How To Use Bough In A Sentence
I bought a dozen eggs and every one of them was bad.
I've never really got into them that much, so I let other people go mental and bought a couple of beers.
I dont know what these people keep talking about I bought sham wow and it SUCKS it just pushed the liquid around and did NOT absorb it at all, its a piece of crap use real car shammies, paper towels, sponges, or regular dishrags and you'd get way better results.
My store-bought long dresses are too "dressy" and made of rayon and other finer fabrics that are not suitable for housework.
Sewing Simple Clothing
Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.

I instantly grew a floppy fringe, bought a combat jacket and started shuffling.
If you have bought modern 'remontant' varieties that flower again, give them a good feed now to encourage them.
Times, Sunday Times
I put the "eye candy" on top of that and then used a store-bought gel decorator frosting to do the "bloodshot" effect.
Archive 2008-11-01
Rohitha bought several bunches of bananas and all the papaya fruits on display, while Pala bought a packet each of the green gram, sesame and ranawara.
Big Brother will now know every financial tidbit about you, every ATM withdrawl, account deposit, creditcard charge, what you bought ....
Senate's Wall Street bill in homestretch
The decades of peace and accumulation of wealth in the west have not only been arguably bought at the expense of the rest of the world - but also of ourselves.
Knowing the innate power of the press, he bought a mimeograph machine.
Bruno had also bought calamine lotion and after our shower we patterned ourselves all over our bites like Aborigines painted for a corroboree.
Eventually they were all bought out.
I pose a question, one that bestirs itself to haunt me in a tuneful way each Christmas, and so I pass my quizzical spirit of Christmas past along to you … Did you “hang a shining star upon the highest bough” or merely “muddle through somehow” this Christmas season?
Go ahead, hang a shining star upon the highest bough and... you know...
A range of shampoos, emollient products and some topical steroid preparations can be bought from pharmacies.
Yields on bonds are so low that any future inflation is likely to erode the rates of return on government bonds bought today.
She bought bread and orange juice and cornflakes and porridge.
Negative equity is not only an issue for those who bought new-build apartments in northern city centres.
Times, Sunday Times
Honesty may be dear bought; but can never be an ill pennyworth.
He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.
And all had been bought at a government auction.
Every evergreen bough groaned with half a foot of snow; the streets and sidewalks had disappeared.
A lack of contrition would be, for example, if the defendant was purporting to express regret for his crimes in the courtroom, but simultaneously sending anonymous tweets to the effect that the trial is a sham, the judge is bought off, etc.
The Volokh Conspiracy » More on the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Subpoena to Twitter, Demanding Identification of Anonymous Critic of Corbett’s
The supply line is the top line of the triangle and represents the overbought side of the market, when investors are going out taking profits with them.
Within four minutes he has worked out that he bought a painting from my father-in-law in the early 1970s.
Times, Sunday Times
Try telling that to folk who bought into the bullion fad five years ago and have lost a third of their money since then.
Times, Sunday Times
For example, in the cemetery of St. Cyriacus two women bought from the fossor Quintus a bisomus, or double grave, retro sanctos (near a martyr's tomb), and there are several other references to this practice.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
To cover our buffet table, we bought fabric by the yard and hemmed the ends.
But wait, above the old medicine cabinet from the house next door that we bought and demolished to build our garage, more mossiness has appeared.
Returns « Fairegarden
It can be bought online and is used as a solvent or stain remover.
The Sun
Some few poets were bought over; but, among men following the profession of the press, a change of politics is an infringement of the point of honor, and a man must FIGHT as well as apostatize.
The Paris Sketch Book
He also tells a story about how Uncle John bought a shoat and ate until he vomited and then left the rest.
Arkady consumed a pirog he bought at a kiosk while he contemplated Lenin, who studied a pigeon.
Stalin's Ghost
I bought some starry lights for the cherry tree.
Instead of being authentic art, music becomes a thing to be bought and sold, which debases the very meaning of the music and defangs the threat.
But if you've done your homework and bought a good company, over the next two years or more, you should be rewarded.
(It wasn't until I was parked at the second new lek, which is actually the first new lek, that I remember one if the reasons I bought this Olympus camera is because it can use regular alkaline batteries.
Grouse Diary Entry
Get rid of the bulky boxes the shoes came in, pop them into homemade or store-bought shoe bags, and line them up in neat rows inside the drawers.
This Greek congregation afterwards bought a church in Brooklyn (St. Elias, 1892), and there was no Ruthenian church in Manhattan until the Greek Catholic church of St. George was opened in 1905.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
She bought a/some flowery print to make a summer dress.
Utilitarian dressers are likely to have bought their garb from British Home Stores and the Co-operative Society.
I'd bought a cheap cardboardy case in Perth, plus a skimp of clean clothes, so I could portray respectability.
Slept and read, bought groceries, hot tub, finally scraping together enough energy to cook some Indian food in belated recognition of my wife's birthday.
Crash and burn
Motor vehicles: The business owns a fleet of cars and delivery vans all of which were bought from new.
After Kent's first bite of crisp crusted, light, opened crumbed baguette he said, "You bought this.
Meet Norton
I bought a candle out of necessity.
I've bought myself a really nice dress to wear to the terrifying dinner, it's black & A-line with 3 diaphanous layers of chiffon.
He bought his records on import, and the exclusivity and rareness of the music gave it a profound glamour.
Withal she bought them three good horses and another sumpter-horse; which last was loaded with sundry wares that she deemed that she needed, and with victual.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
I think -" "I've a pretty little mare, pure Arab - bought her for breeding, but she's proving deuced picky, altogether unamenable.
He bought scores of wine books, consulted winemakers, and with textbook in hand attempted to turn the Bauduc plonk into a memorable wine.
On return home, was remembering my brother's good suggestion that changing mouse mat might be the answer to the frantic behaviour of the cursor on my desktop machine; since I bought the desktop an emac, with optical mouse it has skipped around erratically at seemingly-random times.
Wriggly thing in hair
TSA bought a bunch of so-called puffer machines to detect explosives by blowing air on passengers, but they didn't work very well.
CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2009
I bought a bottle of Thandai syrup for Holi is around the corner though we will be on the train on the day.
Archive 2008-04-01
In today's New York Times, media writer Jeremy W. Peters examines what he characterizes as a slow decline of the Los Angeles Times newspaper since being bought in 2000 by The Tribune Company.
Does The New York Times Get It Right About The Los Angeles Times?
To tell you the truth, I bought into that as well - and boy were we wrong.
The barn is one of three lots that can be bought individually or together for 950,000.
Times, Sunday Times
That meant hordes of shoppers worked until yesterday, leaving presents unbought.
The Sun
I've bought 15 bags of bark, on special offer at the garden centre, to cover the soil and keep it maintenance-free.
The yen that are bought, are then exchanged for U.S. dollars, or euros, or other currencies.
We bought the cupboard on the understanding that we could return it if it wasn't suitable.
Standard of New York, for instance, bought a major California producer and refiner, and later merged with the Vacuum Oil Company to form Socony-Vacuum and develop the brand name Mobil.
The Prize
If there have been improvements in the NHS, they have been dearly bought.
He repaired to it, deposited three dollars, borrowed a book and some sheet music, and then bought a violin.
Dynastic concord and family harmony were, however, bought somewhat at the expense of the two princes' subjects.
But worse came when I bought them each the smallest size drink and the smallest size popcorn.
The Sun
It was bought by a dealer who was convinced that tapestries would make a comeback in the vast new homes being built for dotcom billionaires.
Times, Sunday Times
I think that we all deserve pats on the back for retaining the spelling knight after losing the silent velar fricative that once started the word, and for successfully mastering learning the various sound sequences that that master of disguise ough can hide (bough, trough, plough, through, tough, etc.).
Preposterous Apostrophes VII: Why Won’t Willn’t Work? « Motivated Grammar
One day I bought a "harmonium" kit at the street market in Bangalore.
Boing Boing
Bush the gambler is betting that he will come out looking like President Reagan, whose deficits bought economic reforms and a stronger national defense.
The Budget Debate, IX, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
If you bought the car when your credit was blemished and now it's pristine (or if you had little credit history at all), refinancing can mean a significant drop in rates.
NOW -- the toilet in the master bath is a full-sized model and it looks like the old thingie there is the same as the new thingie I just bought.
Into the depths! (:snicker!: She wrote "ballcock!")
The hit from Boughner was just one of many collisions hockey players face every game.
Everyone bought what was put in the basket without even a second's hesitation.
Eastwood honeymooned in Carmel in 1953 and later bought a home there.
Vintner receipts show he bought dozens of bottles of cognac and a similar amount of whisky.
I'd like to say I bought them specially for the party, being far too hip and funky to ever have such items of clothing in my wardrobe, but I can't.
I have been told that many of them wear patent complexions, "boughten" bangs, and pad out scrawny forms until they appear voluptuous Junos, and thereby deceive and ensnare, bedazzle and beguile the unsuspecting sons of men.
The Complete Works of Brann the Iconoclast, Volume 12
It is the currency that bought infrastructural investment and a high standard of living, and the curse that attracted the gluttonous attention of the most powerful countries in the world.
I've bought some squashy pillows for the couch.
As I am not a bahadur I just accompanied the bahadurs to the bus-stand and bought a ticket to Manali while they were pataoing the bus-driver for srinagar to take them along in the cabin.
She rationalized the expense by saying that the costly carpet she had bought would last longer than a cheaper one.
Investors who bought securities backed by subprime loans apparently did not understand the risks either.
So, I nipped out to the shops again and bought myself a Dyson.
Web based tender system to source, award and manage the total procurement process. Leverages supply and demand, through reverse auction, ensuring that goods are bought at the best possible price.
I also bought things like bathroom brassware from the internet.
Times, Sunday Times
Originally from the north Norfolk coast, he was bought up with the tradition that when the maroons went up, the whole community downed tools and rushed to help.
The road itself would lead to increased road kills and further splinter an ecosystem where state officials have already bought more than $100 million worth of land to reduce habitat fragmentation.
He bought her a silver necklace that says mom and each letter is comprised of a different birthstone, his; hers; and the baby's due date.
It was bought by a dealer who was convinced that tapestries would make a comeback in the vast new homes being built for dotcom billionaires.
Times, Sunday Times
The meeting was told that most of the nets being stored were bought during the tuna fishing years but that fishery is now all but gone as far as the local fleet is concerned.
In a show of how much IBM has bought into the cloud, the company has announced something that it calls the culmination of more than 10 years of software management best practices.
The Register
-- Since calcium carbide is only useful as a means of preparing acetylene, it should be bought under a guarantee (1) that it contains less impurities than suffice to render the crude gas dangerous in respect of spontaneous inflammability, or objectionable in a manner to be explained later on, when consumed; and (2) that it is capable of evolving a fixed minimum quantity of acetylene when decomposed by water.
Acetylene, the Principles of Its Generation and Use
I was bought a navy gaberdine raincoat when I was about six with plenty of room to grow into.
I bought the end mills from American Carbide, with TiAln coating, since I figured I might use the bit for both alumin (i) um and other metals.
Cut-off disk: 1, angle iron: 0 « The Half-Baked Maker
A tightish slither down at the far end of Four Ways Chamber would have bought you to the same place.
When there is nothing in bloom, she can learn to use her imagination with boughs and branches and clippings from hedges, grasses, and even weeds, to make friendly little bouquets.
Learning to Be a Home Keeper
He bought lottery tickets from handicapped people.
I had bought a box of black hair dye earlier with the intention of using it, but had lost my nerve when I got home with it.
But private sales are not and buyers are left stranded if their newly-bought vehicle is not what they expected.
We needed more space and the mews house next door became available, so we bought that and extended into it.
Times, Sunday Times
He and his young family were in the process of renovating a Clinton Hill town house (with nine nonworking fireplaces) that they bought that year for under $1 million.
Otani then remembers that he bought her a souvenir from the concert, an Umibozu towel!
Lovely Complex ep 14 « Undercover
I bought the car on the strength of her advice.
Like trackers, they follow an index, but they are in the form of shares that can be bought and sold through stockbrokers.
For my first day on the job I bought a navy blue sweater with a big duck on the front.
Last year his family bought a villa in a smart Athens suburb.
He bought those shorts last year at an end - of - season sale.
It would be like a mate in the pub telling you he'd have bought you a pint had you been here 30 seconds ago!
By comparison, lottery tickets can be bought as easily as chewing gum at hundreds of retail outlets and news agents.
Fifty pence from each bottle bought will go to the trust's ancient tree hunt, a project to save rare, ancient trees in the UK.
Tracy children were young, and held what they called their picnics there under the thick boughs of the pines which shaded them from both heat and cold.
Tracy Park
He just bought this short - sleeved shirt in the shopping mall.
Raising pigs and chicken was his hobby and he bought the porker four years ago.
He said that he had bought it for 20 euros to use as a doorstop or ornament, but the authorities said it was marble and accused him of smuggling antiquities.
After I bought the machine, I used to go around recording calypsos at different nightclubs, and eventually had the records made in England.
The other reason I make this statement is because a week before this book landed on my desk, I had bought an open-end ticket to Ireland and gave notice of my intention to quit my job.
But NB received much aroha and praise, which is good, and I bought and got signed my copy of his novel, which is good too.
He bought a foot-long hot dog and had it covered with all the fixings.
She changed to the one word appelation in the middle of AI2, and I never really bought into it.
Crawling out of the woodwork
The company bought the land last year and started work on the site by digging into the chalk, creating a white bank which has become a landmark in the town.
I bought a second pair of wheels used I was told that they were 2008 but when my mechanic removed the freewheel, it revealed the same thing – a different system of freewheel!
Technical FAQ with Lennard Zinn: Tubular tape?
Buyer then offers evidence that he bought the computer for his personal use as a hobbyist.
One year, she bought the radiogram.
It was a large room, with a "boughten" ingrain carpet, stiff chairs, two great square ottomans, a big sofa, and some curious old paintings, besides a number of framed silhouettes of different members of the family.
A Little Girl in Old Boston
Then in 1932, the city started to compete with these two privately held companies, and in 1940, they were bought and consolidated into the MTA (Metropolitan Transit Authority).
mi wife has bought a 'dog' a bound no bigger than mi hand.
Even yesterday, I wanted to buy some garden supplies, but I also needed bird seed, which you can get at a garden store, but if I'm going to the garden store I really need to take back that beautyberry I bought last year that died.
2000-04-17 01:16:34
It works well, though, and since we bought a rotary slasher to replace the original flail mower it does the job of topping the paddocks and light mulching very well.
I had already bought my €500 granite block, on which to place my fancy vessel-bowl sink with its cool monobloc tap.
If, however, a field be bought with the profits of usury, the usurer is bound to pay tithes on the produce, because the latter is not gotten usuriously but given by God.
Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
Looking around, Jacob was astonished to find large plates of metal hanging down from the lower boughs of the tall trees.
I trawled through bookshops, I searched for the perfect cup of coffee, I bought records by Ella Fitzgerald from the second hand record shop on the way to the Grafton Centre.
`He tr... tried to f... fix it o... o... once but he b... bought the wr... wrong sized end.
Shopping for her nursery, Kelly Horvath bought a new window shade because its label advertised its child safety features.
The News Tribune - Tacoma - - HOMEPAGE
Although the condition in which the folks found the business at the end of the day often sent them into a swivet, the places did turn a nice profit. It wasn't long before Papa bought the other two local coin-ops.
However much the glamorous image of the corseted and gartered, smoky-voiced chanteuse remains, he says they never bought into that aspect of the culture.
I bought it for a road trip that commences in a week and a half - the combination of geotagging and awesome panoramic mode sealed the deal.
But scientists warn sufferers not to self-medicate with street-bought weed.
The Sun
There was some space left over in my trolley when I'd bought the necessaries so I filled it up with Christmas booze.
Millionaire computer tycoon Alan Sugar, a lifelong Spurs fan, bought a 48 percent stake in the club earlier this year.
In August, it sold £7.4 billion worth of European government bonds and then, after prices had nosedived on the back of the huge sale, bought a portion back at a profit.
“Some girls had their qi pao custom-made, and some bought them from stores,” Crystal said, calling the cheongsam by its Mandarin name.
American Chinatown
Last time I bought a bag of big rawhide sticks - long sheets rolled up into tubes, really.
The cherry purée can be added to bought vanilla ice cream to make cherry ripple ice cream.
Times, Sunday Times
Mr. Middlebrook," he continued, "is aware that I bought this yawl from a ship-broker in Hull, for a special purpose --
Ravensdene Court
And when I bought those horrible little overdyed red saveloy thingees at the butcher, no one had any idea what the “cheerio” was that I asked for but instead offered me “little boys” – sigh
I say pyjama…
You know, the missus and I just bought a new house, and it cost considerably less than $1.2 billion.
Old bikes can be bought quite cheaply.
I wouldn't normally have bought this, but I was seduced by the low price.
Upon one of the boughs, high off the ground, almost indiscernible from the night around it, a hunched form sat motionless, as if waiting.
The 7,430 square metre building is being bought for €14.1 million by Harvest Financial Services, which will syndicate the investment.
Two investors that bought about $214 million of the so-called mezzanine debt filed a lawsuit Wednesday alleging that lenders that provided $7.4 billion in financing to the buyer, Lightstone Group LLC, are engaged in a "scheme" to take over the property and wipe out the mezzanine investors.
Hotel Creditors May Have an Extended Stay
The lack of fridges and freezers meant food was bought and cooked fresh daily.
They either bought the land outright or rented it.
Dennis also bought thirty to forty dollars' worth of fireworks, everything from firecrackers to some really serious-looking rockets.
I bought three sacks of rice.
Thieves are obviously stealing the grates and selling them for scrap metal, which is bought by the kilogram.
His home in these early years was a private island in Narragansett Bay, bought with help from his then father-in-law.
Extracurricular Activities
Insoles might also be worth checking - a second pair of boots I bought had uncomfortable insoles, so I replaced them with a set that is more comfy but also seems to make them squeak.
The new company bought another dozen businesses in two years.
Times, Sunday Times
By the time he was seventeen he had bought himself a second-hand car; quite an achievement in this part of the world.
So I hacked that all down and hauled it away, cleaned up about ten years of pine needles, repositioned the feeders, and then went and bought a couple trays of pachysandra, which is a nice ground cover, works really well in acidic soil, and is native to the aimai
Balloon Juice
You see, a Bulgarian farmer had bought a prizewinning boar for breeding purposes, but discovered it would only socialise with other male pigs.
The duck print Viyella baby blouse & bloomers made in '81 - fabric bought by my MIL in '52.
Oh, Fabric, Why Can't I Quit You? - A Dress A Day
I bought this kit last week at Lettuce Knit and I started making it with 6.5mm circular needles.
a _kriss_; but the only arm they carry nowadays is a _golok_, or straight piece of iron with a handle and sheath, used for lopping off boughs and cutting wood.
A Visit to Java With an Account of the Founding of Singapore
Carefully she pulled the dress over her undergarments, and lightly slid her feet into the dainty shoes that her mother had once bought her.
She's bought an exercise bike to keep in shape.
he bought it on approval
The woman bought a few small articles.
For their first meal, she bought frozen fish sticks, frozen french fries, frozen peas and a frozen apple pie.
This afternoon we have bought a new sofa, a dining table and six chairs and a sideboard!
Newly released figures show that only one in five passengers will be checked by an inspector to see if they have bought a ticket.
It was wrapped in snowman wrapping paper inside her old brown bag that she bought her bathing suit in last summer, stuffed with Victoria Secret’s pink and white tissue paper
Goldylockz22 Diary Entry
SO you have bought the surround sounds amp & speakers. the speaker stands and all the wires. you have bought the best sound you can afford … … … … then settle on an inferior picture because of the size of tv, you say that you have limited floor space so what are you doing with it NOW, are you displaying some rare and ancient artefact, is your new stand taken up that same space you needed so much or do you just have more floor to clean.
Mitsubishi’s New LaserVue TVs: First Impressions - Bits Blog -
Bought by the club, rather than Roberto Mancini, Johnson was at first hectored from the touchline by City's manager, who doubtless knew little about him, but has impressed his leader with his dash and daring at outside-right.
Ten to watch – the World Cup contenders out to convince Fabio Capello
They've just bought an 18th-century pile in Surrey.
They were steaming hot, right out of the big hoya he had them wrapped in and we bought more for additional meals.
Observaciones desde El Cervantino en Guanajuato
Cathy Pearson, an elementary school teacher who recently bought her first home, in San Clemente, Calif., says she accepted as “a given” the title insurer chosen by real-estate agents involved in the transaction.
Title-Insurer Fees Draw Scrutiny
Sam, who has bought the General Store, is immediately faced with the prospect of paying protection money to the town baddie, Parker Tillman, the double-dealing varmint who sold him the store in the first place.
Bought a chinning bar, which I hadn't been looking for.
November 24th, 2007
Neighbouring diners were bought a small plate of charcuterie (not featured on the menu).
Drivers have also complained of sub-standard service, misleading advertising and incorrect information about the car before they bought it.
Times, Sunday Times
The cottage on the left here was bought by some business type who was going to weekend here with his girlfriend.
If you have bought a new car recently, you may already be familiar with lane assist and parking cameras.
The Sun
Ms Watson is understood to have bought most of the site in a normal freehold transaction, using what is known as a title possessory order to gain ownership of the rest.
During warm months the Ojibwa slept on cedar bough mattresses, each person wrapped in a bearskin or deerskin robe.
In France brioches are mostly bought from specialist shops, e.g. viennoiseries, rather than being made at home.
I bought this gift today.
It'seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed.
Perhaps you could email our health and safety officer and inform them that the biggest risk to my health and safety is 10 hours of footpatrol dressed all in black with a crap hat on, rather than sipping from a bottle of water bought at my own expense on July 3, 2009 at 12: 35 am PC Bloggs A Lotte
Police Body Armour Heatwave Shock! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
The mayor took me out shopping and bought me some fantastic cowboy boots and a cowboy hat.
The Sun
We'd carefully prepared the house (bought case of beer - check, removed all breakables from ground floor - check, warn neighbours - check), and our preparation paid off.
Abi also bought a lovely new autumn coat, some long-sleeved shirts, and a couple of fuzzy turtlenecks.
Brian retired from the sea a number of years ago and bought a local public house, needless to say this was frequented by many local and visiting fishermen who always received a very warm welcome.
Concentrating on defending herself, S'aturinni bought the Major enough time to mumble slightly different syllables, his gemmed gauntlets flashing red this time as a volley of prismatic darts materialised.
They went to a shop and bought nylon rope and two ski masks.
The Sun
The list of items bought included lawn equipment, bathroom fixtures, hardware and even a refrigerator.