, real coffee. CHAPTER XLIX
  • The national soup, harira, is a thick paste that comes in many varieties, although it is classically made from water, bouillon, beef or mutton, onions, saffron, walnuts, and salt.
  • So, although many a house is opened this winter at the same convenient hour, and with perhaps only the bouillon and tea-kettle and bit of cake or sandwich (for really no one wants more refreshment than this before dinner and after luncheon), the name of these afternoon entertainments has been by mutual consent dropped, and we no longer see the word "kettledrum" or "afternoon tea" on a card, but simply the date and the hour. Manners and Social Usages
  • As early as La Varenne’s Parfaict confiturier in 1667, there are descriptions of the various densities to which sugar syrup is to be boiled.24 The best account is probably in Menon’s La Science du maître d’hôtel, confiseur 1750; it opens the book, just as bouillon is the usual first recipe in an ordinary French cookbook. Savoring The Past
  • Once the major flavor ingredients have undergone any preliminary steps such as blanching, sweating, or browning, all stocks, essences, fumets, and court bouillons are prepared the same way.
  • I prepared chicken stock with bouillon cubes, adding sprigs of thyme and bay leaves.
  • Let simmer 1 kg of codfish filets in this bouillon for 10 minutes.
  • Mash them a bit and pour the consommé or bouillon.
  • The legendary peasant woman kept a pot-au-feu or bouillon pot on her hearth and, myth has it, threw into it whatever she had around to stew for the day's meal.
  • If you are nauseated, you could try taking sips of 7-up, ginger ale, fruit juice, tea, broth, tonic water or bouillon.
  • Pour bouillon into cups and add ravioli and herbs.
  • Among many French soup, the bouillon, French onion soup, vegetable, butter soup and chowder are the most famous ones.
  • Orange-red beeches rise beyond them on the slope; two hoop-tents, or kibitkas, just large enough to creep into, are near the fires, where the women are cooking the gipsy's bouillon, that savoury stew of all things good.
  • The Count de Grinche (for so her fellow-passenger was called) was quite as candid as the pretty widow had been, and stated that he was a captain in the regiment of Nivernois; that he was going to Paris to buy a colonelcy, which his relatives, the Duke de Bouillon, the The Paris Sketch Book
  • In the early 199Os, for example, Bestfoods started an import operation in Russia, using a small sales force to sell bouillon and soups from Polish and Slovak firms.
  • The gold fob watch is molded of a kind of gelatinized bouillon composed of beef and mushroom stocks reduced into a syrup, leaf gelatine and 10-year-old Madeira hand-wrapped with edible gold leaf. Mock Turtle Soup at The Fat Duck | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Make soup – Blend and heat up two tomatoes, 1/4 onion, a carrot, veggie bouillon cube and a little pepper.
  • I began with what the menu described as bouillon.
  • If you long for Markt's ham hock in an oddly smoky pea-and-asparagus soup, the coriander-and-leek-infused bouillon with mussels should charm more.
  • Put flesh in liquidiser with chicken or vegetable stock or bouillon I use about 3/4 pint per big squash depending on how thick you like the soup. Butternut squash soup
  • Larger than Fort Knox, which is mostly inaccessible these days, the vault holds 90 billion dollars' worth of gold bouillon. Twenty-Five Things You Didn't Know...
  • Its authority governed even the succession to the throne, in event of dispute between two members of the royal family; it alone was empowered to make laws or "assizes", and to its initiative was due the compilation of the "Assizes of Jerusalem", erroneously ascribed to Godfrey of Bouillon. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • So today I plan to go to the safi duka nice store with good, though expensive, food items such as powdered milk, fake butter, bouillon cubes, oatmeal, and spices. A Day in the Life
  • Divide veal, scallions, Brussels sprouts, sake, bone marrow and bouillon into four bowls.
  • I prepared chicken stock with bouillon cubes, adding sprigs of thyme and bay leaves.
  • All fatty beverages -- _bouillon_, unskimmed milk, chocolate, or cacao -- and all alcoholics, are hurtful; breakfast tea is undoubtedly the best beverage, but, after a little, is advantageously replaced by light white wine diluted with water. Scientific American Supplement, No. 821, September 26, 1891
  • Heat water and add bouillon, onions, carrots, spices, and turkey.
  • Chill stock in an ice bath and reserve for bouillon.
  • Combine the instant dashi or vegetable bouillon powder and boiling water in a saucepan, stirring well.
  • Wash the emulsion into a "tared" 2-litre flask with 300 c.c. fish bouillon. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Add 3 cups hot water and bouillon to taste (or instead, add 3 cups hot broth), and the cheese rind.
  • In this vast district watered by the Meuse is the town of Bouillon — a regular hole, but in my time it was the freest place in Europe. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
  • Measure out double strength fish bouillon, 500 c.c., into a "tared The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Then the accompanying bouillon, a spicy broth scented with chilli and cumin with the customary soft, but not mushy, root vegetables and a sprinkling of firm, floury chickpeas.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • In this vast district watered by the Meuse is the town of Bouillon -- a regular hole, but in my time it was the freest place in Europe. Memoirs of Casanova — Volume 19: Back Again to Paris
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • The great Prince Godfrey de Bouillon fully approved of the steps taken by these gentlemen, and for his own part contributed to the upkeep of the hospice the seigneurie of Montbirre, with all its dependencies, which formed a part of his domain in Brabant. Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • Many, in fact, mentioned a trend in London for a drink made with beef bouillon called the Bloody Bull, basically a Bloody Mary with the beef bouillon added.
  • The legendary peasant woman kept a pot-au-feu or bouillon pot on her hearth and, myth has it, threw into it whatever she had around to stew for the day's meal.
  • A little dash of port and a generous amount of stock provided the perfect bouillon.
  • Water, black coffee and tea have no calories, and bouillon and broth contain very few calories.
  • Then add some bouillon from the chicken soup, or just plain water (I used two cups of bouillon from the chicken soup I was cooking).
  • She also sells a variety of goods from Mexico, including vanilla, bouillon, hot sauces and peppers, corn tostadas and all ingredients needed to make tamales, including cornhusks and seasonings.
  • When ready to cook, strain the court bouillon and pour into a wide sauté pan, just deep enough to cover the salmon fillets.
  • Take it off the stove and add the ham bouillon, beef bouillon, tomato purée, potatoes, yams, malangas, and plantains.
  • Then slowly drizzle in the chicken bouillon and onions and blend. The 8-Week Cholesterol Cure
  • The leaves also flavor classic French dishes such as bouillabaisse and bouillon. Spices and Herbs -Bandra Bazar Road « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • The cuisinier gascon uses the basic mixtures much less than do other eighteenth-century cooks, considering them a trifle old-fashioned: “I will not speak at all of jus, coulis, bouillon, essence, and all those old liaisons which are made; they are found in the book of Martialot [sic] in his old manuscripts [sic].” Savoring The Past
  • Divide veal, scallions, Brussels sprouts, sake, bone marrow and bouillon into four bowls.
  • If no acid or gas is formed, the bouillon is in a sugar-free condition; but if acid or gas is present, again make the bouillon in the flask +10, reinoculate with one or other of the above-mentioned bacteria, and incubate; then test again. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Stir the butter into the bouillon and when it has melted add the tarragon leaves. Spoon a little into each plate.
  • This garlic bouillon was classically made the day after a fête, being excellent for hangovers as well as soothing for convalescents.
  • Above all, it worked because Asbridge struck a perfect balance between the broad-brush and the personal, with half-remembered names such as Godfrey of Bouillon and Raymond of Toulouse coming alive in the imagination if not on screen. TV review: The Crusades | Jonathan Meades on France

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